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1、NO.1, to abandon oneself to 沉溺于.,隐入.NO.2 to hold (leave,keep) something in abeyance 将.什么搁置起来;暂不实施NO.3 to have an abhorrence of . 对.深恶痛绝,厌恶.NO.4 to the best of ones ability 竭尽全力,全力以赴NO.5 to take up ones abode with.同.什么居住在一起NO.6 to be above oneself 自高自大,自命不凡NO.7 to keep abreast of (with) 与.齐头并进;不落后NO.

2、8 Absence makes the heart grow fonder 眼不见,心更念;别久情深NO.9 in the absence of.当不在时; 缺乏.时NO.10 to have access to.有接触,进入,使用,得到.的机会或权利.NO.11 Accidents will happen in the best regulated families 家规再严,事端难免NO.12 to accommodate oneself to 使自己适应于.NO.13 in accord with.与.一致,与相符合(指意见, 观点等)NO.14 of ones own accord 自

3、愿地,自动地NO.15 IN ACCORDANCE WITH.根据.依照NO.16 to close ones accounts with .与.结清帐目; 与.结束帐户NO.17 to have an account to settle with somebody 与.有旧帐要清算; 与.有争执待解决NO.18 to make little account of .对.不大重视 ,轻视NO.19 to open an account with.在.开一个帐户NO.20 Short accounts make long friends 若要交情久,帐目要分清;好友勤结帐NO.21 to tak

4、e something into account 将.考虑其中; 注意.重视NO.22 There is no accounting for tastes 人各有所好NO.23 to accustom oneself to . 使自己习惯于. 使自己适应于.; 养成. 的习惯NO.24 to acquaint oneself with 使自己熟悉.;通晓.;了解.NO.25 a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交;见了面能谈几句话的朋友NO.26 to have a nodding acquaintance with .与.有点头之交; 对.略知一二NO.27 to stri

5、ke up an acquaintance with. 与.偶然结识No.28 donkey act 蠢笨的行为,有失检点的行动NO.29 dutch act 自杀NO.30 to play the baby act 作出幼稚的举动No.31 to put on an act 做戏;装模作样;炫耀自己NO.32 Actions speak louder than words 行动比语言更有说服力,更有效NO.33 to bring something into action 将.于行动 ;使.生效No,34 to go into action 行动起来;投入战斗No.35 to adopt o

6、neself to 使自己适应于.使自己习惯于.No.36 to address oneself to.对.说,对.讲话,跟. 谈No.37 to adjust oneself to. 使自己适应于.No.38 to be lost in admiration 赞叹不已,令人惊叹No.39 to be struck with admiration 大为惊叹,赞叹不已No.40 to admit somebody into.接纳某人进入.吸收某人参加.No.41 to make much ado about nothing 小题大作;无事空忙NO.42 to go adrift from.自.脱

7、节;与.离开;离题No.43 in advance 在前头;事先,预先NO.44 to gain advantage over.胜过.优于.对. 占有某种优势No.45 to take advantage of.(乘机)利用.;利用别人的弱点占便宜No.46 to take somebody on advange 使某人措手不及,乘某人不备No.47 Adversity is a great school-master 逆境锻炼人No.48 affair of love 私通No.49 to have an affair with somebody 与某人有不正常的男女关系No.50 mind

8、 ones own affairs 少管别人闲事No.51 to set ones affections on.倾心于.;对.有情No.52 to act ones age 行为和年龄相称; 没有孩子气No.53 to come of age 达到法定年龄,成熟;到了成年No.54 to bear ones age well 不显老,看上去比实际年龄年轻No.55 golden age 黄金时代 ;全盛时期No.56 look ones age 容貌与年龄相称No.57 show ones age 显出老太;显得精神不佳No.58 in an agony of (despair,grief,j

