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1、笔译教学与实践方法谈,华东师范大学 张春柏,笔译的教与学:从宏观到微观宏观:文化对比微观:三个主要层次:词汇句子语篇,1.1 词汇层面(形式、意义)1.1.1 词汇的形式:英语词汇的形态变化,如:1. 同一个词不同的词性(e.g. arrive, arrival, to arrive, arriving;beauty, beautiful, beautify; inform, informative, information)2. 各类词的不同语法形式,如名词的性、数、格和动词的时态、语态、语气等,e.g.(1) 他去看儿子去了. (son, sons?)(2) Johns book(3) A

2、: Dad, I missed you. B: Missed or miss? A: Both.,(4) A: You cant arrest me. Im Norfolk. B: You were Norfolk. -Queen Ilizabeth,“黔之驴”:(5) 突然, 驴子叫唤了一声, 老虎以为它要咬自己, 便吓得逃走了.(6) 几天以后,老虎听惯了驴子的叫声, 不再那么害怕了。(7) 驴子不仅大叫起来,并用后蹄狠狠地踢老虎.,(5a) gave a loud bray(6a) got used to the donkeys braying (cf. brays)(7a) not o

3、nly brayed loudly,(9)随后跳舞开始了。(9a) Then they danced.(9b) Then they began to dance.(9c) Then the dance began.(9d) Then dancing began.,1.1.2 词汇的意义1) 词义的确定问题 村民们向解放军战士泼水,他们也笑着回敬. cf. 1a) smiled and splashed back 1b) splashed back smilingly 1c) laughed and splashed back 1d) splashed back laughingly,2) 在高

4、度竞争化的时代,建立一个国际性的分销与服务网络十分迫切。 In this competitive world, it is urgent to set up an international distribution and after-service network.,3) 这是中国从几十年的建设中得出的经验.That is what we have learned from decades of development.4)社会主义中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治,永不称霸。Socialist China should show the world through it

5、s actions that it opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony.,5) 1979年10月去英国,第一次看到国外的情况,对比自己的国家,我心里比较难受。 Ref. In October, 1979 I went to England. There I came to see conditions quite new to me; comparing them with those in my own country I could not help feeling dishearten

6、ed,2. Connotation and denotation. E.g. 1) 菊花,龙 2) Shall I compare thee to a summers day?,中国哲学:天人合一,物我交融,和谐,悟性:求全,求圆满,求对称,平衡,心领神会,心理时空的顺序。反映在语言上:重意合,主动语态,重复全面,平衡对称,D. 词汇(句子)的节律性(esp. when put in sentences). E.g. A) 汉语中的双音节词和词组(时间,年龄,etc.) 1) She is twenty-five and beautiful. 2) But you couldnt tell m

7、e what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. Youve never stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling. (Good Will Hunting),3) 高耸入云腰缠万贯风和日丽/美不胜收,etc.4) 风和日丽之时,佘山、金山、崇明岛隐隐可见。原译:On a day of gentle breeze and bright sun, the Tower dominates an indistinct view of 改译:On a fine day, you can even see

8、 in the distance, though not very clearly.,5) Puritans, a sizeable percentage of the earliest settlers in Massachusetts, were a pious, self-disciplined people, but they. 原译: 最 早 到 麻 州 定 居 的 移 民 中, 相 当 大 一 部 分 是 清 教 徒 , 他 们 是 虔 诚 的 和 严 于 律 已 的 人。试比较: -大多为虔诚自律的清教徒,6) In the doorway lay at least twelve

9、 umbrellas of various colors and sizes. ?门口堆着至少十二把各种颜色和尺寸的伞,Ref. 门口堆着一堆伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一,7) 两千一百万台湾同胞都是中国人,都是骨肉同胞、手足兄弟。(江泽民八项主张)The 21million compatriots in Taiwan are all Chinese and our own flesh and blood.,2. 句子(Sentences)A. Hypotaxis vs. parataxis (形合与意合)1) When he was walking across the stree

10、t, he was knocked down by a car.2)If you dont go there, I wont go either.3) If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?,4) 幽幽岁月,苍海桑田5) 门铃一响,来了客人,从不谢客,礼当接待5) Suddenly the bell rang, announcing the arrival of a visitor. As I had never rejected any guest, I thought I should this one as well.,B. Static v

