1、Spirituality of Music音乐的灵性,A Western Perspective for Eastern Audiences为东方观众阐述西方的音乐观,What youre about to witness is based upon years of experience within the realm of Western music and thought. However, that exploration also visited the fringes of Eastern music and culture. I hope and trust that you
2、will discover enough in common that you will be touched and inspired by this presentation.以下你将要看到是鉴于本人在西方音乐的领域中的经验和见解。然而,这也是在西方音乐和文化背景基础上而谈的。我希望你可以从中得到感触和启发并能够发现一些共同的地方。,Silence is very hard to hear,At best it scarcely fills the ear.But I know it exists, because Ive foundIf it werent for silence, th
3、ered be no sound. Don Rechtman 沉默是很难听见的 至少不会在你耳朵回响 但是我知道他存在,因为在寻寻觅觅中我已经找到它。 如果没有沉默,那么就没有声音 Don Rechtman,PreludeWords and music by Don RechtmanA “prelude” is an introduction that helps to set the mood for a performance or presentation.前奏由Don Rechtman作词和曲“前奏” 是为演出或演讲布置气氛的一种介绍,Tis time to sing of honor
4、, grace and glory, 这一刻我们为荣誉,美好,辉煌歌唱And share musical thoughts among friends and relations.这一刻我们和朋友亲人用音乐分享思想,Of how to honor sacred space, 我们感谢这神圣的空间Of how to grace each other with our presence, 我们的参与彼此融和,Of how to glorify each moment of our gathering together:我们珍惜相聚的每一刻,Please dont talk during the p
5、relude; 前奏时,请不要讲话To do so is very impolite. 此时讲话是非常不礼貌的,It keeps others from hearing, 这会打扰别人对音乐的欣赏And thus your talking is not right.因此此时讲话是不对的,Tis a time for contemplation, 这是我们沉思的时刻For getting oneself in the mood 是用心去体会领悟的时刻,Its not a time for sharing greetings,不是相互问候的时刻Or for that matter, time fo
6、r sharing food.也不是一起吃零食的时刻,Please dont laugh during the prelude; 前奏时,请不要大笑Some music makers just might take offense.大笑可能只会使一些音乐家误解,And if you arent very careful, 如果你不很细心,You might be surprised: some-one just might sing你会惊讶发现:一些人可能在唱,nonsense! 没意义的歌曲!,Reading阅读Grandmas hearing and vision loss was alr
7、eady in full swing. She asked me to play piano for her. 奶奶的听力和视力急剧下降。她请求我弹钢琴给他听。,I eagerly complied, and played from the happy place within the heart. 我欣然答应,从心里面很高兴地为她弹了这首曲子。,In the midst of my musical expression I felt a warm hand gently grasp my left shoulder and in turning me around to her, it st
8、opped the playing. 在我用心弹奏时,突然感觉一双温暖的手抓住我的左肩膀然后把我转向她,我停止了弹奏。,With true sadness in her voice, she apologized and said, Your music, I know it is beautiful, but Im sorry, I just cant hear it any more.她道歉并伤心地说:“你的音乐非常动听,可惜我再也听不见了。”,Silent MeditationSecond movement of Beethovens Pathetique Sonata in C min
9、or, abridged.沉默冥想(贝多芬C小调悲怆奏鸣曲第二节,删减音乐演奏),Does music affect us spiritually? Its an easy question to ask. But to answer音乐真的会震撼我们的心灵吗?这个问题很多人会问起,可是要回答,There are immediately two problems that arise with this question: how do we define music, and how do we define spirituality? Well also briefly explore t
10、hose two questions.回答这个问题随之而来的是2个问题:我们如何定义音乐?我们又如何定义灵性?下面让我们简单地研究这2个问题。,Musical Example Improvise a group reading. 音乐示例 即兴演奏一曲,Were any of you moved by what you just heard? While listening, did any of you experience images? Did any experience specific thoughts? 你们当中有没有人被刚才所听见的音乐感动呢?在听的过程,有没有什么想象呢?有没
