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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1041Grace: Ricky? Hey, are you still picking me up?Ricky: Ill be right there.Grace: If you could hurry. Im here by myself.Ricky: Wheres Jack?Grace: He had curfew at the school night. He had to leave.Ricky: Yeah, dont panic. Im on the way. Give me my shirt. I gott

2、a go. I told you not to let me go to sleep.Adrain: Its my fault you fall asleep? Cant she just get a taxi or something? Or just grow up and tell her parents that shes dating Jack whether they like it or not?Drunker: Whats your name, little girl? Are you waiting for honey? You want a ride?Ricky: What

3、 the hells going on here?Lady: If youre just joining us for the morning news, you have to see this one. Guards at a neighborhood bank were surprised to find this footage this morning, I bet a lot of people are going to be surprised, including that guys wife, probably. Man: What do you think is the b

4、ack story here? Lady: No ones identified her yet, but if we run this a few more times, Im sure someone will. Man: Obviously we have the high school. Lady: All we need is the yearbook. Man: She must be a freshman. I wonder what church she goes to. Look at him, makes me wanna go back to high school ag

5、ain. Lady: When did you get out of high school, last year?George: Get up. Come on, you gotta see this. Theyre gonna talk about it at school all day, I guarantee it.Man: Im not knocking anyone elses religion when I say this, believe me. But whatever hers is, it works. Aw, come on. Lets see it again.

6、Cheerleaders have changed a lot since my day. You are not gonna believe it. They didnt have security cameras back then. Wait, this is my favorite part. Oh, come on, the best parts the prayer.George: Oh, man. Little miss goodie two shoes threatening to cut a guy with a beer bottle. And shes out with

7、some shirtless moron at midnight in some skeevy part of town. I love it. Dont you love it?Amy: Why would I love it?George: Cause were family. You gotta dislike who I dislike. Thats called loyalty. I dislike the Bowmans, so this is funny to me and to our family.Amy: Ok. I dont dislike Grace Bowman. I

8、 dont know her.George: Yeah, well, I do. I know her mother, anyway. Thats 里奇,你还来接我吗?马上到。能快点吗,我自己一个人。杰克呢?他有宵禁,已经走了。别怕,我马上到。给我衬衫,我要走了。我说过别让我睡着了。你睡着能怪我吗?她不能自己搭计程车吗?或者成熟点,不顾父母反对坚持和杰克交往?你叫什么,小妞?在等情人吗?想上车吗?见鬼,你们在干什么?收看早间新闻的观众们,仔细看好了。附近银行的警卫今早查看录像时惊奇发现,我敢说惊讶的人不少,也许包括那家伙的妻子。你觉得背后有什么故事?没人会有人认出,但我们重播几次,迟早有人认出

9、的。我们知道她的高中。只需翻翻校友录。她肯定是一年级的。我好奇她上哪个教堂。看看他,让我艳羡高中生了。你什么时候高中毕业,去年吗?起来,你最好看看这个。今天学校一定会传得沸沸扬扬,我保证。我的话无疑冒犯各位的信仰,相信我,但她的信仰奏效了。好了,我们再回顾一下。拉拉队员们和往日大不相同。难以置信。以前没有监视器罢了。等等,这是我最喜欢的部分。得了吧,祈祷是最精彩的部分。老天啊,手无缚鸡之力的弱女子,拿着啤酒瓶威胁大块头,还和个光膀子的傻蛋三更半夜在偏僻地方约会。笑死我了,你觉得吗?为什么我要爱看这个?因为我们是一家人。要共同进退,这叫忠诚。我不喜欢鲍曼一家,所以全家都要取笑他们。The Sec

10、ret Life of American Teenager 10414why this is funny. Tables have turned, huh? These two high-faluting churchgoers have a little problem child on their hands. Whos that shirtless guy? Ive seen him somewhere.Amy: Why would I know that?George: Ok. Its all right. No pressure to identify the guy. You su

11、re you dont know? You werent with them in the skeevy part of town, were ya?Amy: Ok, gotta get ready for school.George: Whats with the nuns outfit? You better not be up to something, young lady.Ashley: I have a court appearance.George: More like lying. What are you lying about? Are you on drugs? Why

12、cant I get a straight answer here?Ashley: Why cant you tell me I look nice?George: Ah, the eye roll, perfect, well, thats more like it.Grace: Mom and dads gonna be surprised.Tom: Youre a hero, and youre in big trouble. What happened to Rickys shirt? Hes topless.Grace: I should never have threatened