11、s. dynamic (静态与动态)1) 孔 子 的 家 里 很 穷, 但 是 他 从 小 就 认 真 读 书, 刻 苦 学 习。 二 十 多 岁 的 时 候, 做 了 个 小 官。 他 很 有 学 问, 办 事 认 真, 工 作 出 色, 三 十 岁 左 右, 就 已 经 很 出 名 了。 1a) He became a petty official in his early twenties. As he was learned, worked in earnest and made an outstanding showing in performing his duties, he h

12、ad already earned a high reputation by the age of thirty.,Revised:1b) He became a petty official in his early twenties. By the age of thirty he had already earned a high reputation for his profound knowledge and earnest attitude towards his work as well as his outstanding performance.,2) 一架从昆明起飞的小飞机

13、,载着我们,飞越群山,把我们送到了景洪.2a) ?A small plane took off from Kunming, carried us, flew over the mountains, and sent us to Jinghong.,Improved:2b) A small plane from Kunming flew over the mountains and sent us to Jinghong. (back translation),3) 公元前278年, 也就是屈原六十二岁那年,他在汩罗江边, 听到秦国军队攻 破了楚国的国都, 便怀着悲痛的心情, 抱了一块石头,投汩

14、罗江自杀 了。,3a)? In 278BC, Qu Yuan was 62. Beside the Miluo River, he heard the news that the army of Qin had broken through the capital of Chu. He was so heartbroken that he held a stone, jumped into the river, and killed himself.,3b) In the year of 278 B.C., when he was 62 and staying at the side of t

15、he Miluo River, Qu Yuan heard that Qin troops had finally conquered Chus capital. Overwhelmed with grief and despair, he drowned himself in the river, with a large stone in his arms.,4) Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves and by dim lamps.,4a) 党的干部住寒冷的窑洞,吃简陋的饮食,靠微弱的灯光,长时间

16、地工作着。,C. Substitutive vs. reiterative (替代与重复)etc. (substitution vs. repetition)1) 他不懂法语,我也不懂法语.1a) He doesnt know French. Neither do I.2) 三弦兄,钢琴呢? 钢琴怎么不见了? 钢琴被人偷走了.快抓小偷,3) Shakespeares characters are really alive, so are some of Jane Austins. 3a) 莎 士 比 亚 戏 剧 中 的 人 物 都 是 生 活 中 的 现 实 人 物, 简. 奥 斯 汀 小 说

17、 中 的 有 些 人 物 也 是 生 活 中 的 现 实 人 物。( 汉 语 中 不 省 略),4) 五四运动是反帝国主义的运动,又是反封建的运动。五四运动的杰出的历史意义,在于它带着为辛亥革命还不曾有的姿态,这就是彻底地不妥协地反帝国主义和彻底地反封建主义。五四运动所以具有这种性质,是五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。五四运动是当时无产阶级世界革命的一部分。,4a) The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist as well as an anti-feudal movement. Its outsta

18、nding historical significance is to be seen in a feature, which its thorough and uncompromising opposition to imperialism as well as to feudalism. The May 4th Movement possessed.The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, of the Russian revolution, and of Lenin. It was

19、part of ,5) A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.,5a) 要了解一个人,可以看他交什么样的朋友,可以看他看什么样的书,因为有的人跟人交朋友,有的人跟书交朋友,但不管跟人交朋友还是

20、跟书交朋友,都应该交好朋友,D. 词序问题,试比较:1) I havent read this book.1a) 我没看过这本书.1b) 这本书我没看过.2) 你不去我也不去.2a) I wont go there if you dont go.2b) If you dont go there, I wont go either.,3) Because/when/after/beforee.g.3a) I didnt go there because I was ill.3b) Because I was ill, I didnt go there.,4) (从前)海边住着一位渔夫。4a) A

21、t the seaside lived a fisherman.4b) A fisherman lived at the seaside.4c) There lived a fisherman at the seaside.(same structure, different meanings),E. 句子的拆与合 1) In 1979 he visited the US for the first time, where he met his first wife Jane.1a) 1979年他第一次去美国。在那里他遇到了他的第一任妻子Jane.,2) In 1979 he visited

22、the US for the first time. There he met his first wife Jane.a) 1979年他第一次去美国。在那里他遇到了他的第一任妻子Jane。(note: back translation. A question: is there any difference in the English versions above?),3) 山脚下有一座小屋, 屋子的周围有一道竹篱笆。或: 山脚下有一座小屋。屋子的周围有一道竹篱笆。3a) At the foot of the hill was a small hut with a bamboo fence