11、有人有什么特别的想法呢?(音乐有没有让你想些东西呢?),While listening, did any of you resolve any issues or solutions to problems? What I played I improvised; I made it up, just now. It was a musical conversation with you. 听的时候,有没有从中受启发找到一些解决问题的灵感呢?我所弹的是即兴创作的,是我刚刚作的。它是和你们进行的音乐对话。,It was what I call a group reading, meaning i
12、t was a musical portrait of all of you together, of the energy, of this space, of this moment.我把他们叫做集体音乐阐释,它是我们大家此时此刻在这里的一个音乐描述。,What happened just now? Why were some of you moved? Why were some of you not touched or even impressed by what you just heard?刚才发生了什么?为什么你们当中有人感动了?为什么有些没有,甚至还有些无动于衷?,One r
13、arely gets to make a promise about the results of a presentation, but experience has shown that what youre about to hear today will change the way you listen to music for the rest of your life. I invite you to hold me to this promise.很少有人会对一场演讲或报告的结果作出承诺,但是经验告诉我,你今天即将听到的将会改变你未来听音乐的方式。请相信我的承诺,朋友!,Mus
14、ic PerspectiveId like to read a quote, but as it contains some less common musical terms, Id like to clarify them for you.音乐观我想给你们读一则引言,但是其中涉及一些不常见音乐的术语,我想先给大家解释一下。,Weve all heard of musical scales and keys, such as major and minor. All a scale is, is the relationship of the pattern of adjacent note
15、s.我们都知道在音乐中有音阶和调式,比如大调和小调.所谓大调就是相邻音符之间模式的关系。,Some notes sound like they are very close to each other, such as E and F play; sounds this close are called a half step; some, such as D and E, sound a little further apart play, and are called a whole step. 在音乐中,有些音听起来非常的相近,比如E 和F音符(弹奏演示),我们称他们之间隔半个音。在比如
16、说D和 E音符之间隔的会远一点(弹奏演示),这就叫全音。,In the case of C major, the second and third notes are a whole step play C-D-E; in C minor, they are a half step play C-D-Eb. Thus the major and minor scales are pre-defined combinations of half steps and whole steps.在C大调中,第二个和第三个音符是全拍比如说C-D-E(弹奏演示)。而在C小调中他们是半拍(弹奏演示C-D-E
17、b),所以我们说大调和小调是全音程和半音程的即定混合。,Theres a special class of scales called modes. If you start on C and play without any black keys, you have played a major scale play.音阶有一种特别的调式,如果你从C弹起,不弹黑键,那么你是在弹大调(示范),,But if you start on D and play without any black keys, the half step whole step relationship is alter
18、ed. 但是如果你从D开始,不弹黑键,半音和全音的关系就转变。相反你就在弹小调。,If I make the necessary adjustments and start on C, it sounds like this play C-D-Eb-F-G-A-Bb-C.整个的音阶关系被改变了。如果我做一些必要的调整从C开始弹,听起来(演示C-D-Eb-F-G-A-Bb-C)。,Again, they are play both modes. Each letter name begins its own mode. The C mode, or major, which you just h
19、eard, is called the Ionian mode.以同样的方式再弹一遍这两种调式。不同字母开始有不同的调式。就象刚才听到的那样C调,也称做爱奥尼亚调式,,The one that starts on D is called, the Dorian; E, the Phrygian play mode, then chords F6-E, F, the Lydian, and so on.以首调唱名re为主音的叫多利亚调式,以首调唱名mi为主音的叫弗里几亚调式,以首调唱名fa为主音的叫利底亚调式等等。,The reading,Now the reading. One importa
20、nt Western scientist who you may know summarizes our experience of music this way:下面我读一位著名的西方科学家对我们音乐之路的概括:,The reading,even a melody suggests personality, because the musical modes are essentially different, and people who hear different ones are affected differently. 。即使最简单的曲调也是一种性格的折射,。从本质上来说音乐的调