9、oy,remorse) 处在极端(失望,悲哀, 欢乐,悔恨等)状态之中.No.59 to agree on something with somebody 同意某人的.(看法,意见等)No.60 in agreement with. 同意.;与.一致No.61 to come to somebodys aid 前来援助某人No.62 to beat the air (the wind) 白费力气. 徒劳;无的放矢No.63 to plough the air 白费力气,徒劳;水中捞月No.64 to get up in the air 暴跳如雷,发怒No.65 to keep somebody

10、 in the air 使某人没有着落,使某人进退失据No.66 out of thin air 无中生有地,凭空地No.67 to disappear into thin air 消失得无影无踪,不知去向No.68 to walk on air 得意洋洋,觉得飘飘然No.69 with an air of .带着 .的样子No.70 to be on the alert 密切注意着.;警惕着.No.71 All covet, all lose 贪多必失No.72 Alls well that ends well 结局好才一切都好No.73 to bat all 压倒一切 ;了不起No.74

11、Grasp all, lose all. 样样都要,样样失掉;贪多必失No.75 to allow for.估计到 .考虑到. 对.留有余地No.76 monkeys allowance 非人的待遇,受打受骂多而挣钱少的待遇No.77 to leave somebody(soemthing) alone 让某人(或某物)独自留在那里;不理睬某人(某物)No.78 to fall into an ambush 遭遇埋伏,中伏No.79 to amuse oneself with(by).以.取乐,以.消遣No.80 to rush in where angels fear to tread 胆大

12、妄为; 愚蠢而自负地去冒险No.81 Talk of an angel and you will hear his wings 说到某人, 某人就到No.82 When angry,count a hundred 每当动怒时, 先要冷静一下No.83 A soft answer turned away wrath 婉言可以息怒No.84 in answer to.为了响应 .为了回答.No.85 to have ants in ones pants 坐立不安,急欲行动No.86 any old how 随随便便的 ,马马虎虎的No.87 apart from .除了.以外No.88 to ha

13、ve got apartments to let 有几分傻气No.89 a lame apology 站不住脚的辩解;漏洞百出的借口No.90 Appetite comes with eating 胃口越吃越大;得陇望蜀No.91 to whet somebodys appetite 合某人的胃口, 合某人的心意No.92 An apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一苹果,医生不上门No.93 to polish the apple 拍马屁,谄媚,讨好No.94 A rotten apple injures its neighbours 一只烂 ,烂一筐;一

14、个坏人可以影响一群好人No.95 to upset somebodys apple-cart 破坏某人的计划,打乱某人的计划No.96 to be difficult of approach 难以接近的No.97 to be apt at.善于 .长于.巧于.No.98 to argue somebody into 说服某人去做No.99 to pay an arm and a leg 付出极高的价钱No.100 to keep somebody at arms length 避免与某人过分接触;与某人保持一定距离No.101 by the strong arm 强制性地No.102 to m

15、ake a long arm for 尽力去争取获得No.103 to put the arm to somebody 动手抓某人;动手揪住某人;向. 借钱No.104 to give somebody an open-arm welcome 热烈欢迎某人No.105 to rise in arms 拿起武器(反对); 起义;极力反对.No.106 to take up arms against. 拿起武器反对.,向.作战No.107 to take arrangements for.为.作为准备;为. 作出安排No.108 to be under arrest 被捕;被拘留;被看押No.10

16、9 Art is long, life is short 人生有限,技艺无穷No.110 to get down to a fine art 把.学到家,学. 学得成功No.111 The ass waggeth his ears 驴子摇耳朵, 傻瓜装聪明No.112 An ass in a lions skin 气势汹汹的胆小鬼;色厉内荏的人No.113 An ass with two panniers 两臂各挽一女子在街上行走的男人No.114 to be an ass for ones pairs 费力不讨好 ;自讨苦吃No.115 to make an ass of oneself 做