13、anyone. I dont know what I was thinking. Please, dont say anything to mom and dad.Tom: They are still going to find out.Grace: Maybe not. Ok, fine, but let me tell them. You dont know what happened, you only know what you saw. I can explain. Ill explain. You have to let me explain.Kathleen: You know

14、 George is gonna put this in a frame and send it to me.Marshall: Youre concerned about what George is gonna think. Grace, get down here!Lady: So where was your shirt?Ricky: She called me from a street corner. She had a fight with her boyfriend or something.Lady: And you didnt have time to put on a s

15、hirt?Ricky: She was on a street corner.Lady: I dont remember hearing you leave our house in the middle of the night, and I dont remember your coming home earlier from your appointment. Now, theres a lot of coming and going without anyone seeing you. Do you have an invisibility formula or something?R

16、icky: No. I was just quiet.Lady: So you quietly slipped out of bed without a shirt on to rescue a damsel in distress?我算不上讨厌格瑞丝,我和她不熟。我熟,我很熟悉她妈妈,所以才搞笑。风水轮流转,那对完美的教徒有个问题女儿。那个光膀子的是谁?很眼熟。我怎么会知道呢?别紧张,没人逼你认出他。真的不知道他是谁吗?你没和他们跑到偏僻地方鬼混吧?我得准备去学校了。这一身修女服算什么?你最好别打什么鬼主意,小女孩。我长的本来就招摇。更像说谎,你在隐瞒什么?你在吸毒吗?为什么不老实招供?怎么

17、不说我穿的不错?翻白眼,很好,明显心虚。爸爸妈妈一定会很惊讶。你是英雄,也惹了大麻烦。里奇的衬衫哪去了?他光着上身。我不该威胁别人,我当时脑袋空白,求求你,别告诉爸爸妈妈。他们总会知道的。也许不会呢。好吧,那让我和他们谈。你根本不知道真相,你只知道你看到的。我会去解释的,让我自己解释。乔治会把它装裱,然后寄给我。你担心的就是乔治的看法吗?格瑞丝,给我下楼。你的衬衫呢? 她从街角给我电话,好像和男朋友吵架了。你连穿衣服的时间都没吗?她一个人在街角。我似乎没听到你半夜离开家,似乎也没从心理医生那里提前回来,现在你行踪不定,无人知晓,你有隐形能力吗?没有,我只是动作轻。The Secret Life

18、 of American Teenager 1042Ricky: I didnt know she was gonna shank a guy. I didnt know I was gonna be on camera, or I wouldve worn a shirt.Lady: You know what I think? I think you werent at home. I think you were somewhere else without your shirt on when you got that call. Im thinking girlfriend.Rick

19、y: Whered you hear that?Lady: I hear a lot of things. Im a social worker. Im very social.Ricky: I am not dating Amy, Ive never been out with Amy, expect one night at band camp. That wasnt even a date, we just hung out.Lady: Hung out or hooked up?Ricky: Please, shes, like, 12. No more questions, ok?

20、I feel like Im in court or something.Lady: I imagine more than a few people are gonna be asking you questions today.Ashley: Mom, make him stop.George: Tell your mother why youre dressed like that.Ashley: Dressed like what?George: Not like youre usually dressed. Anne: Then what is it? You can tell us

21、. Youre not having sex, are you?George: Sex? Her? Isnt that the opposite of having sex?Ashley: And who would I be having sex with?George: Never mind, just answer the question. Anne: Ashley, your father heard a rumor. There were two women in the store.George: And I know, they couldnt be talking about

22、 Amy. Or they couldnt be talking about you, either. You cannot have sex, neither can your sister. I thought I made that clear.Anne: Ashley, are you having sex?George: I said she wasnt.Ashley: Customers in your store heard Im having sex? How would they know Im having sex? The only person who knows is

23、 me.and my lover.George: Shes lying. You better be lying. Youre 12 years old.Ben: It made me wanna be a Christian. Really, maybe we could go to church this Sunday. Imagine kneeling down in prayer and then whack. Amazing.Amy: Yeah, amazing. I need to find Madison and Lauren. I have to tell them somet

24、hing.Ben: Something you cant tell me, your boyfriend? Im waxing on and on about Grace like I have a crush on her. Grace means nothing to me. Really, it was a funny image. Ok, Ive talked 你就是轻轻的溜下床,衣服也不穿,去英雄救美?我没想到她会威胁一个大块头。我没料到会被录像,不然肯定穿好衣服。知道我怎么想吗?我想你当时不在家,我想接到电话时,你在别的地方,正好没穿衣服。我想是女朋友。从哪听来的?消息来源很多,我