21、式是互不相同的并且对于听者的影响也是不同。,The reading,Some modes make people sad, like the Mixolydian mode, others make the mind weak, like the modes that make you relax. 有一些音乐会使人们黯然伤心。正如所谓的混合里第亚调式。有些其他调式会使我们放松,会让人心平气和。,The reading,Another, again, produces a moderate and settled temper, which appears to be the peculiar
22、 effect of the Dorian; the Phrygian inspires enthusiasm. 那么还有,而且对多利亚调式都有特殊的影响。弗里几亚调式会激发人们的热情。,The reading,The whole subject has been well treated by philosophical writers on this branch of education, and they confirm their arguments with facts.这个课题被这方面的教育哲学作家认真地研究过。而且他们用事实证实他们的观点是对的。,The reading,The
23、 same principles apply to rhythms; some have a character of rest, others of motion, and of those, some seem vulgar, others are more noble. 这一原则也同样适用于旋律。有些是静的而有些是动的。有些动的很粗俗,有些却很优雅。,The reading,Enough has been said to show that music has a power of forming a persons character, and should therefore be
24、introduced into the education of the young. 足够的证据说明了音乐有一种力量,可以形成一个人的性格,因此他应该为作为青少年教育的一部分。,The reading,The study is suited to the stage of youth, for young persons are impatient with learning unless it is sweetened by pleasure, and music has a natural sweetness.这项研究对于处在青少年阶段的人很有用。能帮助他们度过很多艰难时刻。,The r
25、eadingend,There seems to be in us a sort of affinity to musical modes and rhythms, which makes some philosophers say that the soul is music, others, that it possesses music.对于我们来说,音乐风格及韵律似乎很具有吸引力,有些哲学家说灵魂即是音乐,还有些说灵魂拥有着音乐。,This very modern assessment was not written by Jonathan Goldman, Don Campbell,
26、 or Steven Halpern, all current Western pioneers of the effects of music on the listener, but was written over 2,000 years ago in 350 B.C.E. by one you know as Aristotle .这种非常现代的理论并非是由Jonathan Goldman, Don Campbell或Steven Halpern等这些莫扎特追崇者所提出和倡导的,而是由著名的亚里斯多德公元前边350年(距今2000多年前)所编写。,Two mythsBefore we
27、go further, Id like to show you two myths. 2个谜 在继续向下的讨论前,我想先揭开两个神秘问题的面纱.,Are any of you tone deaf? This means that you cannot tell if musical notes go up or down.你们当中有人认为自己无法辨别音调吗?也就是说你无法辨别音符的升降.(如果有,请举手.),If any of you who raised your hand talk in monotone talk in a monotone like I am talking now,
28、please keep your hand up.刚才举手的人,如果你们说话也像我这样单调刻板地,请不要把手放下.,It is really quite simple: if you talk with inflection in your voice (your voice goes “up” and your voice goes “down”), and you talk with tones (Mma m m de m ma? 妈妈骂马的麻吗?), that is prima facie evidence that you are not tone deaf.其实非常简单:如果你说话时
29、,声调跟随改变,变化音调(即声音一会高一会低)。比如说”妈妈骂马麻么”这初步证明你不是音调盲。,Tone deafness does exist, but very few people are tone deaf. It is a myth that many people are tonedeaf; they simply have not been trained to sing.音调盲这种的人是存在的但是非常少,很多人被认为是音调盲是因为他们没有经过正规的歌唱训练。,Another myth: Are any of you not musical? 另外一个误解:你们当中有人认为自己不
30、具有音乐天赋吗?,If any of you who raised your hand dont enjoy listening to any type of music please keep your hand up. 手总是有举起来的 你们这些举手的人当中有不喜欢任何风格的音乐的,请不要把手放下。,Aristotle suspected that music is language, but it was not proven until about twenty-four years ago. Brain scans show that music that is understood
