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1、Lesson 6: Which mountain is the highest?Bi 6: Ni no cao nht? I. ConversationsII. GrammarIII. PracticeIV. Reading ComprehensionV. Exercises Trang nhtI. Hi thoi (Conversations) 1. Trn chuyn bay ti th H Ni(On the flight to Hanoi capital)YAO: XIN LI. M CH HC TING VIT U?Excuse me. In America where do you

2、 study Vietnamese?Beth: Ti hc trng i hc CornellI study at the University of CornellCn anh, anh hc Trng i hc Tokyo phi khng?And you? You study at the Tokyo University, dont you?Yao: Khng. Ti hc ting Vit Trng Ngoi ng Osaka.No. I study Vietnamese at the Osaka University of Foreign Languages.Beth: Ch. R

3、t vui c gp anh y.Oh. I am very glad to meet you here.Chng ta s c dp thc hnh ting Vit.Well have a chance to practise Vietnamese.Ti cha c dp no i Nht, v vy khng bit v t nc anh.I havent had any chance to go to Japan, so I dont know much about your country.Ti ch bit ni Fuji cao nht Nht Bn.I only know th

4、at the Fuji mountain is the highest one in Japan.Yao: v Tokyo l thnh ph to nht Nht?(Laughing) And Tokyo is the biggest city in Japan?Beth: ng, ng.(Laughing) Right, right.Cn anh? Chc anh bit v nc M?And you? You must know much about the USA?Yao: Ti bit New York l thnh ph ln nht.I know New York is the

5、biggest city.V M c ta nh cao nht th gii.And in the USA there is the tallest building in the world.Beth: ng ri. Nhng l my nm trc.Yes. But it was yet some years ago.Cn by gi, hai ta nh cao nht th gii l Kuala Lumpur, th Malaysia.And now, the two tallest buildings in the world are in Kuala Lumpur, Malay

6、sias capital.Yao: Theo ch, nc no giu nht th gii?In your opinion, which country is the richest in the world?C phi l nc M khng?It that the USA?Beth: Ti ngh rng l nc Nht ca anh.I think that it is your Japan.Nc Nht giu hn nc M.Japan is richer than the USA.Ngi Nht cn c nht th gii.Japannese are most hard

7、-working in the world.Yao: Nhng ngi M thng minh hn phi khng?But are American more intelligent than them?Beth: Khng hon ton nh vy.Not quite.Yao: Ch c bit nhiu v Vit Nam khng?Do you know much about Vietnam?BETH: T lm.Very littleYAO: Vit Nam ni no cao nht?Which mountain is the highest in Vietnam?Beth:

8、Hnh nh l nh Phan-si-png.Maybe it is Phansipang submit.YAO: min bc hay min nam?In the north or in the south?BETH: min bc.In the north.YAO: min nam sng no to nht v di nht h ch?Which river sin the largest and the longest in the south?Beth: l sng M-Cng.That is Mekong river.N bt ngun t Trung Quc, chy qua

9、 Lo, Cambodia v Vit Nam.It rises from China, runs through Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.Yao: Cn min Bc ch c bit con sng no di nht khng?And in the north, do you know which river is longest?Beth: Ti bit. l sng Hng.I know. It is Hong (Red) river.Con sng ny cng bt ngun t Trung Quc.This river rises from Chi

10、na, too.Anh c bit Si Gn v H Ni, thnh ph no to hn khng?Do you know which city it bigger, Saigon or Hanoi?Yao: Si Gn to hn. N l thnh ph ln nht Vit Nam.Beth: Xin li. Anh n trng i hc no H Ni? i hc Quc gia hay i hc Ngoi ng?Sorry. Which university will you go, the National University or the University of

11、Foreign Languages?Yao: Ti n i hc Quc gia.Ill go to the National University.BETH: , may qu. Ti cng n .Oh, I am very lucky. Ill go there, too.2. nh bn (At the friends house)M: Hnh i! Ch Lan v ch Mi, ai cao hn?Hanh! Who is taller, Ms. Mui or Ms.Lan?H: Ch Mi cao hn.Ms. Mui is tallerM: Theo cu, ai tr hn?

