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1、【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通最完整的口語(英國雅思考官提供)Speaking topics【本文由大学生电脑主页 收集整理, 大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通 】1) Talk about a sports-person or sports team that you admire.You should say what sport they play.You should say where and when they play.You should explain why you admire them.2) Talk about

2、a sport that you enjoy or have enjoyed playing.You should say where you play this sport.You should say when you play this sport.You should explain why you like it.3) Describe your ideal job.Say what the job is.Describe what duties it would involve.Explain why you would like to do this job.4) Describ

3、e the best party you have been to.Say when and where this party took place.Describe how you celebrated.Explain why you enjoyed it.5) Talk about the season of the year that you like best.You should say what the season is like.You should say at what time of the year this season occurs.You should expla

4、in why you like it.6) Talk about a type of music that you particularly enjoy.You should say when you listen to this music.You should explain why you like it.You should say which person or groups of people play this music.7) Describe an historic building you have seen or would like to visit.Say what

5、this building looks like.You should state where it is.【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通Explain why you liked seeing or would like to see it.8) Talk about the type of accommodation you live in.You should say hot long you have lived there.You should explain why you live in this type of accom

6、modation.You should say why you like or do not like it.9) Describe the weather that you really enjoy.State what type of weather it is.Say when it is most common to have this type of weather.Explain why you like it.10) Talk about a holiday that you have particularly enjoyed.You should say where you w

7、ent on holiday.You should say when and with whom you went on the holiday.You should explain why you enjoyed it.11) Describe you favourite mode of transport.Describe what type of transport you prefer.State how often you travel in this way.Say why you like it.12) Describe a famous business person you

8、admire.Say who this person is and what job they do.State how you found out about them.Explain why you admire them.13) Describe your favourite childrens story.Describe the story.You should state when you first heard or read this story.Say why you like it.14) Describe your favourite recipe.State what

9、type of food it is.Explain how it is prepared.Say why you prefer it to other foods.15) Describe your favourite TV programme.What is it? Which channel?When and where do you watch it?What kind of programme it is? Whats it talk about and explain why you like it?【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百

10、事通16) Describe an important success in your life.When /where it is happen? What is it about?How do you make it?Why it is important for you?17) Describe a child you are familiar with.Whats his or her name? What is he or she look like?How old is he or she? What is his or her hobby?Explain why you like

11、 him/her?18) Describe your best friend.How you knew each other and how you became friends?How you spend time together?Explain why he/she is your best friend.19) Describe a toy you have.What it is?Who gave you?Why you like it?20) Describe your favourite park or garden.Where is it? How often do you go

12、 to?What kind of people like it?Why you like it?21) Describe an exciting period/trip in your life.When is it? What did you do during that time?Who are the friends you made in that time?Why do you think it is exciting?22) Describe a piece of equipment you think it is useful.What it is? Describe it.Ho

13、w it is used? Why do you think it is useful?You should state advantages and disadvantages of it. 23) Describe a book/story you read before.Whats the book/storys name? When did you read it? What is it talk about?【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通What influence it brings to you?24) Describe a

14、 festival that is important in your country.Whats the name? When?How people celebrate it? Whats your feeling about this festival?What your family do at this festival? Explain what is special about it?25) Describe a normal commodity in Chinese family. 【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通環球口語機經

15、01 Old personpart 2:describe an old man you are familar with.who he/she is?how you get to know him/her?how he/she have influence on you?part 3:1.你認為老年人在看問題的時候跟年輕人有什麼不一樣?what is the different attitute between the younger and the old man toward life in china?2.what is the main problem of chinas old ma

16、n?3.what is the main problem of old man on their job?4.國家對老人是什麼態度?whats the attitude that the government toward to he olders?5.社會哪些方面對老年人不太好?any disadvantages toward to the elders in sociaty?6.老年人對你們家有什麼影響?any influence that the old men bring to your family?7.老年人對大家有什麼影響?any influence that the old m

