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1、Chapter Four,Greece,Aegean Civilization,Minoan Culture - Crete(2) Mycenaean Greece - Mycenae: home of King Agmemnon,Basic Greek Timeline, 2500 BCE,338 BCE,Minoans (lived on Crete),Mycenaeans (mainland),Dorians invaders (dark age),Ionians “the Greeks”,elements),(brought back Mycenaean,Minoan Civiliza

2、tion,2000-1400 B.C.E.King Minoss “sea empire”The palace at Knossos,Daedalus, in Greek mythology, the Athenian craftsman, architect and inventor who designed for King Minos of Crete the labyrinth in which was imprisoned the Minotaur, a man-eating monster that was half man and half bull. The labyrinth

3、 was so skilfully designed that no one could escape from the maze or the Minotaur.http:/,Illustration of the Palace of Knossos,http:/ at Knossos,The Queens megaron, Palace of Minos, Knossos, c. 1600-1400 B.C.E. Vanni/Art Resource, NY.,View of the throne room, pa

4、lace of Minos, Knossos, Crete, with a heavily restored fresco depicted griffins. Vanni/Art Resource, NY.,http:/,http:/,Minoan Fresco : bull leaping,Boxing Children, from Akrotiri, Thera,

5、c. 1650-1500 B.C.E. Fresco, 9 x 3 1 high. National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Nimatallah/Art Resource, NY.,Crocus Gatherer, from Thera, pre-1500 B.C.E. Fresco, appox. 35 x 32. National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Archaeological Society at Athens.,http:/

6、ml/minoanpainting3.html,Blue Bird. Fresco from Knossos. Late Minoan IA, 1550 BC.,Octopus Vase, from Palaikastro, Crete, c. 1500 B.C.E. 11 high. Archaeological Museum, Herakleion, Crete. Scala/Art Resource, NY.,“The Minoans seem to have been the first ancient culture to produce art for its beauty rat

7、her than its function. . . . Art in Mesopotamia and Persia served political and religious purposes; while compelling and aesthetically very sophisticated, the art served a larger purpose. The Minoans, however, not only decorated their palaces, they decorated them with art; they used art for pleasure

8、. . . . Minoan art frequently involves unimportant, trivial details of everyday life . . . (rather than battles, or political events and leaders, and so on).”http:/,“This, perhaps, is the greatest Minoan legacy on the Greek world, for the great revolution in Greek

9、 art involves precisely this idea of producing art for pleasure only, that is, a purely aesthetic purpose for art: art for arts sake. ”http:/,The Mycenaeans,1600-1200 B.C.E.Time of Homers epicsHome of Agamemnon (conqueror of Troy),http:/

10、4913/aegeanhtml/mycptg1.html,Goddess, from the citadel of Mycenae, c. 1200 B.C.E. Fresco. National Archaeological Museum, Athens. Scala/Art Resource, NY.,http:/,The so-called Orpheus fresco from the Throne Room. Palace of Nestor at Pylos, 1300-1

11、250 BC.,http:/ Mask of Agamemnon,Rhyton in the shape of a lions head, from Mycenae, c. 1550 B.C.E. Gold, height 8. National Museum, Athens. Nimatallah/Art Resource, NY.,Lion Gate,1300-1250 BC,http:/,A fortified citadel,http:/

12、finearts/art/ahi4913/aegeanhtml/framesetmycenaen.html,Ancient Greece,The Heroic (Homeric) Age (1200-750 B.C.E.)Archaic Greece (750-480 B.C.E.)750-650 BC Oligarchical 650-480 BC Tyrants Athenian Democracy (480-430 B.C.E.),The Heroic Age(ca. 1200-750 BCE),Homer,Author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.Depi

13、cted the emergence of aristocrats.Competition between aristocratic households led to hero cults, such as Achilles and Odysseus.,Archaic Greece(ca.750-480 BCE),Rise of the Polis,750 BCEEach polis (city-state) was organized around a political and social urban center.,Colonization,Expansion of the Gree

14、k worldMagna Graecia Hellenism (Hellenes = Greeks)Panhellenism (all + Greeks)Oracle of DelphiGames at Olympia (776 B.C.E.),The Persian Wars,The Ionian Revolt (499-494 BCE)The Battle of Marathon (490 BCE)-the Athenians won without Spartans help The Battle of Salamis (480-479 BCE) Athens rises to the

15、forefront of Greek culture because of victory over Xerxes (Persia),The Golden Age (ca. 480-430 BCE),Athens,Acropolis,Solons Reform,c. 640-559 B.C.E.Set up courts with citizen juries Eligibility for political office based on property not birth citizen assembly: landowning males over 18 would particip

16、ate.,Pericles,(ca. 495-429 BCE) Democratic reforms The Assembly: central power of the state, consisting of all the free-born (no freed slaves) male citizens Public buildingspublic confidence Glorified Athens democracy in his famous Funeral Speech,Pericles, The Athenian Empire: taking control of the

17、Delian League Anti-Spartan foreign policy Advocated territorial expansion, a policy that eventually led to the Peloponnesian Wars.,http:/ society organized for war Dual monarchy + an oligarchy of five officialsRelied on helots (enslaved Messenians) for food and manual laborPopulation: helots : Spart

18、iate = 10 : 1 640 BC revolt of helots,The Peloponnesian War,Trigger: Athenian control of the Delian League 454 BCE Athens moved the treasury from Delos to Athens and began to keep 1/6 of all the revenueThe Delian League became the Athenian Empire.431- 404 BCE27 yearsSparta defeated Athens.,Aftermath

19、,30 tyrants in AthensWar brought demoralization and a questioning of former certaintiesShows the limitation of the polis system?,The Hellenic Age (800 BCE - 323 BCE)The Hellenistic Age (323 BCE - 30 BCE)The Greco-Roman Age (30 BCE - 476 CE),Greek Drama,The Origin of Greek Tragedies http:/www.watson.

