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1、扁平足 flat food/ tarsoptosia 药剂师 pharmacist理 疗 physiotherapy 水 疗 hydrotherapyR.S.I. (Repetitive Strain Injury) 重复性劳损/肌肉劳损白内障 cataract 眼科医师 ophthalmologist放射科 radiology department 韧 带 ligament筋 muscle 肌 腱 tendon病 理 pathology 麻 醉 anaesthesia局 麻 local anaesthesia 全 麻 general anaesthesia腮腺炎 mumps/parotiti

2、s 牙 套 toothsocket/brace正 牙 orthodontics 风 湿 rheumatism关节炎 arthritis 风湿性关节炎 rheumatic arthritis含铁量 iron content 贫 血 anemia月 经 menstruation 子宫内避孕器 IUD补 铁 filling iron/iron supplement 大 便 stool泻 药 laxative 胃灼热 heartburn/brash便 秘 astriction/constipation 肛 门 anus 内窥镜检查 endoscopy 结肠镜检查 colonoscopy 十二指肠 du

3、odenum 溃 疡 ulcer胃溃疡 gastric ulcer 直 肠 rectum盲 肠 cecum 结 肠 colon肠 intestine 大 肠 large intestine 宫颈癌 cervical cancer 更年期 menopause骨质疏松 osteoporosis(OP) 恶 性 malignancy白血病 leukemia 乳房切除术 mastectomy淋巴结 lymph node 良性的 benign腋 下 armpit 狐 臭 armpit odour假 肢 artificial limb 义 乳 artificial/false breast发 作 atta

4、ck/flare up 疾病津贴 sickness allowance青霉素 penicillin 花粉症 hay fever/pollinosis哮 喘 asthma 花 粉 pollen/dust肛 裂 anal fissure 术 后 postoperation痔 疮 haemorrhoids出血量大:haemorrhage amount is large/heavy.我屁股后面出血:I have blood from behind.可能是肛门有小撕裂:I may have anal fissure.失去存储的铁: to lost reserved iron对.过敏:have an al

5、lergy to./ be allergic to.在癌细胞发作并扩散前将它消灭: to remove/destroy cancer cells before they attacking and spreading/growingBreast cancer can occur at any age: 乳腺癌可以发生在任何年龄切断我左边整个乳房,包括乳头和腋下的淋巴结:to cut off my entire left breast, including the nipple and lymph nodes under the armpit为我动手术的医生是谁:which doctor wil

6、l operate on me?静脉曲张 Varicose veins 抗药性 drug resistance 开 药 prescribe/prescription 脊 椎 spine律师事务所 law/legal firm 手 腕 wrist握 拳 make a fist/clench ones fist 永久伤残 permanent disability腹股沟 groin 腹 肌 abdominal muscle腹 部 belly 绷 带 bandage并发症 complication 疝气修复手术 hernia repair surgeon 胀;凸起 bulge 早 产 prematur

7、e birth/delivery月经 menses, menstruation, monthlies, period, menstrual flow, flower 贫血 anemia, anaemia, spanemia, hypohemia, hyphemia 子宫内 IUD结肠 colon 直肠 rectum, intestinum, archo-, proct-, procto-, recto 阑尾 epityphlon, processus, vermiformis, vermix, vermiform,appendix溃疡 ulcer, exelcosis, anabrosis,

8、helco-, helc-内分泌 incretion, endocrine, internal secretion 淋巴结 lymph gland, lymphatic gland 义肢 prosthesis 虫螨 dustmites 青霉素 penicillin 腹股沟 groin, ingunal 肿块 bulge 动脉扩张 varicose veins 腹部 abdomen 搭桥手术 by-pass operation 主/ 大动脉 aorta冠状动脉 coronary 冠心病 coronary heart disease 勃起 erection不举 impotence 雄激素 andr

9、ogen 雌激素 estrogen 搓拉皮肤 keep rubbing and pulling her skin 防卫性出击 hit out for self-defense 失去自理能力 lose faculties 接送孩子 send/ pick up children 激素替代疗法 HRT 老年病专家 geriatrician 常规药 conventional medicine肝硬化 cirrhosis 肝癌 carcinoma 腹痛 abdominal pain/ bellyache 正牙医生 orthodontist 肋骨 rib 头骨 skull 烧灼 burning sensat

