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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1171Ashley: Come on. Mom is waiting to take us to school.Amy: Im not going to school. Im dont feel well.Ashley: No, really? You know, thats not gonna get you out of school, Amy. So did Ben ever call? You know, I could pawn this, if you dont want it.Amy: What is i

2、t?Ashley: A mans wedding ring.Amy: Whered you get that?Ashley: Veronica gave it to me. Its her exs.Amy: Whos Veronica? And why did she give that ring to you?Ashley: Shes that waitress. She felt bad about taking my tips, so she gave me her ex-husbands wedding ring.Amy: What am I supposed to do with i

3、t? Ben would never accept this ring now. I should have never invited Ricky over.Ashley: Oh, come on, its not that big a deal. You were just trying to do the right thing. The wrong way, but the right thing.Amy: I should have just waited.Ashley: Waited for what, Amy? Dad told me not to tell mom, Im no

4、t gonna tell her, so you can tell me, and then when mom does find out, like she always does, you and I can both get into trouble together, so go ahead.Amy: Dad found a couple.Ashley: A couple of what?Amy: A couple to adopt the baby. A couple who is willing to go along with an open adoption. I can st

5、ill see my son. You can still see him. We can all still see him. We can all still be involved in his life, and yet, hell have two responsible adult parents who can take care of him.Ashley: This is kind of a theme with you, isnt it? Trying to get someone else to do what you should do.Amy: Im getting

6、someone else to do what I cant do.Ashley: Who, Amy? Id love to know what couple dad knows that would make good parents for my nephew.Amy: Donovan and Leon. Yeah, theyve been wanting to adopt for a while now.Ashley: Ah, I see, and there are no needy children anywhere in the country, nay the entire wo

7、rld, who need a home?Amy: It really isnt easy for gay couples to adopt. Ashley: So youre what, doing them a favor?Amy: The way I see it, its benefiting me, the baby, and its benefiting them.Ashley: You know what? Give me that ring back. Youve lost your mind. You can take care of this baby, Amy. Your

8、e not 走吧,妈妈在等着送我们上学。我不去学校了,我感觉不舒服。不是吧,真的吗?这不是逃学的借口,艾米,本来过电话吗?我要把这个当掉,如果你不要的话。是什么?一个男人的结婚戒指。你从哪里拿来的?维罗尼卡给我的,是她前夫的。谁是维罗尼卡?她为什么给你戒指?就是那个女招待,她为收了我赚的小费歉疚,所以把前夫的婚戒给我了。我该拿这个有什么用?本现在才不会接受这个戒指,我真不该把里奇找来。得了吧,没什么大不了的。你只是尽量做正确的事。方式有问题,但目的是好的。我应该等等的。艾米,你要等什么?爸爸要我别告诉妈妈,我不会告诉她,你可以和我说,要是妈妈最终知道了,就像以往我们俩会一起面对麻烦,说吧。爸爸

9、找到了一对。一对什么?一对愿意收养孩子的夫妇,一对同意开放领养的夫妇,我还能见到我的儿子,你还能见到他,我们都能见到他,我们还能出现在他的生活中,同时,他还有了两个负责的成人家长,他们会照顾他。你总是这样,不是吗?寻找别人替你尽职尽责。我寻找别人,是因为我无能为力。艾米,要找谁?我真想看看爸爸会找怎样一对夫妇,能照顾好我侄子。多纳文和利昂,是的,他们计划收养孩子很久了。我明白了,看来这个国家甚至全世界都没有穷苦孩子等着被收养了。同性恋伴侣收养孩子很难。所以你帮他们圆梦吗?在我看来,这对我、孩子、还有他们都有好处。算了吧,把戒指还给我,你疯了,你能照顾The Secret Life of Ame

10、rican Teenager 11716giving away my nephew.Amy: Ashley, you can still see him.Ashley: Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of nights when I wish I was being raised by Donovan and Leon, but you cant just give the baby away to anyone. You cant. I know you. Youre giving the baby up for adoption so you can

