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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1181Doctor: Did you say your father? Your biological father?Ricky: Yeah, but hes gone now.Doctor: And when he was here, you didnt need to call me? You didnt wanna talk to me?Ricky: I was too busy to call you. And besides, I was afraid you were still upset about t

2、he whole Lauren thing. And believe me, I dont like you upset.Doctor: Well, Im a little upset now. Your abusive father gets out of prison, every conversation we have ever had can be traced back to this guy, and you dont feel the need to drop by here and let me know whats going on?Ricky: Hey, Im here,

3、 arent I?Doctor: You saw him, you talked to him?Ricky: We didnt exactly talk. He cornered me a couple of times in parking lots. He just wanted to try and take advantage of the baby. He thought he could make some money selling him to a couple. Not selling him exactly, just a finders fee on an adoptio

4、n. Anyway, hes back in the slammer.Doctor: I see. So, your dad is trafficking your baby and he gets busted for drugs and that doesnt send you running back in here. So, what has? Oh, of course. Youre in love again. Who is it this time?Ricky: You were right. Im not in love with Grace. I thought I was,

5、 but Im not. I mean, I love her, but not the same way that I love. Doctor: Adrian?Ricky: No, shes in love with her brother. Doctor: Her brother?Ricky: Yeah, and you thought I was messed up.Doctor: No, no, I dont wanna get sidetracked here. Who are you in love with?Ricky: Amy. Im not a careless guy.

6、Ive never been a careless guy. But with Amy, I dont know, maybe I wanted to get her pregnant.Doctor: Because you love her? Why would you wanna do that to a girl you love? Does that make sense? That you tried to get Amy pregnant?Ricky: I guess. Hey, at least it wasnt Lauren, right?Doctor: At least. B

7、ut what applied to Grace and Adrian and every other girl youve been in love with, applies to Amy. You are not capable of loving someone until and unless you love yourself.Ricky: Thats the thing. I think I do. What, Im not allowed to make progress?Doctor: Hey, no one would be happier than me. Tell me

8、, why 你见过你父亲了吗?你的生父?见过,他现在不在了。他来找你的时候,你都不告诉我吗?你都不想和我谈谈吗?我太忙了,没时间打给你,而且我担心你还在为劳伦的事生气。真的,我不想让你生气。可我现在有一点失望,你那虐待狂父亲出狱了,我们曾经的话题都因他而起,你不觉得应该过来告诉我发生了什么吗?我不是来了吗?你们俩见了面,还说话了?不算是说话,有几次他把我逼到停车场,想从孩子身上谋利,他觉得能从收养孩子的夫妇那儿捞笔钱,也不是卖孩子的钱,只是中间人的佣金,不过,他已经回监狱了。这样你爸拿你的孩子做交易,之后吸毒入狱,这样你都没来找我,那现在是为什么?明白了,你又恋爱了,这次是谁?没错,我并不爱格

9、瑞丝,我曾以为是,但不是,我喜欢她,但并不像我爱. 艾利安?不,她喜欢她哥哥。她哥哥?你以为我自己都糊涂了。不,我不想脱离主题,你到底又爱上谁了?这次是艾米,我不是个粗心的人,从来不是,但和艾米,我不知该怎么说,或许我想让她怀上我的孩子。就因为你爱她?你为什么这样对待心爱的女孩?那样才有意义吗?让艾米怀孕?我想是,至少不是劳伦,对吗?至少,但格瑞丝和艾利安怎么办,还有那些你喜欢过的女孩,还有艾米,你根本不会爱别人,除非你学会自爱。不错,我开始自爱了,怎么,我就不能有点进步吗?The Secret Life of American Teenager 11818do you think you m

10、ade that kind of progress?Ricky: Because I didnt sell my baby to the highest bidder. I didnt offer him up to get rid of my dad. You know, I realized somehow that.Im really not my father. For the first time, I realized it. Im not him, and Im not gonna be him.Doctor: That is progress. Im happy for you

11、, genuinely happy. Im proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself.Ricky: I kinda am.Doctor: “Kinda“? Ricky, this is a huge breakthrough. Huge. Tell me more about Amy. Wait. Youre having a son?Ricky: Well, I just found out, but Amys found a couple that she thinks would be good parents for him,

12、so were talking about adoption.Doctor: How do you feel about that?Ricky: I feel that theyd be good parents, I guess. My mom knows them, thats what she says, that they would be good parents. Then again maybe Amy and I would be good parents, so Im thinking.Ill go along with what everyone wants. Ill me