17、en bring to everybody?8.老人的經驗有什麼問題存在9.喜歡什麼藝術品第三部分就問了些關於老年人的話題,像什麼現在的老年人的生活跟二十年前相比有什麼區別,對待老年人和小孩子的態度有什麼不同、當今社會老年人的生活有什麼挑戰02 Citypart 2:describe a city,town or village you have been to and want to live there.1.where it is located?2. what special for you?3. why you want to stay there?and explain why yo

18、u would recommend someone to see it.part 3:1.你覺得城市和鄉村有什麼最大的區別?whats the difference between city and county?2.為什麼現在很多人都想從城市搬到鄉村?【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通why do more and more people want to move to lager cities?3.about the development of city.4.政府對城市發展的作用,為什麼起很大作用?the effect that the

19、 goverment brings to city,why?5.人口的增長the rise of the population.6.中國以後的發展the development of china in the future.7.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future.8.是個怎樣的城市9.都有那些著名建築10.你想為這個城市做些什麼?11.有哪些現象有待提高或者那些提倡living in city or countryside

20、standard of livingadvantages and disadvantages of city life to raising familythe trend of moving to the countryside from the city03 Favorite room (接近於 2003 的 ideal department)part2:describe your favorite room in your housewhat is itwhat are you always do in this roomwhy it is special for youand expl

21、ain why you like it most.part 3:1.中國人都住什麼樣的房子?what kind of house do chinese people live in?2.他們喜歡什麼樣的房子?what kind of house do they like to live in?3.你覺得這樣的房子好嗎?what do you think of this kind of house?4.應該怎樣改進住房?how to improve the house?5.城市和鄉村的房子有什麼區別?哪里不同whats the difference between the house in ci

22、ty and that in the county?6.現在的年輕人(18-21 歲)還和父母一起住嗎?你是怎麼想得 ? do the youngers (between 18-21 years old) live with their parents now?what about your opinion?【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通7.你認識你的鄰居嗎?8南北方建築,生活的差異?whats the difference between the north and south in house and life?04 Famous p

23、ersonpart 2describe a well-known person in history who you would like to meet1.who this person was2.what he did3.what was special about him or her and explain why you would like to meet him or herpart 3:1.你認識哪些名人?do you know any famous person?2.有一天你成為名人會怎麼樣?what do you like if one day you become fam

24、ous?3.如果做個名人?有什麼好處?壞處?how to be a famous person?any benefit or disadvantage?4.為什麼許多人喜歡出名?why most of the people want to be well-know?5.談一下你們國家媒體對明星的生活報導talk about what the media the reports concerning to the stars6.明星的影響力如何關係到你的生活?what effects that stars bring to your life?7.為什麼普通人喜歡知道名人的隱私?你想不想當名人?

25、why everyman be in favor of the privacy of the famous persons?05 Cloth part 2:describe the clothes (jewellery) in your special occasions?what type of clothes will you choose in special time?what will you like when you wear them?how do you feel when you wearing them?part 3:1.talk about the style of a

26、 kind of clothes?2.do your country have any tradition and national clothes?3.why people like to dress traditional clothes?any special meaning?4.你比較喜歡穿什麼樣的衣服,你比較喜歡時尚的還是傳統的衣服 【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通5.mens fashion and womens fashion現在的時尚,現在的人喜歡追隨哪里的服裝時尚6.do you think the clothing ar

27、e more important than before?why?7.what type of clothing do you wear in different occasions?for example?8.what information can you find in another persons clothing?9.uniform advantage or disadvantage06 Holidaybest holidaydescribe a best holiday you think1.when was it2.who went with you3.where was it

28、and explain why you like bestDiscribe your best holiday: when? what did you do? with whom? explain why it is your best holiday?part 3:1.what is different between you an d your parent holiday?2. how to develop chinas tourist?3. say something about tourist change in your life and the positive/negative

