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1、4 Time key word 1000 普通词 形容词副词1acute (a.).1(感觉)强烈的,(事态) 严重的;2( 视觉 嗅觉等) 敏锐的 同 1.severe 2.keenIn the past, the(Mexican)ruling classes emphasized our acute differences with the AngloSaxons in order to affirm our separate identity.过去(墨西哥) 统治阶级刻意强调我们与盎格鲁一撒克逊人之间强烈不同之处。以确立我们本身与众不同的民族特性。affable (a.)和蔼可亲的 同

2、amicableIndeed,Clinton was more than conciliatory when he met with Gingrich on Thursday and the new Speaker was affable in return.的确,星期四克林顿与金里奇会面时显露十足和解之意,而金里奇这位新上任的众院议长,也投桃报李,友善相待。affiliated (a.)(与某较大组织) 有紧密关系的,附属某较大组织的Games sponsor Visa International and three affiliated banks are using Atlanta as

3、 a beachhead for the introduction to the U.S. of smart cards an electronic substitute for cash.奥运赞助商维萨卡国际机构与 3 家合作银行,正利用亚待兰大作为在美国发行智能卡的立足点,以电子货币替代现金交易。beachhead(n.)滩头阵地,立足点aggressive (a.)富有略性的,挑衅的 同 belligerentSays farmer Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger:”Their whole foreign policy has turned

4、suddenly much more aggressive,and that bodes no good for the nature of any people.”前国防部长温伯格说:” 他们的外交政策突然整个变得更富侵略性,这对任何民族天性来说都不会有好结果。 “allegedly (adv.)据称,据说, (证据不足的情况下) 遭指控地Hard Rock creator Peter Morton sued Earl for allegedly purloining Hard Rock business plans. The issue was settled without a tria

5、l.硬石餐厅的创办人彼得摩顿控告厄尔,称其偷取硬石的营业计划。这件案子已在庭外和解。purloin (v.)偷aloft (adv.)在高处,在空中The bronze sculpture depict a man holding a pipe aloft as an offering to the Great Spirit.这件铜雕表现一个将烟斗高高直举起,以供奉“大神“北美某些印第安部落崇拜的神抵的男子。alternate (a.)交替的,替代的The opposition says the government should concentrate on alternate energy

6、 sources and restrict the growth of industries like petrochemicals that consume a lot of energy.反对党说政府应专注于开发替代能源土,并且应该限制消耗大量能源的工业如石化业之增长。ambivalent(a.)感觉矛盾的Gates is ambivalent about his celebrity.对于自己声名大噪,盖茨的感情是矛盾的assorted(a.)各式各样的 同 variousHis personal arsenal,including a Czech machine gun and asso

7、rted pistols,shotguns and Rifles, was stashed in the trunk of his car.他个人的式器,包括一支捷克制机枪 各式各样的手枪 猎枪 步枪,全藏在车子的行李厢里。arsenal(n.)储藏的武器 stash (v.)藏放audacious(a.)大胆的 同 daringLast year,after months of deliberation,Collins left his faculty post at the University of Michigan Medical School to lead the Human Ge

8、nome Project,an audacious effort to decipher the complete genetic script contained inhuman cells. 去年,科林斯经数月的考虑.决定辞掉在密歇根大学医学院的职务,前往主持人类基因组工程,这是一项大胆的工程,其宗旨是解读出人类细胞中的全部遗传信息。decipher(v.)译解(密码)austere (a.)(人)严肃的,(东西 生活) 朴实的The Puppet master(1993)and last years Good Men Good Women,with their austere poign

9、ancies,played all the best festivals,though they remain a coterie taste.戏梦人生与去年的好男好女 ,以朴素而尖锐的风格打进各大影展,然而这些影片仍只有少数内行人能欣赏。poignancy (n)尖锐,深刻 Coterie ( n.)(具排他性的) 小圈圈,集团.avant-garde(a.)前卫的Kosuke Tsumura,another Miyake student,launched his K-Zelle line in 1992 and two years later debuted in Paris with a

10、vant-garde Mad Max costume.三宅一生另一个徒弟津村小介于 1992 年推出了 K-Zelle 系列,两年后首次在巴黎推出前卫的冲锋飞车队服装展。benevolent (a.)仁慈的Ruthless company-downsizing drives and continued layoffs,coupled with rising pay for top managers,have made their bosses look a good deal less benevolent.无情的公司缩编举措,不断的解雇员工,加上付给高层经理人员的薪资节节上涨,使得他们的老板

