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1、第 1 页 共 5 页职位申请表/人事档案表APPLICATION FORM/PEESONNEL RECORD编号/No.: 申请日期/Date: 2009 年/Year 8 月/Month 8 日/Day声明:本人知悉本表是贵酒店员工录用的重要依据,本人将认真据实填写,若有隐瞒或所提供的资料不真实,本表将被视为无效或日后引致取消其录用资格或解聘而无任何赔偿。本人兹授权酒店可对有关本人个人资料及申请表中提供的一切信息进行背景调查, 且不追究任何人、任何单位提供资料所引起的不良影响的责任。Declaration: I authorize the hotel to secure any infor

2、mation regarding myself and I hereby release any person, firm or institution of all liability for any damage whatsoever issuing from such information. I further declare that the statements made by me in this application are true, complete and correct and A false statement or dishonest answer to any

3、question may be grounded for my immediate discharge from employment with the hotel.Applicants Signature 申请人签字 _陈惠强_ _ 申请职位POSITION APPLIED FOR首选First Position 客房主管次选Alternative Position 客房领班期望工资Salary Expected 1800可上任日期Date available to Start 随时个人资料PERSONNEL INFORMATIONS姓名 Chinese Name: 陈惠强 英文名 Engl

4、ish Name: Andy chen 性别 Sex: 男 出生日期 Date of Birth: 1984-10-15 婚姻状况 Marital Status: 已婚 身高 Height: 173CM 体重 Weight: 58KG 健康状况 Health: 健康 文化程度 Education: 中专 职称 Title of a technical post: 国籍/籍贯 Nationality/Native Place: 中国福建 出生地 Place of Birth:莆田 身份证 ID No. 350321198410154593 护照号码 Passport No.: 家庭/常住地址 F

5、amily or Permanent Address: 莆田市南门后巷路汇友小区 邮编 Post: 351100 联系电话 Tel: 13850274698 邮箱 E-mail: 申请人紧急情况下联系人 Person to Contact in Case of Emergency:姓名 Name: 思嘉 址 Address:莆田市南门后巷路汇友小区 联系电话 Tel: 15080392221 有无在本酒店担任主管级以上职务的亲戚?Do you have relatives who is above the level “C” worked in the hotel. 无 No 有 Yes ,

6、其姓名、关系、单位及职务 Name/Relation/ Location/Job Title 第 2 页 共 5 页家庭情况FAMILY PARTICULARS家庭成员Family Members姓名Name单位或职业Company who worked in Or Occupation联系电话Contact Tel配偶 Spouse 王思嘉 欧派橱柜 15080392221无 无 无子 /女 Child无 无 无父亲 Father 陈书朴 国外 2510825母亲 Mother 陈美玉 制衣厂 2510825其他 Others教育(列举从高到低的三次学习经历)与培训情况EDUCATION (

7、list the last three study experiences )& TRAINING起止日期 Duration 学校 School or University 专业 Major 教育程度 Degree 1999-2002 福州旅游学校 酒店管理 中专学历教育起止日期 Duration 培训机构 Training Bodies 受训内容 Course 证书 Certificate无 无 无 无专业培训工作履历 (列举最近的三次学习经历 list the last three work experiences)EMPLOYMENT RECORD起止日期Duration工作单位Comp

8、any职位Job Title薪资Salary离职原因Reason for dimission单位电话Contact Tel自 Fr 2002 至 To 2002 福州外贸酒店客房服务员800 实习酒店自 Fr 2003 至 To 2003 莆田荔景酒店客房服务员1000 去国外自 Fr 2004 至 To 2007 新加坡樟宜酒店客房经理助理1700新币回国自 Fr 2008 至 To 2008 莆田西方恒丰大酒店 客房主管 1700 公司迟迟未能开业语言水平LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY(1 流利 Fluent 2一般 Average 3不懂或略懂 Poor)语言 Language

