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1、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.Never too old to learn /Live to learn/Live and learnThere is no end to learning.Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done todayPractice makes perfect.熟能生巧 Diligence 勤奋 is the mother of success.An hour in the morning is worth two

2、in the evening.Perseverance 坚持不懈,不屈不挠 spells success.只要功夫深铁杵磨成针Success belongs to the persevering.Well begin is half done.好的开始是成功的一半 Knowledge is power.Time is money. Time is life, time is speed, and time is strength.No sweet without sweat.不流汗就没有幸福Where there is will there is a way. 机会永远只青睐有准备的人 Opp

3、ortunity knocks but once.机不可失失不再来大学英语六级考试写作应试策略六级考试的写作部分的要求与四级相比只是增加了一些字数,但实际上它对于词汇的难度,句子的运用技巧,文章的结构都提出了更高的要求,做这道题,我认为可以用上如下的技巧:1 多用长句,少用短句,适当加入几句结构较复杂的句子。2 写好第一句话。这样容易给阅卷者留下一个好印象,最好能用上一个复句,里面要用上 2-3 个难的单词或词组。3 结构要清晰。我建议使用四段式,第一段综述,第二、三段分述,第四段做总结,二、三段是重点。4 多用连接性的词组或单词。如 first, second, moreover, for

4、one thing.for another, on the one hand.on the other 等等。可以把它们置于段首或文中比较显著的位置,这样会使文章更具条理性。5 注意结尾的时候要点题,把自己的观点明确说出来。6 文章不要写得太长,这样容易引起阅卷者的反感。7 词汇的使用上请多用六级词汇,以区别于四级。8 如有可能,适当加上一两句名言或是谚语,以显示你见识的广博。我把自己的一篇小习作登出以供参考,主要是在行文结构方面。How to Keep Calm In an Exam?Anxiety is perhaps the worst problem many college stud

5、ents are faced with in their examinations. They just feel unable to keep their wits about them in those occasions, as a result of which they dont give full play to their abilities. How to solve this problem?First of all, we should dispel the misgivings about the results of the exams. All of us are e

6、ager to chalk up good results in the evaluation tests. However, just remember: More haste, less speed. We should not be too mindful about the results. Take things calmly.Furthermore, we can also adopt some concrete steps to calm ourselves. For example, we may keep our eyes closed and think of nothin

7、g for a minute or two just before starting an exam. It helps to keep a cool head and minimize nervousness. As for me, this method always works.In the final analysis, we ought to bear in mind that calmness is essential for good performance in a test. Overcoming anxiety is not so thorny a problem if w

8、e are mentally and physically prepared.大学英语六级听力超高频词汇1) take a rain check 2) lost count 弄不清楚3) be in another world 精神恍惚;魂不守舍4) make yourself at home 随意,随便5) save your breath 省口气吧;别白费口舌了6) make sense 有意义,理解7) cost sb. an arm and a leg 非常昂贵8) burn a hole in ones pocket 很快地被花光9)fill ones shoes 很好地顶替;令人满

9、意地替代10)is ice cold 表示理所当然11)like apples and oranges 用来表示无法相比的事物12)wait until the last minute 直到最后一刻13)lose ones train of 忘记14)meet each other half way 相互妥协,让步15)on the dot 准时;正点16)once and for all 最后一次;干脆17)out of earshot 不在听力所及范围18)out of this world 非常好19)play by ear 随机应变,视情形而定20) ring a bell 令人想起某

10、件事;听起来耳熟21)share a common outlook 有共同的观点22)six of one and half-a-dozen of the other 半斤八两;没什么区别23)stick around 在附近逗留或等待24)stick with 继续做,坚持25)straighten out 扯平;结清26)toss and turn (身体 )翻来覆去(通常表示难以入睡 )27)turn ones back (在别人遇到困难时)不愿帮助28)under the weather 身体不适,生病29)bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂;心

11、有余而力不足;不自量力;力不从心30)break new ground 创新31)do the trick 做成功;达到理想的结果 32)drag ones feet 行动缓慢;磨磨蹭蹭不情愿33)draw the line 拒绝,拒不容忍34)feel down in the dumps 心情不好;情绪低落35)few and far between 不多;少而分散的;不常碰到或发现的;稀少的36)fit as a fiddle 身体很健康37)grin and bear 任劳任怨;毫无怨言地忍受38)hit the spot (特指吃了食物,喝了饮料之后 )精神完全恢复过来或感到满足;恢复

12、精力;提精神39)keep between the two of us 不让第三者知道,保密40)know a thing or two about 略知一二开头 Recently, the problem of has aroused peoples concern. 最近, 问题已引起人们的关注. Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious probl

13、ems as well. 互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题.Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口过剩) 已成为我们不得不面对的问题了. It is commonly believed that / It is a common belief that 人们一般认为 Many people insist that 很多人坚持认为 With the development of science and technology, mor

14、e and more people believe that 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为 A lot of people seem to think that 很多人似乎认为 结尾 Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论 Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that 考虑所有这些因素, 我们可

15、能会得出合理的结论Hence/Therefore, wed better come to the conclusion that 因此,我 们最好得出这样的结论 There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits. 毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点. All in all, we cannot live without But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would ari

