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1、英语中级听力参考答案Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2Edited by 莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕Lesson 16Section One: Men and WomenIII. Exercises:A. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. TB. (1) - (d, i, m); (2) - (a, c, e, j, l); (3) - (h);(4) - (f); (5) - (b, g); (6) - (k);C. 1. all her up about, your side of2. for sale3. house-trained, reasonabl

2、y trained, two years, two weeks, needs training, within4. 25p, all a man was worth5. staring me in the face, blew me top6. blamed me for7. egged her on8. came off, barged into9. blown over, a world of goodSection Two:Task 1: The Suffragette MovementA. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4.b B. 1. She would feel highly i

3、nsulted.2. They got the right to vote and some of them became members of the Parliament.3. They have been useful in helping women in their jobs in other vocations.4. She didnt want to vote.5. She feels all right joining men in their world of work and sport. But she is happy to leave politics to men.

4、C. 1. approve of2. a good laugh3. In the long term4. interfered with, a few boos and there, clapping5. different to, at their own job6. a great thrill on the race trackTask 2: Sex DiscriminationA. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F B. 1. sit under, fall off, got to stand up2. being discriminated against,

5、 at least to some extent3. proved wrong, removes, valid grounds for4. stamp it out5. a great shame, go roundSection Three:Recognizing the Main Idea:1. Reading for a particular purpose2. Why does a student come to the library3. Writing is the most difficult skill4. How to write a correct sentence5. S

6、implicity - a quality much admired6. Participating in group discussionsLesson 17Section One:Task 1: News in BriefA. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. c B. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. FC. (1) - (g, o, p); (2) - (d, h, n); (3) - (c, i); (4) - (e, g); (5) - (b, f, m); (6) - (a, k, q); (7) - (l);Task 2: Old A

7、ge and HealthA. 1. a 2. c 3. a B. 1. becoming senile, very few people2. 15 %, over 65,3. 80 %, over 65, at least4. watch out for5. immune system, to decline, lungs, the senses, the brain, skin6. benefit more from, the eldlySection Two: Task 1: At a Small RestaurantA. (1) c (2) b (3) a (4) a B. (1) F

8、 (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) T (6) F (7) T (8) F (9) T C. (1) He has trouble finding good, reliable domestic staff for his restaurant.(2) Because more and more organizations wanted to see his demonstration.(3) He wanted to combine the demonstration with a permanent establishment.(4) He decided to choose t

9、his remote place because he wanted to have a restaurant for those who love peace and quiet and beautiful scenery and who also appreciate good food.Task 2: The Tree Climbers of PompeiiA. 1. A man was half way up the tree.2. Ruins.3. To collect pine cones.4. The processed them into some sauce which is

10、 used in Italian cooking.5. No. The foreman bought a licence from the State for the right to go round places collecting pine cones.6. The tree climbers.B. 1. halfway up this tree, his hands, his feet, 20 or 30 feet up2. more or less, a rather middle-aged monkey, of 503. extremely sought after, in th

11、e food industry4. good at, um recognizing, ready, a bit hard5. sit around, fell downSection Three:Recognizing the Main Idea:1. Expressing neutrality after being nominated2. Making a promise of what to do when elected the President3. We should go to the moon.4. Commemorating a person5. The problem of

12、 the black people should be considered6. Why I want to resign.Lesson 18Section One: Energy CrisisA. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c B. Pros:a. It is the only alternative when fossil fuel is running out.b. It can produce electricity for our daily use.c. Working at a nuclear power station is far safer than w

13、orking down a coal-mine or on a North Sea oil-rig.d. It can create its own fuel and burn its waste.Cons:a. Nobody can imagine what will happen if there is a nuclear accident.b. Radioactivity causes cancer and may affect future generations.c. There is no technology for absolutely safe disposal of nuc

14、lear waste.d. Terrorists could hold the nation to ransom if they captured a reactor.e. Nuclear energy is expensive, dangerous, evil, and most of all, absolutely unnecessary.C. 1. 450 years, 50 years, oil, 30 years2. go back to the Stone Age, turn our backs on3. active for thousands of years4. 25 yea

15、rs, 26 retired reactors5. the sun, the waves, the wind, survive unless, working on, 6. and there are a lot of them about, none of us, at night7. in the short-term; rely on; oil, coal and gas; conservation of present resources; research into new forms of powerSection Two:Task 1: The Years to Come (I)

16、 A. 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.c 6.b B. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F C. 1. 216,000; ninety percent; in the poorest countries2. at least, alternative sources of energy3. Due to, half of the population4. species, the loss of their habitat5. within five or ten years, save the earthTask 2: The Years to Come (

17、II) A. 1. A space station to be launched towards the end of the 1990s.2. No, eleven other nations have agreed to contribute a few of the stations many parts.3. In the space.4. Eight.5. A dream that has been cherished for 120 years - a colony in space.6. Because they want to use the space station to

18、discover how to establish healthy and productive habitation in space.B. a. a room for each crew memberb. a showerc. a toiletd. exercise equipmente. a washing machinef. a pantryg. a sick bayh. a television seti. videoj. a telephonek. a computerC. 1. celestial body, a shining star, 38 degrees north or

