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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1101George: Where exactly is Mimsy? With all the airport security, she got on the wrong flight?Anne: She was in the first-class lounge, so she picked up someone elses boarding pass. She was supposed to go to New York, the boarding pass said Chicago, so thats wher

2、e she went. She needs to get to New York, so she can go to London with her group. Im gonna go make sure she makes her connection.George: What if shes in London, misses her connection and ends up in Timbuktu?Anne: Then you can go pick her up. I went to the store, bought the ingredients, I cooked the

3、noodles, made the sauce, its not from a jar. I dont want you to ruin it all by throwing cold cheese on top. George, you cant feed her fast food at every meal, shes having a baby, and make sure Amy gets to her new school. Ive never missed a first day of school. I hate leaving her like this.George: Wi

4、th me?Anne: Yes. Ill call you.George: Dont bother.George: You really wanna go to school with a bunch of sluts?Amy: If youre calling them sluts, youre calling me a slut.George: No, Im not. Whered you get that?Ashy: Technically, you were a slut for 2&half minutes or less.George: You might get away wit

5、h those remarks when your mothers around, but you cant get away with that stuff when Im in charge, you got it?Ashley: Tell him I got it, but he said “sluts“ first.George: Go get in the car.Ashley: Tell him schools not open. Its only 6:30. Havent had breakfast.George: Theres a bar of soap in the sink

6、. I want you to have that for breakfast. Ashley: You tell Ward Cleaver Im on a hunger strike until Mom gets back.Henry: What day is it?Ben: Its Monday, we gotta get ready for school. Come on, you can do it. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, its a new beginning.Henry: Its the end of an

7、 era.Ben: Maybe Alice will change her mind.Henry: Yeah, maybe, once I tell her about Ashley.Ben: What? Theres nothing to tell. You stared at her all night. 米慕斯到底在哪儿?有那么多机场保安,她还能坐错飞机?她坐的是头等舱,所以拿错了别人的登机牌,她本该去纽约,但登机牌上写着芝加哥,所以她去了那儿。她得去纽约,这样才能跟她的团去伦敦,我要去确保她正确转机。如果她在伦敦,错过了班机,结果到了廷巴克图呢?那你就可以去接她了。我去商店买来了原料,

8、煮了面条,做了酱汁 可不是罐头制品。我不想你在上面撒了冷干酪来毁了它,乔治,你不能每顿给她吃快餐,她怀着孩子呢,确定艾米到新学校去,我从未错过开学的第一天,我不愿就这么丢下她。她和我一起都不行吗?没错。我会打你电话的。别费心了。你真想去那个荡妇学校吗?你叫她们是荡妇,就是在叫我荡妇。没有的事,你怎么这么想?事实上,你只做了 2 分半的荡妇或者更短。你妈在的时候,没人管你们的说话用语,但我掌权的时候就不行了,明白吗?告诉他我明白,但他先说的“荡妇“ 。上车去。告诉他学校还没开门,现在才 6 点半,还没吃早饭呢。水池里有块香皂,吃了吧。告诉华德克里夫,妈妈回来前我绝食罢课。今天星期几?星期一,我们

9、要去学校了。起来,没事的,今天是你余生的第一天,新的开始。这是世界末日。也许爱丽丝会改变想法呢。也对,只要我告诉她艾希礼的事。什么,那又没什么好说的,你整晚盯着她,The Secret Life of American Teenager 11015You gonna tell Alice you stared at a girl from junior high all night? Because thats all there is to tell.Henry: Ill make it sound better than that, it was better than that.Ben:

10、 Which is it? Are you smitten with Ashley, or are you pining for Alice?Henry: I dont know, Im conflicted. Ashleys pretty, but Ashley isnt Alice, and Alice is Alice, but Alice isnt Ashley. I think I ate too many preservatives.Ben: Affirmative. Sort this out for yourself before you say anything to eit

11、her one of them.Henry: Alice should know about Ashley. Ashley knows about Alice. Its only fair.Ben: Dont be an idiot, dont say anything.Henry: A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.Amy: Just take me to the new school because Im not going back to my old one.George: But its the best thing you can do fo

12、r yourself.Amy: Dad, how is going to my old school the best thing I could do for myself?George: Its a magnet school. Its got a great band and orchestra, which is why you wanted to go there in the first place, and thats where Ben is and your two best friends, and its a five-minute car ride, the other

13、 schools way across town.Amy: Way across town in a better neighborhood, a better building with better teachers and fewer students. Are you worried about gas prices or something?George: What? No. If something happened to you, Id wanna be able to get to you as soon as possible.Amy: That school always

14、has a doctor on call. George: Ill get you a doctor if anything happens, but think about it. In an emergency, dont you want your best friends and family to care for you?Amy: Dad, I havent heard from my two best friends all weekend, not a phone call or a text from Madison or Lauren. You wanna know why