13、et these guys and see what happens. Then after a few weeks, if it doesnt fall apart for one reason or another and it looks like they are gonna adopt the baby, then Ill try to pursue my legal rights and stop them. I havent told my mother that I wanna keep the baby yet, so Im thinking when I do, shell

14、 choose me. She has to.Doctor: See, this is that two steps back Im always talking about. One giant leap forward and two steps back. Ricky, your mothers not gonna go along with you if youre deceiving people. You cant lead a couple to believe youre gonna go along with an adoption when you dont intend

15、to. Ricky: Look, I can. If thats the best thing for my son. If I just have some time with Amy, so that she gets to know me a little better, I mean, then she might come around. If I say no now, theres no chance of that happening.Doctor: Ricky, you cant play with peoples lives like that.Ricky: Hey, th

16、ey may never go through with it anyway, and Im not gonna go against Amy right now.Doctor: Just later when a family has their hearts set on adopting?Ricky: Its early. I dont know that anyone has their hearts set on anything, other than me. I have my heart set on Amy and our baby.Doctor: What about, B

17、en? Amy still with Ben?Ricky: Bens no match for me.George: Where are you going in that getup?Anne: “Getup“? Thats what you call this? a getup? Im using 没人会比我更希望你进步,你为什么觉得自己进步了?因为我没把孩子卖给高价出价人,我没有利用他来摆脱我爸,我意识到.我不是我爸那种人,有生以来第一次意识到,我不是他,也不会变成他。这确实是一个进步,我为你高兴,由衷地高兴,我为你而骄傲,你也该为自己自豪。有一点吧。“有一点”?里奇,这是一个巨大的突破


19、我的孩子。如果我和艾米多处些时间,她会更了解我,那样她就会同意我,要是我现在反对,就真没辙了。里奇,你不能将别人的生活玩弄于手心。他们也许根本就养不好孩子,而我现在也不会反对艾米。要是不久有人家真心要收养孩子呢?还早着呢,没有人会全心对任何事,除了我,我对艾米和孩子是全心全意的。那么本怎么办?艾米还和本在一起?本根本不是我的对手。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11817my free pass to get out of jail to do some things I need to do, not that thats any of your b

20、usiness, old man Juergens.George: Job interview? Bank of women?Anne: Dont you think the women jokes are getting a bit old?George: No sense of humor this morning, must be a case of the nerves. Yup. It is a job interview.Anne: When are you moving to your own place?George: This is my own place. The cor

21、rect question should be when am I moving from my own place? And the answer is never. If youre getting a job, especially one that requires a suit, maybe you can move, cause I dont have any money.Anne: Im gonna find the money sooner or later. And can you find something else to do tonight? Amy and Rick

22、y are coming over to talk to Donovan and Leon. I dont think you should be around. George: I wont be around. Ill be in my garage waiting for them to tell me how it went. I already talked to Donovan about it. Ashley: Amy feels sick. Shes not going to school today.Anne: No, shes not sick. This is about

23、 Ben again.George: Every married couple argues. Take us, for example.Anne: Were not a couple, George. Youre just a guy living in my garage. And Ben and Amy arent a couple anymore either.George: Thats a little more than the argument. When did this happen? Anne: A week ago. You havent noticed that Amy

24、s been upset for an entire week?George: Shes been upset for months, how was I supposed to know this week was special?Anne: Shes your daughter?George: Whyd they break up? I mean, the guy married her knowing she was having another guys baby. Something worse than that happened last week?Anne: I dont th

25、ink anything happened exactly.George: Something happened.Anne: I gotta go. Im just gonna tell Amy Im leaving.George: Speak.Ashley: Bens just taking a break to see if shed rather be with Ricky. He thinks she likes Ricky. George: She doesnt like Ricky.Ashley: Maybe, maybe not. But either way, she had

26、sex with Ricky and Bens reading a lot into that. George: Maybe she should have sex with Ben. Youre right, bad idea.Anne: Amy, you cant afford to take a day off of school. 穿戴成这样要去哪儿?穿戴?这算是穿戴正式吗?我终于可以摆脱家庭琐事,做些需要处理的事,这不关你的事,杰庚斯老头。面试?女士银行?你不觉得这“女士 “笑话有点老套吗?你今早没有幽默感,肯定有什么重要的事,没错,肯定是面试。什么时候回你的窝?这就是我的地盘,你应


