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1、长安福特汽车有限公司南京公司Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd. Nanjing Company发动机、前后桥 AGV 系统Engine & Axel AGV System技 术 方 案Technical Plan沈阳新松机器人自动化股份有限公司Shenyang SIASUN Robot & Automation Co., Ltd.目 录 Contents1. 概述 Summary.52. 设计依据 Design Gist .52.1 生产工艺基本要求 Basic Requirement of Production Process.52.2 现场基本技术条件 Ba

2、sic Field Technical Condition.62.3 责任范围 Responsibility Scope: .63. AGV装配输送系统概述 AGV Assembly & Transportation System Summary.74. 自动导引车 AGV系统技术指标 Automated Guided Vehicle AGV System Technical Specification .95. AGV工作过程描述 AGV Working Process Description.116. 发动机装配升降工作台 Engine Assembly Lifter Worktable

3、.146.1 伸缩套筒式升降工作台 Extension Sleeve Lifter Worktable.146.2 剪式液压机构升降工作台 Scissor Hydraulic Lifter Worktable.166.3 托盘底面距发动机最高点距离与升降平台高度关系计算 Calculation on the Relation Between Distance from Pallet Bottom to Engine Zenith and Height of Lifter Table .197. 后悬装配举升装置 Rear Suspension Assembly Lifting Equipmen

4、t .227.1 伸缩套筒式升降工作台 .227.2 剪式液压机构升降工作台 Scissor Hydraulic Lifter Worktable.247.3 升降平台上平面到地面的高度计算 Calculation on the Height from the Plane of the Lifter Table to the Ground .268. 不同轴距车体装配实现 Body of Different Wheelbases Assembly Realization .289. AGV 动态装配解决方案 AGV Dynamic Assembly Solution.2910. AGV 主要设

5、备 AGV Main Equipment.2910.1 AGV(LGV)车载控制器 AGV(LGV)Vehicle Controller .2910.2 AGV(LGV)驱动系统 AGV(LGV)Drive System .30AGV 装配线系统310.3 导航系统 Navigation System.3010.4在线自动充电系统 Online Automatic Charge System .3210.5无线局域网通讯系统 Wireless LAN Communication System .3310.6驱动控制系统 Drive Control System .3410.7非接触防碰装置 N

6、on-contact Bumper Device .3511. AGV安全系统 AGV Safety System.3511.1非接触防碰装置 Non-contact Bumper Device .3511.2接触式防碰装置 Contact Bumper Device .3611.3离线保护系统 Offline Guarding System .3611.4信息交互系统 Information Exchange System .3611.5紧急停车系统 Emergency Stop System .3711.6多 AGV避碰 Multi-AGV Collision Prevention .37

7、12. AGV控制台和调度管理系统 AGV Console & Dispatching Management System .3712.1 AGV控制台 AGV Console .3712.2调度管理系统 Dispatching Management System .3813. AGV车载控制系统和数据采集 AGV Vehicle Control System & Data Collection .4014. 导航线的铺设 Navigation Line Paving.4115. AGV系统特点 AGV System Characteristics.4215.1 高速无线局域网的建立和应用 S

8、etup and Application of High-speed Wireless LAN .4215.2 AGV运行的灵活性 Flexibility of AGV Running .4315.3 高精度导航系统 High Accuracy Navigation System.4315.4 友好的人机界面 User Friendly Human Machine Interface.4415.5 完善的自诊断系统 Perfect Self-diagnosis System.4415.6 AGV可靠性措施 Measures on AGV Reliability .4415.7 在线快速自动充电

9、方法和快速充电电池的应用 Online Automatic Instant Charge Method and Application of Instant Rechargeable AGV 装配线系统4Battery .4615.8 故障修复时间(MTR)Mean Time of Repair(MTR) .47AGV系统的故障修复时间有两类: Therere two kinds of MTR for AGV system: .4715.9 平均无故障时间(MTBF)Mean Time To Failures(MTTF) .4816. AGV运行路线图 AGV Running Route Gr

10、aph .4816.1 装配线 AGV运行布局图 Assembly AGV Running Layout .4816.2 样机车间 AGV运行布局图 Sample Workshop AGV Running Layout .4818. 环行装配线 AGV系统设备清单 Circular Assembly AGV System Equipment List.5119. 项目进度 Project Schedule.5320. 培训 Training .5320.1 培训人员的范围、数量及时间 Scope, amount and time for training people .5420.2 培训的内

