1、Activities to do to practise recognising phonemes & graphemes(roughly in the order Ive done them)Grapheme = a combination of letters that make a certain soundPhoneme = the sound made by a combination of lettersLEARNING OBJECTIVESGet pupils to: - recognise the relationship between how words look & ho
2、w they sound- build up a bank of knowledge about common graphemes & phonemes in French- use these to help figure out how to say new words in the future by looking for the graphemes and relating them to words they already know which have the same grapheme. Family fortunes starterBasically to get them
3、 to revise some of the words from the mystery cards that they already know, and so you can have a quiet starter before introducing the phonics stuff.Mystery cardsGive each pair a card and tell them to work out what the pictures have in common. Each card represents a certain sound in French. Theyll n
4、eed to use dictionaries and after a while theyll need a clue that they shouldnt be thinking about what the pictures are, but what the French words for them are.Discuss key sounds in FrenchChoose some common sounds that people often dont know how to say I concentrated on oi, au/eau/o, ui, ou & eu to
5、begin with. Give the pupils some time with their yellow booklets to find all the words they can which have these graphemes in them. Get them to come up & write them on the board in the right column.Bisous dEskimoPut the first couple of verses of the song on the screen & ask them to find all the word
6、s they can that have oi, au/eau/o, ui, ou & eu in them. Get them to come up & underline them, then get people to have a go at saying the unfamiliar words, using the sound patterns theyve underlined. Try reading the whole thing out together, then listen to the song & do a certain action each time the
7、y hear one of these phonemes. Sound islandsOn board, have pictures of 3 islands which each represent a different grapheme (if you use this activity early on, use graphemes that are very different from each other, e.g. oi, ch, gn. When theyve had more practice, use it for recognising the difference b
8、etween very similar sounds, e.g. ou & u, oi & ui, etc see the file LIle de ou et de u). In the centre, put pictures of things which have those sounds in the word (better if you mostly use words they dont already know). One pupil from each team takes turns to choose a picture, then you say the word i
9、n French & they come up and move the picture to the island they think it goes on. Mini whiteboard activityPart 1Each pupil/pair has a pen & a mini whiteboard. Look at the mini whiteboard graphemes powerpoint you say the word on screen and the pupils have to write the missing grapheme on their mini W
10、B. You can do this for very different graphemes if theyre finding it hard, or similar ones if you want to practise the more difficult stuff.Part 2Once theyve done all the ones on the powerpoint, tell them that youre going to say a word and they have to try & write it down correctly. They have to rea
11、lly listen to the whole word, not just for the grapheme (use short words!). I used: fou, feu, faux, foi, beau, oeuf, gros, crois, sou, jeu, joue, poule, clou, pois, dois, peu, boit, seau, veut, vautGraphemes flashcards (alternative for if you dont have mini WBs)Stick up 4 pieces of paper with a diff
12、erent grapheme on in the corners of the room. When you say a word, they have to point to the right corner to show which sound theyve heard.PoemsTons of good poems at http:/ Can be used for:- gapfills blank out rhyming words & they read poem to themselves & use rhymes to fill in gaps blank out key gr
13、aphemes & read poem out to them, and they fill in the gaps with the grapheme they hear)- reading out and practising using graphemes to figure out how to say new wordsGood for rhyming gapfills- Au Zoo- Jai du chocolat- La pluie sur mon cou- Une souris dans mes cheveux- Moi jaime skierGood for reading
14、 out & practising saying new words or gapfills where you read it outShort poems:- Le hrisson- Ouvre la porte- Un petit lapinLonger poems:- La soupe de la sorcire- Le kangourou (all OU sounds!)- Jai vu- Jean de la luneSounds postersGet them to choose a specific grapheme & make a poster to help people
15、 remember how it sounds they can write down words which use that grapheme & highlight it, put pictures on, etc.Broken up wordsEach pair has a set of cards with some French words broken into 2 parts. You say a word and the pupils have to find the two parts of the word and hold them up.Fold-its/graphe
16、me fansEach pupil/pair/group has a fold-it or grapheme fan. You say a word in French & they have to show you the grapheme that represents the sound theyve heard in that word. Start with really short words & just focus on a few graphemes, and gradually use longer words (show first grapheme they hear)
17、 and more graphemes.Graphemes bingoThis is better done later on, when theyve looked at quite a lot of different graphemes & are quite good at recognising them. Each pupil draws a grid of 6 squares in their book & writes a different grapheme in each one mine had to choose 6 from oi, ui, ou, u, eu/oeu
18、, au/eau/o, in/ain, on, ai/ay, gn, ch, i & qu.The you read out words and they cross off their grapheme if they hear it in that word. The difficult bit is finding words that are challenging enough but only have one of the graphemes in it - make sure you decide beforehand which words to use! I used bo
19、is, huit, joue, pull, oeuf, beau, lapin, talon, fait, campagne, poche, petit & quelSound dictionariesAs they go along, they could be building up their own Dictionnaire des Sons, with a page for each grapheme. Whenever they come across a new word, they can write it down on the correct page so they en
20、d up with lots of words with the same sound helps them remember how to say words.THINGS TO WATCH OUT FORBe careful with sounds that are written with just one letter (e.g. a, i, o, u etc) you need to make sure the pupils know that they can also form combinations of letters that make them sound differ
21、ent (e.g. in, on, un). Look at examples, e.g. petit lapin.Also watch for words with qui- in them, like quitation pupils want this to make the ui sound, but the u is silent because it comes after a q.Useful websites for getting ideashttp:/ websites for using in class La Petite Souris - http:/lps13.fr
22、ee.fr/ teachers & pupils sections divided into specific sounds with loads of listening activities & links to poems etc with those sounds. Lots of other activities in rest of site. Phontique - http:/phonetique.free.fr/ more difficult stuff listening tasks practising differentiating between similar graphemes, writing out words that they hear, and tonguetwisters that use certain graphemes. Also practises liaison & intonation for questions etc & the alphabet (some easier activities here).German phonicshttp:/