28、本不是早就知道他怀了别人的孩子吗?上周发生了比这更不幸的事吗?我不觉得发生了什么。肯定有事。我得走了,我去给艾米打个招呼。说话。本提出分手,是想看看她是否更喜欢里奇,他认为她喜欢里奇。她不喜欢里奇。也许喜欢,也许不,但不管怎样,她和里奇睡过,本觉得这是她喜欢里奇的证据。也许她应该和本睡,你是对的,坏主意。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11817Youre gonna be missing days when the baby comes.Amy: I cant stand being at school knowing Ben is there ig

29、noring me.Anne: You and Ben will work things out.Amy: No, we wont. We cant work things out if he wont even talk to me. The worst part is, I totally understand why. Its because my baby is Rickys baby, and nothings gonna change that. I cant change that. He might want me to, but I cant.Anne: Thats righ

30、t, and if Ben cant deal with that, then forget about him. You deserve better.Amy: Im a pregnant 15-year-old girl. I deserve better? I dont deserve better. Anne: Thats enough of that, Amy. Okay, even if you werent pregnant, you and Ben would still find things to argue about, because thats what people

31、 do when you in a relationships. No two people can agree on everything all of the time. So there are differences of opinion, disagreements, arguments, it happens. Every argument that you have is a chance for you learn something about yourself and about the other person.Amy: What am I supposed to lea

32、rn here? That boys dont like girls who are pregnant by other boys? Lesson learned. Im probably better off with Ricky.Anne: What? You are not better off with Ricky. Lets talk about this later, okay? I have to go. And you need to get ready for school. So try to pull yourself together, okay?Anne: What

33、are you doing?George: What are you doing? Run away from home? Theres enough stuff in here for a week in France.Anne: Goodbye, George. Talk her into going to school.George: Hey, I just heard, about you and Ben. You know, guys arent that great at apologizing. Its a flaw in their below-the-waist anatom

34、y or something. So I dont know what happened, I dont need to know. Why dont you call the guy? Let him off the hook.Amy: Hes not on the hook. Im on the hook. I did call him. Hes not taking my calls. He doesnt wanna be with me, dad.George: Who wouldnt wanna be with you? Of course he wants to be with y

35、ou. Youre beautiful girl.Amy: Im a big fat pregnant girl.George: So what? Youre still beautiful.Amy: To you maybe. George: Baby. Hey, you want me to talk to Ben?Amy: No, no, I do not want you to talk to Ben.George: You dont like Ricky, do you? I mean, as a boyfriend?艾米,你不能再不去学校了,生孩子后你会错过更多课程。我受不了呆在学

36、校,看着本无视我。你和本会好起来的。不会,他连话都不和我说,任何事都解决不了,最惨的是,我知道原因,因为这个孩子是里奇的,这是无法改变的事实,我别无选择,他可能希望我改变,但我不能。 没错,如果本不能接受,就把他忘了,一切会好起来的。我是 15 岁的怀孕少女,一切会好起来吗?不会的。够了,艾米,即便是你没有怀孕,你和本还是会产生各种矛盾,因为情侣都会这样,没有两个人能永远保持一致,所以各种不同的看法,不和,争执,都会发生,任何争执都是认识自我和他人的机会。我应该从这当中学到什么?比如男孩不喜欢怀了其他人孩子的女孩?学到了,我可能和里奇更合适。什么?你和里奇一点都不配,我们晚点谈,好吗?我得走了

37、,你也得准备去学校,打起精神来,好不好?你在干嘛?你干嘛呢?离家出走吗?这些东西足够在法国呆一周了。再见,乔治,叫她去上学。我刚听说了,你和本的事,男人不善于道歉,这是基因里的缺陷。我不知道发生了什么,也不必知道,怎么不打电话给他,给他个台阶下?他并不是没有台阶,无路可走的是我,我给他打过电话,可是他不接,他不想和我在一起了。怎么会有人不想和你在一起呢?他当然想和你待一起,你可是美女啊。我是一个大肚肥婆啦。那又如何?你还是很漂亮啊。恐怕只有你这么觉得。The Secret Life of American Teenager 11817Amy: No, but I think Ricky lik

38、es me. And when someone likes you, you cant help but like them back, especially if your boyfriend/husband isnt speaking to you.Anne: Have either of you seen Ashley? I cant find Ashley. I cant find her and I have to go. Can you look for her, please? Shes probably walking to school. I hope.George: You

