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1、无损检测汉译英词汇汇编A(a)安全灯 safelight 安全防护 safety protection安全阀 safety valve 安全防护设备 safety equipment安全措施 safety action, safety practice, safety precautionA型扫描显示 A-scan display A显示 A-display按钮式喷雾器 aerosol暗室 darkroom无损检测汉译英词汇汇编B(b)便携金相检查仪 portable metallographic analyzer, portable metallographic inspection app

2、aratus便携式光谱分析仪 portable spectroscopic analyzer, portable spectrograph便携式氢检漏仪 portable hydrogen leak detector便携式磁通计 portable flux indicator标准密度校验片 Calibrated Density Reference Scale标记带 Marking tapes标准回波探头 standard echo transducers,Standard echo probe标准试块 standard test block(STB) 标准试片 standard test pi

3、ece表面波探头 surface wave transducers, Rayleigh Wave probe表面(声)波 surface acoustic wave(SAW) 表面张力 surface tension表面活性剂 surfactant 背景光 back light 背景、本底 background布氏硬度 ball hardness,Brinell hardness布氏硬度值 Brinell hardness number(BHN)布氏硬度计 Brinell hardness tester, Brinells machine棒材 bar stock 棒阳极(X 射线)管 rod-

4、anode tube钡水泥 barium concrete巴克豪森噪声分析 Barkhausen noise analysis(BNA) 巴克豪森效应 Barkhausen effect 射线测厚仪 beta thickness gaugeB型扫描显示 B-scan display, B-scope presentationB型扫描 B-scan曝光曲线 exposure curve 曝光图表 exposure chart曝光宽容度 exposure latitude 曝光过度 over exposure,solarization曝光与暗室附件 Exposure and darkroom ac

5、cessories玻璃纤维 fibreglass 玻璃 X射线管 glass X-ray tube玻璃纤维增强塑料 fibreglass reinforced plastics(FRP)冰醋酸 glacial acetic acid半衰期 half life, half-life period, half-time半值层,半价层 half value layer(HVL) 半值层厚度,半价层厚度 half value thickness(HVT)丙烯酸树脂 methacrylate resin白点(钢缺陷)thermal burst补充剂 replenisher, replenishment

6、补焊 repair welding,rewelding波长 wavelength 波动物理学 wave physics波束角 beam angle薄板、页 sheet 薄膜 thin film薄板 thin sheet 薄壁管 thin-walled tubeC(c)参考试块 reference block 参考照片 Reference Radiographs参考试片、标准试片 reference piece, reference test piece测厚仪用分割式直探头:thickness gauge division straight transducers, Partitioned st

7、raight beam probe for wall thickness measurement测厚仪 thickness gauge, thickness meter 测力计,测功器,测功计 dynamometer,ergometerC型扫描 C-scan C型扫描显示 C-scan display, C-scope presentation磁膏 magnetic paste, concentrate, paste 磁悬液浓度 bath concentration, particle content 磁场指示器 field indicator 磁铁 magnet磁通计 flux meter,

8、 magnet meter, maxwellmeter磁轭 yoke, magnetic yoke磁强计,磁场强度计 field intensity set, magnetic field meter, magnetometer磁钢 magnet steel 磁探伤仪 magnetic flaw detector磁粉探伤用磁悬液 magnetic flaw detection ink, magnetic ink, suspension磁粉 magnetic particle 磁粉检测 magnetic particle testing(MT)磁橡胶检验 magnetic rubber insp

9、ection(MRI) 磁化线圈 magnetizing coil磁化电流 magnetizing current 磁化曲线 magnetizing curve磁化夹钳 magnetizing tongs 磁粉含量 particle content磁致伸缩换能器 magnetostriction transducer, magnetostrictive transducer磁导率 permeability 磁导率计 permeameter磁饱和稳压器 saturation core regulator 磁化曲线,B-H 曲线 B-H curve磁粉探伤机 magnetic particle i

10、nspection machine, magnetic particle flaw detector磁粉探伤仪 magnetic particle flaw detector,magnetism-powder crack-detection instrument磁饱和装置 magnetic saturation system草图、示意图 sketchCh(ch)超声波探伤仪 ultrasonic flaw detector 超声流量计 ultrasonic flow meter超声标准试块 ultrasonic calibration block超声对比试块 ultrasonic refere