11、看起来不再那么慈祥。layoff (n.)解雇;a goad deal 常,极其bewildered (a.)迷惑的,张惶失措的 同 perplexedOne thing that has observers bewildered is how the White House, could have put forward Fosters nomination without getting the abortion issue squared away in advance.令观察家莫名其妙一点是,白宫敢提名福斯特,却不事先解决堕胎议题。to square away 把(难题)处理掉;摆平(

12、以放手进行其他事)bizarre (a.)怪异的 同 weirdFloods.Droughts.Hurricane.Twisters.Are all the bizarre weather extremes weve been having lately normal fluctuations in the planets atmospheric systems?洪水.干旱,飓风,龙卷风。究竟这些近来我们看到的怪异气候极端现象是不是地球大气系统的正常变化?extremes (n.)(行为 情报上的)极端;fluctuation (n.)(气候 市价等的)变动blatant(a.)大刺刺的,极明

13、显的,公然的What the network didnt know-and didnt bother to find out -was that Jammal was a hoaxer and that large segments of its program were based on blatant and ludicrous pseudoscience. 该电视台所不知道的 也未曾特意去探究的,就是詹玛尔是个骗子,而且该电视台的节目大部分都是根据明显的,可笑的伪科学来制作的。blue-chip (a.)(在同行业中)最获利的,最赚钱的Such entreaties(to safegua

14、rd the patents of manufacturers) have become essential for Americans blue-chip companies as they charge into the vast markets of China and its East Asian neighbors.恳求保护其产品专利权,已经成为美国绩优公司挺进中国及其东亚邻国广大市场时,必然要做的事。entreaty (r.)恳求,乞求,Charge (v.) 冲锋,向前冲capricious (a.)1(性情) 善变的,反复无常的;2(事物)变化无常的 同 impulsive m

15、ercurial同 unpredictable 反 dependable4 Time key word 1000 普通词 形容词副词2Earthquakesare capricious beasts ruled by what physicists refer to as nonlinear dynamics,which means precise forecasting of when and where they will occur is impossible.地震是变化莫测的凶残杀手,受物理学家所谓的非线性力学的支配,这表示要精确预测地震将于何时何地发生是不可能为事。nonlinear

16、(a.)非线性的chronic (a.).1(疾病)慢性的; 2(行为 恶习) 习以为常的,积习成癖的 同 persistent 同habitualPsychiatrists stress,however,that a few injections of medication and some sessions with a psychotherapist are just the beginning. Pedophilia is a chronic disorder.然而心理学家强调,药物注射及与心理治疗师交谈不过是个开始,因为恋童癖是种慢性病。pedophilia(n)恋童癖 compat

17、ible (a.)相容的,兼容的 反 incompatibleNo one except Microsoft executives disputes the fact that Microsoft is,in fact,a monopoly at least in IBM-compatible computer-operating systems. Some 8 out of 10 desktop computers run the Microsoft software.事实上,微软公司至少垄断了与 IBM 兼容的电脑操作系统,这一点除了微软的各主管,没人会有异议。10 台台式电脑中约有 8

18、台是用微软的软件在操作disputev.)(对事实等 )怀疑.持异议compelling (a.)极吸引人的,令人无法抗拒的Winfrey,42,had a troubled childhood,but her genius was to realize that those troubles and similar ones experienced by ordinary people all over America - could make for compelling television.42 岁的温弗里童年并不愉快,但是她的天分在于能意识到她的问题,以及全美普通百姓面临的类似问题,

19、都可以成为精彩感人的电视题材。complacent (a.)自满的That does not mean that the people of Kwangju are growing complacent or law enforcement agencies less vigilant.这并不代表光州人民已志得意满,也不代表执法当局放松了警戒心。vigilant (a.)提防的,带戒心的confidential(a.)机密的 反 publicAlthough labeled “privileged and confidential, ”copies of the telephone surve

20、y are mysteriously ending up in the hands of reporters and environmentalists in both Alabama and Missouri.这份电话问卷的副本虽己注明”仅供特定人士观看,机密” ,但神不知鬼不觉,最后仍落入亚拉巴马与密苏里两州的记者与环保人士手中。Privileged( a.)仅供少数人知道的,机密的;to end up.最后变成 congenial (a.)(人)意气相投的; (环境)令人愉快的 同 agreeableIf we really mean to lead,and to bring about

