1、How did the universe began and evolved?How did we get here?Where are we going?Are we alone?,天文学导论,课程介绍,本讲内容,课程信息 Info成绩计算 Grades课程规则 Rules课程内容简介 Syllabus,Time and Place,Time: : Monday Evening 19:30-21:05Place:行政楼多媒体课室C302,INSTRUCTOR 主讲教师,房丽敏Office: 物理系Phone: 34114309Office Hours: EverydayEmail:flm_,
2、天文学新概论 苏宜 华中理工大学出版社简明天文学教程 余明 科学出版社现代天文学十五讲 吴鑫基 北京大学出版社中国大百科全书(天文学) 中国大百科全书出版社天体物理学 李宗伟,肖兴华 高等教育出版社大众天文学(上,下) 广西师范大学出版社基础天文学 刘学富 高教出版社,课程进度与安排,18周36个学时1-9周:天文学基础知识;太阳系;10-17周:恒星;星系;宇宙学;18周考试随堂考试;考试方式:大作业形式或100道选择题课堂结束,课外作业,个人介绍:姓名,兴趣爱好,为什么选修本课程,与天文的情结,favorite links, ., say what you would like to sa
3、y (热门)天文话题介绍:自选与天文相关的话题写一篇图文并茂的论文,杜绝原文和互相照抄,一旦发现以零分计算,鼓励发表自己的观点,充分利用你的创新能力,成绩以分数计算,考试: 70%课外作业: 30%个人介绍: 10%天文话题介绍: 20%扣分:课堂上随机点名,缺课每次扣5分,课程规则: Common Courtesy,I expect you: 重视:To give the class your full attention不迟到不早退:Not to come late and not to leave class early不旷课:Attendance at all classes and
4、other events, is mandatory按时完成作业:Finishing homework on timeYou may expect me: To treat you as an intelligent adultTo finish lectures on time,课程规则: Absences,Because the success of this course depends on the participation of all students in the weekly lectures and discussion meeting (about 2 times), a
5、ttendance at these events is mandatory请假需以书面申请形式呈交,书面申请须经所在院系教务盖章,否则无效。,Who can come here?,This course is intended primarily for all (science/engineering and non-science) majors (of the university) who want to have a broad view of modern astronomy and a broad appreciation (鉴赏) of our universeSo, any
6、one in the campus can take this course,Overview of this Course,系统介绍现代天文学知识由观测(大量天文图片)入手,通过观测现象来了解行星、恒星、星系的物理机制以及宇宙的整体特征,A hard, not an easy course,A hard course However, a tremendously fun course You will get a lot if you dive in itAnd enjoy it!We start with a sense of time and distance scales of “o
7、ur” Universe,第1讲:宇宙的年龄和距离,宇宙是古老的,但不是无限老,宇宙有一个开始,开始于一次约137亿年前的一次大爆炸!目前可观测宇宙的距离达数十亿光年,表明我们所看到的是数十亿年以前的宇宙Looking-back in time: Light travels at a finite not infinite speed, so when you look at things that are far away, you see them in the past宇宙天体的层次宇宙的重要事件,Andromeda Galaxy 仙女座星系 M31,Nearest big galaxy
8、 - a giant collection of hundreds of billions of stars. Our Galaxy looks much like it if viewed outside.about 2.5 million light years away. It means that you will be seeing that galaxy as was 2.5 million years ago, at about time when the hominids (原始人类) on Earth were beginning to walk on the planet
9、,第2讲:天象,Every days phenomena in the skyWhat produce the phase of the Moon? 月相What cause the seasons? 季节What cause stars to go through the sky during the course of the night? 恒星和行星的运行What cause the constellations to be different at different seasons? 变化的四季星空How to find a star? 天体坐标Etc ,Star trails:北天
10、极附近的星象迹线,北极星,第3讲:天文简史,Geocentric (Earth-centered) universe古希腊地心说Heliocentric universe 哥白尼的太阳中心说Observations of Tycho Brahe 第谷 .布拉赫的观测Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion: theoretical intuition (开普勒的行星运动定律)Galileo: the Telescope Newtons gravity 牛顿的引力理论Einsteins relativity 爱因斯坦的相对论,How modern astronomy (s
11、cience) was found and developed!,第4讲:光的特性,天文学家所获的宇宙信息几乎都来自宇宙天体所发射的光(辐射)Astronomers can not go to the heart of a galaxy and buy a star, can not knock a planet with a hammer .光是电磁波 Light is electromagnetic wave,第5讲:天文望远镜Telescopes,第6讲: 太阳系:八大行星,The Solar System:类地行星,The terrestrial planets to the same
12、 scale,Venus 金星,Mercury 水星,Mars 火星,Earth 地球,The Solar System :气体大行星,The jovian planets to the same scale,Jupiter 木星,Uranus 天王星,Neptune 海王星,Saturn 土星,第7讲:太阳系小天体,The Solar System Debris,Asteroids小行星,Comets 彗星,Meteors 流星,Meteorites陨石,Impacts (120 impact craters),Meteor Crater in Arizona, 1200 meters in
13、 diameter and 200 meters deep,formed 49,000 years ago, by an iron meteor about 30-50 meters in diameter.,Shooting “stars” !,65,000,000 years ago, 2/3 species extinction!,第8讲:太阳系的形成,第9讲:寻找其它太阳系,热门研究课题About 100 planets orbiting other starsSeveral other planetary systems, our Solar system is not unique
14、Have any earth-like planets found? No, the technology is not yet good enough. This does not mean they do not exist, future Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence! The first step: other planets found!,searching for other worlds!,第10讲:The Sun 太阳,太阳的结构太阳的能源日地关系,第11讲: Stars 恒星,星团,恒星参数的测定,Binary
15、stars 双星,天鹅座 Cygnus,Star Clusters 星团,第12讲: 恒星的形成和演化,恒星的形成恒星的演化,第13讲: 恒星的死亡和爆发,Supernovae explosions: crucial to our own existence, produce right elements.,第14讲:致密天体,White dwarf 白矮星 Neutron star 中子星 Black hole 黑洞,第15讲:银河系,Collections of hundreds of billions of starsBound by gravitation,第16讲:星系,星系团,漩涡
16、星系,椭圆星系,银河系 viewed outside,Cluster of Galaxies 星系团,Galaxies, like stars, tend to be gravitationally associated in a group, or in a cluster.,第17讲:类星体和活动星系,The central regions of a certain type of galaxiesappear to have a giant black holevigorously eating material from its environments or surroundings
17、,第18讲: Cosmology 宇宙学,Structure and evolution of the universe as a whole;It is accelerating!Where is dark matter, dark energy?The geometry of the space;The origin, the hot flash at t=0, the big bang!,第19讲:地外生命,Is there any extra-terrestrial intelligent life?Can we and shall we contacted?What should w
18、e say?We are attempting to contact with radio telescopes like this one in . Maybe someday well know whether there is intelligent life out there.Some reputable Journals claimed that there already is evidence for intelligent life. Dont believe anything you read.,They are working!,天文学的研究对象:天体天文学的研究方法和特点:观测天文学研究的意义:为人类生产和生活服务天文学的科学分支:天体测量学天体力学天体物理学,