11、容 Training content.5421. 售后服务 After-sale service.55AGV 装配线系统51. 概述 Summary根据长安福特汽车有限公司南京公司发动机、前后桥 AGV系统的设计要求,新松公司采用的装配型 AGV系统进行发动机、前后桥与车身合装,具有同步动态跟踪功能的 AGV可实现发动机、前后桥在装配段任何工位同时装配。导航方式采用磁导航,地面施工量小,只要根据工艺要求变更磁条的粘贴路径,在对控制程序稍加改动,就可以改变装配路线的长短,适应不同的装配工艺要求。AGV 系统由一条近似梯形的环线组成,在装配段进行前悬挂/发动机、后桥与车身合装,在非装配段进行发动机

12、、前后桥由分装线往 AGV装配托盘上吊装,并可在非装配段进行部分零部件的组装。根据产量及装配时间确定环线上 AGV数量。According to design requirement of Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd. on engine and axle AGV system, SIASUN uses assembly AGV system for engine, axle and body decking, and AGV with the function of synchronization dynamic tracking can realize

13、 simultaneous assembly of engine and axle at any assembly zone or stations. By using magnetic navigation, ground construction is small and by changing the path of magnetic strip upon technical requirements and modifying slightly control program, the length of assembly path can be altered to meet dif

14、ferent assembly process requirements. AGV system is formed by a loop line, which is close to a trapezium. The assembly zone is used for front suspension/engine, rear axle and body decking and the non-assembly zone is used for engine and axle suspending on AGV assembly pallet through subassembly line

15、 and also for assembly of part of components. The number of AGV on the loop line is set according to output and assembly time.整个系统包括 AGV、AGV 控制台、充电系统、导航系统、通讯系统、数据采集系统和装配夹具等几部分组成。The whole system includes AGV, AGV console, charge system, navigation system, communication system, data collection system

16、 and assembly jig, etc. 2. 设计依据 Design Gist2.1 生产工艺基本要求 Basic Requirement of Production Process工位间距 Distance between stations: 5,800mmAGV 装配线系统6生产节拍 Production rate: 最大:1 分钟/辆Max.: 1minute/vehicle最小:5 分钟/辆Min.: 5minutes/vehicle2.2 现场基本技术条件 Basic Field Technical Condition 动力电源: 交流 38010% 50HZ2% 3 相 5

17、 线Power supply: AC 38010% 50HZ2% 3 phases 5 lines温度: -545Temperature: -545湿度: 6095%Humidity: 6095%防护等级: IP54Protection grade: IP54绝缘等级: B 级Insulation level: Level B2.3 责任范围 Responsibility Scope:1) AGV 装配系统总体设计、制造。AGV assembly system design and manufacturing.2)AGV 车体设计、制造。AGV vehicle design and manuf

18、acturing.3)AGV 装配系统发运前调试、考机实验。AGV assembly system debugging and trial running before delivery.4)AGV 装配系统运输、接收、搬运。AGV assembly system transport, reception, carriage.5)AGV 控制系统设计、制造,车载控制软件、调度软件设计。AGV control system design and manufacturing, vehicle control software, scheduler software design.6)AGV 工作环

19、线设计、制造,地面导航线布局设计、敷设。AGV working loop line design and manufacturing, ground navigation line AGV 装配线系统7layout design and laying.7)现场安装、单机调试、全线联动调试。Field installation, unit machine debugging and complete line linkage debugging.8)技术培训和售后服务。Technical training and after-sales service.3. AGV装配输送系统概述 AGV As

20、sembly & Transportation System Summary发动机/后桥 AGV装配输送系统由 AGV、AGV 地面导引系统、在线自动充电系统、AGV 控制台、数据采集系统、AGV 调度管理系统和通讯系统等构成。Engine/rear axle AGV assembly & transportation system includes AGV, AGV ground guided system, online automatic charge system, AGV console, data collection system, AGV dispatching managem

21、ent system and communication system, etc. AGV:AGV完成发动机或后悬挂系的输送和辅助装配工作。装配人员可以站在AGV车的脚踏板上进行装配作业,脚踏板采用花纹铝板制造,操作安全。AGV conducts transportation of engine or rear suspension and assistant assembly jobs. Assembly operator can stand and work on AGV pedal, which is made of aluminum board with decorative figu

22、res and safe to operate. AGV地面导引系统 AGV Ground Guided System:地面导引系统是 AGV运行的路控制台Console充电器ChargerAGV 装配线系统8线和轨迹,AGV 的导引系统采用基于地图的磁带导航方法。当工艺确定磁条埋入地下后,地面将保持平整状态,完全不影响人、车通行。Ground guided system is AGV running path and track. AGV guided system adopts the method of magnetic tape navigation based on the map.