10、ion 前列腺 prostate 膀胱 bladder尿道 urethra 胆囊 gall bladder 结肠炎 colitis 韧带 ligament,ligamentum, anadesma 膝盖 knee脚踝 ankle 红潮 hot flush 骨质疏松 osteoporosis 孕酮/黄体酮 progesterone 骨盆 pelvis预后/预测 prognosis 乳房肿瘤切除术 lumpectomy 阴茎 penis 睾丸 testide 精子/精液 sperm 卵子 ovum 射精 ejaculation 颈椎 cervical vertebra/ vertebrae cer

11、vicales 胸椎 thoracic vertebra/ vertebra thoracalis 腰椎 lumber vertebra/ vertebra lumbalis 脊椎 spinal column 脊髓 spinal cord 脊髓炎 spondylitis 静脉曲张 varicose veins 骨关节炎 osteathritis/ osteoarthritis/ ostarthritis 喉咽 laryngopharynx 咽 pharynx 咽炎 laryngitis 喉炎 pharyngitis 反胃 regurgitation 结肠癌 carcinoma of colon

12、 直肠癌 carcinoma of rectum 产房 delivery room 黄热病 yellow fever 胰腺 pancreas 心力衰竭 heart failure肾透析 renal dialysis 血液透析 haemodialysis 腹膜透析 peritoneal dialysis 静脉注射 intravenous体外受精/试管婴儿 in vitro fertilization 输卵管 fallopian tube阑尾炎 appendicitis 淋巴癌 /瘤 lymphoma 癌症 tumor/ cancer/ carcinoma 黑色素瘤 melanoma高/低血糖 h

13、yperglycemia/ hypoglycemia 活组织检查 biopsy 输精管 vas deferens 猩红热 scarlette fever 老年痴呆 senile dementia 灵媒 psychic 脑垂体 hypophysis cerebri Para-Medical professionsacupuncturist 针灸治疗师 chiropodist 手足病治疗师 chiropractor 脊椎指压按摩师 clinical psychologist 临床心理治疗师dietician(nutritionist)营养师 herbalist 草药师 medical social

14、 worker 医药社工 natural therapist 自然治疗师 nurse, sister 护士 occupational therapist 职业治疗师optometrist 验光师 optician 配镜师 physiotherapist 物理治疗师radiographer 放射科技师 speech therapist Medical practitioneranesthetist 麻醉师 allergy 过敏 cardiologist 心脏专科医生coroner 法医 dentist 牙医 dermatologist 皮肤科医生E.N.T(ear, nose, throat)d

15、octor 耳鼻喉科医生 gastroenterologist 肠胃科医生 general practitioner (family doctor) 全科医生/普通科医生gynecologist 妇科医生 hematologist 血液科医生 immunologist 免疫科医生 neurosurgeon 神经外科医生obstetrician 产科医生 ophthalmologist 眼科医生 orthopedic surgeon 整形外科/ 骨科医生 oncologist 肿瘤科医生pediatrician 儿科医生 pathologist 病理学家 physician 内科医生 psych

16、iatrist 精神科医生 radiologist 放射科医生 renal physician 肾脏科医生rheumatologist 风湿科医生 respiratory physician 呼吸科医生 specialist 专科医生 surgeon 外科医生 urologist 泌尿科医生Symptomsache 疼痛 abrasion 擦伤 abscess 脓肿 baldness 脱发acne(pimple )痤疮,粉刺 appetite 食欲,胃口 loss of appetite 食欲不振 increased appetite 食欲大振back pain/ache 腰痛/背痛 belc

17、hing 打嗝 blisters 水疱bleeding(rectal, gum)直肠的/ 牙龈,牙床 bloodshot eyes 眼充血bruises 淤伤 ,擦伤 chafe 擦伤 chapped 龟裂,皲裂breathing difficulties shortness of breath, rapid/shallow breathing chills/shivers 寒颤,哆嗦 choking 窒息 colic 绞痛 angina 心绞痛collapse 虚脱 ,昏倒 concussion 脑震荡 convulsion 抽搐,痉挛cramp 抽筋 congestion (nasal/

18、chest) 胸闷 cough 咳嗽deafness 失聪 deformity ( joints, limbs) 关节畸形depression 抑郁 diagnosis 诊断 diarrhea 腹泻 dislocation 脱臼discharge 分泌物(eye/ear/vaginal)阴道 dizziness 头晕目眩fainting 昏倒 fever 发烧 fit 发作 food poisoning 食物中毒fracture 骨折 grazed 擦伤 heat exhaustion/ sun stroke 中风heart beat changes 心跳变化 palpitations 心悸