20、org/leigh/drama.html,The great dramatic festival of Athens was held in the spring in the theatre of Dionysus, to the south-east of the Acropolis. The theatre in Athens never became an everyday amusement, as it is today, but was always directly connected with the worship of Dionysus, and the performa

21、nces were always preceded by a sacrifice. The festival was only held once a year, and whilst it lasted the whole city kept holiday.,Masters,Tragedy: Aeschylus (525-456 BCE) Sophocles (496-406 BCE) Euripides (485-406 BCE)Comedy: Aristophanes (ca. 448-382 BCE),Format,2-3 actors (male) wearing masks, w

22、ith a chorus of 12-15 members changing commentary on the action.,MASKShttp:/ of the original masks survive from the days of the Greek theatre, however, marble masks like this are found as part of sculptural decoration of buildings, giving us a good idea of what the Greek masks looked like.,Key Terms

23、From M.H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms,Tragedy,In Poetics, Aristotle defined tragedy as “the imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in itself,” in the medium of poetic language and in the manner of dramatic rather than of narrative presentation, involv

24、ing “incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish the catharsis of such emotions.”,Catharsis,Purgation, or purificationMany tragic representations of suffering and defeat leave an audience feeling not depressed, but relieved, or even exalted.,Tragic Hero,Able to evoke pity and fearNeith

25、er thoroughly good nor thoroughly bad, but “better than we are.”Such a man is exhibited as suffering a change in fortune from happiness to misery because of his mistaken choice of an action, to which he is led by his harmatia.,Hamartia,Literally, “error of judgment,” or tragic flaw.One common form o

26、f harmatia in Greek tragedies was hubris, that “pride” or overweening self-confidence which leads a protagonist to disregard a divine warning or to violate an important moral law.,Elements of Plot,Anagnorisis: discovery of facts previously unknown to the heroPeripeteia: a reversal of fortune from ha

27、ppiness to disasterCatastrophe,Philosophy,The Greek philosophers made the speculative leap from myth to logos, from supernatural to natural explanations of the unknown. (94),The Pre-socratics,Cosmologists,Natural philosophyThe 6th century BCEIn the Greek cities of Ionia in Asia MinorBelieved that “s

28、ome single, eternal, and imperishable substance . . . gave rise to all phenomena in nature” (Perry) 老子: “一生二, 二生三, 三生萬物”,Cosmologists,Moving from myth to reasonMaterialists or matter philosophers Thales (624-548 BCE): WaterAnaximander (611-547 BCE) and Anaximenes (586-525 BCE): the Boundless 混沌 (氣?)

29、,Cosmologists,Pythagoras (580-507 BCE)Lived in Magna Graecia in southern ItalyBelieved that the essence of things was not matter but number.,Cosmologists,Parmenides (515-450 BCE)Lived in southern ItalyReality (the ONE) known only through the mind (Plato), not through the senses (Aristotle)A precurso

30、r of Plato,The Sophists,智者 或 詭辯學派Around 450 B.C.E.Moved from natural philosophy to the human worldA group of traveling scholar-teachersPrimary concern: language Profession: rhetoric / oratory,The Sophists,Philosophical relativistsNo truth but opinions: Believed that perceptions and judgments are rel

31、ative and subjectiveAbandoned philosophys claim to truth and gave priority to rhetoric,Protagoras(485-410 BCE)James Harmon Hoose Library of Philosophy, USC http:/ Sophists doctrines encouraged disobedience to law, neglect of civic duty, and selfish individualism.,Socrates,(470-399 B.C.E.)“Know thyse

32、lf”: The oracle at Delphi is said to have proclaimed Socrates the wisest man in Greece, to which Socrates said that if so, this was because he alone was aware of his own ignorance. “The unexamined life is not worth living.”,Socrates,The rational god = the highest good Unlike the Sophists, Socrates b

33、elieved in certainties. Truth is real. Absolute standards do exist. “Virtue is knowledge.” As we are all rational, once we know whats the highest good, we want to achieve moral excellence.,Socrates,Questioning received truthexamine everything The dialectical method: a dialogue,http:/

34、licdefender/socrates.htm,Plato vs. Aristotle,Plato,ca.428-347 BCESchool: the Academy (in Athens),The School of Athens, by Raphael,http:/,http:/,Plato:Theory of Ideas,A two-level realityIdeas / sense experience mi

35、nd / body eternal forms / copies, shadows intangible / tangible,Plato: Ethics,The guiding light of all individual and social action is the idea of the Good.Virtue is a form of knowledge; no one can act against his better knowledge.,Plato: the Just State,Book: The RepublicAn elitist stateRule by the

36、wisest: Philosopher-kings,Plato and the Poets,Plato would ban poets from his republic. Why?,Plato and the Poets,He believed that poets (1) lie, in other words, neither know the truth nor disseminate it; (2) lead children and young people astray with false notions; (3) present and copy not the ideas,

37、 but images of images,Aristotle,384-322 B.C.E.Universal Ideas could not be determined without examination of particular things.,Aristotle,Through human experience with things themselves, the essence (Form, or universals) of these things can be discovered through reason.,Aristotle: Ethics,Happiness c

38、omes from exercising reason in practical affairs.Virtue “Nothing in excess”pursuing the golden mean between two extremes,Aristotle: Politics,To live the good life, a person must do so as a member of a political community.“The best political community is formed by citizens of the middle class”,Aristotle,Limitations: 1. Barbarians = slaves 2. Women were excluded from the polis. 3. Aims to maintain the existing social hierarchy.,The End,


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