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1、1999 年 6 月大学英语四级考试试题附:听力原文及参考答案 Part Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After

2、 each question there will be a pause. During the parse, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer., Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) At the office.

3、 B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) “At the office“ is the best answer. Yoju should choose A on

4、the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. Sample Answer A B C D 1.A) The woman feels sorry for the man. B) The man is a member of the staff. C) The area is for passengers only. D) The woman is asking the man to leave. 2.A) Clean her house while she is away. B) Buy her some

5、plants and take care of them. C) Water her plants while she is away.D) Water her plants when he is not at work 3.A) He will only be available in the afternoon. B) Its not his office hour. C) He doesnt have time. D) He is too tired after class. 4.A) The woman insists on going out. B) The woman doesnt

6、 like watching TV. C) The man promised her a gift on her birthday. D) The man is too tired to go out. 5.A) There are too many courses offered to students. B) The woman should take fewer courses next term. C) The man will take four courses next semester. D) It is wiser to take more than four courses.

7、 6.A) Ask Tom to send an invitation. B) Get the JOhnsons address C) Invite Tom to the party. D) Tell Tom to pick up the Johnsons. 7.A) Jane is looking for a summer job. B) Jane is packing for the summer vacation. C) Jane is on her way home. D) Jane is eager to go home for the vacation. 8.A) Spending

8、 more time on sightseeing. B) Visiting the city with a group. C) Touring the city on a fine day. D) Taking the man with her on the tour. 9.A) The woman is driving too fast. B) The woman is driving at a slow speed. C) The woman has broken a traffic rule. D) The woman has parked her car in a wrong pla

9、ce. 10.A) She can tell Joan when she sees her at noon. B) She should tell Joans brother about the reception. C) She must call on Joan after the reception. D) She may see Joans brother at lunch. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you wil

10、l hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Que

11、stions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11.A) To protect persons and property. B) To collect taxes. C) To teach and train citizens. D) To save natural resources for future use. 12.A) By selling services that make life comfortable. B) By selling land containing oil. C) By sellin

12、g public lands. D) By selling coal and other natural products. 13.A) Environmental pollution and protection. B) Taxes and services for the public. C) Police efforts to protect people. D) Peoples attitude toward taxes. Passage Two Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14.A)

13、 He didnt like physics any more. B) His eyesight was too poor. C) Physics was too hard for him. D) He had to work to support himself. 15.A) He was not happy with the new director. B) He was not qualified to be an engineer. C) He wanted to travel. D) He found his job boring. 16.A) He wanted to work w

14、ith his friend. B) He enjoyed travelling around the world. C) He wanted to go to Spain. D) He was rejected by the engineering firm. 17.A) He enjoyed teaching English. B) He wanted to earn more to support his family. C) The owner of the school promised his a good position. D) He could earn more as a

15、teacher than as a travel agent. Passage Three Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 18.A) It can be cooked in many ways. B) It is delicious but inexpensive. C) It gives higher yields than other grain crops. D) It grows easily in various conditions. 19.A) Fried potatoes B)

16、Tomato juice. C) Sweet corn D) Chocolate beans. 20.A) They led to the discovery of America. B) They made native American foods popular. C) They brought great wealth to Spain. D) They made native American life styles well known. Part Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages

17、 in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Questions 21 to 25 a

18、re based on the following passage: The biggest safety threat facing airlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portable computer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interferen

19、ce. The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones. RTCA, an organization which advises the aviation (航空) industry, has recommended that

20、all airlines ban (禁止) such devices from being used during “critical“ stages of light, particularly take off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights. Currently, rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines. And although some airlines

21、prohibit passengers from using such equipment during take off and landing, most are reluctant to enforce a total ban, given that many passengers want to work during flights. The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircrafts computers. Experts know that portable device

22、s emit radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication. But, because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory, they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not. The fact that aircraft may be vulnera

23、ble (易受损的) to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radio system in order to damage navigation equipment. As worry- ing, though, is the passenger who cant hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the musics too loud. 21.The passage is mainly about_. A) a new regulation for

24、all airlines B) the defects of electronic devices C) a possible cause of aircraft crashes D) effective safety measures for air flight 22.What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years? A) They may have been caused by the damage to the radio systems. B) They may have taken pl

25、ace during take off and landing. C) They were proved to have been caused by the passengers portable computers. D) They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference. 23.Few airlines want to impose a total ban on their passengers using electronic devices because_. A) they dont bel

26、ieve there is such a danger as radio interference B) the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved C) most passengers refuse to take a plane which bans the use of radio and cassette players D) they have other effective safety measures to fall back on 24.Why is it difficult t

