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1、压 缩 空 气 干 燥 机Compressed air dryers微 热 再 生 吸 附 式 干 燥 机 和 过 滤 器杭州嘉隆气体设备有限公司2013Oem:杭州嘉隆气体设备有限公司Add:浙江省杭州市下城区沈家路 198 号/北京市丰台区右安门开阳里六区 11-405#Tel:+86-571-85365111 / +86-10-67355195、60106117Fax:+86-571-85365000Mb:+86-13588827999E-mail:Http:www.J压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers1一、吸附式干燥机说明(可提供微热再生机型/再生机型)Spec

2、ification for Heatless regenerative desiccant absorptive air dryer以微热再生吸附式干燥机作说明:概 述 : SummaryJLAH 型微热再生吸干机是杭州嘉隆气体设备有限公司自行设计制造的高效压缩空气干燥机器,结合了国外众多厂家(美国汉克森 hankison、德国)超滤 Ultafilter、英国多明尼克 Domnick Hunter/DH)最先进的设计理念,我们一直紧追国际先进技术,不断向客户提供技术含量更高、效果更好的产品。一直以来产品大量进入国际市场,出口到土耳其、肯尼亚、博茨瓦纳,印度、印度尼西亚、斯里兰卡、老挝、柬埔寨

3、、哈萨克斯坦、苏丹等国家产品档次和技术达到国内先进水平,并日益接近和达到国际先进水平。JLAH type heatless dryers is Hangzhou Jialong gas Equipment Co., Ltd. to design and manufacture efficient compressed air drying machines, combined with many foreign manufacturers (, Hankison hankison, USA German ultrafiltration Ultafilter, England Dominique

4、 domnick hunter)advanced design concepts, we have been hot pursuit of international advanced technology, continue to provide customers with higher technological content, the better the product. The products have been poured into the international market, exports to Turkey, Kenya, Botswana, India, In

5、donesia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Sudan and other countries. Product quality and technology to the domestic advanced level, and increasingly close and reached the international advanced level.JLAH 型吸干机用于清除压缩空气中的水分,使压缩空气的露点温度达到-20 OC-60 OC,甚至于更低。压缩空气的露点与吸附剂类型、循环周期及压缩空气进气温度有关。JIALONG JLA

6、H type dryer is uesed to remove water in compressed air with the outlet dew point at -20OC-60 OC( or lower as required ) .本机是根据变压吸附的原理,利用自热(无需外部热源)再生的方法对压缩空气进行吸附干燥的一种除湿净化装置。采用双塔结构,一塔在压力下吸附空气中的水分,另一塔用接近于大气压力的部份干燥空气使吸附塔中的吸附剂再生,经过一定时间,两塔切换,这样就保证了干燥压缩空气的连续供应。每个塔的实际工作过程分为三个阶段:吸附再生 充压。Principle: PSA and r

7、egenerated by using self heating Feature: adopt twin tower ,one absorbing water under certain pressure while the other one regenerates by using small part of dried air(pressure is little higher than standard air pressure).And they exchange by turn within one cycle. The three stages are :absorbing re

8、generating balancing pressure 压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers2工 艺 流 程 :JLAH 型微热再生吸附式干燥机的工艺流程如图一所示,压缩空气通过 IA 进入吸附塔 A,空气被干燥。干燥后的空气经 CA 到达出口,其中有一部分空气作为再生气在到达出口前从气流中分出,经 RV 的流量控制,进入到 H 中,在 H 内再生空气被加热,温度上升,再经 OB 流入吸附塔 B。吸附塔 B 内有上半个周期吸附下来的水份,再生气带走这些水份并经 RB 和 MF 排空,此为加热再生阶段。随着加热时间的延长,B 塔内的温度不断上升,经过一定时间,H 断电,

9、再生空气冷却,此为冷却再生阶段。经过设定的时间后 RB 关闭,吸附塔 B 开始升压直到两塔压力平衡。升压需要一定的时间,以保证两塔压力均衡,否则可能引起出口处压力波动。半个循环周期后,IA 关闭,同时IB 打开。延时几秒钟后 RA 打开。现在吸附塔 B 开始干燥空气,而吸附塔 A 则进入再生状态。吸附塔 B 工作半个周期后重新回到再生状态,这段时间为一个循环周期。JLAH-type micro heat regenerated adsorption dryer process is shown in Fig compressed air entering through the IA adso

10、rption tower A, the air is dry. After drying air through the CA reaches the outlet, wherein a part of the air as the regeneration gas arrive separated from the gas stream prior to the outlet, the flow control via the RV into the H, the H in the regeneration air is heated, the temperature rise, and t

11、hen by OB flowing into the adsorption tower B. The adsorption tower B in the upper half cycle of adsorption down the water, and then angry away moisture and RB and MF emptying the regeneration stage, and this is heated. With the extension of the heating time, the temperature of the column B is risin

12、g, after a certain time, H power, reconditioning air cooling, this regeneration stage for cooling. RB off after a set time, the adsorption tower B starts a step until the pressure balance of the two towers. Boost requires a certain amount of time, to ensure that the pressure equalization of the two

13、towers, or may cause the outlet pressure fluctuations. After half cycle, IA closed, while IB Open. After a few seconds delay RA opens. The adsorption column B is now the start of the drying air, while the adsorption tower A into the reproduction state. Adsorber B to work half cycle back after the re

