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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1021Madison: Where were you this weekend? I was gonna come over to your house, but I wasnt sure what was going on. Did you tell them?Amy: No, because I figure I have two options - one, to tell them and ruin the rest of my life, the other, to pretend like it never

2、 happened, so Im going with “never happened.“Madison: Amy, unfortunately, it did happen, and youre gonna have to Ricky: So did you heard the party after the game? Adrian was supposed to meet me there. Then I find out shes kissing some cheerleaders boyfriend in front of everyone.Amy: You know Graces

3、mom is my dads ex-wife?Ricky: Oh, no kidding. You two dont look anything alike. It was a joke, like I thought you were sisters or something. Youre not sisters?Amy: No, were not related.Ricky: Yeah, I get that. Anyway, I cant believe that happened. I mean, not that we were in a relationship. Were jus

4、t friends, Adrian and me, but still. Amy: Everythings more complicated than it seems.Ricky: Yeah, I guess, but Im not exactly the kind of guy who gets cheated on, You know? So, do you wanna do something tonight? I meant do something, like go somewhere and talk. You and I are friends, too, right?Amy:

5、 Actually, Im seeing someone.Ricky: Who are you seeing? Is it that little geek who wants to be me? Come on, why do that when you could be out with the real thing? As a friend, of course.Amy: Thank you for offering, but Im really not interested.Ricky: Who are you not to be interested in me?Adrain: Re

6、jected again? Maybe you should consider going for someone more like yourself. Oh, sooner or later, you know youre gonna forgive me, so come on. Come over tonight and let me apologize to you in person.Ricky: I cant. I have things to do.Adrain: You cant be serious. You cant be interested in that child

7、.Ricky: You know, some girls do it without broadcasting it to the whole school. Some girls are more discreet about their sex life than you are.Adrain: She has nothing to be discreet about, and I dont know if she has class. Shes just a band geek. Wait, do you know something? Am I wrong? Is she not ju

8、st a band geek?你这个周末去哪儿了啊?我本来要去你家的,但我又不确定到底怎么回事。告诉你父母了吗?没有,我只有两种选择,一种:向他们坦白,然后我下半辈子就毁了;另一种:假装从来没发生过,而我决定选择从来没发生过。艾米,不幸的是,它确实发生了,你必须得你听说了比赛后派对上发生的事了吗?艾利安本来和我约好了在那见面,然后我发现她当着大家的面和某个拉拉队长的男朋友接吻。你知道格瑞丝的妈妈是我老爸的前妻?真的假的。你俩一点也不像。开开玩笑的,我以为你俩是姐妹呢。你们不是姐妹啊?不是,我们没血缘关系。好吧,我懂了。总之,我还是不敢相信发生过的事。我并不是指咱俩交往的事。我们只是朋友罢了,但

9、艾利安和我还是。所有的事都比表现复杂的多。是啊,或许吧,但我不是那种会被人骗的男人, 你知道的?那你今晚想做点什么事吗?我说的做点什么,是指找个地方聊聊天。我和你也是朋友,对吧?事实上,我在和人约会了。和谁约会?是那个想成为我的小怪胎?你何必呢,你大可以和真正的男人出去啊?当然,以朋友的身份。谢谢你的邀请,但我真没兴趣。你转性了啊,你会对我不感兴趣?又被人拒绝了?或许你该考虑和更像自己的人约会。你知道你,迟早会原谅我的,算了吧。今晚来我家,让我亲自向你道歉。不行,我有事要做。你不是吧。你不会真对那娃娃感兴趣了吧。有些女孩做了,不会向全校宣布。有些女孩比你更加慎重的对待性这件事。The Secr

10、et Life of American Teenager 10213Lauren: You cannot pretend like this isnt happening.Amy: Its better than the plan you two came up with.Madison: Maybe you should just tell him. You guys can tell your parents together.Lauren: No, dont even think about doing that. Just talk to your parents first.Rick

11、y: Bye, girls. I wanna talk to your friend alone. You havin some sort of memory problem? Cant remember the locker combination? Cant remember what happened just six weeks, a couple of months ago?Amy: Nothing happened.Ricky: OK, it wasnt that great, but you were a little nervous, and thats understanda

12、ble. Itll get better. Its OK.Amy: I told you, Im seeing someone.Kathleen: Grace, are you OK?Grace: I just dont feel that well.Kathleen: You were fine this morning.Grace: No, I wasnt fine. I thought I could get through this, but I cant. I feel completely humiliated. Please, Mom, please, can you just