11、nce block超声相控阵 Ultrasonic phased arrays超声波测厚仪 ultrasonic thickness gage, ultrasonic thickness gauge超声测厚探头 ultrasonic thickness gauge transducers, the transducers for ultrasonic thickness gauge超微粒胶片 extra-fine grain film 超灵敏度渗透系统 supersensitive penetrant system充电器 charger 充电器连线 charge up line,Charger

12、 cable插座转接板 socket adapter 插头 plug插座 jack, rosette, socket差动线圈,差分线圈 differential coil穿过式线圈 feedthrough coil 穿晶裂纹(金属缺陷)transgranular crack串列式扫查 tandem scan场强计 field strength meter(FSM)重复频率 repetition frequency长水柱耦合探头 probe with long water column coupling吹砂 sand blasting, sandblast冲击试验机 impact tester,

13、impact testing apparatus成像板 IP(Imaging Plates)无损检测汉译英词汇汇编D(d)电子拉伸试验机 electron-tensile tester 电子扫描(E-扫描)Electronic scanning (E-scans)电子线性扫描(E-扫描)Electronic linear scans (E-scans)电脑轴承分析仪 computer bearing analyzer电动机故障检查仪 electromotor fault inspector电参量测试仪 electricity parameter tester电动试压装置 electromoti

14、on pressure testing device电缆 cable电池供电的 battery powered 电池电源 battery supply电池,电池组 Battery 电缆磁化 cable magnetization电火花加工 electro-discharge machining(EDM) 电子回旋加速器 microtron电致发光,场致发光 electroluminescence(EL) 电学参量 electric parameter电磁超声检测 electromagnetic-ultrasonic testing电子束焊接 electron beam welding(EBW)

15、电子直线加速器 linear electron accelerator电致伸缩 electrostriction电离式辐射监测器 ionization-type radiation monitor电子显微镜 electron microscope电磁声 electromagnetic-acoustic(EMA) 电流计,检流计 galvanometer电磁声换能器 electromagnetic-acoustic transducer(EMAT)电磁检测 electromagnetic detection(ED),electromagnetic testing电磁超声换能器,电磁超声探头 el

16、ectromagnetic ultrasonic transducer, electromagnetoacoustic probe电子(显微)探针分析 electron microprobe analysis(EMA)低频直探头 slow frequency straight transducers,Low frequency straight beam probe低灵敏度渗透剂 low sensitivity penetrant底片标志 film marker 底片黑度 photographic density底片评定范围 film evaluation scope带宽,频带宽度 bandw

17、idth 带通放大器 band amplifier带通滤波器 band filter, bandpass filter 带保护膜的直探头 straight-beam faced unit(probe)大气压 barometric pressure单位 unit对接焊缝 butt weld 对苯二酚,几奴尼 hydroquinone对比试块、参考试块 reference block滴落时间 drain time, drainage time大苏打,硫代硫酸钠 hypo多频涡流系统 multifrequency eddy current system渡越时间 time of flight(TOF)

18、定影 fixation,fixing 定影液 fixation solution, fixing solution定影剂 fixer 定影粉 fixer powder定影槽 fixing bath 定影时间 fixing time端点衍射 tip diffraction 端点最大反射波 maximum tip reflected wave导波 guided wave 导轨、滑轨、支架、框架、座架 rack订单 order 订单号 order No.毒性 toxicity断电相位控制器 phase controlled circuit breaker, phase regulated circu

19、it breaker无损检测汉译英词汇汇编E(e)耳机,听筒 earphone 耳机转接器 earphone adapter二维矩阵列 2-D matrix array额外费用 extra fee1)超声测厚探头:5MHz 频率,直径 10mm(或 1/2英寸)的双晶、高阻尼dual element, 5 MHZ, 10 mm ( or 1/2 “ ) diam, high damping transducer for ultrasonic thickness gage(2)GT-1A 型探伤车用探头:straight transducers for the GT-1A crack detec