21、 a world more or less congenial to us,we should stop pretending that we can do the job on the cheap and by remote control.如果我们美国)真有意领导世界,并使世界变得多少令人顺眼一些,那就不要再欺骗自己说这件工作不必花大钱,远远地发号施令就可以做到。Consistent(a.)前后一致的TIME-CNN polls have shown a consistent majority of voters-56 VS.34in last weeks survey favoring

22、creation of a full-fledged new party.对于成立另一个正式政党,TIME 与 CNN 合作的多项民意调查一致显示有过半数选民同意,如上周的调查即是 56鲜赞成, 34反对。Conspicuous (a.)显著的 反 inconspicuousBut the White House sees any conspicuous effort to placate Jackson as dangerous to its efforts to win back disaffected white moderates.但白宫认为任柯大张旗鼓安抚杰克逊的举措,都不利于白宫挽

23、那些对政府不满的温和派白人的心。placate(v.)安抚;disaffected (a.)(对政府等) 不满的Consummate (a.)造诣极高的,技艺精湛的But he did have a consummate technical command of his instrument whichgives his performances an irresistible strut and swagger.但他的弹奏技巧的确非常高明,使他的演出显得神气活现,盛气凌人,令人无法抗拒。strut (n.)神气活现,昂首阔步;swagger (v.)大摇大.摆地走daunting(a.)令人

24、畏惧的 同 IntimidatingThe Rosens instead plan to blow away the field in part because Harold and his team of engineers have solved a set of daunting technological issues just in the past year.但罗森斯打算扫平群雄,独占鳌头,部分原因是哈罗德和他的工程小组在过去一年里,已解决了许多棘手的技木问题。To blow away (尤指运动场上)彻底打败(敌人) ; the field 指某比赛中所有的竟争对手eclecti

25、c (a.)兼容并蓄的,兼采各种不同观点或方法的 同 diverseAdams eclectic, pop-oriented musicis a radical departure from the expansive minimalism that marked his earlier stage works.先前亚当斯的舞台音乐,以全面的简约主义为特色,如今他的作品博采各种风格,走流行音乐取向,代表对先前风格的彻底背弃。eligible (a.)合格的 He may not be eligible because of a failure to make himself available

26、 for Davis Cup play in recent years.他的资格可能会有问题.因为他近来一直未参加戴维斯杯赛。enigmatic (a.)谜一般难解的The last Stalinists (Kim II Sung)sudden demise leaves his realm more enigmatic than ever.最后一位斯大林主义者金日成的猝逝,使他的国家变得更难以捉摸。epic (a.)雄浑的,大规模的After an infernal global odyssey and an epic chase by U.S.intelligence agencies,t

27、he mastermind of the Trade Center bombing is captured in Pakistan.美国情报人员历经又气又恼的全球奔波和大规模追缉后,终于在巴基斯坦逮到世界贸易中心爆炸案的主谋。infernal (a.)令人恼怒的 odyssey ( n.)长期的冒险旅.行exuberant(a.)兴奋难抑的 同 lively “We think, ” says an exuberant Larry Gilbert Cyber Cash s vice president and general manager, its going to be the core

28、of electronic commerce on the Internet. 电子货币公司的副总裁兼总经理赖瑞吉尔伯特兴奋难抑地说: 我们认为,这将成为国际互联网电子交易的核心。 exultant (a.)雀跃的,欣喜若狂的 同 delightedFor the men and women who fought and won the war in Europe,V-E. day meant the exultant, resounding vindication of good against evil.对第二次世界大战期间参加过欧战并取胜的男男女女而言,德国投降日是对邪不压正的一项令人雀

29、跃的伟大证明。注:resounding (a.)轰动的,极大的 (成功)vindication.(n.)证明fanatic (a.)狂热的(n.)狂热分子 同 (a.)fanatical 同 (n.)extremistThe two fanatic Puerto Rican nationalists who tried to assassinate Harry Truman in 1950 attacked him 4 Time key word 1000 普通词 形容词副词3when he was living across,the street in Blair House while t

30、he White House was being renovated. 这两名狂热的波多黎各民族主义分子,于 1950 年试图暗杀杜鲁门。当他们攻击杜鲁门时,因白宫正在翻修,杜鲁门住在白宫对面的布莱尔旅馆。feasible (a.)可行的,行得通的 同 practicableReading to children is easy,affordable and feasible for parents no matter what their level of education or economic station in life.不管父母的教育水准 经济地位是高是低,念书给孩子听都是容易