13、take me home?Kathleen: You are a very smart young woman.Grace: Maybe with schoolwork. Im not that smart when it comes to men, obviously.Kathleen: I know that youre smart enough to realize that Jack not the guy for you.Grace: No, Im not. Thats just the thing. I still love him, and I hate her. I know

14、Im not supposed to hate anyone, but I hate her.Kathleen: You know.a lot of women react to men cheating like that. The guy cheats, and instead of blaming him, they blame her. They forgive him and never her, her after her after her.Grace: Well, he didnt cheat on me, exactly. He just kissed her in fron

15、t of the whole school, or let her kiss him. I mean, what guy wouldnt? Youve seen her. Maybe its not his fault, and maybe its not even her fault, maybe its my fault.Kathleen: Because you wont have sex with him? I mean, do you think that gives him reason to kiss someone else?Jack: Hey, man, I only sco

16、red 80 on my paper you wrote.Guy: I took your abilities into account and decided to dumb down the essay a little. Im lookin for believability here, man, or else Im out of business.她没什么好慎重的,我也不知道她有没有气质。她不过是个乐队怪胎。等等,你是不是知道什么?我说错了?她不止是乐队怪胎?你怎么能假装什么事都没发生过?总比你俩的主意好多了吧。或许你该告诉他,你俩一起告诉双方的父母。别,千万别这么想,先告诉你的父母


18、女人在发现男人出轨时都会这样。男人出轨之后,她们并不是责怪男人,而责怪女人,她们能原谅男人,却始终不能原谅女人。男人不断的出轨,女人不断的埋怨女人。其实,他并没有背叛我,他只是当着全校人的面吻了她,或者说让她吻了他。哪个男人能抗拒得了?你见过她的。或许这不是他的错,甚至也不是她的,或许是我的错。就因为你不和他嘿咻?你觉得这能成为他跟别人亲吻的理由吗?兄弟,你给我写的那作文怎么才 80 分?The Secret Life of American Teenager 1021Grace: Mom. Do you think they were doing anything more than kis

19、sing?Kathleen: The point is Jack is not good enough for you. He cant be trusted, OK?Jack: Hey. I heard you were sick. Are you OK? You gonna go home?Kathleen: We forgot about a dental appointment. You know, just a little teeth cleaning? You know how important it is to have clean teeth.Kathleen: Hes a

20、 careless guy, and you dont need a careless guy, OK? Lets go get a cup of coffee, and then Ill bring you back for cheer practice. What did you tell the nurse was wrong with you?Grace: I didnt have to tell her anything. Everyone just heard, even her. So I just said I wanted to go home. He is kind of

21、careless.Kathleen: Kind of? Now just remember, honey, you should neither judge him nor feel sorry for him, OK? Just let this one go.Adrain: I dont know what the Lord has to do with your zipper, but youre welcome.Ricky: Hey, wait up. Adrain: Wheres your girlfriend?Ricky: I dont have a girlfriend, not

22、 yet, anyway. Maybe if you wanted to apologize. Adrain: I thought about it, but I really dont owe you an apology for anything. You know, since were not even going out or anything. Were just friends. I can do anything I want.Ricky: Still, you offered to apologize.Adrain: It was a one-time-only offer.

23、 You shouldnt have stood me up. So were you with that Amy girl, the one in the band?Ricky: I didnt stand you up, you stood me up. Or you were late, anyway, and, no, I was not with Amy. I was only with her the one time.Adrain: I dont believe you. Ricky: Im telling you the truth. Adrain: So where were

24、 you that night? Ricky: I was not with Amy. What are you, my wife? I answer to you now? I was at home with my foster parents. I couldnt get out of the house. Foster parents are twice as tough as real parents. Believe me, I know. Ive bounced from one foster home to another. Jack probably thinks hes g

25、oing to hell now.Adrain: Its not like I made Jack do something he didnt 我考虑到你的能力,所以把文章降低了些档次,我可得讲信度啊,兄弟,不然我哪来生意做啊。妈妈,你觉得他们除了接吻之外,还会做别的事吗?重点是杰克配不上你。他不可信,对吧?我听说你病了,你还好吧?你要回家吗?我们忘了和牙医预约。只是要去洗牙?你知道的,干净的牙齿很重要。他是个粗心的家伙,你可不需要一个马大哈对吧?我们去喝杯咖啡吧,然后我送你回来去拉拉队训练。你怎么跟护士说的?我什么也没说。所有人都知道了,包括她。所以我就说我要回家。他是有点粗心。就有点?宝贝