17、蠢事;使自己出丑No.116 to make an ass of somebody 捉弄某人,愚弄某人No.117 to associate oneself with.加入.;参与 .;与. 有联系No.118 to rest assured 确信无疑,放心No.119 to make an attempt at.试图.,打算.No.120 to bring something to somebodys attention 使某人注意某事No.121 to direct somebodys attention to. 使某人密切注意 .No.122 to focus ones attentio

18、n on. 把注意力集中在.No.123 Dutch acution 开高价然后逐渐降低直至卖出的拍卖No.124 Like author, like look 什么样的作家写什么样的作品;文如其人No.125 Choose an author as you choose a friend 择书如择友No.126 to vest somebody with authority 授权某人No.127 to give somebody the axe 解雇某人,开除某人,与某人断绝关系No.128 to have an axe to grind 别有用心,另有企图No.129 to be left

19、 holding the baby 担当苦差事;做别人不愿意做的事No.130 to give somebody the baby to hold 把苦差事推给某人,叫某人承担苦差事No.131 to pass the baby(pass the buck) 推卸责任, 把为难的事情推给别人No.132 to be glad to see somebodys back 巴不得某人离开;希望推脱某人No.133 to be on ones back 仰卧; 卧病No.134 to clap somebodys on the back 拍拍某人的肩膀No.135 to get ones back

20、up 使某人生气,发怒No.136 to give somebody the back 不再理睬某人;舍某人而去No.137 to go behind somebodys back 在某人背后捣鬼;在某人背后搞小动作No.138 to bring home the bacon 维持生活No.139 to feel bad about something 对某事感到不痛快.感到难过No.140 to go from bad to worse 越来越糟; 每况愈下No.141 He that spares the bad injures the good 纵容坏人就是伤害好人No.142 take

21、 the bad with the good 幸与不幸都得忍受No.143 bags under the eyes 肿眼泡; 松垂的下眼炮No.144 to hold the bag 上当受骗;被迫承担后果No.145 to get the bag 被解雇 ,被辞退No.146 to give somebody the bag 解雇某人,辞退某人No.147 to give somebody the bag to hold 让某人背黑锅;让某人承担责任No.148 Oxford bags 灯笼裤No.149 to set ones bag for somebody(something) 对某人

22、(事)动心;对某人( 事)有野心No.150 to let the cat out of the bag 泄露机密No.151 to rise to the bait 上当受骗,上圈套No.152 to swallow the bait 上当受骗,上圈套No.153 out of balance 失去平衡No.154 ball up something 把.搞乱,把.弄糟No.155 to carry the ball 负起责任,担当起领导职务No.156 to catch the ball before the bound 抢先抓住机会;见机行动No.157 to catch the bal

23、l at the bound 及时抓住机会No.158 to have nothing on the ball 毫无本领,不精明No.159 to keep the ball rolling 使.不中断;使.继续进行No.160 to be on the ball 机灵,机警;精力充沛; 见识广No.161 to start the ball rolling 使.开始;开个头No.162 The ball is at the feet 某人有成功的机会;成功即在眼前No.163 by secret ballot 通过无记名投票方式,秘密投票No.164 to lift the ban on.

24、对.解禁No.165 second banana 在戏里担任次要滑稽角色的演员;随从式人物No.166 to beat the band 干得很棒;令人惊异; 了不起No.167 to bandy something about 口头传播某事(通常指不好的事)No.168 to get a bang out of .从.中得到乐趣;从.中得到刺激No.169 Let me be your banker 你需要多少钱?我借给你.No.170 to go bankrupt 破产No.171 dating bar 单身男女约会的酒吧No.172 A bargain is a bargain 买卖一言

25、为定;达成的协议不可撕毁No.173 to bargain for.想把.便宜地弄到手No.174 Dutch bargain 双方喝酒时成交的生意;单方面有利的交易No.175 to have the best of the bargain 在交易中占到便宜 ;取得有利的地位No.176 to strike a bargain 成交;达成协议No.177 to wet a bargain 喝酒庆祝达成交易No.178 to take the bark off somebody 狠揍某人一顿No.179 ones bark is worse than his bite 急躁易怒, 但无恶意;有