31、负担得起且可行的事。feeble (a.) 1 性格软弱的,不敢采取强势作为的;2.虚弱的,脆弱的 同 ineffectualSoldiers will vote in the next presidential election for a leader who will protest more vigorously the feeble overall reforms of the present government.下次总统选举时军人支持的候选人,将是敢更大声反对现政府软弱的整体政策改革的领导者。fervent (a.)热烈的,强烈的 同 ardentThe Sony Playsta

32、tion has acquired a fervent following. 索尼公司的”游戏站 ”游戏机推出后获得强烈的响。forthcoming (a.)即将来到的Whether more money will be forthcoming is an open question. 是否会有更多经费尚未确定。fractious(a.)倔强的,难驾驭的Italys embattled Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi reigned on Dec.22 after serving just seven fractious months.坐困愁城的意大利总理贝鲁

33、斯科尼,上任已 7 个月,却一直无法顺利施政.因而在 12 月 22 日辞职。embattled (a.)陷入困境的frantic (a.)万火急的,着急的At time when American businesses are frantic to set up shop on the computer networks those networks and the telecommunications systems that carry their traffic are turning out to be terminally insecure. 当美国商界拼命在电脑网络上设立站点之际

34、,赖以传送他们产品讯息的网络和电传系统却日益显得极端不安全。terminally(adv.)末期full-fledged (v.)经过充分训练的,发展成熟的;正.式的,完全合格的Brown dwarfs are not quite big hot enough to ignites the nuclear- fusion reaction that would make them shine as full-fledged stars. 棕矮星的体积还不够大,热度也不够高,还不足以引发核聚变反应;棕矮星必须经过此一反应才会发光,成为成熟的星星。furious (a.)(速度 活动)激烈的,用力

35、的;愤怒的There was Australian sculptor Henry R Pearce who rested his oars during an Olympic heat in Amsterdam in 1928 to let a family of ducks paddle across his path then picked up the stroke at furious pace and won by 20lengths澳大利亚的轻艇选手伯尔斯在年阿姆斯特丹奥运会的一场预赛中停下了桨,让一家子鸭子游过他的航道.然后拾起桨拼命划,最后以个船身长的差距赢得比赛。geneti

36、c (a. )遗传上的In fact the diversity among individuals is so enormous that the whole concept of race becomes meaningless at the genetic level.事实上人与人之间差异极大,就遗传的层面来讲,种族这一概括性的涵义也就变得毫无意义。giddy (a.)(速度 高度) 令人头昏眼花的;非常快乐的 .异常兴奋的Clark and Andreessen find themselves riding the decades giddiest economic bubble co

37、unting their stock options and cutting deals with everyone from telephone companies to Hollywood.克拉克与安德里森发现自己正享受着 90 年代最快速的经济增长,一面算着自己的优先认股权,一面谈着生意,从电话公司到好莱坞,都是生意对象。stock option 优先认股权,通常指企业给予内部高级.主管的一项特别权利.让他们可以在特定期间内用.特别优惠的价格购买该公司的股票或债券。gorgeous(a.)很美的 同 beautifulThe decline in estrogen often coinc

38、ides with many life changes. Your children grow up and move away You dont look as gorgeous as you used to,and your husband leaves you for a younger woman. 雌激素的减少,往往伴随着许多生活土的变化:孩子长大,搬出去了;你不再年轻貌美,丈夫弃你而去,投向年轻女子的怀抱。heady (a.) 令人兴奋的,飘飘然的,心花怒放的In the heady days after Netscapes ballistic initial public off

39、ering in August last year the stock shot from27 to71 during its first day of trading-Barksdale preached humility the companys cramped halls. 去年 8 月网景股票公开上市后,股票迅速增值,在第一个交易日就从 27 美元跳升至 71 美元,在那段飘飘然的日子里,巴斯迪尔在公司狭窄的大厅里谆谆教导公司员工要谦虚一点。public offering(证券)公开发行; shoot (v.)(价格) 暴涨;preach(v.)倡导,鼓吹(理念 善行)cramped

40、(a.)(空间)狭小的 illiterate(a.)不识字的The Chinese in Singapore were the descendants of illiterate,landless,peasants from Guangdong and Fujian.新加坡的中国人都是来自广东和福建的目不识丁 无田无地约贫苦农民的后裔。incessant (a.)不停的,不断的 同 constant 反 intermittentOff-screen,the couples marriage was marred by Amazs drinking, gambling and incessant