14、production state, this time for a period of one cycle.压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers3Tower A is absorbing Tower B is absorbing(工 艺 流 程 图 working process chart)代号 名称 代号 名称IA、IB 进气阀 RA、RB 再生阀CA、CB 止回阀 OA、OB 止回阀H 加热器 RV 再生气调节阀MF 消声器 PA、PB 压力表压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers4特 点 features:(1). 吸附塔 absorptive

15、 tower 吸附塔的设计时充分考虑使通过吸附剂层的气流保持适当的流速,避免吸附剂流化,防止吸附剂移动和粉尘飞扬。when the designing ,we take the flow speed into full consideration to avoid absorbent fluidized, and desiccant vibration and dust folw 离线的筒体采用缓慢而完全的加压方法,防止吸附剂层移动和吸附剂腐蚀,并且消除下游压力浮动现象。The cylinder and the slow and complete compression method prev

16、ents desiccant layer vibration and desiccant corrosion, and eliminate the floating phenomenon due to downstream pressure 独特的气流扩散器结构,采用进口不锈钢气流扩散器,能有效地将气流均匀分布进入吸附塔,防止沟流现象。The unique structure of air diffuser adopts import stainless steel air diffuser, which can effectively make air evenly distributed

17、into adsorption tower, prevent channel flow phenomenon 卓越的筒体设计,保存98%的吸附热,储存的热量用于保持再生阶段的再生气温度,使再生气的水分消除能力达到最高,所需的再生气用量降到最低。Excellent cylinder design save 98% of the adsorption heat, storage heat tis used to maintain the temperature of regenerated air during regenerating stage , make the highest, wate

18、r remover ability and minimum the amount of used regenerated air. 可靠性-合适的筒体尺寸,可防止吸附剂层流化和吸附剂劣化,使吸附剂和阀门都达到最长使用寿命。Reliability-the right cylinder size, can prevent the desiccant layer degradation and deterioration, make the desiccant and valves achieve the longest life expectancy 分开的充填口和排出口,便于更换干燥剂。典型双塔

19、式吸附系統Typical twin tower absorptive system压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers5Separated filling mouth and releasing mount, make it convenient to replace desiccant(2). 吸附剂层 desiccant layer 大型吸附剂层,确保充分的接触时间,产生持续一致的露点Large desiccant layer ensure full contacting time, produce consistent dew point 包含额外的吸附剂,用于补偿

20、吸附剂的初期老化(吸附剂在达到稳定状态之前,通常要损失30%的能力)Contain additional desiccant which is used to compensate for the early stages of the aging desiccant (before stable state, desiccant usually lose 30% of ability 选用优质高效经久耐用的活性氧化铝吸附剂和分子筛,经试验证明不会在水里分解(不像硅胶),具有高抗碎强度和抗磨蚀性,静态吸湿能力,在100%相对湿度时为重量的21% 。We select high quality

21、and durable activated alumina desiccant and molecular sieve, the test proves that they will not resolve in the water (not as silica gel), They have the high strength and abrasion resistant, static moisture absorption ability is 21% compared with the 100% relative humidity .(3). 气流 air flow 上游吸附:在气流进

22、入筒体之前清除水分和重污染物,防止吸附剂受污染,筒体降压时污染物排出 下游再生:防止吸附剂层在降压时移动。 对流吸附/再生:尽量节省再生所需的能源。Upstream adsorption: moisture and heavy pollutants in air is removed before flowing into the cylinder, which avoid contamination of desiccant . pollutants will be released when cylinder pressure decrease压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air

23、dryers6(4). 消声装置 muffler devices 消声装置采用高效排气消声器,在允分降低再生排气时的噪音,降低噪音在30-50分贝以上。We adopt high exhaust muffler, fully reduce the noise by the 30 to 50 decibels(5). 切换阀门 switch valve根据吸附干燥机运行特点,采用杭州嘉隆为吸附式干燥机开发的气缸阀。杭州嘉隆吸附干燥机阀门特点如下:special pneumatic butterfly valve, features are as follows: 保护等级:与 IP56 相当pr

24、otection level: similar to IP56 标准工作温度:-20到+80standard working temperature:-20 to + 80 活塞阀 Piston valve(吸附干燥机专门开发 ) 压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers7(6). 控制系统 control system干燥器的控制系统留有与远程控制系统的接口。干燥器设远程/就地切换开关;能提供给集控室运行、停止、故障及允许远方控制信号,能接受集控室的启动、停止信号(接点均为无源开关接点,其接点容量为 220VAC,5A. )。干燥器的 远程/就地切换开关在远程位置时,集控室

25、能控制干燥器的启停;在就地位置时远程控制不起作用,由干燥器本身控制器上的启动、停止按扭来控制。Dryer control system reserve remote interface for control system . A drier has a remote/local switch; It can provide ecr with operation, stop, fault and allow remote control signal, also accept the ecr start and stop signals (contacts are all passive sw

26、itch contacts, their contact capacity is 220 VAC, 5 A.). When the dryers remote/local switch is in the remote control stage, ecr can turn on or off dryer; In LOCAL position , the remote control doesnt work, start and stop button in the dryer itself will control then.为满足高性能、高可控性的需求,本公司生产的吸附式干燥机的电气控制系统采用德国SEIMENS 的 PLC。To meet the needs of high performance, high control, JIALONG JLAH series type dryer s electric control system adopt the German SEIMENS PLC.压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers8产 品 图 片 : Product Image压缩空气干燥机 Compressed air dryers9


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