1、IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区模板素材一、综合写作常用词汇:1、对材料的指称:听力:the speakerthe lecturer the professor the listening material the lecture the talk 阅读:the writer the author the reading material the writing the passage 2、表示要点间的关系的词和短语:质疑、驳斥关系的词或短语:refute = rebut + n 驳倒, 反驳disprove + n 反驳,
2、证明 .为误deny + n 或 + that 否定,否认challenge sth. 或者 challenge sb on sth 置疑( 的正确性)question + n 置疑(的正确性或合理性)cast doubt on / raise doubt over + n 怀疑 doubt + n 或 + that 怀疑 oppose + n 反对 IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区object to = disagree with + n 反对,不赞成 be opposing to / sb be opposed to 反对
3、be against 反对be contrary 相反be opposite to 相反contradict + n 同.矛盾/ 抵触be contradictory to 同.矛盾/ 抵触conflict vi 抵触,有分歧A and B conflict 或者 A conflict with B be conflicting to 抵触,有分歧differ from + n 与. 不同支持、强化关系的词或短语:support + n 支持back + n 支持enhance + n 增强,强化strengthen + n 加强uphold + n 支持,维护justify + n 为辩护,
4、证明的是正当的3、陈述材料内容的词和短语:according to the lecture (reading passage) adv. saytalk about + n discuss + nstate + that 说; 陈述remark + that 谈起,说IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区believe + thatmake the point that + 从句take the position that + 从句propose + to do / + that 提议,主张maintain + that 主张,认为
5、argue + that 争辩到, 认为indicate + that 表明,指出suggest + that 提出,表明mention + n 提及,说起note + n 或 + that 指出,说到claim + that 声称,断言assert + that 断言, 声称(formal)affirm + that 断言;肯定 (formal)contend + that 声称,主张 (formal)allege + that 宣称, 断言(formal)put forward + n 提出point out + that 指出conclude + that 断定4、表示转折关系的词和短语
6、:adv. in contrast / on the contrary / on the other handconj. while / whereas / although 5、表示转承的词和短语:first, first of all, the first reason / point IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区second, furthermore, moreover, besides, what is more, in addition, another reason / pointthird, finally,
7、 in the end 6、其他有用的词汇:basis n. 根据grounds n. 理由,原因 evidence n. 证据proof n. 证据groundless adj. 无根据的,无依据的unwarranted adj. 无根据的,不敢保证的incorrect adj. 不正确的improper adj. 不合适的,不恰当的inappropriate adj. 不合宜的,不适当的incomplete adj. 不完全的,不完整的exemplify + n 举例说明illustrate + n / + that 举例说明cast light on 使显现given that 考虑到i
8、n that 由于, 因为regarding prep. 关于concerning prep. 关于with regard / respect to prep. 关于二、综合写作黄金句型:1、首段(稍作转换亦可用于中间段) The lecture, which the main idea in the reading that The professor . On the contrary / in contrast / however, the writer a IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区different / con
9、tradictory / opposing idea that Contrary to / opposed to the belief / idea / point in the passage that , the professor that The professor the viewpoint showed / suggested / indicated / mentioned / discussed / stated in the passage that by saying that The evidence / proof / points / opinion given / p
10、rovided / stated in the passage is groundless / unwarranted / somewhat inappropriate / inaccurate when compared to what is ed in the lecture. The lecture 2、中间段 The professor made the point that The reading, in contrast, held a view by saying that As regards to / in terms of , the listening material
11、the reading material. Another important point in the reading material is that but the listening presents a conflicting / contradictory / opposing / negative / opposite idea that . The second / third point / reason / evidence in the reading passage is that . Contrary to it is the professors that Not
12、as the passage puts it / Unlike in the passage, the lecturer . The passage but it is not the case in the lecture. The professor The passage while the lecture . This was another part where (the of) the lecture (the in ) the passage (that). Finally, the professor . that , which the standpoint made by
13、the writer who said that 三、综合写作句型集1、表示要点间的关系IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区The lecturer totallydisagrees with the view made in the reading.The speaker completely denies the idea made in the passage.The professor entirely challengesthe statement made by the author.This directly con
14、tradicts what the passage indicates., which directly denies what the author states.This directly challenges what the reading passage believes.In the lecture,the speakerhas totally differentideas on the topic made in the reading.In the lecturethe professorhas completely different ideas on the topicma
15、de in the passageIn the listeningthe lecturerhas entirely different ideas on the topicmade in the reading passage1、表示要点内容和要点间的关系Reading Points while Listening Points The reading passage contends that,but, however the lecturer argues that .According to the ; on the other the professor in the listenin
16、g IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区reading passage, hand argues thatIn the reading passage, the author believes that ; in contrast the lecturer holds the opposite opinion and believe thatContrary to the point in the reading that, The speaker states thatDifferent from the opinion in
17、the reading that The professor in the lecture argues thatIn the listening, the professor says thatThis directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because the speaker in the listening argues thatThis point disagrees with statement demonstrated in the reading thatAccording to the lecture
18、r, ,which refutes the point that in the reading.The lecturer believes that ,which casts doubt on the authors point that According to the professor in the lecture,.,which differs from the reading in that the reading states.打造个性化模板模版范例:It is ed in the lecture that, which the passage. According to the
19、passage, First, contrary to / opposite to / opposed to the in the passage that, the professor that IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区The second in the reading / by the author is that however, the lecture . This is another point / part where the lecture the passage. Finaly, the author of the passage that . Not as the passage puts it / Unlike in the passage, the lecturer .我的模板IBT-SAT 小马过河专业备考社区小马过河小马过河小马过河 X专业备考社区专业备考社区专业备考社区特别提醒:模板需要灵活低运用!