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1、觀塘浸信會彩明幼稚園 報名表 Kwun Tong Baptist Church Choi Ming Kindergarten Application Form 申請入學年度 Academic Year 申請日期 Date of Application 申請編號 Application No 學生 姓名 (中文 ) Name in Chinese 性別 Sex 相片 Photo 英文姓名 Name in English 年齡 Age 出生日期 Date of Birth 年 月 日 (yy) (mm) (dd) 出生地點 Place of Birth 出生證明文件號碼 Birth Certifi

2、cate No. 地址 Address 聯絡電話 Contact Number 緊急電話 Contact no. for Emergency 父親姓名 Fathers Name 職業 Occupation 電話 Tel.No 母親姓名 Mothers Name 職業 Occupation 電話 Tel.No 宗教信仰 Religion 所屬教會 Affiliated Church 擬投考班級 Class Preferred 幼兒班 (K.1) 幼低班 (K.2) 幼高班 (K.3) 上午班 (A.M.) 全日班 (Whole Day) 就讀本校親屬姓名 Name(s) of family me

3、mber(s) studying at our school 班別 Class 曾就讀學校之名稱 School attended in the past 肄業班別 Last Class Attended 從何處認識本園 How did you first hear about our School 親友 Family or Friends 資訊網絡 Internet 其他 Others 備註: 1. 請詳細填寫報名表,連同出生證明書正、副本一張、近照一張及回郵信封一個 (請 貼上足 夠郵費及寫上回郵地址 ),親臨學校遞交及索取面詴接見證。 2. 本園地址:將軍澳彩明苑彩耀閣地下 電話: 234

4、5 7744 Remark: 1. Please complete and submit this Application Form with the original and a copy of Birth Certificate, a recent photo and a return envelope( with address and postage paid). Application can be submitted in person and secure an “interview card” 2. Address: G/F. Choi Yiu House, Choi Ming

5、 Court, Tseung Kwan O. Tel: 2345 7744 - (回郵地址請用正楷填寫,以免郵誤 Please Write in Block Letter) 姓名 Name 姓名 Name 地址 Address 地址 Address 觀塘浸信會彩明幼稚園 2018-2019 年度新生入學安排 (本校已參加幼稚園免費教育新政策 ) 遞交入學申請表: (不設限額收取入學申請表 ) 1. 日期: 9 月開始派表 2. 交表時間:星期一至五 (上午 9 時至下午 5 時 ) 星期六 (上午 9 時至 12 時 ) 3. 必須親臨學校遞入學申請表及索取面詴接見證 4. 遞交幼兒的出生證明

6、書副本 5. 繳交報名費弍拾元正 ($20) 6. 繳交回郵信封一個 (請貼上足夠郵費及寫上回郵地址 ) 申請 2018/19 幼稚園入學註冊證 1. 教育局於 2018/19 學年推行免費優質幼稚園教育政策,以取代現有的學前教育學券計劃。在新計劃下,教育局會以幼稚園入學註冊證作為 2018/19 學年的 K1 註冊文件。 2. 家長須於 2017 年 9 月至 11 月期間為其子女向教育局申請 2018/19 幼稚園 入學註冊證 (下稱 2018/19 註冊證 )。 2018/19 註冊證的介紹單張、 申請表格及指引可以在各區民政事務處、郵政局或教育局區域教育服務處索取。表格及有關資料亦可在

7、教育局網頁 (http:/www.edb.gov.hk/k1-admission_tc)下載或透過教育局電話查詢系統 2891 0088 以傳真方式索取。 收生準則: 1. 按學校容額,取錄面詴表現優異的兒童 2. 合乎以下資格者優先取錄: 2.1 兄 /姐現就讀本園 2.2 兄 /姐或父母為本園校友 2.3 居於本苑 /或鄰近屋苑 2.4 如申請全日班學位,有家庭需要的申請人可獲優先考慮 3. 如報讀人數多於學位,則以先報先取錄 辦理新生註冊手續需知: 1. 本園將於 2017 年 12 月 20 日前以郵遞方式通知家長幼兒班取錄結果 2. 正選生:家長須於 2018年 1月 11日至 13