26、口无心No.180 off ones base 大错特错的,神智错乱No.181 on a fifty-fifty basic 对等地No.182 to be left in the basket 落选,被遗弃;无大要No.183 to bat out something 匆匆忙忙地赶出.No.184 to go on a bat 狂饮 ,纵酒取乐No.185 to go to bat against 作不利于. 的证明;反对某人(事)No.186 to go to bat for.支持.;为.辩护No.187 as blind as a bat 象蝙蝠一样瞎,瞎得厉害No.188 to fa

27、ll in battle 阵亡No.189 to join battle with.同.交火,交战;同.剧烈争辩No.190 Every bean has its black 每人都有自己的缺点 ;每件事都有不足之处No.191 to find the bean in the cake 中彩;发横财 ;大获成功No.192 to give somebody beans 严厉指责,责骂某人 ;揍某人一顿;折磨某人No.193 know how many beans make five 精明,机灵, 又易上当受骗No.194 to know ones beans 精明; 内行No.195 to s

28、pill the beans 无意中泄露秘密;说漏嘴No.196 to bear with.忍耐,容忍No.197 like a bear with a sore head 脾气坏的,粗暴的No.198 to play the bear 举止粗暴,言语粗鲁No.199 Sell the bears skin before one has caught the bear 熊未捉到先卖皮No.200 to laugh in ones beard (玩弄别人)暗中作笑No.201 to get a beat on somebody 抢在某人前面,占某人上风No.202 It beats me 这点叫

29、我感到莫名其妙; 这可把我难住了No.203 Beauty and the beast 美人陪野兽;美女伴丑夫No.204 Beauty is but skin-deep 美貌只是一层皮 ;不可以貌取人No.205 eager beavor 做事特别卖力气的人No.206 to be at the back and call of. 唯.之命是从;随人摆布No.207 to have somebody at ones beck and call 使某人听从自己的吩咐和分配No.208 bed of thorns 如坐针毡的处境No.209 to die in ones bed 痛死;老死,寿终

30、正寝No.210 to get out of bed on the wrong side 从早晨起来就情绪不好,容易生气No.211 to make ones own bed 自作自受,自食其果No.212 Adversity makes strange bed fellows 难中不择友No.213 a bee in ones bonnet 牢不可破的怪念头No.214 to put the bee on.废止.撤销., 使.无效No.215 to beef about 抱怨,发牢骚No.216 Beer and skittles 舒适愉快的生活No.217 to go begging 行乞

31、;销路不好No.218 Beggars cant be choosers 讨饭的不能挑肥拣瘦No.219 Let beggars match with beggars 龙配龙,凤配凤No.220 Set a beggar on horseback and hell ride to the devil 叫花子发财必然忘乎所以No.221 Well begun is half done 良好的开端是成功的一半No.222 A bad beginning makes a bad ending 不善始者不善终No.223 A good beginning makes a good ending 欲善其

32、终必先善其始No.224 Everything must have a beginning 凡事都有个开头No.225 In every beginning think of the end 未做事先思其结果No.226 on somebodys behalf 为了某人,代表某人No.227 to have belief in.相信,信任No.228 Believe me 真的,请相信我的话No.229 to lose the bell 赛输,战败No.230 ring the bell 使人回忆起某事No.231 below the belt 不公正地,不正当地,卑劣地No.232 to t

33、ighten ones belt 省吃俭用,节俭地生活No.233 to be bent on.一心要做.坚持要做.No.234 to go round the bend 歇斯底里发作,发怒;发狂No.235 out of ones hent 非自己能力所及;不是自己的专长No.236 to the top of ones bent 尽情地,尽量地,极力地No.237 to find a snug berth 找个轻松愉快的工作No.238 at ones best 在最佳状态下 ;在最出色的状态下No.239 to make the best of.充分利用.(如时间, 机会等)No.240

