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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1121Anne: Im starving, I think Ill have a glass of orange juice and maybe some whole wheat toast.Amy: Sounds good and healthy too. I think Ill have the same. Do you need some help?Anne: I dont get it.Amy: Youre not making breakfast?Anne: Oh, I thought Id let you

2、make breakfast, you know, just practise a little bit.Amy: Oh, but mom, Im kind of tired.Anne: Im kind of tired too.Amy: Well, Im pregnant, and, Ive been in school all week.Anne: I think we need to talk. In just a few months, youre gonna have a baby and its gonna be up to you to care for that baby an

3、d care for yourself too. I mean not that I wont take care of you. Im your mother, Ill always take care of you, just like youll always take care of your baby, because its your baby and if what you want to do is keep that baby, and just know that baby is your responsibility.Amy: I know that, but I sti

4、ll have to go to school and go to band practice, and do all the stuff I normally do.Anne: If you can do all the stuff that you normally do, and take care of the baby.Amy: I just assumed that youd keep the baby while I went to school. You can do that, right? Keep the baby while Im at school.Anne: Amy

5、, I have to get a job. Ive been looking for a job, and hopefully soon Ill have one.Amy: And wheres the baby gonna be, if youre at work and Im at school?Anne: Well, thats up to you, and its also up to you to pay for any child care that comes with the baby, dont you think?Amy: No, not really. I was ho

6、ping that you and dad would get back together, and then you wouldnt have to work and you can keep the baby?Anne: Well, what if I dont wanna get back together with dad? What if I want to work?Amy: You dont want to go to work, thats why you stay home.Anne: Amy, we dont always get to do what we wanna d

7、o when we wanna do it. Thats not the way that life works, and I didnt stay at home because I wanted to stay at home. I stayed at home because somebody had to be here to take care of you and Ashley and Im happy that we could afford to do that. That I could stay home and take care of you. But now its

8、my turn, now its time for me to 我饿死了,我想来一杯橙汁,还有燕麦面包。听上去不错,而且很健康。我也吃这些,要帮忙吗?什么意思。你没做早餐吗?我想让你做早餐,锻炼一下。但妈妈,我有点累。我也有点累。妈,我怀孕了,而且我上了一周的课。我们该谈谈,几个月后,你就有孩子了,到时候是你照顾孩子,还有照顾你自己。不是说我就不照顾你了,我是你妈,一直都会照顾你,就像你照顾你孩子一样,因为那是你孩子。如果你想自己抚养孩子,就要知道抚养孩子是你的责任。这些我都知道,但我还要去上学,去乐队训练,做平时该做的事。如果你能做好平时该做的事,并照顾好孩子。我只是希望我不在家时,你照顾孩

9、子,你会这样吧?我上学时,你照看孩子。艾米,我要找工作,我一直都在找,也许很快就有工作了。那孩子怎么办?如果你去上班,我去上课?那就看你的了,而且你要支付有关孩子的一切费用,不是吗?不是吧,我希望你和爸爸能重归于好,你就不必工作,在家看孩子?如果我不想和爸爸和好呢?如果我想去上班呢?你不想上班的,所以你呆在家。艾米,有时候并不是你想做什么就能做什么。生活总不尽如人愿,我呆在家并不是因为我想呆在家,而是要照顾你和艾希礼,能这么做,我也很开心,可以在家照顾你们,现在该变变了,该是我照顾自己的时候了。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11213take car

10、e of me.George: I dont smell any breakfast in here. Grandpa needs a cup of coffee.A: Youll have to get it yourself, thats the new rule round here.George: What did I miss?Anne: I was just explaining to Amy that if she wants to keep the baby, then shes gonna have to take care of that baby.George: Why

11、cant you do it?Anne: Because I have to find a job.George: Doing what? Youve never finished that bachelors degree philosophy. If you wanna be a philosopher youre gonna need that degree.Anne: George, I think its time that you move out and find your own place.George: I think Ill get some coffee first.A

12、nne: And then find your own place.George: We dont have any money.Anne: Really? I dont see how its possible that we suddenly went broke in the past couple of months. I think youre hiding the money.George: So now youre a detective and a philosopher? Well, shouldnt you have been able to figure out that