11、 keep Ben, arent you?Leo: Hey, this is why 15-year-olds should not get married. I mean, you did everything you could, we did everything we could. It didnt work out. Shes a nice girl, I love Amy, and I know that you love Amy, but that doesnt mean you should spend the rest of your lives together. Now,

12、 let me tell you something, Im really proud of you for standing up and saying thats enough. A man has to do that sometimes, even if its tough.Ben: I dont feel like going to school today.Leo: Well, youre going. Look, this is a very complicated situation, and theres no un-complicating it. You did the

13、right thing, and if you have any doubts about Amy, and I think you do, you did the right thing.Ben: I dont know if not seeing Amy is the right thing, but shes having Rickys baby, its not mine, and theres nothing I can do about it if she wants to be with him. It might even be better for the baby if s

14、hes with him, you know?Leo: Now youre talking. Come on. Itll be all right.Shawna: Ive been thinking about you all weekend.Jack: While you were with your boyfriend?Shawna: I have a confession. I dont have a boyfriend.Jack: You dont have a boyfriend?Shawna: No, its just youre too young for me.Jack: Bu

15、t you dont have a boyfriend.Shawna: Which doesnt change the fact that youre in high school.Jack: Just pretend I was held back like three grades.Shawna: How about four?Jack: What are you, 20? Thats not that old. No, seriously. Youre not that much older than me.Shawna: Okay, look, I am older than you,

16、 and I like you, but Im warning you, I dont like clingy, and I dont want our relationship to affect your relationship with Duncan.Jack: So.were in a relationship. I got it. I got it. You know, I knew you liked me. You totally freaked me out when you did that. Sorry, I gotta go find somebody.Shawna:

17、Somebody other than me?好这孩子,艾米,别把我的侄子送走。艾希礼,你还能见到他。别跑题,很多个晚上,我都希望自己被多纳文和利昂抚养,但你不能把孩子交给任何人,不行,我了解你,你把孩子送养是为了把本留在身边,不是吗?所以说 15 岁的孩子不应该结婚,你已经尽你所能了,我们已经尽全力了,但没用。她是个好女孩,我喜欢艾米,我知道你也爱艾米,但这不意味着你们必须共度余生。我不得不说,我为你骄傲,你能站出来,发表意见,很好,男人总要做这样的事,即使很难抉择。今天我不想去学校了。你得去,这件事很复杂,但有什么不复杂呢。你做得没错,如果对于艾米你还在困惑,我想你确实还在困惑,但你做得没

18、错。不知道不再见艾米对不对,但她怀着里奇的孩子,不是我的,我对此无能为力。如果她想和他复合,也许这样对对孩子会更好一些。说得没错,走吧,会好起来的。我整个周末都在想着你。是在陪男朋友的时候吗?我要承认,我没有男朋友。你没有男朋友?没有,可你对于我来说太小了。但是你也没有男朋友。但是你还是个高中生。可以假装我留了 3 年的级。4 年怎么样?你都 20 岁了吗?没那么老吧。说真的,你不比我大那么多。我比你大,可我喜欢你,不过要提醒你,我不喜欢粘人,我也不希望我们的关系影响了你和邓肯的关系。这么说,我们在谈恋爱了?我明白了,我知The Secret Life of American Teenager

19、 11716Jack: Now whos clingy? No, you got me so upset that I went out and did something stupid, and now I gotta fix it.Madison: I knew this would happen.Lauren: It was just too good to be true.Madison: He was just too clingy.Jack: Oh, yeah, I can see that.Lauren: See? Everyone knows it.Madison: Yeah,

20、 and when he got together with Amy, we never saw her again. He just hogged all her time.Lauren: Just because I wasnt allowed to go over there after my parents found out she was pregnant doesnt mean she couldnt spend more time with us after school.Madison: And how pretentious is it that he had a driv

21、er? I mean, who has a driver?Jason: Which one of you two is gonna try to date Ben next?Madison: I have a boyfriend.Jason: Oh, I forgot. I dont know, Madison, it just seems like you and I are friends. Not like boyfriend and girlfriend.Madison: So is it true that you told Henry that the only reason we