26、人。她在撒谎。你最好是在撒谎,你才 12 岁。这让我想当基督徒。真的,我们这周日可以去做礼拜。跪着祈祷,突然跳起突袭,爽呆了。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1042about this way too much. Not just way too much. A tremendous amount too much. But, hey, who knew she was seeing Ricky?Amy: Oh, I have to go, but Ill talk to you later, ok?Ben: Please dont go if yo

27、ure angry with me. Dont be angry with me, I cant take it.Amy: Ben, Im not angry with you. I promise.Ben: Ok, well, if youre not angry with me, then tell me what youre not telling me, but youre telling your girlfriends. Is it that Ricky and Grace are dating and Ricky had his shirt off, so maybe the t

28、wo of them are.You still have a thing for Ricky? Amy: No, I dont, and I never did.Ben: I think you did at one time.Guy: You need any help with your studies? I hear you got lots of cash.Ben: I do ok with schoolwork.Guy: Yeah, well, you can always do better.Ben: I cant believe I did that. First, I go

29、on and on about that action-hero cheerleader Grace, forgetting that they have some sort of weird history of unspoken competition. Then I accuse Amy of still having a thing for Ricky. I shouldve never kissed her. Now Im afraid of losing her.Henry: Howd you leave it?Ben: She didnt say anything, she ju

30、st walked off.Henry: Thats not good. That means she wants to think about what she says next.Alice: Whats wrong with you? Are you as stupid as he is?Girl: She is gonna get a movie deal out of that.Lauren: Shell have time to make a movie. Shes probably gonna get kicked off the squad. Shes a cheerleade

31、r wearing our school uniform, and shes hugging some guy with his shirt off on a street corner at, like, midnight, after trying to cut a guy. Come on, thats hardly a positive representation of our school.Amy: Excuse me, can I talk to you?Madison: We were talking about Grace. Did you see it?Amy: Yeah,

32、 Ive seen it. I really need to talk to you, though, alone. Im sorry, I didnt mean to interrupt.Madison: Oh, its just Amys so shy, you know. Thats why she wants to talk to us alone. Shes really shy.Amy: Why would you tell them that?Madison: Well, I didnt want her to think that you were rude. And why

33、would your sister say shes having sex if shes not 是,很爽,我得去找麦迪逊和劳伦。有事告诉她们。不能告诉我吗?你的男朋友?我一直在说格瑞丝,似乎对她有感觉。其实格瑞丝对我毫无意义。真的,只是个笑料而已。我说的太多了,不只是多,简直多过头了。不过,谁能猜到她和里奇交往呢?我必须要走了,一会再谈。别因为生我的气才走,别生我的气,我受不了。本,我不生你的气,我发誓。如果你真的不生我的气,那就告诉我,你瞒着我却告诉她们的事情。是里奇和格瑞丝在约会,里奇光着身子,也许他们两个在你对里奇那家伙还有感觉?不,我没有,从来没有。不是有过一次吗?需要帮你做作业吗

34、?听说你很有钱。我作业很好。但你能做的更好。不敢相信我居然这样。首先,我不停的念叨那个拉拉队英雄,格瑞丝,忘了她们之间有点小过节。然后我又冤枉她,对里奇没忘情。我根本不该吻她,现在我怕失去她。她反应怎么样?她二话不说的走开了。情况不妙,这表示她在考虑该说什么。你什么毛病?和他一样得了白痴症吗?她凭这就能签电影合同。恐怕没时间签合同了,她会被拉拉队除名。穿着我们校服的拉拉队长,三更半夜和光着身子的男人在街角拥抱,之前还拿着瓶子威胁人。得了吧,学校的形象都被毁了。打扰下,能谈谈吗?我们正在说格瑞丝。看到新闻了吗?The Secret Life of American Teenager 1042ha

35、ving sex? She loves attention?Amy: She knows about the baby. Madison: Ok, I thought we werent talking about theAmy: We werent, but I cant let Ashley get in trouble because shes trying to distract my parents from whats going on with me. Now Im gonna have to talk about it.Lauren: You do have to, and y

36、ou have to tell your parents.Madison: Thats not what you say to someone in this situationLauren: Yes, it is, and its what Ive been saying all along. You agree with me in private, but you dont have the nerve to tell her what you really think to her face? What kind of friend are you, Madison? Tell her

37、 the truth. You know Im right, so grow up, Madison, and you, too, Amy. Be responsible. Talk to your parents. Get some help.Madison: Youre doing good. Youre doing so good.Ricky: Take that off.Adrain: I cant. Id get kicked out of school. I love this shirt.Ricky: No ones gonna know its mine. Grace and

