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1、draft 法案,草案Government bill 政府议案to pass a bill, to carry a bill 通过议案to enact a law, to promulgate a law 颁布法律ratification, confirmation 批准law enforcement 法律的实施to come into force 生效decree 法令clause 条款minutes 备忘录report 判例汇编codification 法律汇编legislation 立法legislator 立法者jurist 法学家jurisprudence 法学legitimatio

2、n 合法化legality, lawfulness 法制,合法legal, lawful 合法的,依法的to contravene a law, to infringe a law, to break a law 违法outlaw, outside the law 超出法律范围的offender 罪犯to abolish 废止,取消rescission, annulment 废除 ,取消repeal, revocation, annulment 废除(法律)cancellation, annulment, invalidation 废除(合同)cancellation (支票)作废annulm

3、ent 撤消(遗嘱)repeal rescission 撤消( 判决)revocation 撤消immunity 豁免,豁免权disability, legal incapacity 无资格nonretroactive character 不溯既往性prescription 剥夺公权attainder 公民权利的剥夺和财产的没收constitutional law 宪法canon law 教会法规common law 习惯法criminal law 刑法administrative law 行政法civil law 民法commercial law, mercantile law 商法law

4、of nations 万国公法,国际法international law 国际法natural law 自然法labour laws 劳工法fiscal law 财政法Civil Suit Law, Code of civil law 民事诉讼法Criminal Law 刑事诉讼法Military Law 军法Conscript Law 兵役法Copyright Law 著作权法penal code 刑法典code of mercantile law 商法典civil rights 民事权利,公民权利right of asylum 避难权human rights, rights of man

5、人权(customs) duties 关税death duty, death tax 遗产税royalties 版税法律英语词汇 2009-12-20 20:59:34| 分类: 专业英语词汇 阅读 8 评论 0 字号:大中小 订阅 管辖:jurisdiction级别管辖:jurisdiction by level地域管辖:territorial jurisdiction移送管辖:referral jurisdiction指定管辖:designation jurisdiction审判组织: trial organization回避 withdrawal诉讼参加人 participants in

6、 court诉讼当事人 parties in court诉讼代理人 agents ad litem期间:time periods送达 service调解 conciliation财产保全 property preservation 先予执行 preliminary execution妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施:compulsory measures against impairment of civil actions诉讼费:litigation costs第一审普通程序 ordinary procedure of first instance第二审程序 procedure of second i

7、nstance起诉 bring a lawsuit 受理 accept a case开庭审理 trial in court诉讼中止 suspension of a lawsuit诉讼终止 conclusion of a lawsuit判决 judgment 裁定 order简易程序 summary procedure特别程序 special procedure选民资格案件 cases concerning certificates of voters宣告失踪 proclamation of a person as missing宣告死亡 proclamation of a person as

8、dead无民事行为能力 incompetent for civil conduct限制行为能力 limited capacity for civil conduct无主财产 property of ownerless执行申请 application for execution执行移转 referral of execution仲裁 arbitration司法协助 judicial assistanceAabsolute proof 绝对证明 absolute property 绝对财产(权)abstract of title 产权书摘要acceleration clause 提前(偿还)条款a

9、cceptance 承诺accident report 事故报告accident insurance 意外保险accusation 指控;控告accusatorial procedure 控告程序accusatorial process of proof 控告证明过程(程序) accusatorial system 控告或诉讼程序accused 被指控者accuser 控告人acknowledgement 认知( 书)acquittal 无罪判决act 条例;作为Act for the prevention of Frauds and Perjuries 预防诈欺和伪证条例action 诉讼;

10、作为actual losses 实际损失adjudication 裁决;裁定administrative law 行政法administrative law judge 行政法法官administrative procedure 行政程序administrator 管理人;监管人admissible 可采的admissibility 可采性 admit 采用;允许adoption 收养adulterous conduct 通奸行为ad valorem property tax 从价财产税adversarial hearing 对抗式听证会adversarial process 对抗式程序adv