15、 theyre not talking to me? Its because Im having a baby, and they want nothing to do with me, neither does anyone else.George: Thats not true, sweetie. Come on, listen to me. I love you, Amy, and I would never tell you to do this if I didnt think it was the right thing to do.Marshll: You making two

16、sandwiches? One of those for me?Grace: No, I thought maybe Id invite Jack to have lunch with me today. I think its time we should talk. Adrian thinks we 你要告诉爱丽丝你整晚盯着一个初中女生吗?也就只能说这些。我会说得更好听点,本来就比这更好。什么?你是迷上了艾希礼,还是为爱丽丝痛苦?不知道,我很矛盾,艾希礼很漂亮,但艾希礼不是爱丽丝,而爱丽丝是爱丽丝,但爱丽丝不是艾希礼。我觉得我防腐剂吃多了。绝对的,你自己想清楚,再和她们谈。爱丽丝应该知道艾

17、希礼,艾希礼应该知道爱丽丝,这样才公平。别傻了,什么都别说。我应该做得有个男人的样子。送我去新学校,我不会回原来学校的。但回原校对你是最好的。爸,回原校对我有什么好处?那是很棒的学校,有很棒的乐队组织,这正是你当初选择它的原因。那儿还有本和你最好的 2 个朋友,并且只有 5 分钟车程,另一个学校在这镇子对面。这镇子对面有更好的社区,更好的教学楼,更好的老师和更少的学生,你是在担心油价什么的吗?什么?不是。如果你发生意外,我能更快地赶到。那个学校有医生值班。有意外发生我会给你叫医生,但想想,发生意外时,你难道不想让最好的朋友和家人照顾你吗?爸,我都一星期没我 2 个好朋友的消息了,麦迪逊和劳伦连

18、个电话和短信都没。你知道她们为什么不和我说话吗?就因为我怀孕了,她们不想和我扯上关系,所有人都是这样。宝贝,不是这样的。听我说,艾米,我爱你。如果我自己不确定这是正确的做法,我是不会让你这么做的。你做了 2 个三明治,有给我的吗?没有,我想今天我也许会请杰克一起吃午饭,是时候好好谈谈了,艾利安觉得我们应该和The Secret Life of American Teenager 11014should get back together.Marshall: I dont think Adrian is the first to go to for relationship advice. Sh

19、e was with Jack, wasnt she?Grace: Forgive and forget. Ive forgotten already.Marshall: If it were that simple. No, its not. You might be able to forgive and forget, but it still happened.Grace: I know, but I havent found any guys Id even wanna go out with, besides Ricky, and hes with Adrian.Marshall:

20、 Your new friend Adrian?Grace: Besides, I just miss Jack.Marshall: You know Tom is very good, very resourceful at making friends, maybe he can help you out. All right, but Im gonna have another conversation with Jack if you two ever decide to go out again.Grace: Dad, face it, you just dont think any

21、 guy is good enough for me.Marshall: Did Adrian tell you that?Grace: No, but its still true.Marshall: So, Whats Jack been up to? Does he have any other new friends like Adrian?Grace: No. Im sure hes been busy focusing on his schoolwork until I decide what I want to do.Marshall: Thats right, thats ex

22、actly what football players do when they break up any relationship they concentrate on academics, some of em even become astronauts. Sweetheart, Jack hasnt even had time to call you.Gra: He doesnt wanna call me because he doesnt wanna keep getting rejected, besides, Ive been ignoring him.Marshall: S

23、o youre gonna offer yourself up to him over a sandwich. Does that sound like the beginning of a good relationship to you?Grace: Mom cooks for you every night.Marshall: Im sleeping with your mother.Grace: Whats your point?Marshall: That is my point.Grace: Dad, its just food.Marshall: Its not just foo

24、d, ever.Adrain: I told you youd have fun if you slept over.Ricky: I cant do this all the time. My foster dad will be back today.Adrain: Well, then they need to leave the country more often. Why cant you tell your foster parents where you are? I mean they know youre my boyfriend.Ricky: Yeah, and they

25、 also know Im having a baby with Amy.好。我觉得你不该先向艾利安询问这事,她和杰克交往过,不是吗?原谅并忘却,我已经忘了。有这么简单就好了,不是,你也许原谅并忘却了,但事情发生过。我知道,但我还没遇见愿意交往的男生,除了里奇,但他和艾利安交往。你的新朋友艾利安?而且,我想念杰克。你知道,汤姆在交友方面非常老道,也许他能帮帮你。好吧,但如果你们决定和好,我还要和杰克谈谈。爸,接受吧,你只是觉得没人配得上我。艾利安这么告诉你的?不,但那是事实。那么,杰克最近如何?他有交像艾利安一样的新朋友吗?没有,我肯定他把重心放在学业上,直到我决定怎样。是啊,这就是球员该做的