23、 When the process has confirmed that the magnetic strips have been embedded underground, the ground will be smooth and wont influence people or vehicle to pass. 在线自动充电系统 Online Automatic Charge System:为了保证 AGV 24小时连续运行,充电系统采用大电流快速充电的方法为 AGV补充电量。AGV 的充电过程是在控制台的监控下自动进行的。To ensure AGV to run 24 hours c

24、ontinuously, charge system uses the method of large electrical current and instant electrification to charge AGV. AGV charge process is conducted automatically under the supervision and control of the console. AGV控制台和 AGV调度管理系统 AGV Console and AGV Dispatching Management System控制台和 AGV调度管理系统是 AGV系统的调

25、度管理中心,负责数据采集系统的数据处理,与上位机交换信息,生成 AGV的运行任务,解决多AGV之间的避碰问题。Console and AGV dispatching management system is the dispatching management center of AGV system, responsible for data processing in data collection system and information exchange with upper computer to create AGV running tasks and solve the pr

26、oblems of multi AGV collision. 通讯系统 Communication System通讯系统由无线局域网组成。AGV 与控制台之间采用无线电台进行信息交换,通讯协议为 TCP/IP 协议。控制台可与上位机之间采用以太网进行数据传输。Communication system is formed by wireless local network. Wireless transmitter-receiver is adopted between AGV and console to exchange information and the communication p

27、rotocol is TCP/IP protocol. Ethernet is used between console and the upper computer for data transmission. 光电检测系统 Photoelectricity Testing SystemAGV 装配线系统9光电检测系统是用于检测主输送线吊具上车身是否运行到位,运行到位将发出信号通知处在等待站点的 AGV可以侧移运行,实现顺序装配。如果没有车身通过,等待站点的 AGV始终处于等待状态。如果有车身通过,但等待站点没有 AGV等待,AGV 控制台将通知总控室。Photoelectricity te

28、sting system is used to check if the body on the suspending tools of the main transmission line has run to the position, where signal will be sent to inform AGV at the waiting station to move sideways to realize sequence assembly. If the body hasnt passed, AGV at the waiting station will stay all al

29、ong in the status of waiting. If passed, but theres no AGV waiting at the station, AGV console will notify the general control room.4. 自动导引车 AGV系统技术指标 Automated Guided Vehicle AGV System Technical Specification此图片仅供参考 This picture is for reference only带有同步跟踪和举升机构的 AGV,其主要技术指标:Main technical specific

30、ations of AGV with synchronization tracking and lifting AGV 装配线系统10framework include:AGVS控制方式: 控制站集中调度、监控、管理 AGV系统的运行状态AGVS control mode: control station makes centralized dispatch, monitoring & control and management on the running state of AGV systemAGV控制方式具备功能:全自动半自动手动AGV control function: automa

31、tic/semi-automatic/manual通讯方式: 无线局域网Communication: wireless LANAGV导航方式: 磁导航AGV navigation method: magnetic navigationAGV驱动方式: 双舵轮驱动。AGV steering: powered wheel steering负载能力: 2000KG(以最终设计为准)Payload: 2000KG (subject to final design)AGV自重: 2000KG(以最终设计为准)AGV weight: 2000KG (subject to final design)同步跟踪

32、精度: 10mmSynchronization tracking accuracy: 10mm运动方向: 全方位(所占用运行空间最小化)Moving direction: Omni-directional moving(to minimize occupied running space)最大速度: 直线 60mmin,侧移 30mminMaximum speed: straight 60mmin,sideways moving 30m min导航精度: 10mmNavigation accuracy: 10mm停车精度: 10mmParking accuracy: 10mm工作时间: 24 小时连续(三班)Working time: 24 hours continuously (3 shifts)防碰装置: 四周安装接触式保险杠,前后另安装激光防碰装置。


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