12、According to you, who is younger?H: Ch Lan tr hn.Ms. Lan is younger.Cu v ch Oanh, ai cao hn?Who is taller, you or Ms. Oanh?M: Hai ngi cao bng nhau.The two persons have the same height.Cu v ch H, ai nng hn?Who is heavier, you or Ms. Ha?H: T nng bng ch y.I am as heavy as she is.M: lp cu, ai p nht?Who

13、is the most beautiful in your class?H: Vn Anh. N l ngi p nht th hai trng i hc ca t. Van Anh. She is second beautiful person at my university.N p nh trng rm.She is as beautiful as a full moon.II. Ng php (Grammar) tr v Bi 61. “bng“ means “as. as.“ or “so. as.“. For examples (V d):Ti cao bng bn ti.I am

14、 as tall as my friend.Ci nh ny rng bng ci nh kia.This house is as wide as that house.Note (Ch ): “bng“ is often used to compare things, animals, persons which nave the same height, length, weight,. (which are certainly measurable) “bng“ thng c dng so snh nhng vt, con vt, ngi c cng cao, di, trng lng.

15、 (c th o m c).Ti cao 1.60m (mt mt su mi).I am 1.60m tall.Bn ti cao 1,60 m.My friend is 1.60 m tall.Ti cao bng bn ti.I am as tall as my friend.2. You use “nh“ (as. as.) to compare when you cannot measure the concrete, exact size, height, length, weight,. of things, animals, persons Bn dng “nh“ so snh

16、 khi khng th o m c c th, chnh xc c, cao, di, trng lng. ca vt, ngi.ng y sc nh dao.He is as sharp as knife.C y p nh hoa She is as beautiful as flower.Ti thng minh nh anh ti. I am as clever as my elder brother.3. “hn“ means “more. than.“, “. er. than.Anh Takaoka cao hn ch Chikage.Mr. Takaoke is taller

17、than Mrs. Chikage.John thng minh hn ti.John is more intelligent than I am.4. “nht means “the most“, “the. est“.Anh y thng minh nht lp ny.He is the most intelligent in this class. Y VIT Anh cao nht.Viet Anh is the tallest here.Trong s cc bn ti, Hi ng p trai nht.Among my friends, Hai Dang is the most

18、handsome.5. In the negative sentences, the word “khng“ stand just before adjectives. Trong cu ph nh, t “khng“ ng ngay trc tnh t.Structure: khng + adjective + bng (nh, hn, nht)Cu trc: khng + tnh t + bng (nh, hn, nht)Anh y khng cao bng Ali.He is not so tall as Ali.Anh y khng cao hn Ali.He is not talle

19、r than Ali. Y ANH y khng cao nht.He is not the tallest here.6. The words “bng“, “nh“, “hn“, “nht“ stand not only after adjectives but also after adverbs Cc t “bng“, “nh“, “hn“, “nht“ khng ch ng sau tnh t m cn ng sau ph t. Examples;Hi chy nhanh nh tiHai runs as fast as I do.Hi chy nhanh hn bn ti.Hai

20、runs faster than my friend does.Sn chy nhanh nht.Son runs the fastest.7. The word “no“ has two meanings: “which“ and “any“.(T “no“ c hai ngha: “which“ v “any“).Sng Hng v sng M Cng, sng no di hn?Which one is longer, Hong river or Mekong river?Hu v H Ni, thnh ph no rng hn?Which city is larger, Hue or

21、Hanoi?Anh c chic bt no trong ti khng?Have you got any pen in your pocket?Ti cha c c hi no i Tokyo.I havent had any chance to go to Tokyo.8. The classifier “con“ usually stands before the nouns denoting animals (Lesson 5). But in Vietnamese, “con“ can combine with some nouns denoting animal-like thin