26、,结束一段感情时,就集中精力于学业,有些人甚至还成了宇航员呢。宝贝,杰克连给你打电话的时间都没。他不打给我,是因为不想总被拒绝,而且我一直无视他。所以你想以一个三明治和他套近乎,这听上去像是个交往的好开端吗?妈妈每晚都给你做饭。我和你妈睡在一起。你想说什么?这就是我想说的。爸,这只是食物而已。这从来都不只是食物。我说过你来过夜会很有趣。我不能总过来,我养父今天回来。那他们最好多出国几次,你为什么不能告诉你养父母你在哪儿呢?他们知道你是我男朋友。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11014Adrain: Yeah, I forgot for two sec

27、onds, thanks for reminding me. She starting that new school today?Ricky: Yeah, shes supposed to.Adrain: How often do you talk to her?Ricky: Whenever I want.Adrain: And Ben doesnt mind that?Ricky: I dont know. I dont talk to Ben.Adrain: I dont know why you talk to Amy.Ricky: Cause shes having my baby

28、.Adrain: Would you stop saying that? Shes not having your baby, shes having a baby. Youre not gonna try to go to birthing classes or anything, are you?Ricky: I might, if she wants me there.Adrain: Shes not gonna want you there, cause thats when shes gonna hate you the most.Ricky: Why should she hate

29、 me if Im trying to help her? Im the good guy here. Im sorry I slept over. I knew this would happen.Adrain: Oh, you knew what would happen? You knew wed have great sex all night and then get a big arguement over your daddy issues?Ricky: Oh, I have daddy issues and you dont? This is why I wanna be in

30、volved with my son or daughter, so they wont grow up like you.Adrain: Oh, I cant believe this.Ruben: Were trying to have a private conversation here, OK?Ricky: Im happy to leave. I have to get to school.Adrain: Why, so you could see Amy?Ruben: You have a girlfriend?Ricky: Shes not my girlfriend, she

31、s just having my baby.Ruben: Let him go. I wanna talk to you, and a lot of what I wanna talk about is him.Adrain: This is my house, you cant just come in here and tell me what to do.Rubn: You wanted a father, Im your father, and I say he goes.Adrain: How do you know this guys not gonna beat me up fo

32、r something?Ruben: Shes my daughter, well be fine here without you. Thats the best you can do?Adrain: Youre the best my mother could do.Ruben: I offered to marry her. She didnt wanna get married, she wanted to be on her own. She didnt want me anywhere near you, she didnt even call me when you were b

33、orn, I wanted to be there. She told me I could meet you when you 他们也知道艾米怀了我的孩子。是哦,我差点忘了,多谢提醒,她今天要去新学校了吗?应该是吧。你多久和她说一次话?我想的时候。本不介意吗?不知道,我不和本说话。我真不知道你为什么和艾米说话。因为她怀了我的孩子。你能不能别提这事?她没有怀上你的孩子,她只是怀了孩子,你不会要去上准父母课什么的吧?可能,如果她想让我去。她不会想让你去的,那会是她最恨你的时候。我帮她的时候,她怎么会恨我呢?我可是个好男人,抱歉在这过夜了,我就知道会这样。你就知道会怎样?你就知道我们会爽一晚上,再

34、就你父亲的破事争论不休?我父亲有问题,难道你没有?所以我才要参与到我孩子的事上来,我可不想他们长大像你这样。真是不可思议。我们要进行私人谈话,好吗?我很乐意离开,我要去学校。为什么?这样你就能见到艾米了?你有女朋友?她不是我女朋友,她只是怀了我的孩子。让他走,我要和你谈谈,而且我要和你谈的就是他。这是我的家,你没权利过来对我指手画脚。你想要一个父亲,我是你的父亲,我让他走。你怎么知道这个男的会不会打我?她是我女儿,你不在场不会有事。这就是你能找到的最好的男人吗?你不也是我妈妈能找到的最好的?我提出过要娶她,但她不想结婚,她想独立The Secret Life of American Teena

35、ger 11014turned 18 and you could decide for yourself.Adrain: Im not 18. Ruben: I know that, and youre too young to decide whats best for you, so your mother and I have decided. I have a wife, and you have two brothers, and theyre prepared to welcome you with open arms.Adrain: Youre insane. Im not go

36、ing anywhere.Ruben: Yes, you are, or if you like, I can get a court order.Adrain: What are you, a cop?Ruben: Something like that. Im an assistant D.A.Adrain: You still cant make me go home with you without my consent or my mothers consent.Ruben: I have your mothers consent, and shes absolutely right

37、, you dont listen, you hear what you wanna hear, and you do what you wanna do, but not anymore.Adrain: I have to get ready for school. You should go.Ruben: Fine, but Ill be back.Lauren: Yeah, Ricky and I have a connection, cant fight it, and its not just about sex, he respects me.Madison: Oh, right.

