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1、 FOR GAP K&B Q- 1 -Unit 1 Easy Greeting 打招呼1, Hello, welcome to GAP. 你好,欢迎光临 GAP2, Good morning ,sir 。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗?3, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ? 太太,中午好, 您想买什么?4, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ? 小姐,晚上好,您需要什么?5, We are now the new listing . 现在是我们全场新款上市。6,

2、Are you looking for something?您在找什么东西吗?7, Today some of the cloths are 20/twenty percent off.Please pick.今天部分商品八折优惠,请挑选。8, See like the model can take you to try on. 看到喜欢的款式可以拿给你试穿的9, Excuse me. 对不起/打扰了/ 您好。10, Have what thing can always ask me 有什么事可以随时问我11, You find want clothes? 您找到想要的衣服了吗?Unit 2

3、Communication When sales 卖场销售对话sales (营业员 ) C:Customer(顾客)Conversation A S: welcome to GAP。Can I halp you ?欢迎光临 GAP,您想买什么?C:Im thinking of buying clothe for my son.我想给我儿子买衣服。S:( May I know )how old is he?他几岁了?C:Hell be six next Sunday. The clothe is for his birthday.下个星期天他就六岁了,衣服是作为他的生日礼物。S:I see .H

4、ow about this one/piece? 我明白了,这个怎么样?Conversation BS: Welcome to GAP madam .what can I do for you ?欢迎光临 GAP,你想买什么?C:Im just looking around .我只是随便看看。S: Please take you time .If any problem ,just call me .请随便看看,如果有什么问题,请叫我。C:Ok I will . thank you .谢谢,我会的。FOR GAP K&B Q- 2 -Conversation CS: Welcome to GA

5、P.欢迎光临 GAP。C:OK.Thank you. Im just wanna buy some clothes as present for my friends child.谢谢。我想买几件衣服做礼物给朋友的孩子。S:a,I see.For boy or for girl?好的。是男孩还是女孩?C:For girl.About 3 years old.大约 3 岁左右的女孩。S: It is our latest model ! Very nice.This is the right size,90cm,is it ok?这个是新款!很漂亮。这个是您要的尺寸,90cm 的,您看可以么?C

6、: I like it.But ,may be a size bigger will better.Shes a little fat.我很喜欢。也许大一个尺寸会更好,她有点胖。S: Well,This is size 95.这是 95cm 的尺寸。C: Good,take it。Thank you.好的,我就要这件了,谢谢。 Conversation DC: Excuse me , do you have the size 130 of this model?不好意思,这件款式有 130 的尺寸么?S: OK.Have you find here?您在这里边找过了吗?C: Yes,I hav

7、nt found .恩,我没有找到。S: Wait a while ,please.Ill found in the stock.好的,您稍等,我到仓库去看看。C: ok.S: Here it is.C: Well-done.Thank you.好极了,谢谢。Conversation EC: Excuse me. Id like to exchange this shirt. 对不起,我要换这件衬衫.S: We offer a 30-day exchange and return policy. May I see your receipt? 我们提供 30 天的退换货保证。能让我看看您的收据

8、吗?C: Here it is.在这儿 .S: Its OK. Then whats the reason? 什么原因?C: I want a size bigger.我想要大一个的尺寸。S: OK, how about this one?请去挑尺寸合适的来.FOR GAP K&B Q- 3 -C: Ok, where is the fitting room? 好的,试衣间在哪?S: Its behind you. 就在你后面.C: I think its ok.我觉得这件可以。S: Any other things you want?These are up to date style! 好

9、的,再看看别的东西吗?这些新货( 新款)! C: NO,thank you.谢谢,不用了。S: ok.You can go to the cashier to exchange.好的,您可以去收银台换货。C: Thank you.谢谢。Unit 3 Paying 买单Conversation A S: Welcome to Gap.Check here.欢迎光临 GAP,这里买单。C: These.这些。S: Totally 3 pieces.And 528 yuan.By card or by cash?一共三件商品总计 528 元。刷卡还是现金?C: Card。刷卡。S: Password

10、 ,please.请输入密码。Take your card.请拿好您的卡。Sign here.请在这儿签名。C: ok。C: Cash.现金。S: Find you change./Take your changes.这是您的找零。S: Here s your bag.Take your receipt and card list.If you have any problems,take this and the clothes ,you can exchange or return in 30 days.这是您的衣服。拿好您的收银条和卡单。如果有任何问题,您可以带好收银条和衣服,在 30

11、天之内可以退换货。S: Thanks for your patronage.谢谢惠顾。Welcome again.欢迎下次光临。Hope you will come again next time ! 希望你下次再光临! Hope to see you again ! 希望再见到你!C: Thank you.Conversation B C: Excuse me. 打扰一下S: Yes, sir. Any problem? 是的, 先生,有什么问题吗?FOR GAP K&B Q- 4 -C: I would like to return this item. Are refunds allow

12、ed? 我想把这个东西退掉 .可以退款吗?S: Certainly. We are here to serve you. Is there a reason that you would like to return it? Did you have problems with our product or services? 当然可以.我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉?您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗?C: No, no. It was just the wrong size. 不,不是的.只是大小不合适.S: Would you be interested in an exchange as

13、 opposed to a refund? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size. 那你想调换一下还是要退款? 我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸.C: No. I would rather just return it. 不用了. 我还是想退掉.S: Sure, no problem. Do you take the receipt? 当然可以, 没问题.你带收据了吗?C: Yeah, right here. 带了, 在这儿.S: Ok, just a moment, please. Here you are,( I need you

14、 to)sign here, please. And here is your refund. Is there anything else I can help you with? 好的,请等一下.给您 ,请在这里签字.这是你的退款.还有什么需要我帮忙的?C: No, thank you. 没有了, 谢谢你.S: Youre welcome. Have a nice day! 别客气.祝你一天都开心!常用词汇:Underware 内裤short in size 断码out of season 过季的on sale 打折swing ticket 吊牌conceal zipper 隐形拉链fri

15、lls/ruffls 荷叶边art NO./style NO. 款号 dirty dot(较小的)污点 dirty mark 污渍 dirty spot(较大的)污点 woolen 毛呢cotton 棉布chemical fibre 化纤fur/leather 裘革down wear 羽绒服装vest 背心(西服背心、棉背心、羽绒背心及毛线背心等)cowboys clothes 牛仔服jacket 茄克shirt 衬衫cotton padded coat 棉袄down coat 羽绒服Jumper skirt 背心裙miniskirt 超短裙trousers 西裤bib pants 背带裤one-piece dress 连衣裙sleepwear 睡衣裤 overcoat 大衣sock 短袜


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