19、irregular 心律不齐 rapid hoarseness 沙哑,嘶哑hiccups 打嗝 indigestion 消化不良 infection 发炎 inflammation 炎症 intolerance of cold/heat 畏寒/热 insomnia 失眠 laceration 撕裂,裂痕 lump 肿块menarche 初潮 menopause 更年期 morning sickness 晨吐motion sickness 晕动症 nausea 恶心 numbness 麻木pain (constant, sharp, dull, stabbing, burning, crushi

20、ng, throbbing)持续痛,剧痛,隐痛, 刺痛, 灼烧痛,压的痛, 抽痛palpitation 心悸 paralysis 瘫痪 passing wind = fart 放屁peeling of the skin 脱皮 pins and needles 手脚发麻 rash 皮疹, 红疹 ringing of the ears (tinnitus) 耳鸣 shock 休克shaking/shivering 颤抖 sore 酸痛 suffocation 窒息 sprain 扭伤 sputum/phlegm 痰,唾液 sweat 汗,出汗swelling 肿胀 stiffness of joi

21、nts 关节僵硬 swallowing difficulties 吞咽困难 vomiting 呕吐 urination (frequency, pain with passing urine ) 排尿, 尿频visual disturbances 视力障碍 blurred vision 视力模糊 double vision 重影,复视 night blindness 夜盲wart 瘤 wheezing 气喘 asthma 哮喘 weakness 疲弱 weight gain/loss 体重增加,下降Illnessabortion(spontaneous, induced ) 堕胎 alcoho

22、lism 酒精中毒,酗酒AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)获得性免疫缺陷综合征amnesia 健忘症,失忆 anemia 贫血 anorexia 厌食症arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 arthritis 关节炎 asthma 哮喘athletes foot 运动员脚病,脚癣 bowel obstruction 肠梗塞/阻bronchiectasis 支气管扩张 bronchitis 支气管炎 cataract 白内障cancer of the oesophagus 食道癌 cancer of the larynx 喉癌chicken

23、pox 水痘 cholera 霍乱 congested lungs 肺充血cholecystitis 胆囊炎 conjunctivitis 结膜炎 coma 昏迷cyanosis 发绀,青紫 dandruff 头皮屑 dementia 痴呆diabetes 糖尿病 diarrhea 腹泻 Downs syndrome 唐氏综合症eczema 湿疹 emphysema 肺气肿 epilepsy 癫痫 food poisoning 食物中毒 fracture 骨折 gall stone 胆结石gangrene 坏疽,坏死 gastro-enteritis 肠胃炎German measles 德国麻

24、疹,风疹 glaucoma 青光眼,绿内障hemophilia 血友病 hemorrhage 大出血 head lice 头虱hay fever/ pollinosis 枯草热,花粉病 hernia 疝气 hemorrhoids/piles 痔疮 heart attack 心脏病发作 heart disease 心脏病 heartburn 烧心,胃灼烧 hepatitis 肝炎hypotension (low blood pressure ) hypertension (high blood pressure)incontinence (urinary/ faecal) 大小便失禁 influ

25、enza 流感inflammatory bowel disease 肠炎 intestinal cancer/ bowel cancer 肠癌jaundice 黄疸 kidney stone=renal calculus 肾结石 labor 分娩lelukaemia 白血病 measles 麻疹 meningitis 脑膜炎 mental retardation 智障, 智力低下,精神发育迟缓 migraine 偏头痛 miscarriage 流产 pancreas 胰腺nervous breakdown 神经衰弱,精神失常 neurosis 神经官能症paralysis /plegia 瘫痪

26、 hemiplegia 偏袒 paraplegia 截瘫,下身瘫痪 quadriplegia 四肢瘫痪 parkinsons disease 帕金森病pleurisy 胸膜炎 pneumonia 肺炎 rabies(hydrophobia )狂犬病poliomyelitis(Polio) 小儿麻痹 renal failure 肾衰竭 respiratory tract infection 呼吸道感染 rheumatism 风湿病rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病 sciatica 坐骨神经痛R.S.I(Repetitive Strain Injury )肌肉劳损 scabies 疥疮scalp itches 头皮发痒 schizophrenia 精神分裂症 shingles 带状疱疹 small pox 天花 spondylitis 脊椎炎stye 睑腺炎,麦粒肿 tetanus 破伤风 tinea 癣thyroid gland : overactive (hyperthyroidism/ thyrotoxicosis) 甲状


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