22、gs. These are special cases. You have to learn by heart. Loi t “con“ thng ng trc nhng danh t ch ng vt. Nhng trong ting Vit, “con“ c th kt hp vi mt s danh t ch nhng vt ging nh con vt. l nhng trng hp c bit. Bn phi hc thuc lng.con sng a rivercon ng a roadcon a dykecon thuyn a boatcon tu a shipcon mt an

23、 eyeCon ng ny rt tt.This road is very good.Con sng ny rt trong.This river is very clear.9. Ordinal number (S th t)th nht (u tin) the firstth hai the secondth ba the thirdth t the fourthth mi the tenthth mt trm the hundredthYou can say (Bn c th ni)Bi th nht or Bi mt(the first lesson) (Lesson 1)Bi th

24、mi Bi mi(the tenth lesson) (Lesson 10)III. THC HNH (PRACTICE) tr v Bi 61. Use “hn“, “nht“, “bng“ or “nh“ to make sentences according to the model below (Dng “hn“, “nht“, “bng“ hoc “nh“ t cu theo mu sau).Ci nh ny cao ci nh kiaThis house high that houseCi nh ny cao bng ci nh kia.This house is as high

25、as that house.Ci nh ny cao hn ci nh kia.This house is higher than that house.Ci nh ny cao nht.This house is the highest (tallest).a)b)c)d)e)g)Con b nyThis cowCon g nyThis chickenCon c vng nyThis gold fishCi bn ca tiMy tableng DuMr. DuCon sng nyThis riverbofatnngheavypnicerngwidecaotalltrongclearcon

26、b kiathat cowcon g kiathat chickencon c vng kiathat gold fishci bn nythis tableng VnhMr. Vinhcon sng qu tithe river in my home village2. Turn the above sentences with “hn“, “nht“, “bng“, “nh“ into the negative sentences (Chuyn nhng cu c “hn“, “nht“, “bng“, “nh“ trn thnh cu ph nh) Model (Mu):Ci nh ny

27、 khng cao bng ci nh kia.This house is not as high as that house.Ci nh ny khng cao hn ci nh kia.This house is not higher than that house.Ci nh ny khng cao nht.This house is not the tallest.3. Model (Mu): Lan Anh xin nh Thy An.Lan Anh is as pretty as Thuy An.Change it into the negative (Chuyn thnh cu

28、ph nh):Lan Anh khng xinh nh Thy An.Lan Anh is not so pretty as Thuy An.Change it into the question (Chuyn thnh cu hi):Lan Anh xinh nh Thy An phi khng?Lan Anh is as pretty as Thuy An, isnt she?Answer (Tr li) Khng. Lan Anh xinh hn Thy An.No. Lan Anh is more pretty than Thuy An.* Follow the above model

29、 (Tip tc theo mu trn)a) Anh y bo nh ch y.He is as fat as she is.b) Ch y p nh hoa.She is as beautiful as a flower.c) Ha gy nh ti.Hoa is as thin as I am.d) Cy ny xanh nh cy kia.This tree is as green as that tree.4. Transfer the sentences according to the model below(Chuyn i cc cu theo mu sau)Ci nh ny

30、khng cao bng ci nh kia. (thp)This house isnt so high as that house. (short)Ci nh ny thp hn ci nh kia.This house is shorter than that house.a) ng Nam khng giu bng ng Hi. (ngho)Mr Nam isnt so rich as Mr Hai. (poor)b) Ch y khng khe bng anh y. (yu)She isnt so strong as he is. (weak)c) Bt bi ca ti khng m

31、i bng bt bi ca anh. (c)My ballpen isnt so new as your ballpen. (old)d) Ti khng tr bng bn ti. (gi)I am not as young as my friend. (old)e) H Ni khng rng bng Si Gn.Hanoi isnt as big as Saigon. (small)5. Make questions according to the model below(t cu hi theo mu sau)Anh Dng cao hn anh Thn.Mr Dung is ta

32、ller than Mr Thin.Anh Dng v anh Thn, ai cao hn?Who is taller, Mr Dung or Mr Thin?Ci nh ny cao hn ci nh kia.This house is higher than that house.Ci nh ny v ci nh kia, ci no cao hn?Which one is higher, this house or that house?a) Ti tr hn bn ti.I am younger than my friend.b) Anh y gy hn ch y.He is thi