31、 is processed in the speech centers of the brain right along with spoken language.亚里斯多德认为音乐是一种语言。直到20年前才证实了这件事情。大脑程序显示:音乐理解中枢正是位于大脑的语言中枢,和说话是在一起的。,If you enjoy listening to any kind of music, then you understand that musical language, therefore you are “musical.” Another myth exposed.如果你喜欢听各种音乐,那你就理
32、解音乐语言,你就具有音乐天赋。第二个谜也揭开了。,Well explore this language component of music a little later, as it has everything to do with musics spirituality.我们呆会儿再讨论音乐的组成部分,因为他们每部分都和音乐的灵性有关。,the question of Beethovens deafnessA quick Western history: 由贝多芬的聋提出的问题回顾西方历史:,Aristotle, Pythagoras, Middle Ages, Dark Ages, R
33、enaissance, Bach, Mozart, and along comes Beethoven who writes his last few symphonies while totally deaf. Completely deaf! Is that amazing or what?!? 从亚里斯多德,毕达哥拉斯,到中世纪,黑暗时代,文艺复兴,巴赫,莫扎特以及到贝多芬,他最后在失去听觉的情况下创作的几曲交响乐,他当时完全是聋的。是奇迹吗还是什么?,Ill tell you how he did it a little later, but first, lets define mu
34、sic.我等一下再跟大家谈谈他是怎么做的。首先还是先让我们来定义下音乐。,Music definedWhat is music?音乐的定义什么是音乐?,It is usually defined as sound produced with an integrated structure of rhythm, harmony and melody. Not a very good definition, not really adequate. 通常的定义是节奏,和声, 旋律,相结合所产生的声音。这一定义实际上并不是非常精确.,To understand what it means, lets
35、 listen to sound that intentionally avoids rhythm, harmony and melody.为了进一步了解它的意思,我们先来共同探讨一下在没有节奏,和声, 旋律三要素情况下所发出的声音。,Music v Avant GardeMy experience in music school was not a happy one. 传统音乐和所谓的前卫音乐的对比 我在音乐学校的经历不是很快乐。,I was not very mature. I also wanted to be a classical composer but the schools
36、wanted composers to create avant garde sound. 除了我自己的不成熟之外,那时我想成为一个古典音乐的作曲家,但是学校却试行前卫创新声乐。,They called it avant garde music, to separate it from classical, romantic or modern music. 这种称它为”前卫音乐”,是为了区分开古典音乐,浪漫音乐或现代音乐。,Just as early 20th Century composers experimented with new ways of combining notes, t
37、he avant garde movement experimented with the elimination of the elements of rhythm, harmony and melody. 在20世纪早期,作曲家们尝试去掉传统音乐的三元素,这种先锋派创新音乐运动掀起了没有节奏,和声, 旋律的音乐尝试。,It was a clever and innovative idea, but over all it did not work. Ive since learned that it really is not a musical sonic experience, and
38、 I instead call it an avant garde sonic experience. 这是一种聪明和创新的想法,但是最后还是没成功。从此我发现这并不是一种音乐音波经历,相反我称它先锋派的音波尝试。,This name change does not mean it is bad; just as there is good and bad music, there is good and bad avant garde. Heres a brief improvised example of a bad avant garde sonic experience.这种名字的改变
39、并不意味着非常糟糕。正如音乐有糟糕的和美妙的。先驱派的尝试也有好的和不好的。下面示范一个简短的,不是很好的即兴声波前卫的例子。,I just improvised a short piece that had no obvious rhythm, harmony or melody.,It used the keyboard, right? Therefore it is music, right? Wrong! To help us understand why it is wrong, lets look at the potter and the sculptor. 我们是用琴键弹的,是