26、,记得,既别去评判他,也别觉得对不起他,好吗?就让他成为过去吧。我不知道上帝跟你的拉链有什么关系,不过,不客气。等等。你女朋友呢?我没女朋友,至少现在还没的。你要是想道歉的话我想过了,我不欠你任何道歉。因为我们从没出去约过会什么的,我们不过朋友而已。我想干嘛就干嘛。不管怎么样,是你说要道歉的。过期不候,是你自己失约。那你跟那个叫艾米的,在乐队里的女孩一起了?我没失约,是你放我鸽子。或许是你晚点了,不管怎么说,我没和艾米在一起,我就跟她在一起一次。我不信你。我说的是事实。那你那晚在哪儿?我没跟艾米在一块儿。你算什么?我老婆啊?我得向你汇报?我和我养父母在一起,我根The Secret Life

27、of American Teenager 1021wanna do.Ricky: No, its like you took advantage of him. What went on with you two before that kiss? Something. Adrain: What, I answer to you now?Ricky: He told the guys in the locker room, they told their girlfriends, one of them already told me. Adrain: I dont really care.

28、What kind of guy brags about this stuff?Alice: I think its just that chips and dip taste better when theyre served out of silver bowls.Henry: Ive never had a chip that wasnt straight out of the bag.Ben: My dad thinks we should use all the silver stuff we have, even if we dont know what its for.Alice

29、: I agree with your dad. We should. Dont do that. Ill smack you.Ben: Hes just reminding you that we havent used any of the china or silver or anything since my mom died.Henry: I thought that maybe you forgot.Alice: Its healthy. Its healthy to move on, Ben. Its been a long time. Five years is a long

30、time. Believe me, it feels longer than five years.Ben: Time passes real slow when youre a kid. Its starting to speed up a little, though. Guess Im getting older, maturing. Maybe Ill get married soon, have a kid, start a little family band. What? Alice: I think youre too young to be having those thou

31、ghts. You cant just fall in love with the first girl you go out with and marry her. Henry: And have a family band with her?Ben: Why not? Isnt that what youre supposed to do?Alice: More than half of all marriages end in divorce. The younger you are when you get married, the more likely you are to get

32、 divorced.Ben: My dad married the first girl he ever dated. They were 18.Alice: Thats different. That was in the 80s. Everyone was coked out and disco dancing. No one really knew what they were doing. Regardless, my point is, you should see other girls.Ben: I just started seeing this one, the one th

33、at you picked out for me. Shes perfect. I love her.Alice: All right, look, Im a straight shooter, so. let me just tell you. Youve got competition.Ben: What, that total loser Ricky? Hes no competition.本出不了门,养父母要比亲生父母严厉两倍。相信我,我知道,我从这个养父母家搬到另一家。杰克现在可能正受煎熬呢。又不是我逼他做他不想做的事。不,那是你,是你利用了他。你俩在接吻前做了什么?某些事。干嘛,挨


35、组个乐队。怎么?想这些还太早吧?你不能和第一次约会的女孩因为一见钟情而娶了她。还跟她组家庭乐队?为什么不能,你们不也该这样吗?大部分婚姻都以失败告终。越早结婚,离婚的概率越大。我爸就跟他初恋结婚了,那时他们才 18 岁。那不一样,那是在八十年代。每个人都吸可卡因,跳迪斯科。每个人都过的浑浑噩噩。不管怎样,我想说,你该试试和其他女孩约会。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1021Henry: They slept together. Thats what I heard.Ben: I dont care.Henry: Yeah, you do. I kno

36、w you.Ben: You dont know me if you think that would stop me from marrying my Amy and starting a band with her. Who told you this?Henry: Its all over school.Ben: Oh, and that makes it true? What percentage of gossip is true? Well, I know its not 100%. That guy, Ricky, is probably telling people he sl

37、ept with her hoping itd get back to me. Hes totally jealous of me.Alice: Well, maybe theres a reason hes jealous of you. Henry: Like maybe they did sleep together?Ben: Now youve got details?Alice: Thats everything I know.Ben: Im gonna call her and ask her.Henry: Not a bad idea.Ben: I bet its just a

38、rumor.Henry: I bet its not. I hope Im wrong. 20?Ben: Youre on.Adrain: I hope you know what youre doin.Amy: Did I get in your way or something?Adrain: No, you didnt get in my way. Look, if youre interested in Ricky, I wont go out with him. Ill back off. You know, Im really not into stealing anyones b