22、 hooked up is because youre a lazy dater?Jason: Are you calling me lazy? Because I resent that.Madison: Yeah, thats what he tells people that were together because hes a lazy dater.Lauren: Its true. Come on, youre like the only girl he knows other than me, and he cant date me.Madison: So he doesnt e

23、ven like me?Lauren: No, he does, but he might like other girls too if he went out with them like my parents. ooh. Madison: Like your parents what? I thought your parents loved me. Lauren: They do, but youre the first girl hes ever dated and they doubt that youll be the last girl he ever goes out wit

24、h, no offense.Madison: Great, so why dont you just get a bunch more friends and he can date all them too? Lauren: Hold it. We cant fight each other when fighting with Amy against Ben. We have to be a team.Madison: Yeah, youre right.Lauren: So go find Jason and make up, weve got work to do.Jack: Hey,

25、 just forget about what I said the other night. Okay? Its none of my business whether Rickys still sleeping with Adrian, and Im probably wrong. I shouldnt have done that. Its just that Shawna had dumped me. well, shes the first girl Ive had any feelings for since you.道你喜欢我,你那么说的时候真吓倒我了,抱歉,我要去找个人。除我之


27、他又不能约我。就是说他根本不喜欢我?他喜欢,但他也可能喜欢其它女孩,要是他和她们约会,我爸妈又要你爸妈又要怎样?我以为你爸妈喜欢我。是的,但你毕竟是他的初恋,而且他们都认为你不会和他好一辈子,无意冒犯。好啊,你干嘛不去找一堆朋友,让他约个遍?打住,我们不能起内讧,我们还要和艾米并肩与本抗争,我们要团结。你说得对。去找杰森和好吧,我们还有任务。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11716Alice: Excuse me?Jack: I like you, as a friend. And Im having a conversation with Grac

28、e. Anyway, where was I?Grace: I think you were about to get dumped, which led me to making a certain phone call. Jack: All right. Shawna broke up with me because she had a boyfriend, which she didnt tell me before, so I came to your house all upset, then I get a phone call from her telling me she di

29、dnt have a boyfriend after all. Grace: Well, I called right after you left my house. Adrian was with Ricky.Jack: Well, youre not mad at me for telling you, are you? Id want someone to tell me if Shawna was cheating on me.Grace: Shut up, Jack. I dont even know Shawna.Jack: Oh, you gotta meet her, she

30、s great.Grace: Oh, yeah, Im sure she is. Especially lying about having a boyfriend and everything.Alice: Do you know how many teen relationships last for more than six months?Henry: No, but I really thought Ben and Amy would last a lifetime.Alice: Ben and Amy?Henry: They broke up.Alice: And he didnt

31、 even call me?Henry: Why would he call you? Hes my best friend.Alice: Hes my best friend too.Henry: No, you were his best friend because you were with me.Alice: That is so sexist. My friendship with Ben has nothing to do with you. Ask him. Im his best friend too.Henry: Did he tell you he broke up wi

32、th Amy?Alice: Thats not the test of friendship, knowing things. The test of friendship is whether or not you hate the same people. The common denominator between all groups of people. Hatred for the enemy.Henry: And who would the enemy be?Alice: In this case, Amy.Ben: Hi. What about Amy?Alice: I hat

33、e her after what she did to you. Going after Ricky like that.Henry: That. that harlot.Ben: Dont talk about Amy like that.Alice: What do you call a girl whos married to one guy and tries to date the father of her baby? They probably dont even have a name for that.忘了昨晚我说的话吧,好吗?里奇与艾利安上不上床不关我事,而且我也可能说错了


35、告诉你?他是我的死党。也是我的死党。你跟他关系好,是因为咱们在一起。真大男子主义,我们的友情与你无关,不信问他,我也是他的好朋友。他告诉你他和艾米分手了吗?友情不意味着全部告知,而是取决于我们是否有共同的敌人,所有群体的共同特点在于是否是共同的敌人。谁是敌人? 这一次来说,是艾米。艾米怎么了?我恨她那样对你,投入里奇怀抱。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11716Henry: I stand by harlot. You know, this is all your fault. He was going after Grace when you po