13、 Amy was pregnant sooner, as well as why she got pregnant?Anne: George, Im serious. I want you to move out, and I want a divorce, and it wasnt philosophy, I was majoring in womens studies.George: Well, obviously, I didnt get your degree, and either I still wouldnt be waiting for a cup of coffee.Ben:

14、 Whats wrong? I thought you said this is an emergency.Amy: My mother decided that shes not going to keep the baby. She told me this morning that shes not gonna keep the baby, shes going to get a job. Now that the worst possible time, the babys gonna be born in three months. Why now? Do you still wan

15、na get married?Ben: Of course, but I think your parents said “no“ to that one unfortunately.Amy: Im not asking for their permission this time, and neither should you, and neither should your dad, we have to do it now.Ben: Were underage.Amy: Do you wanna marry me?Ben: Yes, I said I did, but, Id like

16、our families to be there.Amy: Well, Ben, this is not the type of wedding that you 我没闻到早饭的香味,外公要喝杯咖啡。那你得自己动手了,这是新规矩。我错过啥好戏了?我告诉艾米如果她想抚养孩子,就要自己照顾孩子。你为啥不能照顾孩子?因为我要找工作。做什么?你连哲学学士学位都没,你想当哲学家,那张学历可少不了。乔治,你该搬出去找个新家了。我想先喝杯咖啡。然后你就可以找个新家了。我们破产了。是吗?我觉得这几个月突然就破产的可能性不大,你藏了私房钱吧。你现在成了侦探兼哲人嘛?那你怎么就没算到艾米会怀孕和怀孕的原因呢?乔治

17、,我认真的,我要你搬出去,我们离婚,而且我学的不是哲学,是女性研究。显然,我没看过你的学位证书,而且我也不会等你给我煮咖啡。出什么事了?我想你说是紧急情况。我妈决定不帮我养孩子,她早上说,不会帮我照顾孩子,她要去上班,而且是现在这个最糟的时候,孩子 3 个月后就会出生。为什么是现在?你还愿意娶我吗?当然,但不幸的是,你父母明确反对。这次我不想听他们的,你也一样,你爸爸也是,我们不得不这么做。我们还没到法定年龄。你想娶我吗?当然,我说过的,但我希望到时我们家人在场。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11212send out invitations to

18、invite the family, we have to elope.Ben: Sounds if you really thought this one through. How did you get here?Amy: My mom dropped me off. Told her applying for a job, but I really just want a breakfast, and I wanted to talk to you face to face.Ben: Wed have to talk to my dad. I want my dad to be ther

19、e.Amy: No dads, we just need a couple of witnesses.Ben: And when were you thinking of doing this?Amy: The sooner the better, and we were supposed to hang out tonight anyway, so why dont we just get married instead?Ben: All right. I mean, were going to get married in a few years anyway, so.why not? L

20、ets do it.Tom: You cant go out with Ricky.Grace: No, thats not what Mom and Dad said, they just said they like him, they just need to get to know him better.Tom: Read between the lines.Grace: Read between the lines?Tom: They will never know him, they wont let you go out with him, ever. Sounds like t

21、hey wont let me go out with Betty, ever.Kathleen: Right, you cannot go out with an internet prostitute.Grace: But I can go out with Ricky, right? When you get to know him?Kathleen: Tom, can I talk to Grace, alone?Grace: Am I wrong? I thought you said I could go out with him if you got to know him be

22、tter.Kathleen: Honey, heres what Ive decided, after thinking about our conversation. You can go out with Ricky, if thats what you wanna do. You can stay out as late as you want, as long as I know where you are, who youre with and what youre doing.Grace: Really? When did you decide this?Kathleen: Whe

23、n your dad decided he liked to go on a golf thing weekend with his buddies.Grace: Oh, is he still upset over that little bit of information I overheard?Kathleen: You heard wrong, when I cheated on George, it wasnt with your dad, so he didnt know anything about that. And Im still upset with you for t

24、hinking that two of us were being hypocritical by asking you to wait until marriage. Your father and I did wait until we got married and I do want you to wait. Grace, my mom was so strict that I never had any kind of physical contact with any guy until I married George, and basically I married him b