20、tion vehicle GT-1A type rail probe(special)(超声检测)(3)由缺陷引起的底波降低量(BG/BF)(dB)loss of back reflection caused by flaws BG/BF(dB)(超声检测)(4)与系统不匹配 dont matching with the system(5)不能满足系统要求 cant satisfy the request of system(6)明亮清晰指示 Bright, crisp indications (渗透检测)(7)低的残留背景 Low residual background (渗透检测)(8)极

21、好的耐热性与耐紫外光减弱 Excellent heat and UV fade resistance (渗透检测)(9)可控制的水洗性,较少受过洗影响 Controlled washability, less susceptible to over-washing(渗透检测)(10)极好的返渗性能 Excellent bleed-back properties (渗透检测)(11)适用于浸渍或传统的静电喷涂 Applied by immersion or conventional electrostatic spray (渗透检测)(12)低 VOC的水洗型荧光着色渗透剂 Low VOC Wa

22、ter Washable Fluorescent Dye Penetrants (渗透检测)注:VOC 是挥发性有机化合物的英文简称,是人为源和天然源的排放到大气中有机化合物-非甲烷烃类的总称,目前正受到日趋广泛的关注。当居室中的 VOC超过一定浓度时,在短时间内人们会感到头痛、恶心、呕吐、四肢乏力。如不及时离开现场,会感到以上症状加剧,严重时会抽搐、昏迷,导致记忆力减退。VOC 伤害人的肝脏、肾脏、大脑和神经系统甚至会导致人体血液出问题,患上白血病等其他严重的疾病。我国室内空气质量卫生规范中,规定室内空气中 VOC浓度限值为 600g/m 3。无损检测汉译英词汇汇编F(f)风速仪 anemo

23、scope复合磁化 resultant magnetization复合式气体报警器 complex gas annunciator, complex gas alarm反应堆压力容器 reactor pressure vessel(RPV)附件 accessory辅助装置 accessory device防灰雾剂 antifogging agent 防护眼镜 protective eyeglasses酚醛树脂 phenolic resin蜂鸣器 buzzer泛光型黑光灯 flood-type black light返工 rework非(荧光)增感型胶片 direct-type film 非坚膜

24、定影液 non-hardening fixing bath非增感型胶片 non-screen film 非含水型显像剂 nonaqueous developer非荧光渗透剂 nonfluorescent penetrant 非含水型湿式显像剂 nonaqueous wet developer非铁磁性涂层测厚仪 nonferromagnetic-coating thickness meter非金属夹杂物(金属缺陷)sonim, solid nonmetallic impurity菲尼酮 phenidone 非相关显示 non-relevant indication辐射区 radiation ar

25、ea 辐射损伤 radiation damage辐射剂量计 Dosimeter, radiation dosimeter辐射伤害 radiation hazard辐射探测器 radiation detector 辐射剂量 radiation dose辐射(经防护层缝隙)漏泄 radiation leak 辐射监视胶片 radiation-monitoring film辐射防护 radiation protection 辐射防护屏 radiation shield辐射病、射线病 radiation sickness 辐射源容器 radiation source conteiner辐射防护器材 R

26、adiation protection equipment放射性衰变 radioactive decay 放射性同位素 radioactive isotope放射性示踪气体 radioactive tracer gas 放大镜 magnascope, magnifier, magnifying glass放射性同位素 radioactive isotope 放置式线圈、探头式线圈(涡流检测用) probe coil分辨力 resolution 分辨率 resolution ratio分层(金属缺陷)sliver分割式直探头 division straight transducers, Part

27、itioned straight beam probe粉末冶金 sinter发裂(白点-钢缺陷)thermal burst 发货 deliveryG(g)高斯计,磁强计 gaussmeter 高精密天平 high-precision balance高精度 high-precision 高速增感屏 high speed intensifying screen高灵敏度渗透剂 high-sensitivity penetrant高压水银蒸汽弧光灯 high pressure mercury vapor arc lamp高温双晶直探头 high temperature TR normal beam t