23、 around it.3b) At the foot of the hill was a small hut. Around the hut was a bamboo fence.,F. Information structure of the sentence,Grammatical analysis,Subject +predicate, e.g. 1a)John loves Mary. 1b) Mary loves John. 2a) There is a book on the desk. 2b) On the desk there is a book.,Information str

24、ucture,Halliday & Hasan(1976:27): INFORMATION the ordering of the text, independently of its construction in terms of sentences, clauses and the like, into units of information on the basis of the distinction into GIVEN and NEW,Theme: given/initial element/what is talked aboutTheme: new

25、/the rest of the sentence/what is about the theme,3a) Mr. Brown is their teacher.3b) Their teacher is Mr. Brown. (different presuppositions/answer different questions),cohesion,Cohesionis the means whereby elements that are structurally unrelated to one another are linked together, through the depen

26、dence of one on the other for its interpretation. (Halliday & Hasan, 1976: 27)(From sentence level to longer stretches of text such as paragraphs),e.g. 4) John is my friend. He is Marys husband. 5) John has lost his book/tooth.,acceptability vs grammaticality (text vs. non-text),6a) “Now comes the p

27、resident here. Its the window hes stepping through to wave to the crowd. On his victory his opponent congratulates him. Gentlemen and ladies. That you are confident in me honours me (from Halliday, 1978:134 ),Improved:6b) Now comes the president here. Hes stepping through the window to wave to the c

28、rowd. He was congratulated on his victory by his opponent. Gentlemen and ladies. That you are confident in me honours me,R1 T1 R2 R3 (constant theme),7) Most Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm. They prefer to discipline themselves.They pride themselves on their independence. They are prepared

29、 to take the initiatives.They will take any sort of job anywhere.They do not care to be looked afterThe average American changes or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.,2. Focused theme progression (Constant rheme),T1T2 R(R1=R2=R3=Rn)T3Tn,8) The Chinese people is a great people.

30、 The American people is a great people. The French people is also a great people.,3. Linear theme progressionT1 R1 T2(=R1) R2 T3(=R2) R3 TnRn 3.,9) Once upon a time there lived a fisherman at the seaside. He had a very greedy wife. This old woman asked the poor old man to catch at least 100 fish a d

31、ay, otherwise she would not give him anything to eat.,10) I met an old friend yesterday. He had a very beautiful wife who worked in a hospital. This hospital is the best one in our city.,11) Credit cards enable their holders to obtain goods and services on credit. They are issued by retail stores, b

32、anks, credit-card companies to approved clients. The banks or credit-card company settles the clients bills, invoicing him monthly and charging interest on any outstanding debts. Their profit comes from the high rate of interest charged. (mixture),Rheme-split progression (cf. linear theme progressio

33、n). :11) The students were divided into three groups. The first group. The second group. And the last group.,12) The play was very interesting, but I didnt enjoy it. A young man and a young woman troubled me. I turned around and looked at them, but they didnt pay any attention to me.,A point,All the

34、se patterns of thematic progression in English have their counter-parts in Chinese, but,汉语的逻辑率对英语的形态率,汉语:一、 时间的先后顺序, e.g.1) 听到这个消息,大家都高兴得跳了起来。2) 他父亲去世后,他再也没有吸过毒。,1) He decided to take a walk in the park when he finished the experiment.(cf. When he, he decided to)他做完实验后,决定去公园里散散步。,二、因果顺序:先因/条件后果,1)昨天

35、他生病了,所以没来。2)你不去我也不去。,3) 我老公他看你下岗了,舍不得花钱,就自己跑到电影院买了两张票,今天晚上请我们两个人去看电影。 (老房有喜),3a) My husband has bought two film tickets for us tonight, because youre laid off and have to cut your expenses.,4a) He didnt come because he was ill.4b) Because he was ill he didnt come.5a) I wont go there if you dont go.5

