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1、标准化患者帮助医学院教学This is the VOA Special English Health Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语健康报道。Some people act sick to get out of work. Others act sick to get work. For medical actors like Ted Bell, the stage is an examination room with a future doctor, nurse or other health care professional.有些人装病逃避工作,另一些人则装病获得工作。对特德贝尔

2、(Ted Bell)这样的医疗演员来说,这个舞台是一个有前途的医生、护士或其他医学专业人士的考场。TED BELL: “I start getting a cramping type pain right here.“贝尔:“我这里开始痉挛型疼痛。”EMILY TYRRELL: “And how long do they last for when they occur?“埃米莉泰瑞尔:“发作时会持续多久?Mr. Bell is playing a fifty-five-year-old patient with stomach pains that began three months ag

3、o.贝尔正扮演一名三个月前开始胃疼的55岁的患者。TED BELL: “Im a teacher. And several times its happened at school.“贝尔:“我是一名教师,在学校时发作了几次。”Ted Bell is just playing a teacher. But in a way he really does teach. He helps students like Emily Tyrrell at the University of Maryland School of Nursing learn to work with patients.贝尔

4、只是扮演一名教师。但某种程度上他也的确是在教学。他帮助马里兰大学护理学院中像泰瑞尔这样的学生学习如何同患者沟通。In real life, Mr. Bell is a retired civil engineer. He now works as what is known as a “standardized patient.“ He stays busy working at local medical schools.在现实生活中,贝尔是一名退休土木工程师。他现在从事所谓的“标准化患者” 工作。他在当地的医学院中繁忙工作。TED BELL: “And it has developed i

5、nto a great part time, or retirement job actually, for me, and I go to all six schools in this region, Baltimore-Washington area.“贝尔:“这已经发展成为一个重要的兼职工作,对我来说实际上是退休后的工作。我在巴尔的摩-华盛顿地区的全部六所学校中工作。”About seven hundred standardized patients work in the area. Pay starts at seventeen dollars an hour. It can go

6、 as high as thirty-five dollars an hour depending on the project.大约有700名标准化患者在这一地区工作。起薪为 17美元每小时,根据项目不同,最高可以达到35美元每小时。Becoming a standardized patient does not require medical knowledge. The schools provide the training. Nor does it require acting experience. In fact, standardized patient Tom Wyatt i

7、s a professional actor - yet he does not even think of his work with the students as acting.成为一名标准化患者不需要医学知识,学校会提供培训。它也不需要表演经验。实际上,标准化患者之一的汤姆怀亚特就是一名专业演员。然而他也不从认为他和学生们的工作是一种表演。Tom Wyatt: “I use some of the acting skills, but honestly when its going well, Im not really acting, I am reacting. Im listen

8、ing to them and reacting naturally and honestly to what theyre saying to me and what theyre giving me.“怀亚特:“我用了一些演技,但老实说,当它进展顺利时,我不是在表演,而是在回应。我听他们说,然后对他们所说的做出自然、诚实的回应。”Standardized patients spend hours training for each of their “performances.“ They have to remember the medical history of the person

9、 they are playing and be able to answer questions as if they were really sick. Tom Wyatt says remembering all the patients he has to play and their conditions can be difficult.标准化患者为每次“表演” 进行数小时培训。他们必须记住自己扮演患者的病史,并能够像他们真的生病了一样回答问题。怀亚特说,记住自己所要扮演的全部患者及患病情况非常困难。Tom Wyatt: “Especially when I do, you kno

10、w, sometimes nine or ten cases in a week at three different hospitals, so theyre all completely different.“怀亚特:“特别是当我有时候一周内在3个不同医院扮演9到10 个病例时,那么这些病例就会完全不同。”After each session the standardized patients talk to the students to discuss their performance - that is, the performance of the student.每次任务后,标

11、准化患者会和学生交谈讨论这些学生们的表现。Tom Wyatt: “The things that really stood out for me: your, your manner was extremely professional. And you were in command at all times. You kind of took charge of the room.“怀亚特:“对我来说这些事情非常明显:你的做法非常专业,你总是在领导,近乎主导了这个房间。”Kurt Haspert is studying to become a nurse practitioner and

12、likes working with medical actors.库尔特哈斯伯特(Kurt Haspert)正学习要成为一名护理执业者,他喜欢和“医疗演员” 一起工作。KURT HASPERT: “It is always good to do the standardized patients cause it kind of keeps you thinking about how your thought process has to go, and how you can narrow down your differential diagnosis while youre asking questions.“哈斯伯特:“标准化患者很好,它能让你在询问问题时思考自己的思维过程应该如何发展,如何缩小差异诊断。”The actors enjoy it too. Retired engineer Ted Bell says the students find the experience very helpful, and that makes him feel good.演员们也享受这一过程。退休工程师贝尔说,学生们认为这些经历非常有用,这让他感觉很高兴。


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