27、o predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplanes computers? A) Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane. B) Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with. C) Because research scientists have not been to produce

28、 the same effects in labs. D) Because sxperts lack adequate equipment to do such research. 25.It can be inferred from the passage that the author_. A) is in favor of prohibiting passengers use of electronic devices completely B) has overestimated the danger of electromagnetic interference C) hasnt f

29、ormed his own opinion on this problem D) regards it as unreasonable to exercise a total ban during flight Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: The rise of multinational corporations (跨国公司), global marketing, new communi cations technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have

30、led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR. Surprisingly,since modern PR was largely an American invention,the U.S.leader ship in public relations is being threatened by PR efforts in other countries.Ten years ago, for example, the worlds top five public relations agencies were

31、 American owned. In 1991, only one was. The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative. A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate (公司的) planning activities, compared to about one third of U.S. companies, It may no

32、t be long before London replaces New York as the capital of PR. Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race? First, Americans as a whole tend to be fairly provincial and take more of an interest in local affairs. Knowledge of world geography, for example, has never been strong in this countr

33、y. Secondly, Americans lag behind their European and Asian counterparts (相对应的人)in knowing a second language. Less than 5 percent of Burson Marshalls U.S. employees know two languages. Ogilvy and Mather has about the same percentage Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their enployees

34、 fluent in a second language. Finally, people involved in PR abroad tend to keep a closer eye on international affairs. In the financial PR area, for instance, most Americans read the Wall Street Journlal. Orerseas, their counterparts read the Journal as well as the Financial Times of London and The

35、 Economist, Pubications not often read in this country. Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN(Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the work “foreign“ would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts. According to Turner, global communications have made the n

36、ations of the world so interdependant that there is no longer any such thing as foreign. 26.According to the passage, U.S. leadership in public relations is being threatened because_. A) an unparalleled increase in the number of public relations companies B) shrinking cultural differences and new co

37、mmunications technologies C) the decreasing number of multinational corporations in the U.S. D) increased efforts of other countries in public relations 27.London could soon replace New York as the center of PR because_. A) British companies are more ambitious than U.S. companies B) British companie

38、s place more importance on PR than U.S. companies C) British companies are heavily involved in planning activities D) four of the worlds top public relations agencies are British owned 28.The word “provincial“ (Line 2, Para. 3) most probably means “_“. A) limited in outlook B) like people from the p

39、rovinces C) rigid in thinking D) interested in world financial affairs 29.We learn from the third paragraph that employees in the American PR industry_. A) speak at least one foreign language fluently B) are ignorant about world geography C) are not as sophisticated as their European counterparts D)

40、 enjoy reading a great variety of English business publications 30.What lesson might the PR industry take from Ted Turner of CNN? A) American PR companies should be more internationally minded. B) The American PR industry should develop global communications technologies. C) People working in PR sho

41、uld be more fluent in foreign languages. D) People involved in PR should avoid using the word “foreign“. Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: Brazil has become one of the developing worlds great successes at reducing popu lation growth but more by accident that design. While countr

42、ies such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rates, Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard. Brazils population growth rate has dropped from 2.99 a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93 a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have on

43、ly 2.7 children on average. Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries. Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas (通俗电视连续剧 ) and in stalment (分期付款) plans introduced in the 1970s. Both pla

44、yed an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the worlds biggest produc- eers of soap operas. Globl, Brazils most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at leastone hour a night.Most soaps are based o

45、n wealthy characters living the high life in big cities. “Although they have never really tried to work in a missage towards the problems of reproduction, they describe middle and upper class values not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working,“ says Martine. “They sent this ima

46、ge to all parts of Brazil and made people conscious of other patterns of behaviour and other values, which were put into a very attractive package.“ Meanwhile, the instalment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers. “This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumptio

47、n was in compati- ble (不相容的) with unlimited reproduction.“ says Martine. 31.According to the passage, Brazil has cut back its population growth_. A) by educating its citizens B) by careful family panning C) by developing TV programmes D) by chance 32.According to the passage, many Third World countr

48、ies_. A) havent attached much importance to birth control B) would soon join Brazil in controlling their birth rate C) havent yet found an effective measure to control their population D) neglected the role of TV plays in family planning 33.The phrase “puts it down to“ (Line 1, Para. 3) is closest i

49、n meaning to “_“ A) attributes it to B) sums it up as C) finds it a reason for D) compares it to 34.Soap operas have helped in lowering Brazils birth rate because_. A) they keep people sitting long hours watching TV B) they have gradually changed peoples way of life C) people are drawn to their attractive package D) they popularize birth control measures 35.What is Martines conclusion about Brazils population growth? A) The increase in birth rate will promote consum


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