34、 to be the better for.因.而更好No.241 Better late than never 迟做总比不做好;迟到总不比不到好No.242 None the better for.并不因.而好些;依然如故No.243 to make a bid for.在拍卖中的.出价钱, 投标;试图得到(名望,恩宠等)No.244 to go big 大受欢迎.非常成功No.245 make big (在自己的事业中)取得显著成绩;飞黄腾达No.246 talk big 说大话,吹牛No.247 to foot the bill 付帐;负担全部费用No.248 Fast bind, fa

35、st find 扎得牢,丢不了No.249 a bird in the brush 尚未到手的东西;没有把握之事No.250 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手No.251 A bird is known by its note, and a man by his words 闻声知鸟,闻言知人No.252 The early bird that catchs the worm 捷足先登No.253 birds of a feather 同类的人;一丘之貉No.254 to do something like bird

36、轻松地干某事 ,毫不吃力地干某事No.255 to eat like a bird 吃得很少;饭量很小No.256 to get the bird 被嘘,被喝倒彩;碰钉子No.257 to give somebody the bird (对演员等)发出嘘嘘声,喝倒彩; 嘲笑某人;解雇某人No.258 hot number 感情热烈的人No.259 kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕;一举两得No.260 a queer bird 古怪的家伙No.261 to get a bit on. 痛饮.No.262 Once bitten,twice shy 一回上当二

37、回乖;一次被蛇咬,十年怕草绳No.263 black and blue (打得)青一块,紫一块,遍体鳞伤No.264 black out (由电力中断等原因)灯光全熄,变得黑暗No.265 born on the wrong side of the blanket 私生的,非婚生的No.266 to blaze a trial 闯出新路, 开辟路径No.267 to be blessed with.在.方面有福气,幸喜有.No.268 to be on the blink (机器,仪器等)损坏,失灵;出故障No.269 to do the block (澳)逛大街No.270 to lose

38、ones block (澳,新)发怒; 慌张;激动 ;焦急No.271 to draw the first blood 首先进攻, 先发制人No.272 in hot blood 一时愤怒,盛怒之下No.273 to make somebodys blood boil 使某人非常冒火,使某人怒火中烧No.274 in full bloom 盛开No.275 to blot out 遮住 ;涂掉;( 口)消灭;摧毁No.276 to blow hot and cold 动摇不定;拿不定主意 ;反复无常No.277 to come to blows 互相殴打起来No.278 to exchange

39、 blows 与.相互殴打No.279 to be in the blues 情绪低落;无精打采;忧郁不乐No.280 to cry the blues 情绪低落,没精打采No.281 to give somebody the blues 使某人情绪低落.使某人愁闷No.282 out of the blue 非常突然地,出乎意料地No.283 till alls blue 直到头昏眼花( 指喝酒过度); 没完没了地喝No.284 blush like a black dog 不害臊,厚脸皮No.285 in the same boat 处于同样的命运中,面临同样的险境No.286 to ro

40、ck the boat 打扰别人的安宁;破坏.的计划No.287 to boil town to.归根结底是.;概括起来是 .No.288 to make bold with.擅自使用.;对.放肆无礼No.289 A fools bolt is soon shot 蠢人易于志穷力竭 ;蠢人很快就把钱花光No.290 A fools bolt may sometimes hit the mark 愚者千虑, 必有一得No.291 to shoot ones bolt 使出最后的力量;使尽全部手段No.292 to feel (it) in ones bones 从内心里感到 ;预感到,直觉到No

41、.293 to have a bone to pick with somebody 对某人有不满之处;与某人有需要解决的争端No.294 to make no bones about of.对.毫不迟疑;对.毫不顾虑No.295 Whats bred in the bone will not come out of the flesh 本性难移No.296 a close book 谜 ,尚未揭开的秘密; 高深莫测的事物No.297 an open-book 尽人皆知的情况 ,人人可理解的事物;用意理解的人No.298 to blot ones copy book 做有损自己声誉的事, 失足N