25、ecause I wanted to have sex with 本,不是那种给别人请帖的婚礼仪式,我们要私奔。似乎你考虑得很周全了,你怎么过来的?我妈顺路载我的,说她要找工作,但我太想吃早餐了,而且想当面和你谈谈。要和我爸谈谈,我希望他到场。不用,我们找几个证婚人就行。你准备啥时候行动?越快越好,反正今晚我们要出来的,不如去把婚给结了?好啊,反正几年内我们是要结婚的,那么何乐而不为呢?事不宜迟。你不能和里奇出去。不,爸妈不是这么说的,他们可喜欢他呢,他们只是要更深入的了解。细细了解。细细了解?他们永远不会了解他,他们不会让你和他出去,永远不会,就像他们不会让我和贝蒂出去,永远不会。没错,你不

26、能和网络卖淫女出去。但我能和里奇出去,对吗?当你了解他后?汤姆,你能回避下吗?我说错了吗?我记得你说过,了解里奇后,我就可以和他交往。宝贝,我决定了,我考虑了我们的谈话,如果你想,你可以和里奇出去,呆多晚都行,但必须让我知道你在哪,和谁一起,在做什么。真的吗?什么时候决定的?当你爸决定周末和朋友去打高尔夫球的时候。他还因为我不小心听到的那事难过吗?你听错了,当时我和乔治之间的第三者不是你爸,所以他根本不知道这事。而你觉得我们让你保持婚前贞洁是伪善的,这让我很难过。我和你爸的确是婚后才有性行为的,我也想让你这样。格瑞丝,我妈妈很严格,嫁给乔治前,我没和任何男性有过身体接触,The Secret

27、Life of American Teenager 11212him, I couldnt say that to my mom. We never talked about sex. So, Im hoping that if you and I can talk, if I dont force you in hiding things like my mother did, that you will wait and that youll come to me and talk to me if situations are presenting themselves that mak

28、e it difficult to wait.Grace: But dad is coming home, right? I mean, it didnt like cause you guys to get a divorce or something?Kathleen: No, hell be home soon. Hes just off on a golf trip. Im sure hell be back in a couple of days, he just need some time away from me. I mean, he was pretty upset, an

29、d I shouldve told him before, but Im happy that its out in the open. Just learn something, honey, if you make a bad decision, youre responsible for that decision, even if it doesnt catch up with you for years.Tom: You couldnt tell me that?Kathleen: You know what, Tom? You can date, too, and I know s

30、omeone if youre interested.Tom: If its Adrian, forget about it. It wont work now that Grace is going out with Ricky. Bad mix.Kathleen: No. We have someone new in the neighborhood, and I can fix you up if you want.Adrain: I dont mind changing schools, I just think he should consult you. I think its s

31、omething we shouldve talked about together as a family.Cindy: Well, he did say that he had some connections to put you into private school, and I didnt object.Adrain: But you didnt agree. Mom, you put your hard-earned money into this condo in this neighborhood, so I can go to my school. Its a magnet

32、 school. Its a great school.Cindy: But you dont have great friends. Look, this could be a fresh start.Adrain: Or it would set me back. I mean, Im doing really well, Im the top of my class, and I hate to say this, because I like him. But, nothing could should just get in his way.Cindy: So are you. Lo

33、ok, if you dont want go to this school, just tell him that you dont wanna go.Adrain: See, I dont know. I dont know what I wanna do. I mean, do you think that we can all just get together and talk?Cindy: Ive talked to Ruben, but I havent seen him in years.Adrain: Well, you should see him and you shou

34、ld let him see you. I mean, you look great, show him what he missed out.Cindy: I dont know. Its just I get so intimidated with his job and his success and everything.Adrain: Dont let him do that to you.而我之所以嫁给他,是因为想和他做爱,但我不能和妈妈说这个。我们从不谈性,所以,我希望如果我们可以交流,如果我们可以坦诚相待,你就会等下去,如果遇到困难,难以等待,你会告诉我。但爸要回来了,对吧?这