16、se. 总之,我 们没有是无法生活的.但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题.引出不同观点: Peoples views on vary from person to person. Some hold that . However, others believe that.人们对的观点因人而异.有些人认为. 然而其他人却认为 People may have different opinions on人们对可能会有不同的见解. Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异. There ar

17、e different opinions among people as to 关于. 人们的观点大不相同. Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同. 提出建议: It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了. It is time to take the advice of and to put special emphasis on the improvement of 该是采纳的建议,并对的进展给

18、予特殊重视的时候了. There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of 毫无疑问,对问题应予以足够的重视. Obviously,. If we want to do something , it is essential that 显然,如果我 们想做某事, 很重要的是 Only in this way can we 只有这样,我们才能 It must be realized that 我们必须意识到 预示后果: Obviously, if we dont control the problem, the

19、chances are that will lead us in danger. 很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险.No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that 毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,很可能会 It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation. 很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.论证From my point of view, it is more reason

20、able to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that 我无法完全同意这一观点. Personally, I am standing on the side of 就个人而言, 我站在的一边. I sincerely believe that 我真诚地相信 In my opinion, it is more advisable to do than to do. 在我个人看来,做比做更明智. Fin

21、ally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why 给出原因: This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First, Second, Third, 这一现象的存在是有许多原因的.首先, 第二, 第三, Why did ? For one thing For another. Perhaps the primary reason is 为什么会? 一个原因是 令一个原因是或许其主要原因是. I quite agree with the statement tha

22、t the reasons are chiefly as follows. 我十分赞同这一论述,即,其主要原因如下: 列出解决办法: Here are some suggestions for handling 这是如何处理某事的一些建议. The best way to solve the troubles is 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是 People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.人们已找出许多办法来解决这个问题.批判错误观点和做法: As far as something is concerned, . 就某事而言, I

23、t was obvious that 很显然,. It may be true that, but it doesnt mean that 可能是对的,但这并不意味着 It is natural to believe that , but we shouldnt ignore that 认为. 是很自然的, 但我们不应忽视. There is no evidence to suggest that 没有证据表明 过渡词 强调 still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interes

24、tingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially, obviously, clearly. 比较 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally. 对比 by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conv

25、ersely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast. 列举 for example, for instance, such as, take for example. Except (for), to illustrate. 时间 later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the

26、end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during,nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards,temporarily, earlier, now, after a while. 顺序 first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but

27、 not the least, first and most important.可能 presumably, probably, perhaps. 解释 in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms. 递进 What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, again. 让步 although, afte

28、r all, in spite of, despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, whatever may happen. 转折 however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on theother hand, unfortunately. whereas 原因 for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to. 结果 as a result, thus, hence, so, theref

29、ore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence. 总结 on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short. 其他 Mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most

30、 of us, in many cases, in this case图表作文常用句型 As is shown in the graph 如图所示 The graph shows that 图表显示 As can be seen from the table, 从表格中可以看出 From the chart, we know that 从这张表中,我们可知All these data clearly prove the fact that 所有这些数据明显证明这一事实,即 The increase of . in the city has reached to 20%.这个城市的.增长已达到

31、20%.In 1985, the number remained the same.1985 年, 这个数字保持不 变.There was a gradual decline in 1989.1989 年, 出现了逐渐下降的情 况.1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not far to seek 5)The reason for this is that 6

32、)We have good reason to believe that 2表示好处 1)It has the following advantages 2)It does us a lot of good 3)It benefits us quite a lot 4)It is beneficial to us 5)It is of great benefit to us3表示坏处 1)It has more disadvantages than advantages 2)It does us much harm 3)It is harmful to us 4表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能

33、 1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for sbto do sth 2)We think it necessary to do sth 3)It plays an important role in our life 5表示措施 1)We should take some effective measures2)We should try our best to overcome(con quer)the difficulties 3)We should do our utmost in doing sth 4

34、)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with6表示变化 1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years 2)A great change will certainly be produced in the worlds communications 3)The computer has brought about many changes in education 7表示事实、现状 1)We cannot ignore the fact that 2)

35、No one can deny the fact that 3)There is no denying the fact that 4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in 5)However,thats not thecase 10表示看法 1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth 2)People have different opinions on this problem 3)People take different view

36、s of(on)the question 4)Some people believe that Others argue that 11表示结论 1)In short,it can be said that 112)It may be briefly summed up as follows 3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that 12套语 1)Its well known to us that 2)As is known to us, 3)This is a topic that is b

37、eing widely talked about 4)From the graph(table,chart)listed above,it can be seen that 5)As aproverb says,“Where there is a will,there is a way 开头 A proberb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言) As everyone knows, No one can de

38、ny that According to a recent survey, about 78.90f the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. 主体 to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐) to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐) first and foremost, besides, last but not least(强烈推荐) most important of all

39、, moreover, finally on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况) for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况) in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with , 结尾 Obviously(此为过渡短语),

40、 we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus Thus, it can be concluded that, Therefore, we can find that Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. Accordingly

41、, I recommend that some measures be taken. Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken. 七)开篇1.Many nations have been faced with the problem of . 2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 3.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic. 4.Recently the issue has aro

42、used great concern among . 5.Nowadays there is a growing concern over . 6.Never in our history has the idea that .been so popular. 7.Faced with ., quite a few people argue that . 8.According to a recent survey, . 9.With the rapid development of ., .(八)结尾1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that . 2.It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop . 3.It is necessary that steps should be taken to .


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