42、o.299 to know somebody like a book 对某人了解一清二楚, 充分了解某人No.300 to speak by the book 说话有根有据,说话精确No.301 to speak like a book 说话文绉绉的;咬文嚼字No.302 to die in ones boots 横死;被绞死No.303 to give somebody the boat 解雇某人,开除某人;突然抛弃某人No.304 to lick somebodys boots 奉承某人;拍某人的马屁, 巴结某人No.305 to wipe ones boots on somebody 轻

43、侮某人No.306 to be on the booze 拼命喝酒,大喝特喝No.307 He who likes borrowing dislikes paying 爱借的人往往不爱还No.308 to come home to ones bosom 感人肺腑No.309 to boss the show 想垄断(某种场合); 想在某种场合占上风No.310 hit the bottle 嗜酒 ;醉No.311 to keep to the bottle 嗜酒如命No.312 to knock the bottom out of. 驳倒(议论等);破坏, 推翻(计划)No.313 to bo

44、unce off somebody 试探( 某人的反应和意见);征求.的意见No.314 to keep within bounds 使人超越范围,使不过度No.315 to be in the wrong box 置身于错的地方 ;不得其所;处于窘境; 搞错No.316 a blue-eyed boy 特别受宠的人No.317 to rack ones brains (为某事)绞尽脑汁,苦思苦想No.318 sounding brass 空响的锣,空话,浮夸的言词No.319 to break bread with somebody 与某人共餐 ;受到某人的款待;与某人共用圣餐No.320

45、to earn ones bread 赚钱糊口,谋生No.321 to make a clean breast of. 完全说出;和盘托出, 坦白No.322 to save ones breath 不作声,不白费唇舌No.323 to wear the breeches 掌握家权,当家作主No.324 to shoot the breeze 闲聊天,闲扯No.325 to win in a breeze 毫不费力地取得胜利 ,轻易取胜No.326 Brevity is the soul of wit 言以简洁为贵No.327 a regular brick 好心肠的人,好汉子;可共患难的人N

46、o.328 to come down on somebody like a ton of bricks 气势凶猛地(来)指责某人No.329 to sell somebody a gold brick 向某人销售假货; 诈骗某人No.330 To burn ones bridges (behind one) 破斧沉舟 ,自断退路, 背水而战No.331 to turn bridle 向后转 ,作 180 度的大转变No.332 to bring to bear 施加( 压力,影响)No.333 to go broke 把钱花光,没钱No.334 to go for broke 全力以赴; 孤注

47、一掷No.335 A new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火No.336 Big Brother 老大哥;貌似仁慈的独裁者No.337 sworn brothers 结义兄弟,拜把兄弟No.338 as brown as berry 黝黑No.339 to brown off 搞错,弄糟No.340 to brush up. 重新学习.,重温No.341 to give somebody the brush 冷落某人,不理睬某人, 把某人打发走No.342 to buck up 设法争取 (提升等),尽力争取No.343 to be in the bucks 手头宽裕No

48、.344 a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟No.345 to give somebody the bucket 解雇某人,叫某人卷铺盖No.346 to kick the bucket 翘辫子,死No.347 to buckle down to.开始认真地干.; 全力以赴;集中精神于.No.348 to rip soemthing in the bud 将某事(尤指坏事或坏习惯 )消灭在萌芽状态;防患于未然No.349 big bug 大人物,要人,大亨No.350 go bugs 失去理智,发疯No.351 to sell in bulk 整披出售,批发No.352 to shoot the bull 胡说,瞎说;吹牛皮;拍马屁;闲扯No.353 to take the bull by the horns 断然处理难局;坚决而大胆地面对险境No.354 to bite the bullet 咬紧牙关忍受痛苦;硬着头皮顶下去No.355 A bully is always a coward 恶霸都是胆小鬼No.356 to go on th


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