38、I are friends, and she would never be interested in me. As anything other than a friend. Adrain: Dont bet on that.Jack: Do they know? That weve been seeing each other.Grace: They know, and they know Ive been lying.Jack: So they know Ive been lying, too? I shouldve never let you talk me into this arr

39、angement. Maybe theyll realize Im not so bad after all.Grace: Are you kidding me? Theyre furious with you and Ricky and me. Jack: Im kinda furious with you and Ricky, too. Where was his shirt, by the way?Grace: You dumped me on a street corner and took off.Jack: That was the plan. Why arent you in y

40、our uniform?Grace: Im giving up cheerleading.Jack: Your parents are making you do that?Grace: Im volunteering to do it. Thats what my punishment should be for lying to my parents. They offered up every other punishment I could think of, and they stared at me. Jack: Theyre the ones that put you in th

41、is position. Theyre not stupid, you know. They probably knew we were sneaking around. They definitely didnt believe you were friend with that idiot drummer or dating him or whatever the heck you were telling em.Grace: What makes you think youre any better than Ricky?Jack: I am better than Ricky. Don

42、t get angry at me. If he 看到了,我需要和你们谈谈,单独。对不起,我不是有意打扰。只是因为艾米很害羞,所以她才要单独谈,她很害羞。为什么你们要这么说?我不想让他们觉得你没礼貌。你妹妹为什么说她和人做爱,其实她并没有?喜欢受人瞩目吗?她知道怀孕的事。我们不是说好不再谈这个我们不谈,但是我不能让艾希礼受冤枉,因为她想分散我父母的注意力,为了掩护我。我现在要和他们谈。你要向父母坦白。你怎么这么残忍。我说的没错,我一直都这么说。私下你赞同我的观点,当着她的面你就没胆说出真实想法了吗?这算哪门子的朋友,麦迪逊?说实话。我说的没错,成熟点吧,麦迪逊,还有艾米。负起责任,和父母坦白,

43、让他们帮你。你做的很好,做的很好。把它脱掉。不能脱,我会被开除的。我爱死这衬衫了。没人知道这是我的衣服。格瑞丝和我只是朋友,她不会喜欢我,只是朋友而已。别打这个赌哦。他们知道了吗?知道我们约会。知道,还知道我一直撒谎。也知道我一直撒谎了?我不该听你的,做这么愚蠢的事,也许这让他们觉得我也不坏。开什么玩笑?他们气疯了,对你,对里奇,还有我。我也要被你和里奇气疯了。他的衬衫哪去了?我只知道你把我丢在街角。那是计划好的。怎么不穿队服?我退出拉拉队了。你父母逼你的吗?我自愿的。那是对父母撒谎应得的惩罚。他The Secret Life of American Teenager 1042hadnt be

44、en late, none of this wouldve happened.Grace: No, none of this wouldve happened if you hadnt kissed Adrian.Ricky: I wanted to call you this morning, but I didnt know if I should. Im so sorry I wasnt there sooner last night. This is all my fault. Hope this doesnt mean you and Jack are breaking up.Gra

45、ce: Of course it means were breaking up. He never shouldve left me there alone.Ricky: Dont blame him. I shouldve been there on time.Grace: He didnt apologize. All hes concerned about is you. Hes so jealous. He thinks you wanna go out with me or something. He always thought that.Ricky: Who doesnt, es

46、pecially after seeing you on the news.Grace: That was so embarrassing.Ricky: Come on, its over. It was funny. Although, I admit, last night it was pretty scary, wasnt it?Grace: Yes, it was, and nobody seems at all concerned about that. I couldve been hurt or violated.Ricky: Couldve been, but you wer

47、ent. I think thats what everyones feeling relief that you werent hurt or violated.Grace: You are making fun of me?Ricky: Would I ever make fun of you?Grace: I dont know. Would you?Ricky: Probably, but I know Id never leave you alone, drop you off on a street corner. Im just glad youre ok. And Im sor

48、ry you were scared and had to defend yourself. Im really proud of you.Grace: Im not very proud of myself. I never shouldve been sneaking around with Jack.Ricky: Youre right. If it had been me, Id keep going back to your dad until he could trust me.Adrain: This is his shirt. This is where he left it.

49、Jack: Wow, is everyone going crazy? Is everyone walking around with their shirts off? I could walk around with my shirt off, too. Id probably look a lot better than he did. See this? This is what a real man looks like.Grace: Thats it. Ok, its over. Youre not a man, youre a child.Ricky: Dude, have some dignity.Amy: Dad, can you please wait in the car?George: Been waiting in the car for a half an hou


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