39、oyfriend. I wasnt interested in taking Jack away from Grace.Ben: Anyway, I was wondering.theres this rumor going around school that, you and Ricky dated this summer or something. Uh, not that it makes any difference. I was just wondering. Is that true? OK, you know what? I have no way of calling bac

40、k this message, which I wish Id never sent. It doesnt matter. I dont care. And its none of my business, none of my business at all. Its your business. And our business started the day that we met. If I dont hear back from you, Ill call again, and if you dont answer, Ill see you tomorrow at school. A

41、nd again, I dont even know why I asked.Amy: Are you telling people that we did something?Ricky: What? Whats goin on? Something? Am I telling people we did something? No, Im not. You didnt tell your two girlfriends, and your two girlfriends didnt tell anyone? Ashley: Madison says shes been trying to

42、call you on your cell phone.Amy: Im trying to study. Dont just barge in to my room like 我和这个才开始啊,还是你帮我挑的。她很不错啊,我爱她。好吧,听着,我实话实说,那我告诉你了,你有对手了。什么?那个败类里奇?他没实力。他们一起睡过了,我就是这么听说的。我不在乎。不,你在乎,我了解你。你不是觉得那样就能阻止我娶艾米,和她组建一个家庭乐队吧。是谁告诉你的?全校都知道了。那就说明是真的了?有多少绯闻能当真啊?我知道不能 100%肯定。那个里奇,说不定是他告诉别人,他和她睡过,想要让我难堪。他根本就是嫉妒我。好

43、吧,也许他是会因为什么嫉妒你。比如也许他们真的嘿咻了?你连细节都知道了?我就知道这么多。我要打电话问她。行啊。我打赌这只是个谣传。我赌不是,希望我是错的,赌 20 块怎么样?行。希望你知道自己在做什么。是我妨碍你了,还是什么啊?不,你没妨碍到我什么。听着,你要是对里奇有兴趣,我不会再和他约会,我退出。我可不想做任何人的第三者。我也没兴趣从格瑞丝手里抢走杰克。其实,我只是想知道,全校都在谣传,你和里奇在暑假时候约会之类的事,没什么关系,我只是好奇,是真的吗?好吧,知道吗?我没办法消掉这个留言,真希望我没留过。没事儿的,我不在乎,何况这不管我事,和我一点关系也没,是你的事,我们之间的关系,该从我们

44、相遇那天算起。要是你没回电话,我会再打给你的,要是你不接的话,那我明天去学校找你。再说一遍,我自己也不知道为什么要问你。你是不是告诉了别人我们做过的事情了?The Secret Life of American Teenager 1021that, OK? I have the right to privacy.Ashley: Man, youre such a dork. And what do you need all the privacy for, anyway? I mean, what, are you writing little secret love poems to you

45、r boyfriend or something?Amy: I cant talk. My parents are making me study. Just stop calling me.Ashley: Well, what is this? Youre lying? You dont lie. You never lie. When you do, your face turns bright red, you get little beads of sweat on your forehead, and if its a really big lie, you start stutte

46、ring again. So youre lying. Why would you be lying to your two BFFs, anyway?Amy: Im just t-trying study, OK?Ashley: Whatever happened to that Ben guy? Oh, wait, is the fight about Ben? What, are they, like, jealous or something?Amy: Its not about anything, all right? Were not even having a fight, an

47、d Im not stuttering.Ashley: Youre sweating.Anne: Is that why you are late?George: Was gonna close at six, but a couple of chicks came into the store. I couldnt get rid of em. They just bought a house in this market so you know they got plenty of dough.Anne: Do we? I was just wondering.George: Dont w

48、onder. Its a waste of time.Anne: I think worry is a waste of time. I dont know about wonder.George: You may be right. I wonder if theres something for me to eat in here.Anne: George, I want to go to see our accountant. I want to make sure we have enough put away for Amy and Ashley to go to college.G

49、eorge: Ashley? Well be lucky if she goes to high school.Ashley: Is that an option? I dont have to go to high school?Anne: Of course you have to go to high school. And college.Ashley: What about home schooling?Anne: Sure. Just you and me and a bunch of schoolbooks for eight hours every day. For four years.Ashley: Maybe I could go to school in Europe?Anne: Yeah, lets see how well that chair does.Jack: I was wonderi


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