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1、Diven 教你说美语-百度百科:一个广受欢迎的介绍中国特色词汇的美语表达方式的栏目。主要介绍一些风趣幽默,贴近生活,紧跟时尚的“新鲜热词” 。Diven 用他高超的翻译技巧,将中国的时尚热词“一个不剩”的转换成最in(潮) ,最 cool(酷) ,最 authentic(正)的美语表达方式。Diven 用他那独特而“轻松俏皮”的讲解风格使人感受到前所未有的学习乐趣。他提供的学习内容也十分“实用” ,学习者随时都可将学到的知识运用到实际生活中。Diven 教你说美语21-俚语风暴(十四) “受宠若惊”怎么说? 本期主题:俚语风暴(十四)1. 套头背心 pull-over vest Diven-

2、 Tyler,you look really sexy in that black pull-over vest.Tyler- Thanks, Im flattered.Diven 注释: pull-over vest 套头背心。2. 受宠若惊 Im flattered.Diven- Rita,You look so beautiful in that red dress.Rita- Oh thanks. Im flattered.Diven 注释:Im flattered. 我受宠若惊。过奖了。一般用于回答别人的称赞。3. 穿着暴露 scantily cladGan Lulu gave a

3、hot hit on Internet through her scantily clad.Diven 注释:scantily clad 穿着暴露.clad 可做动词(clothe 的过去式和过去分词) ,也可做名词表示“穿衣,覆盖物” 。另外,说某人衣着暴露,也可以表达成 show too much skin。4. 绝望 despair Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. (佳句)Diven 注释:人生教会我们即使是在最困难的时候都

4、不要绝望,因为黑暗之后终将是黎明。despair 绝望。disappoint 失望。5. 御用司机 the designated driver.Rita- So Paul is your designated driver?Diven-Right on. Besides, hes my best friend.Diven 注释:the designated driver 御用司机,指定司机。designated 指定。6. 海量 a colossal digit ofA cyberspace meme, is whatever kind of mind or piece of message

5、that spreads quite rapidly along a colossal digit of Internet consumers.Diven 注释:a colossal digit of 海量,巨多。cyberspace meme 网络爆红。7. 愤青 cynicsCynics say it is all about avoiding tax, but the wealthy have other ways to do that.Diven 注释:cynics 愤青,愤世嫉俗者。8. 艰难 arduousThe process will become more arduous i

6、n that situation.Diven 注释:arduous 艰难的,形容词。9. 双重标准 double-standardDouble-standards between the rural and the urban are very common throughout China, from ones schooling, health caring to employment opportunities.Diven 注释:double-standard 双重标准。employment opportunity 就业机会。10. 消逝 fadeClassical is somethi

7、ng not fade, but grow more precious with time pass by. So is dream. (佳句)Diven 注释:梦想和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。fade 消逝,褪色。今天的学习到此为止。Lets call it a day. Have fun!IM DIVEN. THANK YOU FOR BEINGWITH ME.注意:以上作为例句的所有原文、译文均属 Diven 原创,版权所有。欢迎转载以供学习交流之用,但禁止用于任何商业目的。Note: All texts and translations for example uses are originally created by Diven. All rights reserved. Transshipments from &to anyone are welcomed but any form of commercial uses should be avoided.友情提示:本栏目每日更新一次。亲,如果觉得本栏目内容不错,请果断转载吧,你的回应和支持是对作者们辛勤劳动最大的肯定。 Diven 教你说美语全体编者将努力向上,争取创造出更有品位、更有风格的英语知识分享栏目。


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