38、 So, not like Amy, cause he didnt respect her at all. OK, youre being insane, snap out of it, you dont have a connection with this guy, hes just a man whore.Lauren: That is so immature.Madison: Making out with the guy who got your best friend pregnant isnt immature?Lauren: He said that Amy was the o

39、ne who wanted to do it.Madison: She said she didnt know what was happening.Lauren: Who doesnt know theyre having sex? I knew I was making out with him.Madison: You dont think you did anything wrong, did you?Lauren: No, I dont think I did anything wrong.Madison: Then why dont you tell Amy since you d

40、ont think you did anything wrong?Lauren: Why would I tell her I made out with him? She didnt tell us when she had sex with him, so why would I tell her if I made out with him? It was just making out. Oh, no, youre not gonna tell her.Madison: No, Im not gonna tell her, but you should. Youre afraid to

41、 tell her, arent you?Lauren: Maybe.Madison: Id be afraid to tell her I made out with the father of her baby. Im afraid to tell her you made out with the father of her baby, so Im not gonna tell her.Lauren: If youre not gonna tell her, why should I tell her?Madison: Cause were all best friends.生活,她不想

42、让我接近你,你出生时她都没有打电话给我,我也想过去的,她说你 18 岁时我就能见你,你就能自己做决定了。我没到 18 岁。我知道,你还太年轻,不懂如何选择最好,所以你妈和我决定了。我有妻子,你有 2 个弟弟,他们会欢迎你的到来。你疯了,我哪儿都不去。你必须去,你要是喜欢,我就上法庭起诉。你干什么的,警察?差不多,我是地区检察官助理。没有我或我妈的同意,你还是不能让我回家。你妈同意了,她说的完全正确,你不听话,你只听顺耳的话,只做想做的事,但这再也不行了。我要去学校了,你该走了。好吧,但我会回来的。里奇和我有缘分,无法抗拒,不仅仅是性,他尊重我。是啊,不像对艾米那样,因为他根本不尊重她。好吧,你

43、已经疯了,醒醒吧,你和那男的没缘分,他只是个花花公子。你真是太不成熟了。和一个把你最好朋友弄怀孕的男生亲热不是不成熟吗?他说是艾米想做的。她说她根本不知道发生了什么。她怎么会不知道自己在做爱?我就知道我在和他亲热。你觉得自己没做错什么,是吧?对,我什么都没做错。既然你觉得什么都没做错,为何不告诉艾米?我为什么要告诉她我和他亲热了?她和他做爱也没告诉我们啊,那我和他亲热为什么要告诉她?只是亲热而已,你不会要告诉她吧。不,我不会告诉她,但你要告诉她,你害怕了,是吗?The Secret Life of American Teenager 11014Lauren: Well, maybe were

44、not all best friends anymore.Madison: Maybe you and I arent best firends with Amy. Maybe just you a I are best friends with each other now.Jason: You left your book in the car. Lets get something straight, the two of you were never best friends with Amy, thats why you told everyone shes having Ricky

45、s baby, and thats why shes off to slut school this morning. Excuse my language, thats what everyone calls it.Grace: I think thats terrible, and I think its terrible Amys not going to school here, we should be supporting her.Ben: Forget about Ashley, OK? You are Henry of Henry and Alice. Alice will b

46、e back. Oh, lets bet on it.Henry: Maybe I dont want her back. I dont know. I told you, Im conflicted.Alice: Dan doesnt need championship rings to be a hero.Jack: Its more than winning, he made the most of his situation, he tried to pull his team up, he did just desert everybody to win some big champ

47、ionship ring, thats loyalty.Alice: So you do pick Marino over Brady? Youre very earnest. Earnest, adjective marked by our showing deep sincerity or seriousness.Ben: Im so glad you changed your mind, OK? This is the right thing to do, it is. I love you. Ill be here for you, everythings gonna be fine.

48、Adrain: She cant just give me away.Counselor: I wouldnt think so, but you wanted a father.Adrain: No, I didnt say that. I said I wanted to meet my father. I mean what do I need him for now? Im all grown up.Counselor: Says he had an agreement with your mother, right? He wasnt around. Now hes around,

49、dont turn this into a bad thing.Adrn: He wants me to go live with him and his lousy family.Counselor: So go meet them, maybe youll like them. Adrain: I cant believe my mother would do this without discussing it with me.Counselor: This is why you need to talk to her. You have to talk to her. Come on, lets call her, you and me.Adrain: This is your fault, youre the one who told me who he is, your


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