11、ersary 对手adversary trial system 对抗式(或抗辩)审判制度advocacy 出庭辩护;诉讼代理advocate 辩护人;诉讼代理人affidavit 正式书面陈述affirm 维持(原判)affirmation 保证书;证词 affirmative 确保的agency (行政)机关agency action 机关(行政)机关agreed upon remedies 补救协议agreement 协议agreement-as-written 书面协议agreement -in-fact 事实协议alibi 阿里白(不在犯罪场的证明)alienation of affe

12、ction 离间夫妻关系allegation 声称;指控allege 诉称;指控alleged offense 所控罪行alternate juror 替补陪审员amendment 修正案American Bar Association 美国律师协会American Law Institute 美国法学会analogy 类推Anglo-American Legal System 英美法系anonymous accusation 匿名控告appeal 上诉appear 出庭appellant 上诉人appellate action 上诉行为appellate court 上诉法院appellee

13、 被上诉人appealer 上诉人appropriate 拨款appurtenant 附属物arbiter 仲裁人arbitrary 武断的arbitration 仲裁arraignment 初审array 陪审员名单arrest 逮捕arrest warrant 逮捕令(证) arrestee 被捕人article 条款,文章article of authority 授权条款 articles of confederation 联帮条例articles of incorporation 公司组织章程artificial person 法人Asian American legal defens

14、e and education fund 亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会assault 意图或威胁伤害assert 主张,宣称 asset 资产assistant attorney 助理法官associate judge 副法官associate justice 副大法官assumption 违约合同,违约赔偿之诉assumption 假定attempt 意图,企图attempted escape 逃脱未遂attestation 证词attorney 代理人,律师attorney at law 律师attorney general 检察长authentication 鉴定authority 权

15、力,法源,权威性依据automobile insurance 机动车保险automobile tort 机动车侵权行为autonomy 自治(权) Bban 禁令,禁止banishment 流放bankruptcy 破产bankruptcy discharge 破产债务解除 bankruptcy judge 破产法官 bar 律师职业bar association 律师协会barrister 出庭律师battery 殴打bench trial 法官审beneficiary 受益人benefit 收益,福得bigamy 重婚罪bill of lading 提单bill of right 人权法案

16、bind over 具保,具结binder 临时保险单binding 有约束力binding contract 有约束力的合同binding force 约束力binding interpretation 有约束力的解释black-letter law (普通接受之基本原则的)黑体字法black nation bar association 全美黑人律师协会blue sky law 蓝天法(关于股票买卖控制的法律)Board of Governors(ABA)(美国律师协会的)董事会body of law 法体bond 债券;保释金bond instrument 债券契据branding 鞭笞

17、breach 违约;破坏bride 贿赂bribery 贿赂(罪)bright-line test 明显界限检验标准broker 中间人brokerage fee 佣金;中介费brother-sister corporation 兄弟公司;姊妹公司Bulk Sales Act大宗销售条例burden 责任burden of going forward with the evidence 先行举证责任burden of persuasion 说服责任;证明责任burden of producing evidence 举证责任burden of proof 证明责任burglary 入室盗窃(罪)

18、business corporation 实业公司business law 实业法business organization 实业组织buy-out agreement(股权)承买协议buy-sell agreement(股权)买卖协议bylaws(内部)章程C California Penal Code加州刑法典capital account 资本帐户capital crime 可判死刑罪capital punishment 死刑capital surplus 资本盈余capitation tax 人头税career criminal 职业罪犯career judiciary 职业法官cas

19、e briefing 案情摘要case-in-chief 主诉case law 判例法case method 案例教学法case report 判决报告case reports 判例汇编casualty insurance (意外伤害)保险catalog 商品目录(单)certificate 证书certificate of existence 实体存在证明(书)challenge 置疑;挑战challenge for cause 有理回避chancery court 衡平法院charging instrument 控告文件checks and balances 制衡(原则)chief jud