41、 philandering.在实际生活中,这对明星夫妻的婚姻却毁在阿玛兹酗酒,赌博与风流韵事不断上。off screen (adv.)(影视明星) 实际生活上;mar(v). 破坏,糟蹋:philandering (n.)玩弄女人,拈花惹草incumbent(a.)现职的Ronald Reagan crushed Jimmy Carter in 1980 in part because the incumbent Carter had been flummoxed by tine taking of American hostages in Iran.里根之所以能在年击败卡特当选总统,部分是因

42、为美国人被伊朗挟持为人质的事件,让在职的卡特总统不知所措。flummox (v.)使惊慌失措indignant(a.)愤愤不平的It drew nearly 800 letters from readers (many predictably indignant), the fourth largest mail response to any story this year.这篇报道引来近 800 封读者来函(其中有许多可想而知是非常愤慨),是本杂志今年激起读者来函第四多的一项报道。inherent (a.)固有的,天生的 同 intrinsicSays Cardinal Edward Cl

43、ancy,head of the Roman Catholic Church in Australia:” With the introduction of the principle inherent in euthanasia our society as we know it begins immediately to unravel.”澳大利亚天主教领袖 红衣主教克兰西说:”随着安乐死这种行为里固有原则的引进,我们所熟悉的社会立即开始瓦解。 ”initial (a.)首度的,最初的,开始的4 Time key word 1000 普通词 形容词副词4Clouds and dust fr

44、om the(cornet s)initial impact and gases from subsequent volcanoes could have spread around the globe, blocking sunlight and altering the climate killing off the dinosaurs.(彗星的)第一击所产生的烟云和灰尘,以及随后火山喷出的气体,可能布满整个地球,遮天蔽日,改变气候,使恐龙死亡。block (v.)阻碍integral (a.)必需的,不可或缺的 同 basic.同 fundamentalWhen people under

45、stand that being gay or lesbian is an integral characteristic,they are more open-minded about equality for gay Americans.当人们知道男同性恋或女同性恋倾向是人类不可或缺的心理特质后,对于美国同性恋者的平等权就更能坦然面对。intricate(a.)复杂的 反 simpleA touch of paranoia is not a bad thing to bring to the computer-software business,where shifting allianc

46、es, rapid technological charges and intricate co-dependencies make plotting long-term strategies hazardous.踏入电脑软件这个行业,带点妄想并不是件坏事,因为在这个行业里,业者间分分合合,科技日新月异,互依的关系错综复杂,制定长期发展策略反倒危险。a touch of 些许,微量;hazardous (a.)危险的,同 dangerousinvalid(a.)无效的,作废的If it is prove that the Presidentelects campaign received dr

47、ug-trafficking money,he should resign because his mandate would he invalid. 如果证实总统竞选活动曾收受毒品走私所获得的金钱,那么当选总统就该辞职下台,因为选举授子他的权力将属无效。invariably (adv. ) 必定地,不变地Known as one of the best golfers in Taiwans officialdom,Lee Deng-hui can break 80 on a good day. His drives off the tee are almost invariably long

48、 and true. 李登辉被认为是台湾官场最高明的高尔夫球手之一,状况好时能打出低于 80 杆的成绩。他从球座上挥出的长打几乎都是既远又准。lavish(a.)铺张的,奢华的 同 extravagantThe lavish dinner that, chef John Folse prepared for a private party of Procter fix(v.)以不正当手段操纵(比赛 选举等)rash (a.) 鲁莽的Many of the rash killings are truly senseless. Last week a 14-year-old Brooklyn gi

49、rl was charged with stabbing her 13-year-old boyfriend to death simply because he wanted to break up with her. 冲动下的杀人行为,有许多真的是毫无道理可言。上星期布鲁克林区一名 14 岁女孩,被控刺死其13 岁的男友,起因只是男友想和她分手。senseless (a.)无意义的,非理性的;stab(v.)刺捅 requisite (a.)必需的,不可或缺的 同 requiredTIME has picked 50 with the requisite ambition, vision and community spirit to help guide us in the new millennium.时代杂志挑出了 50 人,作为我们在下一个 1000 年处事的榜样,他们都具备了不可或缺的雄心,远见和关怀社会的精神。resurgent(a.)复活的,复苏的The Presidents Russia policy, he charged, was ba


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