28、ransducer高能脉冲 X射线机 pulsed high energy radiographic machine钢丝绳检测仪 steel wire tester, tightwire tester, steel rope tester钢筋混凝土 ferro-concrete锅炉水位试控装置 boiler water level testing and control device镉镍电池 cadmiun nickel battery,Cd-Ni Battery镉电池 cadmium cell工作范围 Operation range 工作温度 Operating temperature工业

29、X射线胶片 industrial X-ray film 工业电视 industrial television工件至胶片距离 object-to-film distance刚玉 adamantine spar各向异性 aeolotropism, aeolotropy干燥剂 desiccant 干燥 dry干燥柜 dry cabinet 干显像剂 dry developer干粉显像柜 dry developing cabinet 干燥箱,烘箱 dryer, drying oven干粉雾化显像剂,干粉喷雾显像剂 dry-fogging developer干磁粉 dry magnetic partic

30、le, dry magnetic powder, dry particle干燥剂 dryer 干燥时间 drying time, dryout time观片灯 film viewer 射线放射性活度 gamma-ray activity 射线源 gamma-ray source 射线探伤机 gamma-ray detection apparatus, gamma-ray projector, -ray projector 射线源容器 gamma-ray source container甘油,丙三醇 glycerine, glycerol盖革计数器 Geiger counter 盖革探测器 Ge

31、iger detector盖革-弥勒计数器 Geiger-Muller counter 盖革-弥勒计数管 G-M counter tube固定式 X射线探伤机 stational X-ray detection apparatus, stational X-ray equipment国际退火铜标准 international annealed copper standard(IACS)过压力 over pressure 过清洗 over wash, overwashing隔声层(组合双晶探头)sound isolating layer感光纸 sensitive paper管电流 tube cu

32、rrent 管电压 tube voltage管道爬行录像检查仪 pipeline crawler with videorecord管道试压装置 pipeline pressure testing device管子直径 external diameter of the pipe公称厚度 nominal thickness光激发光方法 PLM 技术 Photostimulable Luminescence Method无损检测汉译英词汇汇编H(h)宏观检查设备 macroscopical inspection apparatus, macrostructure inspection apparat

33、us回弹仪 concrete test hammer 回波动态波型 echodynamic patterns活度 activity横向裂纹 transverse crack横波斜探头 (折射角表示)transverse wave transducers (show by an angle of refraction),angle beam probe(refraction angle in steel)横波斜探头 (K 值表示)transverse wave transducers (show by K value),angle beam probe(K=tg the is an angle

34、of refraction in steel)横波、切变波 shear wave,transversal wave, transverse wave含水型显像剂 aqueous developer烘箱、干燥炉 baking oven黑光灯,紫外线灯 black light 黑光灯泡,紫外线灯泡 black light bulb黑光滤片,紫外光滤片 black light filter 黑光检测仪 black light meter黑磁粉 black particle 黑度 blackness黑度,密度 density 黑度计(密度计) densitometer黑度梯度 density grad

35、ient 黑度范围 density range黑白透射密度计 Black and White Transmission Densitometer恒电位 constant potential 恒温箱 thermostat环形(超声)换能器阵列 circular transducer array环形磁铁 ring magnet环境条件 enviromental condition 环境污染 enviromental pollution环境保护 enviromental protection 环境可见光 environment visible light环氧树脂 epoxide resin, epo

36、xy, epoxy resin环缝外透法 circular weld outside radiography环缝内透法 circular weld inner radiography护目镜 eye shield华氏温度计 Fahrenheit thermometer福克仪(胶接质量试验仪)Fokker bond tester(FBT)霍尔元件 Hall element 霍尔探头 Hall probe霍尔探头磁强计 Hall probe magnetometer氦检漏仪 helium leak detector 氦质谱仪 helium mass spectrometer红外线 infrared(

37、IR), infrared ray 红外辐射计 infrared radiometer红外检测仪 infrared detector 红外图像 infrared image红外无损检测 infrared nondestructive testing(IRNDT)红外辐射 infrared radiation 红外辐射检测仪 infrared radiation detector红外辐射温度计 infrared radiation thermometer(IRT)后乳化着色渗透探伤法 post-emulsifiable dye penetrant testing method后乳化荧光渗透探伤法 post-emulsifiable fluorescent penetrant testing method


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