8、日 (統一註册日期 )內的指定時間到本幼稚園辦理註 册手續, 並須提交註冊證 /入學許可書及繳交註冊費。 3. 備取生:本幼稚園會發出通知,請家長於指定日期到本幼稚園辦理註冊手續,並須提交註冊證 / 入學許可書及繳交註冊費。 4. 繳交註冊費:上 /下午班:玖佰伍拾元 ($950) 全日班:壹仟伍佰伍拾元 ($1,550) 如有關兒童入讀本園,本園會於 9 月尾退回註冊費。 但若家長於註冊後決定為子女轉校,請以書面通知本園,本園會退回相關註冊證,但註冊費將不獲退還。在取回註冊證後,本園亦不會再為該童保留學位。 5. 繳交 回郵信封兩個 (請貼上足夠郵費及寫上回郵地址 ) 查詢 電話: 2345

9、 7744 電郵: infochoiming.edu.hk Kwun Tong Baptist Church Choi Ming Kindergarten Arrangement for New Student Enrollment (2018-2019) (Our school has participated The Free Quality KG Education Scheme”) Submission of application : (No set quota for the kindergarten) 1. Date : Forms are distributed in Sept

10、ember every year. 2. Time : 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(Mondays to Fridays) 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Saturdays) 3. Please return the application form in person and secure an “interview card” 4. Copy of birth certificate of the child must be enclosed 5. Application fee : Twenty dollars ($20) 6. One return

11、 envelopes ( with address and postage paid) Application for the “2018/19 Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” 1. Education Bureau (EDB) will implement the Free Quality Kindergarten Education policy starting from the 2018/19 school year to replace the existing “Pre-primary Education V

12、oucher Scheme”. Under the new Scheme, EDB will use the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” as the document for registration in the 2018/19 school year. 2. Parents are required to submit an application for the “2018/19 Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” (hereafter

13、referred as “2018/19 RC”) Information leaflets, application forms and guidance notes for the“2018/19 RC” are available at District Offices, Post Offices or Regional Education Offices of EDB. Application forms and related documents may also be downloaded from the EDBs website (http:www.edb.gov.hk/k1-

14、admission_e) or obtained by fax via EDB 24-hour automatic telephone enquiry system at 2891 0088. Admission Criteria : 1. In accordance with the enrollment capacity of the school, children with outstanding performance in interview will be accepted 2. Priority is given to : 2.1 Siblings of students at

15、tending our school at present 2.2 Siblings or children of alumnus of the school 2.3 Residents in the school neighborhood 2.4 The applicant from families in need will be given due priority consideration when applying for whole day classes. 3. If applications outnumber the enrollment capacity, student

16、s will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. Procedure of registration on acceptance : 1. We will inform parents of the K1 admission results before 20 December 2017 by post. 2. Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from 11 to 13 January

17、 2018 (“Centralised Registration Dates”) by submitting the “RC” / “AP” to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee. 3. Applicants on the waiting list: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by the school. Parents are required t

18、o submit the “RC” / “AP” to the kindergarten and pay the registration fee. 4. Pay registration fee : A.M / P.M classes : Nine hundred and fifty dollars. ($950) Whole day classes : One thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. ($1,550) In case of a successful application, the School will return the re

19、gistration fee at the end of September. Should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify the kindergarten in writing. The kindergarten will return the “2018/19 RC” but the registration fee will not be refunded. Upon obtaining the “2018/19 RC”, the kindergarten will no longer keep the school place for the child. 5. Two return envelopes ( with address and postage paid) Enquiry Our telephone no.: 2345 7744 Our e-mail address: infochoiming.edu.hk


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