1、1东南亚食品与生产、包装机械(广西)交易会成功举办继中国东盟博览会在南宁成功举办之后,南宁在国内会展经济中的地位迅速提高在中国国际经济技术交流中心大力支持下,国家商务部首次批准在广西举办的国际性食品行业专业展览会 2005 东南亚食品与生产包装机械(广西)交易会于 2005 年 3 月 31 日-4 月 3 日在广西展览馆举办,来自山东上海广东福建广西等省市共 179 家企业以及东南亚各国企业参加了交易会,其中食品生产包装机械特别畅销,成交金额约 320 万元 来自上海申佳机械工贸有限公司价值 38 万的包装设备于开幕前 1 天就已成交,佛山奥弛机电设备有限公司带来的 4 套饮料罐装设备成交了
2、 3套,青岛电子检测仪器厂带来的食品金属检测仪沈阳韩星纸杯机械有限公司的纸杯和纸盒模型机销售一空,深圳敦兴实业发展有限公司的果冻袋包装机也取得了丰厚成果,袁征总经理在接受采访时表示,虽然这届交易会在参观人次上并不能和上海等大型城市举办的食品机械交易会相比,但是他相信,在东南亚市场,食品机械行业是一个非常有前途的市场,在这次交易会上,他们带过来的机器就被柳州的一家企业订下,而且有越南企业就价格问题和他们在交易会上进行了洽谈,今后极有可能达成协议本次交易会上,唯一一家没有带设备来参展的青岛冷饮食品设备厂也没有被冷落,有十多家越南公司详细询问了他们的设备情况2交易会 52 家设备参展厂家中有 37
3、家确定明年将继续参展 在食品和农特产品区,一些著名企业也通过交易会和相关的代理经销商取得了联系,并初步确立了合作意向桂林灌阳千家洞食品厂在交易会上成功地使市民了解到产品的优越,并且也找到了南宁市的代理商;小有名气的“丁当鸡”生产商广西隆安凤翔食品厂通过交易会,不仅使更多的参观者了解了产品,还吸引了一些经销商的注意,为“丁当鸡”在南宁市的落户奠定了基础;广西国有金光农场在交易会的第一天就迎来了越南PCM 集团主席阮先生的光临,双方就甜瓜包装食品项目进行了初步洽谈,与此同时金光农场刘主任对本次交易会上能有七项淀粉项目的业务洽谈也十分满意 近年来广西交通发展迅速,为广西与东盟的交流提供了便利条件广西
4、是一个农业大省,据有关部门统计,广西农产品加工食品生产厂家有 6 万多家,设备多从外省购入,本身就蕴藏了极大的商机2005 东南亚食品与生产包装机械交易会的成功举办,使众多食品行业企业看到了东南亚市场的前景,为今后我国和东南亚各国的经贸合作奠定了良好基础,同时也以食品行业为契机,带动广西经济和东南亚食品市场的壮大发展 The successful holding of the firstChina- Asean Expo. has enhanced the economic position of exposition of Nanninglargely. Guangxi, approved
5、by the Ministry of Commerce of Chinafor thefirst time,hosted the international professional exposition 3-2005 Southeast Asia Trade Fairon Food and Production & Packing Machinery in the Guangxi Exhibition Hall .A total of 179 enterprises, fromShandong, Shanghai, Guangdong, Fujian and Guangxi and the
6、enterprises of Southeast Asian nations,participated in the trade fair. The food and production & packing machinery were sold very well,and the volume of turnover reaches nearly $3,200,000. The packing equipment ,valued at $380,000 ofShanghai Shenjia Machinery Industry & TradeCo.Ltd., has been made a
7、 deal one day before the opening ceremony.Foshan Aochi Electromechanic Equipment Co.Ltd.sold out 3 of 4 sets of equipment for the tinned beverage they brought.And the products of the following companies ware in good selling such as themetal-detecting for food of Qingdao Electronic Detecting Instrume
8、nt Factory.The paper-cup & paper-box model of the Shenyang Hanxing Paper-cup MachineryCo.Ltd.and the packing machine for the jelly-bag of Shenzhen Dunxing Company ect.Yuanzheng ,the general manager of a company,pointed out that although there ware not as many visitors in thisfair asthat inthe large-
9、 scalecity like Shanghai,he believed that the food & machinery trade would have a great future in the market of Southeast Asia.The machines,brought with them for the 4fair,have been ordered by an enterprise from Liuzhou.Some enterprises from Vietnam have negotiated with them on the price. Qingdao Co
10、ld-drink Food Equipment Works was the unique one ,without bringing any equipment,among the participants in the fair ,but more than ten companies from Vietnam have raised some detail questions about their equipment. 37 of the 52 participants have made their decision to continue to come for the exhibi
11、tion next year.Some enterprises,such as Guilin Guanyang QianJiadong Food Factory, Longan Fengxiang Food Factory, have made a cooperation intentionwith the related agents in the aspect of food & agro- special products. Jingguang Farm ,a state-owned enterprise,had a talk with the chairman of Vietnam P
12、CM Group on the item of the muskmelon- packing at thefirst day of the tradefair .The director of Jingguang Farm was very satisfied with their achievement, for 7items on strach were under negotiation . In recent years , the transportation of Guangxi,developing at a high spreed, has provided the conve
13、nient condition for the exchange between Guangxi and ASEAN.Agriculture is the major economic pillar of Guangxi, according to the statistics issued by the department concerned,there are more than 60,000 processing factoriesof agricultural products and food 5production in Guangxi,with the tremendous b
14、usiness opportunities due to the equipment purchased from the other provinces. AsGuangxi 2005 Southeast Asia Trade Fair of Food and Production & Packing Machinery was held successfully, the market prospects of Southeast Asia has caught the sight of the numerousfood enterprises,and it hasmade a very good foundation in the economy and trade cooperationbetween China andSoutheast Asian countries in the future. Regarding the food trade as the turningpoint, this will promote the development and expansion of the economy and food market of both Guangxi andASEAN.