36、棒的。但你交的朋友可不咋滴,这可能是个转折点。也可能让我退步,我成绩真的很棒,在班里名列前茅,而且我不想说的,我喜欢他,但他是不可能为我改变的。你也一样,如果你不想去新学校,就直接告诉你爸。我不知道,我也不知道我想怎样,你有想过我们三个一起谈谈吗?我和他说过话,但这么多年都没见过他。你应该见见他,也该让他见见你,你魅力不减当初,让他见见错过的风景。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11212Cindy: You know your father has happily married.Adrain: Youve gone out with a lot o

37、f happily married guys.Cindy: I have not. Ok, one or two, but it doesnt matter. If you think Im gonna get back with your father, this is not going to happen.Adrain: Im not thinking that. Are you thinking that?Cindy: No, Im not thinking that. You know, look, remember, Im your mother, not your best fr

38、iend.Adrain: Yeah, I know and I respect that.Cindy: I am kind of curious to see him.Ricky: How are you?Grace: I am great. Guess what?Ricky: Oh, Im not that good at guessing.Grace: My mom said we can go out whenever as late as we want. We just have to let her know wherere we going and whatre we doing

39、.Ricky: I thought they wanted to get to know me better.Grace: She changed her mind, and my dads out of town.Ricky: Well, thats good news.Grace: I know. Its like the answer to my prayer.Ricky: You prayed about this?Grace: Yes, continuously.Ricky: Thats a lot.Grace: So did you want to go out tonight?R

40、icky: Sure. Where do you want to go?Grace: I dont know. Its our first date. I mean, what should we do for our first date? We should do something special.Guy: Hey, Im selling the information, dont give it away. Ricky: That doesnt even look like me.Guy: Well, no one has a good picture on a fake ID.Ric

41、ky: Howd you find out about Amy and Ben anyway?Guy: They called me, theyre gonna need a couple of those.Ricky: So wheres the wedding?Guy: Why would you wanna know?Ricky: Because Im going, Im the father of the baby.Guy: Details enclosed.Ashley: So do you know that dad is moving out? Hes packing his t

42、hings right now.Amy: He knew hed move out at some point. I think hes moving close by.Ashley: No, we didnt know hed move out at some point, tell him you dont want him to leave. I got him back last time, now its your turn.不用了吧,他的工作让我充满了恐惧,还有他取得的成功什么的。别让他影响到你。你爸现在婚姻美满,你也知道。你也和很多婚姻幸福的男人交往过。没有的事,是有那么一两个,


44、们找我的,他们要办假证。婚礼在哪儿举行?为什么要告诉你?因为我要去,我是孩子的父亲。绝对机密。你知道爸爸要搬走了吗?他在整理行李了。他知道自己有一天会走,我觉得他会搬到就近的地方。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11212Amy: Mom is not going to listen to me. She wont even keep the baby for me. I asked her if shed keep the baby for me when I was at school and band and she said she would

45、nt. Shes going to get a job. Can you believe that?Ashley: You thought she would keep the baby for you? What do you mean keep the baby? For 24 hours a day while you have a life?Amy: Not 24 hours a day, just most of the day, Monday through Friday. Whose side are you on?Ashley: Dads. Why would she agre

46、e raise the baby anyway? Why would you want her to? Look at the two of us, were completely screwed up. That kids better of adopted.Amy: Ashley, this is my baby, and Im going to keep my baby.Ashley: I thought you want mom to keep your baby.Amy: Ashley, lets not fight today. This is my wedding day. Be

47、n and I are getting married and we want you and Henry to be our witnesses. Im not kidding. Ben and I are getting married. You cant tell mom or dad, were all getting fake IDs, no one knows and nobody has to know.Ashley: Amy, dont you think youre in enough trouble already, having a baby? Now youre get

48、ting married without mom and dads permission? Amy: Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? I mean, I dont know what I was thinking. Im practically an adult. I have to start making my own decisions. I wanna get married, and Im going to get married, with or without you? But Im asking you to be there. P

49、lease.Ashley: I dont know, maybe. Maybe worth it, may not be. You really think you can get away with these?Amy: How upset can they get? Im marrying a guy Im madly in love with, and hes a great guy. Hell take good care of me and the baby. And, they dont have to do anything. Come on, say youll do it, and, Ill tell you where dad is moving.Guy: So, Ive never seen you around this place before.Ashley: You will.A: Hu


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