20、ge 首席法官chief justice 首席大法官child abuse 虐待儿童circuit court 巡回法院circuit judge 巡回法官circumstantial evidence 旁证;情况证据citation 引证cite 援引;传讯civil court 民事法civil forfeiture 民事罚没civil law 民法Civil Law Legal System 民法体系civil liability 民事责任civil Liberty 民事自由civil Litigation 民事诉讼civil procedure 民事诉讼程序civil suit 民事诉

21、讼Civil trial 民事审判法律英语词汇(2)2009-12-20 21:02:17| 分类: 专业英语词汇 阅读 10 评论 0 字号:大中小 订阅 Civil right 民权Civil right law 民权法Civil War Income Tax Act 内战所得税条例Claim 诉讼请求,索赔Classification of law 法律分类Close corporation 内部持股公司Closely held corporation 内部持股公司Closing 终结,成交,结帐Closing argument 最后论述Closing statement 成交声明Cod

22、e 法典Code of Judicial Conduct 法官行为准则Codify 编成法典Co-felon 共同重罪犯Cohabitation 同居Collateral contract 附属合同Collegiate bench 合议席Collegiate panel 合议庭Commercial clause 商务条款,贸易条款Commercial law 商法Commercial paper 商务文件Commission 佣金Commit 交托,犯(罪)Commitment 犯罪,许诺,委托Commitment of financing 融资许诺Common law 普通法Common l

23、aw damages 普通法赔偿金Common law legal system(family) 普通法法系Common law marriage 普通法婚姻Common property 共同财产Common stock 普通股票Community property 共同财产Comparative law 比较法Comparative negligence 比较过失Compensation 赔偿(金)Compensatory damage 应予赔偿之损害Competence 管辖权限Competency 有效性Complaint 控告,申诉Comprehensive Drug Abuse P

24、revention and Control Act 滥用毒品的综合预防与控制条例Compulsory license 强制性许可Concur 附条件地同意Concurring opinion 并存(判决)意见Confer 授与Conference 协商会议Confidential information 保密信息Confiscation 没收Conflict law 冲突法Congress 国会Consent 同意,认可Consideration 对价,约因Constitution 宪法Constitutional Convention 制宪会议Constitutional law 宪法Con

25、stitutional tort 宪法性侵权Constitutionality 合宪性Construction (法律的)结构,解释Construe 解释,分析Consultation 磋商Consumer protection statute 消费者保护法律Consumption tax 消费税Continental Law Legal System(or Family) 大陆法系Contingent fee 胜诉酬金Continuance 诉讼延期Contract 合同Contract dispute 合同纠纷Contract formation 合同构成Contract interpre

26、tation 合同解释Contract law 合同法Contract performance 合同履行contractor 承包商contravence 触犯;违犯contributory negligence 共同过失controlling law 应适应之法律conversion 非法占有convey 转让conveyance 转让convertible bond 可转换债券conviction 有罪判决convincing evidence 使人信服的证据copyright 版权 ;著作权corporal punishment 肉体刑corporate camsel 公司法律顾问cor

27、porate excise tax 公司执照税corporate law 公司法corporation 公司corporation aggregate 合有公司corporation code 公司法典corporation law 公司法corporation sole 独有公司corpus 尸体; 本金Council on legal Education Opportunities 法律教育机会委员会counselor (法律 )顾问;律师counselor-at-law 律师court 法院; 法官court decision 法院判决court fee 诉讼费court of appe

28、als 上诉法院court of chancery 衡平法法院court of claims 索赔法院court of customs and Patent Appeals 关税及专利上诉法院court of domestic relations 家庭关系法院court opinion 法院判决意见courtroom 法庭coverage 保险范围crime 犯罪crime code 刑法典crime homicide 有罪杀人crime justice system 刑事司法系统crime law 刑法crime liability 刑事责任crime procedure 刑事诉讼程序cross-examination 交叉盘问 ;盘诘cruel and unusual punishment 残忍和非常的刑罚cumulative evidence 累计证据curative 临时监护的curriculum guide 课程指南custody 监护custom duty 关税customary law 习惯法customary practice 惯例customs court 关税法院D


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