40、吗?因此他就是音乐,对吗?错!答案是错的。为了进一步地说明为什么是错的,让我们看看雕刻家和陶工的区别。,They both use clay. If you were to go to a pottery exhibit and all you saw were sculptures, you probably would be disappointed, even if the sculpture was good. 他们都需要用粘土。如果你去陶器展览会,所看到的都是雕刻/雕塑,即使雕塑都是特别好的上乘品,你很可能也会觉得失望。,Similarly, making esthetic judg
41、ments about the pottery based upon sculpting standards would simply be unfair. 同样地,用雕刻的审美标准去衡量陶瓷品也是很不公平的。,Guess what: this is why Westerners get upset when they go to a music concert and a piece of avant garde is sneaked in under the guise of modern music. 想想:这也就是为什么西方人去听音乐会的时候,本来是现代音乐,突然插了一支”前卫”曲,是
42、多么不和众,让人不舒服。,They didnt go to see sculpture; they went to see pottery. And the esthetic standards simply dont hold up. 正如他们是去看陶器品,而不是去看雕刻品。审美标准是不同的。,The reason bad music and bad avant garde is bad is because they fail to communicate something meaningful within the limits of their respective standard
43、s.之所以说是糟糕的音乐和不好的前卫音乐是因为他们没有在各自的标准范围内进行有效的沟通。,If it is good, it communicates. The distinction between music and avant garde, between pottery and sculpture, is the same as the difference between English and Chinese.如果是好的音乐就能表达出好的意思。传统音乐和前卫的区别就好比雕刻和陶瓷。更好比英国人和中国人的区别。,It is a matter of language and commu
44、nication.只不过是语言和交流的问题罢了。,Pendercki: TrenodyI would like to play part of an avant garde piece that does communicate. 潘德列茨基我想弹部分能够沟通的前卫音乐给大家听。,Penderekis “Trenody: Tribute to the Victims of Hiroshima” is an avant garde tone poem. 潘德列茨基的Trenody :致敬,向受害者广岛”是一个前卫的语气诗。,You hear the early morning of the ci
45、ty of Hiroshima, the waking up, the hustle and bustle, the traffic, the conversations. .你听到清晨的城市广岛,唤醒,喧嚣拥挤,交通,交谈。,You hear something bad and unknown is about to happen. You hear the plane as it approaches, you hear the bomb drop. Then you hear the tragedy.你听到什么意料之外的事情即将发生。你听见了飞机的临近,听到了炸弹的降落,接着听见了悲剧。
46、,Like good music, this is a powerful, compelling work of art, and like music, it uses a large string orchestra. But it lacks conventional melody, harmony and rhythm. The medium may be the same, but it is not music. 像其他好的音乐一样,刚才弹的是一个强有力,引人注目的艺术作品,它用了大量管弦乐。但是它却没有传统的节奏,和声, 旋律。采用的音乐工具也许是一样的,但不是音乐。,Here
47、is Pendrekis “Trenody: Tribute to the Victims of Hiroshima.” 这里是pendreki的“ trenody :致敬,向受害者广岛” 。,Music as languageHow do we know music is language? 音乐语言我们怎么知道音乐是语言呢 ?,Here are pictures of the brain scans that show how spoken language and music work in the brain the same way. 以下罗列了几张大脑的语言功能和音乐功能的脑部扫描
48、图.,The first shows the areas of the brain when someone is creating a melody. 以下罗列了几张大脑的语言功能和音乐功能的脑部扫描图.第一张是人们在创作歌曲旋律部分的脑部区域,The second shows the areas of the brain when someone is creating a spoken sentence. 第二张是人们在说话时的脑部区域图,The third shows the two compared.第三张显示的是两者的区别.,How do we know music is lang
49、uage? We now know about the brain scans. We already heard Aristotle describe music as language. 我们怎么知道音乐是语言呢 ?.我们现在都知道有关的脑部扫描。.我们已经听到亚里士多德看到的音乐语言。,Wagner incorporated what he called leitmotifs, themes that represented people, places and things. Others wrote tone poems to paint musical pictures of people, places and things. 瓦格纳列入他所谓的leitmotifs 主题,代表人物,地方和事物。.还有些用语气诗来描绘有关人民,地方和事物的音乐图画。,