36、inted out Amy and ruined his life.Ben: So I have a problem.Counselor: Why am I not surprised? Ben: Okay, let me tell you what happened. Ricky and Amy.Counselor: No, you brought your personal problems into the office, now Im taking your personal problems outta the office. If you wanna talk about scho

37、ol, the door is always open.Ben: School? Why would I wanna talk about school?Counselor: Because thats what Im here for, to talk about school, and I happen to very good at that. So Im gonna stick to what Im good at.Jack: I need to talk to you.Counselor: So, whatd you want to talk about?Jack: Duncans

38、sister.Counselor: Oh, no, no, no. no sister. We arent talking about anything other than mentoring. This office is for academic consultation only.Jack: All right, no one told me, I thought you did it all.Counselor: Not anymore, unless she suggested a college you wanna check out, then I cant help you.

39、George: Whats going on?Anne: What are you doing here in the middle of the day? Why arent you at the store?George: Im not feeling well. Thanks for your concern. Whats with the flowers? Someone die?Anne: Im just trying to make the house look presentable.George: Who do you have to present the house to?

40、Anne: Reverend Stone is introducing me to a nice couple who might be interested in adopting Amys baby.George: Well, thats just like you to try and go behind my back to try to find adoptive parents that you like, and then force them on me.Anne: Im not forcing anyone on you. Jim and Linda just want to

41、 have a casual meeting. If everything goes well, if I like them, and if it seems like theyll be nice parents, Ill introduce them to Amy.George: Well, I cant today. Like I told you, Im not feeling well. Thats why I came home and left the store to Donovan. Donovan can handle anything. Hes a good busin

42、essman and a nice person, and so is his friend.Anne: Yeah, I love Donovan and Leon. Whats your point?George: I dont have a point.那个婊子。别那么说艾米。还能怎么说?一个女孩结过婚后,又重新约会孩子的父亲?简直恶劣得无以形容。就是个婊子,这全是你的错,他本来要追格瑞丝,可你却建议艾米,这毁了他的生活。我有个问题。我为什么觉得一点都不奇怪呢?这么和你说吧,里奇和艾米不,你带着私人问题进来,现在我要把私人问题请出办公室。如果你想谈谈学校,随时欢迎。学校?我为什么想谈学校?


44、他们介绍给艾米。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11716Anne: Yeah, big surprise.Marshall: What are you doing? I miss the party?Kathleen: Just cleaning out the fridge.Mar: Really, the whole fridge, or just the wine bottle part?Kathleen: Uh, cooking wine. Its turned sour, kinda like someone else I know. Wh

45、at are you doing home?Marshall: I thought Id stop by, have a little lunch.Kathleen: Oh, really? Lunch or a lecture perhaps? It seems like youve been working on it for a couple weeks now, should be a pretty good one, I bet.Marshl: You know, we havent been having much sex lately.Kathleen: Yeah, thats

46、because Ive been getting drunk in the afternoon and taking care of myself. Im joking about the drinking. You dont think Im cheating on you, do you?Marshall: You kinda just admitted to that, didnt you? Although that kinda cheating really turns me on. Uh, no, focus. Listen, heres the thing. If you had

47、 just told me about your cheating on George when we first met, it wouldnt have made any difference, but you didnt. You lied to me. You told me that he cheated on you, so that means weve been living in this lie for 17 years. You have been lying to me for 17 years.Kathleen: Marshall, we talked about i

48、t only one time. And that was 17 years ago.Marshall: I think we should talk again.Kathleen: Then lets talk about it, I dont think you get it. I just didnt want you to know that I cheated on my husband.Marshall: But you did, but thats between you and him. Its got nothing to do with us. The lie, thats

49、 between you and me.Kathleen: You know, I wish you would lie about something. I wish you werent so perfect. Your perfect hair, your perfect teeth. Your perfect.butt. Marshall, Im not the same person I was when I lied to you. Okay, so just forgive me, please?Marshall: Oh, its about damn time! What took you so long? Of course, thats all I ever wanted to hear. I forgive you.Kathleen: Thank you! What are you doing?Marshall:


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