33、nner than she is.c) B H giu hn b Hoan.Mrs Ha is richer than Mrs Hoan.d) Ci i ny tt hn ci i kia.This radio is better than that radioe) Ci bn ny di hn ci bn phng ti.This table is longer than table in my room.f) Con chim nhanh hn con ra.A bird is faster than a tortoise.g) Con kin b hn con voi.An ant is

34、 smaller than an elephant.IV. C hiu (Reading comprehension) tr v Bi 6Bn c bit? (Do you know?)Ta nh cao nht th giiThe worlds tallest buildingNm 1995 cng ty Petronas Malaysia xy dng ta nh i chc tri trung tm th Kuala Lumpur. Ta nh ny gm hai thp song song, 88 tng v cao ti 450 mt. y l ta nh cao nht th gi

35、i hin nay.Hai thp sinh i l trung tm thng mi, ti chnh v du lch quc t.Ngoi ta nh i ny, Kuala Lumpur cn c THP MERANA CAO 421 MT. L THP CAO NHT CHU V CAO TH BA TH GII.Cng ti trung tm th Kuala Lumpur, ngi ta xy dng mt ct c cao nht th gii qung trng T do.Trc nm 1995, ta nh cao nht Kuala Lumpur l Maybank. N

36、h ngn hng ny cao 56 tng. Cn ta nh cao nht Malaysia trc nm 1995 th nm Penang - mt thnh ph bin du lch ni ting. N cao 60 tng.T ng (Vocabulary)ta nh building i, sinh i twincng ty company xy dng builtchc tri skyscraper trung tm centreth capital gm consist ofthp tower song song abreasttng storey cao heigh

37、t, highti to, till th gii worldhin nay now va justthng mi commercial ti chnh financialdu lch tourism quc t internationalngoi apart from CHU Asiath ba third ngi ta people, theyct c flagpole qung trng squaret do liberal, free trc beforengn hng bank nm locate, situatedbin sea ni ting famousV. BI TP (EX

38、ERCISES) tr v Bi 6a) Complete the following conversations(Hon thnh cc on hi thoi sau)1. H i! Anh Hong v anh Huy.?Ha!., Mr. Hoang or Mr. Huy?2. Anh Hong tr hn.Mr. Hoang is younger.3. Lan Anh.?Lan Anh.?4. . N THNG MINH NHT LP T.YES. SHE is most intelligent in my class.Cn cu, cu. ?And you.?5. Khng. T k

39、hng chm nht lp.No. I am not most hard-working in the class.* *6. H Ni v Hu, thnh ph.?.Hanoi or Hue?7. H Ni rng hn.Hanoi is larger.8. Thnh ph H Ni. ?Hanoi city.?9. Khng. N khng ln nht. Si Gn.No. It isnt biggest. Saigon.10. H Ni.?Hanoi.?11. . N LN HN HI PHNG.Yes. It is bigger than Haiphong.b) Make que

40、stion according to the model below(t cu hi theo mu sau)Ti khng mua ci bt no.I dont buy any pen.Ti mua mt ci bt.I buy one pen. Anh (ch,.) c mua ci bt no khng?Do you buy any pen?1. Ti khng nh t no.I dont remember any word.2. Ti lm hai bi tp.I do two exercises.3. Ch y khng yu ngi no.She doesnt love any

41、body.4. Anh y khng dch bi no.He doesnt translate any text.5. Ti khng gp ngi no .I dont meet anybody there.6. Ti mn hai ci gh.I borrow two chairs.c) Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese(Dch cc cu sau sang ting Vit)1. Who is older, Mr. Ali or Mr. John?2. Mr. Long is the oldest here.3. He runs faster than me.4. My daughter is as beautiful as a flower.5. She doesnt love any one.6. Have you got any ballpen?7. Which country is richer, Japan or the USA?8. I am not so hard-working as my friend.9. Whi


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