19、 south of the equator2. Twenty trips, two rockets, piece by piece, a low orbit3. 250 miles above the Earth, bolt together, many components, batch of parts, in 1995Section Three:Recognizing the Main Idea:1. I shall return.2. Hoping for a country of equality3. Commemorating a person4. I wont send you

20、to any foreign wars.5. Why I resign6. Im innocent of the charges against me.Lesson 19Section oneTask 1:A: 1. a 2. c 3. cB: 1. to live and relax in, living in the cramped little houses and flats, the Second World War2. are growing up, and very small children demand a room of their own3. may demand an

21、 extra room to treat their friends privately4. restaurant and transport, people are beginning to entertain and dine at home, which requires a larger dinning roomC: 1. a. situated in the business heart of the city so quiet and fairly free from traffic in the evenings.b. several theaters opened recent

22、lyc. suitable for those who like living high up since accommodation being situated mostly is tower blocks2. a. favored mostly by upper middle class families who prefer a detached house.b. a walled garden surrounding the house and ensuring privacy3. a. suitable for those who are not interested in gar

23、deningb. grand mansions to be chosenc. a wonderful view of the Thamesd. only a few minutes away from Londons theaters and shopsTask 2:A: 1. She is the First Lady of Jazz, the greatest blues singer the world has ever before.2. To learn dancing. But she failed.3. All by accident. A pianist discovered

24、her talent.4. no, at first she had to learn a lot to because a professional musician; then she has to know a lot about the public and changing fashions in order to keep her top position.5. She chooses what she wants to sing. Anything she does sing is a part of her life.6. She feels she has always be

25、en her true self in her music. And shes singing from deep down inside herself.B: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. 6 7. T 8.TC: 1. slower, lighter, how I feel, the same way twice, a mixed up sort of thing.2. stay at the top, out of work, back on the streets, you started from3. up to a point.4. made a fort

26、une from my music, any damn thingSection two:Task 1: Setting up a home computerA: 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. aB: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5.F 6. TTask 2: My computer makes me sickA: 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b B: 1. NO, but statistic figures at least suggest that there is a cause of alarm.2. The terminal should be placed

27、 where there is another source of light; no blank wall behind the terminal so that the operator has a chance to rest from time to time, get up regularly and walk about the room.3. Those who use computers for interest or pleasure in their own homes.4. a. constipation because of long hours spend in se

28、dentary inactivity;b. backache due to crouching over an inconveniently positioned key boardc. a general sense of fatigue owing to having puzzled over a problem for longer than was sensible.5. The condition worsened.6. Because of the electrostatic field of the video screen attracting dust from the at

29、mosphere, which irritates exposed skin. 7. A generation of short-sighted, constipated, hunched migraine sufferers with skin problems and circulatory troubles.C: 1. there is an alternative source of light from that of the screen.2. frequently, if possible, by looking at something in the distance to g

30、ive them a change from the close focus used on the screen. 3. the screen is properly tuned, for a shaky or fuzzy image can cause nausea or headaches.4. and working area are so designed that you are sitting in a comfortable position, not screwed up or bent over.5. regularly and walk about the room. B

31、etter go out into the fresh air occasionally.D: 1. working capacity, intellectual capacity, dangers, benefits2. the UK, 800 pregnant women, computer terminals, a major part, no less than 36%, severe abnormality3. control group, the same age, computer terminals, severe abnormalities, 16%Section three

32、: note-taking (omitted)Section IIIStudy skills: Note-taking 3Main ideas and Supporting Details:A. Suggested Abbreviations:heart disease: heart dis. cholesterol: chol. Cigarette: cigat. exercise: ex.especially: esp. similarity: simty. difference: diffr. financial: finan.responsibility: respty. hostil

33、ity: hosty.B. The main idea and supporting details of each paragraph youve heard.1. Main idea: companions to heart dis.Supporting details: a. high level of fat and chol in the dietb. cigat. Smokingc. physical inactivityd. over weighte. high blood pressure1. Main idea: Berts life after workSupporting

34、 details: a. physical ex.b. reading (1) history (2) historical novelsc. gardeningd. fixing things around the house a complete tool collection2. Main idea: simities. Mark Smith: 1, 4, 6D: 1. just shakes, in bewilderment, finish it off2. in with a good chance3. nervous against, took the lead4. have a

35、quick work withSection twoA: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. cB: 1. totally opposed to reducing the size of the Olympic Games in any way at all.2. in favor of removing from the Games those sports which are well resented in other international contests in the media, such as boxing and football3. a. attention to be

36、 focused on the more unusual sports which do not normally gain so much international attentionb. in favor of a true test of individual stamina instead of skills4. agreeing to keep some of the team gamesC: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. FD: 1. boxing; 2. football; 3. fencing; 4. archery; 5. hockey; 6. s

37、ailing7. pentathlon; 8. canoeing; 9. basketball; 10. volleyballE: 1. reject, out of hand, discuss it2. in terms of, financial demands, subjected to3. soar phenomenally, state4. am inclined5. horse-riding, axe6. strand of thought, individual excellence, cutting out, featuredSection three1. Houses were not perm.a. summer: mesa top, made of poles cant be done by match single words e.g. computer scientists3. best way to increase vocab.a. observation: unknown word, observed in contextb. imitation: use word in appro. Contextc. repetition: make it enter sts active vocab.


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