36、b) If you dont go there, I wont go either.(Note the different presuppositions),语篇翻译实例: 豫园 位于上海市南的豫园是著名的古典园林。花园的原主人姓潘,曾是明代四川省的布政使。花园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,二十年以后才建成。后来,潘家败落,其子孙急于出售,一些商人得以低价购入。以后豫园与城隍庙合并,成为其“西花园”。鸦片战争和太平天国时期,外国侵略者不止一次在此驻军,因此,历史上豫园屡经灾难,许多原有的丰采不复存在。,位于上海市南的豫园是著名的古典园林。花园的原主人姓潘,曾是明代四川省的布政使

37、。花园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,二十年以后才建成。 Yu Yuan Garden, located in the southern part of Shanghai, is a famous classical garden. The original owner of the garden, Pan, was once the governor of Sichuan Province during the Ming Dynasty. Construction of the garden started in 1558 but went on and off for lac

38、k of money. It did not come to completion till twenty years later.,前两句改译: The Yu Yuan Garden in the south of Shanghai is a famous classical garden. It was originally the private garden of a man named Pan, who was once the governor of Sichuan Province during the Ming Dynasty.,b) In the south of Shang

39、hai there is a famous classical garden named Yu Yuan Garden. It was.,第三句改译: The construction of the garden started in 1858, but it was not completed until twenty years later (because it went on and off) for lack of money.,Structure of the paragraph,1) introduction (of the garden)2) its original natu

40、re3) its construction4) change of hands5) its incorporation with the Temple6) its devastation during the Wars and its consequences,后来,潘家败落,其子孙急于出售,一些商人得以低价购入。以后豫园与城隍庙合并,成为其“西花园”。 When the Pans went into a decline, their descendants were eager to sell the garden, some businessmen bought it at a low p

41、rice. Later it was incorporated into the City God Temple to become its “West Garden”.,Later, it was bought by some businessmen at a low price from his desperate descendents when the family went into a decline. Some years after that it was incorporated into the City God Temple and became its “West Ga

42、rden”.,鸦片战争和太平天国时期,外国侵略者不止一次在此驻军,因此,历史上豫园屡经灾难,许多原有的丰采不复存在。 During the Opium War and the Taiping Revolution, foreign aggressors stationed their troops in the garden more than once. As a result, the garden experienced repeated devastation in its history and lost much of its original grandeur.,Improved

43、:,During the Opium War and the Taiping Revolution, the garden suffered repeated devastation by foreign aggressors/troops (stationed there) and, consequently, lost much of its original grandeur.,English translation(原译),T1 - R1 (Yu Yuan/ is)T2 - R2 (The original owner/ was)T3 - R3 (Construction of/sta

44、rted)T4 - R4 ( It/ did not come to completion.)T5 - R5 (Whentheir descendents)T6 - R6 (Later/ it was)T7 - R7 (During/foreign aggressors),Improved translation(改译后),T1R1 (In the south/thereYuan Garden)T2 (=R1)R2 (It/private garden)T3 (=R1)R3 (Its construction/ 20 years later)T4 (=R3, time adverbial)R4

45、T5 (=R3, time adverbial)R5T6 (= R3, time adverbial)R6,解放以后,在人民政府的关怀下,豫园经历了多次修复。最近一次在1987年,恢复了其东西部分 。豫园在1982年被列为国务院重点保护单位,是中国南方最优秀的园林之一。园内有亭台楼阁,有池塘和假山,景点超过40个,每天至少有一万人在园内游览。难怪人们说:“到上海不去豫园和城隍庙商场不算来过大上海。”,解放以后,在人民政府的关怀下,豫园经历了多次修复。最近一次在1987年,恢复了其东面部分 。Under the care of the peoples government since liber

46、ation, Yu Yuan Garden has gone through many renovations, with the recent one carried out in 1987 to restore its eastern part.,Since 1949, under the care of , Yu Yuan Garden has gone through many renovations, the most recent of which was done in 1987 when its eastern part was restored.,豫园在1982年被列为国务院

47、重点保护单位,是中国南方最优秀的园林之一。 The garden, placed under the special protection of the State Council since 1982, is one of the best gardens in South China.,改译:A) One of the best of its kind in the south of China, the garden was placed under special protection by the State Council of China in 1982.B) The garde

48、n , under the special protection of the State Council since 1982, is one of the best gardens in the south of China.,园内有亭台楼阁,有池塘和假山,景点超过40个,每天至少有一万人在园内游览。With pavilions, halls, chambers, towers, ponds and rockeries, it has more than 40 scenic spots. At least 10,000 people visit the garden every day.,


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