39、 gonna be okay? Amy: In a couple of months, yeah. In a couple of months, all Ill have to deal with is that I wont have to deal with the baby because Im giving him to Donovan and Leon.George: But I thought thats what you wanted to do?Amy: I do. I really do. Its just hard to think about. Holding him a

40、nd seeing his tiny feet and hands and then just handing him over to someone else.George: Youre still gonna be able to hold him and his tiny little feet and hands. Were all gonna be able to see the baby. You wanna go to school?Amy: Can I stay home? George: Yeah, its one day, who cares? Hey, you wanna

41、 come with me to find Ashley?Amy: Not really. I dont wanna go out with my eyes swollen and my nose red.George: Come on. Itll be fun. Whens the last time you had some real fun? Please dont say band camp.Amy: I wasnt.Guy: Skipping school? Ashley: Who wants to know?Guy: I think we go to the same school

42、. My names Thomas. I transferred in last year. I must have made a real impression.Ashley: Ive been kind of distracted. My sisters pregnant. Shes 15.Guy: Oh, yeah, I heard about that. Amy: Shes smoking.George: You taking the bus to school? Okay, then.Ashley: That was my dad. Guy: Does he smoke?Ashley

43、: No, but I can pretty much get away with anything, because my sisters pregnant. Then again, I dont really wanna die from lung cancer.Guy: Oh, yeah, I dont either. Do you wanna skip school?Ashley: Yeah, for the next four and a half years.Guy: All right, then. You know I meant skip school with me?Ash

44、ley: I got that. Id like to, but Im waiting for someone.Guy: Someone special? 宝贝,你想要我找本谈下吗?不,我不想你去找本谈话。你不喜欢里奇,对吧?我是说作为男友?没错,我想里奇是喜欢我的,当某人喜欢你时,你也会情不自禁地对他产生好感,尤其当你的男友或丈夫和你冷战时。你们俩看到艾希礼了吗?我找不到她。找不到她,可是我该出门了,她可能步行去上学了,但愿那样吧。你会好起来吧?几个月内之内吧,这几个月内,我需要处理的就是送养孩子的事情,因为我要把他送给多纳文和利昂了。但这是你自己的决定对吧?没错,可是这真的很难想象,把他抱

45、在怀里,看着他的小手小脚丫,接着就把他交到别人怀中。你还是可以抱着他,握着他的小手小脚丫,我们都会看到那个宝贝的,你想去上学了吗?我能待在家里吗?可以,一天没啥大不了,你想和我一起去找艾希礼吗?不,我可不想肿眼睛红鼻子的样子出门。来吧,会很有趣的,最近一次玩得开心是啥时候的事了?千万别说是乐队露营时。我可不会那么说。翘课吗?多管闲事。我想我们是一个学校的,我叫托马斯,去年转来这所学校,我应该算个风云人物了。我有点烦心事,我姐姐怀孕了,她才 15 岁。我听说过那事。她在吸烟。你等公交去上学吗?那好吧。那是我爸爸。他吸烟吗?不,但我也不会碰这些,因为我姐姐怀孕了,还有,我也不想死于肺癌。没错,我也

46、不想,你想翘课吗?The Secret Life of American Teenager 11817Ashley: Not special to me.Guy: Good. Are you going to school later, then?Ashley: Probably.Guy: Ill see you there.Amy: Youre just gonna leave Ashley at the bus stop, smoking?George: Shes never gonna smoke. She hates cigarettes.Amy: She had a cigarett

47、e in her hand. George: I know my girls.Amy: Do you? Because you probably thought Id never have sex.George: I didnt think youd never have sex. I was just hoping you wouldnt have sex until you were older. And in a committed relationship and using birth control. But instead, you had sex at 15 and got p

48、regnant.Amy: Dad, you could be a little more sensitive, you know. Im feeling bad enough.George: Hey, stuff happens. It breaks my heart that this stuff happened to you, but some things you can control and some things you cant. And dont play that victim role, its not very you. Lets go find Ben.Amy: Yo

49、u just like him because his dads rich.George: Theres no shame in being rich. And I just like him because he loves you, even if you are pregnant by another guy who likes you. You have a hard time to be with the truth? I bet Ben is, too.Amy: Here is the truth. I love Ben. I want to legally marry Ben. But I had sex with Ricky and I dont wanna keep having sex with guy after guy after guy.I wanted my husba


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