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1、1School LifeConversation 珍妮:马克,这学期你有 几 门 课? Zhnn: Mk, zh xuq n yu j mn k? Jenny: Mark, how many courses do you have this semester? 马克:我有 三 门 课。 Mk: W yu sn mn k. Mark: I have three courses. 珍妮:都 是 什么 课? Zhnn: Du sh shnme k? Jenny: What are they? 马克: 中文、 历史和 文学。 Mk: Zhngwn, lsh h wnxu. Mark: Chinese,

2、 history and literature. 珍妮: 上午上课还是下午上课? Zhnn: Shngw shngk hish xiw shngk? Jenny: Are they in the morning or in the afternoon? 马克: 上午 上课,下午我去图书馆 看书。 Mk: Shngw shngk, xiw w q tshgun knsh. 2Mark: I have classes in the morning, and I go to the library to read in the afternoon. 珍妮:什么 时候考试? Zhnn: Shnme s

3、hhou kosh? Jenny: When will you have your exam? 马克: 下 星期。 Mk: Xi xngq. Mark: Next week. 珍妮: 你中午在 哪儿 吃饭? Zhnn: N zhngw zi nr chfn? Jenny: Where do you have lunch at noon? 马克: 在学校餐厅。 Mk: Zi xuxio cntng. Mark: In the school cafeteria. 珍妮:你 喜欢 你们 的 学校吗? Zhnn: N xhuan nmen de xuxio ma? Jenny: Do you like

4、 your school? 马克:非常喜欢。 Mk: Fichng xhuan. Mark: Yes, I like it very much. New Words 31. 学期 xuq semester 2. 历史 lsh history 3. 文学 wnxu literature 4. 上课 shngk have class 5. 上午 shngw morning 6. 下午 xiw afternoon 7. 图书馆 tshgun library 8. 餐厅 cntng canteen/cafeteria 9. 考试 kosh exam Grammar 用疑问代词的问句 Questions

5、 with interrogative pronouns The word order of questions with interrogative pronouns “谁/什么/什么时候/什么地方/怎么样” (who/what/when/where/how) is the same as that of the declarative sentence. To replace that part of a declarative sentence for questioning by an interrogative pronoun will result in an interrogat

6、ive sentence. For example: 什么时候考试? 4When will you have your exam? 在哪吃饭? Where do you have lunch? Exercises The question is underlined. 玛丽病了。(怎么样)-玛丽怎么样? How is Mary? 1. 我去图书馆看书。(什么地方 shnme dfng)Where 2. 大卫明天去上海。(什么时候 shnme shhou)When 3. 这是我的老师。(谁 shu)Who 4. 他们去上课。(什么 shnme)What 5. 珍妮今天很开心。(怎么样 znmey

7、ng)How Reading 我的学校在北京。学生来自世界各地,有英国人、德国人、美国人, 还有日本人和法国人。 从星期一到星期五我们都有课。除了学习中文,我们还学习中国文化和历史。 我们的校园非常漂亮。有许多美丽的花朵。 到处都是绿色 的草地。我们常常躺在草地上看书。我很喜欢我的学校。 5W de xuxio zi Bijng. Xusheng liz shji gd, yu Ynggurn, Dgurn, Migurn, hiyu Rbnrn h Fgurn. Cng Xngqy do Xngqw wmen du yu k. Ch le xux Zhngwn, wmen hi xux Zh

8、nggu wnhu h lsh. Wmen de xioyun fichng pioliang. Yu xdu mil de hudu. Doch dush ls de cod. Wmen chngchng tng zi cod shng knsh.W hn xhuan w de xuxio. Translation: My school is in Beijing. The students come from all over the world. There are British, German, American, also Japanese and French. We have classes from Monday to Friday. Apart from Chinese language, we also study Chinese culture and history. Our campus is very beautiful. There are many flowers. And you can see green grass everywhere. We often read books lying on the lawn. I love my school very much.


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