29、4.how to influence social change5.關於旅遊的,有沒有破壞文物的狀況,旅遊帶來的好處與壞處之類6.what tourists get from traveling?7.give some solution to benifit tourist industry?8.what do you purpose between older and younger?07 Change in your own lifepart 2:describe a change in your own life?what is it?whats the effections on yo

30、u?how do you feel about it?explain why it is important?part 3:1.what do you think the main changes over the past 20 years in china?2.what do you think womens situation in china?what about womens job and right?3.working change that brought by high-tech in china?4.whats the socials major change in chi

31、na?5.what about the family structure change? 【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通08 Filmdescribe a film you like it most.1 電影是什麼2 電影有一個快樂的還是悲傷的結局?3 這個電影發生在什麼時候?4 你為什麼喜歡這個電影?1.when did you see this film?2.who saw it with you?3.what was it about?where the film take place?what the story was abou

32、t?and explain why you like it very muchpart 3:1.電影過去 20 年與現在的差別,本土電影怎麼樣?whats the difference between film in modern time and that in the past?2.中國現在流行的電影是哪一類?你喜歡那類電影?which kind of film is more popular in china?3.年輕人喜歡的電影類型和成年人有什麼不同?whats the difference between youngers taste with adults at film?4.中國

33、本土的明星與國際影星有什麼不同?哪個更受歡迎?中國最有名的外國演員是誰?為什麼?whats the difference between chinese stars and international stars?which are more popular?who is the most famous foreignstar in china?why?5.你對電影中的暴力有什麼看法?為什麼那麼多暴力?what do you think the force in film?why there are so much force in it?6.什麼樣的西方電影在中國最受歡迎,為什麼?什麼樣的中

34、國電影最受歡迎,同樣問了原因。7.演員成功所需特質? 演員和以前有什麼不同呢what is the most important condition for a playactor to be succeed?8.你認為對中國電影事業作出最大貢獻的導演,為什麼。what kind of diector would be successful?9.why some film stars would be so successful?10.discuss one or two stars you are familiared with.11.how do they become famous?12

35、.未來的 cinema 會變成什麼樣子13.人們喜歡什麼樣的電影(建議:回答的時候最好分不同的人回答 )14.你喜歡什麼類型的電影【大学生电脑主页】 dxs 友情提供,欢迎您的访问!大学生电脑主页 大学生的百事通15.你比較喜歡在家看電影還是去電影院16.哪部電影另你最難忘17.影院在中國重要嗎?中國有這麼多的電影院有無必要is the cinema important in china?18.電影院是否能在中國長期存在,他的意思是指隨著越來越多的人更願意買 dcd 而少去了電影院。9 Schoolpart 2:describe a school you studied before1.w

36、hats kind of it2.what size ,whats advantage?3.what u enjoy most during the school time and explain why you like it 你小的時候上的一所學校,它什麼類型的學校,什麼時候,它的大小,在學校都幹什麼,在那學習你得到了什麼樂趣;第三部分問我學生在學校裏學什麼最重要,年幼的學生和年長的學生在學習中有什麼不同,你覺得在未來教育會有哪些變化,還問了什麼我記不清了。part 3:1.what is a good/bad teacher?2.老師最大的責任是什麼?what is the teache

37、rs most important responsibility?3.什麼原因會驅使你當老師?what will be the reason that drive you become a teacher?4.中國有什麼不同種類的學校?whats the different kinds of schools in china?5.whats the difference between single-* school and mixed school?6.is the single-* school better or mixed school?7.你會把子女送入哪種學校?what kinds

38、 of school would you like to send your children to study?8.what do u think of the individual school and the public school(advantage and disadvantage)9.how to become a good teacher10.what the difficulties the teacher will confront11. 當老師需要什麼,想不想當老師,為什麼現在人喜歡當老師12.好老師和壞老師的標準,作為一個老師哪些品質是必須的,如果你當老師,你會選教那一科,為什麼,


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