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1、第3版 Warm-up英语热身操,Word Bank 低年级词汇,windy刮风的,多风的,rainy下雨的,多雨的,Word Bank 低年级词汇,cloudy多云的(云间有间隙),sunny晴朗的,阳光充足的,让我们来看看欧洲各国的天气情况吧。,Whats theWeather Like in Europe?,考考你:请根据欧洲地图,在横线上填出各国对应的天气情况。,In Ireland (爱尔兰), its w _ _ _ _.,i,n,d,y,In Britain (英国), its r _ _ _ _.,a,i,n,y,In Sweden (瑞典), its s _ _ _ _.,n

2、,o,w,y,In Germany (德国), its o _ _ _ c _ _ _.,v,e,r,a,s,t,In France (法国), its cl _ _ _ _.,o,u,d,y,In Spain (西班牙), its st _ _ _ _.,o,r,m,y,In Italy (意大利), its s _ _ _ _.,u,n,n,y,Word Bank 中高年级词汇,weather n. 天气Europe n. 欧洲 jU=r=psnowy adj. 下雪的,多雪的overcast adj. 阴天的;多云的(云间没有空隙) ;=Uv=k1:ststormy adj. 暴风雨的W

3、hats the weather like? 天气如何?(=How is the weather?),第4-5版 Super Classroom超级课堂,Word Bank 低年级词汇,go去,fly飞,飞翔,Word Bank 低年级词汇,coat外套,大衣,fly a kite 放风筝,阿里找到了一条会飞的神奇魔毯,Ali and the Magic Carpet,Ali finds a carpet in his uncles shop.阿里在他叔叔的店里找到一条地毯。Suddenly, the carpet flies off into the air.突然,地毯飞到了空中。 It i

4、s a magic carpet!它是一条魔毯!First they fly to a jungle.首先他们飞到了一片热带丛林。 It is raining. And it is hot and wet.那里在下雨,并且又热又潮湿。Then they fly to a desert.然后他们飞到了一片沙漠。 It is sunny. And it is hot and dry.那里是晴天,并且又热又干燥。,After that, they fly to the South Pole.之后,他们又飞到了南极。Its snowy and freezing there.那里下着雪,非常寒冷。The

5、n they fly into the mountains.然后他们飞到了山中。Its very foggy there.那里雾茫茫的。Then they fly to an island in the sea.然后他们飞到了海上的一座岛。There is thunder and lightning. Its stormy.那里电闪雷鸣,下着暴风雨。“Ah! Lets go home!” Ali shouts.“啊!我们回家吧!”阿里叫道。Finally they fly back home safely.最后阿里和魔毯平安地飞回了家。,魔毯载着阿里都去了哪些地方呢?,Where Do The

6、y Go?,考考你:请先在横线上填出对应天气图标的英文名称,然后根据文章 Ali and the Magic Carpet 将天气和地点连线。,u,n,n,y,s _ _ _ _,r _ _ _ _,a,i,n,y,s _ _ _ _,n,o,w,y,f _ _ _ _,o,g,g,y,s _ _ _ _ _,t,o,m,y,r,an island,the mountains,a desert,a jungle,the South Pole,不同的天气带来不同的乐趣。,What Do You Want to Do?,Its sunny. I want to go to the beach.今天

7、天气晴朗。我想去海边玩。I need to apply some sunscreen.我需要涂一些防晒霜。,Its rainy. I want to take a walk.今天下雨。我想去散步。I need to bring an umbrella.我需要带一把伞。,Its windy. I want to fly a kite.今天刮风。我想去放风筝。I need to wear a coat.我需要穿一件外套。,Its snowy. I want to make a snowman.今天下雪。我想去堆雪人。I need to wear a scarf and a pair of glov

8、es.我需要戴一条围巾和一副手套。,Word Bank 中高年级词汇,foggy adj. 有雾的,雾茫茫的island n. 岛,岛屿 aIl=ndmountain n. 山;山脉desert n. 沙漠jungle n. (热带)丛林carpet n. 地毯;毛毯,wet adj. 湿的,潮湿的多学一点:反义词是 dry (干的,干燥的)。want v. 想,想要need v. 需要(the) South Pole 南极多学一点 :(the) North Pole 是“北极”的意思。take a walk 散步make a snowman 堆雪人a pair of gloves 一副(分指

9、)手套,第6版 Mini-world万花筒,Word Bank 低年级词汇,hand手,fly飞,飞翔,美丽的瓢虫小姐,请来到我身边。,Ladybug, Ladybug,Ladybug, ladybug, where will you land?小瓢虫,小瓢虫,你会降落在哪里?Ladybug, ladybug, come to my hand.小瓢虫,小瓢虫,到我的手上来。Then you can crawl all the way up my arm.这样你可以一路爬上我的手臂。And I will assure you, Ill do you no harm.而且我保证,我不会伤害你。Wh

10、en you fly away, 若你远走高飞,When you fly away,若你远走高飞,I hope that youll come back another fine day.我希望,又一个晴天时,你会再回来。,Word Bank 中高年级词汇,ladybug n. 瓢虫(=ladybird)come v. 来,到来多学一点:反义词为 go (去,到)。arm n. 上肢,手臂another adj. 又一的,再一的(人或事物)do sb. no harm (=do no harm to sb.)对某人没有伤害,不伤害某人fine day 晴天,第7版 Story Zone故事地带

11、,Word Bank 低年级词汇,dad(常用于口语)爸爸,tall高的,Word Bank 低年级词汇,thin瘦的,big大的,Word Bank 低年级词汇,car汽车,hard努力地,这是我的爸爸,Just Like My Dad (I),Hey, this is my dad. He is tall and thin, and he is handsome.嘿,这是我爸爸。他又高又瘦,而且也很帅哟。,My dad drives a big car to work.爸爸开着大汽车去上班。,Every day, my dad works hard in the office.每天,爸爸都在办公室里努力工作。,考考你:请从故事中找到合适的单词,完成填空。My dad goes to work by _.爸爸开_去上班。,car,汽车,Word Bank 中高年级词汇,drive v. 驾驶(车)work n. 工作地点just like 正如,就像every day 每天,


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