9、 听 Listening 说 Speaking 写 Writting普通话 Mandarin 流利 流利 流利 流利 流利 流利 流利 流利 流利英语 English 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般第 3 页 共 5 页其它 Others:计算机水平COMPUTER PROFICIENCY打字 Typing: _75_WPM 字 / 分电脑办公软件操作(请列出会使用的办公软件名称)Computer Office software (Please list programs you are experienced or trained in):Word Excel 电脑专业

10、软件操作(请列出会使用的专业软件名称)Computer professional software (Please list programs you are experienced or trained in):个人专长与兴趣SPECIALTY AND INTEREST个人专长 Specialty:善于交际,熟悉酒店餐厅和客房的操作流程。 个人兴趣 Interest:喜欢在酒店行业上班。 其它信息ADDITIONAL INFORMATION第 4 页 共 5 页1、最近五年您是否有过重病、重伤或手术?如果有,请说明。Have you had any serious illness, inju

11、ry or operation within the last 5 years? If so, Pls describe it(them).无 2、您是否曾被捕或被判罪?是否曾被解雇?如果是,请说明。Have you ever been arrested and convicted of a crime or been discharged from employment. If yes, please explain it(them).无 3、您是否曾受雇于本酒店?若是,标明时间、职位、企业。Have you ever been employed by the hotel or its af

12、filiates before? If yes, list date(s), job title(s) & location(s)。无 4、您是否同意酒店根据聘用合同调整排班时间及工作时间? Have you agree the hotel may, from time to time, change your rostered days and/or hours of work in line with the terms and conditions of my employment?是 5、请您填写有助于申请该职位的其它信息。Any further information that ma

13、y assist your application :本人一直以来都从事酒店行业,而且都服务于客房部门,本人有丰富的实践经验和能力担任贵公司的客房部门主管。 公司声明DECLARATION OF EMPLOYERS COMPANY第 5 页 共 5 页感谢您对本酒店的支持,我们会为您的应聘资料保密,并公平对待每位应聘人员。一般来说,我们将直接从您本人处收集信息以帮助我们了解您求职于本公司的任职资格、经验及适宜度。如果您不能向我们提供该信息,我们将无法考虑您的求职申请。我们也可能与其他人或组织交流关于您的信息,包括:您的前雇主、教育机构、行业协会及您向我们提供的证明人。对我们来说,非常有必要与相

14、关公司交流关于您的信息,包括:海外公司。这意味着您的信息可能被转移到那些无与本国类似的保密法的海外国家。在对申请人进行评估的过程中,我们可能使用心理或能力测试的方式进行测评。这些测试将由专家代表本公司执行。他们旨在确保申请人和所供职之间的最佳匹配。我们将不会使用该信息从事不相关活动。我们审核所获的求职申请信息后,将决定是否提供正式的雇佣合同。若我们向您提供该职位,您提供给我们的信息将成为您的个人档案的一部分,若我们暂时不能向您提供该职位,我们将保留您的资料三个月。若有适合您的职位,我们将在今后即时联系您。All applications will be treated with confide

15、ntially and fairness. Thanks for your interest in our hotel.Mostly, we will collect information from you directly, to help us understand your qualifications, experience and suitability for employment with our company. If you do not provide us with this information, we will not be able to consider yo

16、ur application for employment.We may also exchange information with other people and organisations concerning you. This may include previous employers, educational institutions and industry contacts, as well as referees whose names you provide to us. It may also be necessary for us to exchange infor

17、mation concerning you with our related companies, including companies that are located overseas. This means that your information may be transferred overseas to countries that do not have similar privacy laws to China.In the course of assessing applicants for some positions, We may use a psychologic

18、al or competency test. These tests are usually administered by professionals on our behalf. They are intended to ensure the most suitable match between employment applicants and the available positions. We will not use this information used for other unrelated purposes.After we have had the opportun

19、ity to review all of the information we obtain concerning the applicants for the employment position you are applying for at Sangem International Hotel Management Co.,ltd, we will determine whether or not to make a formal offer of employment to you. If we make an offer to you, the information you ha

20、ve provided to us will form part of your employee record. If we do not make an offer to you at this stage, we will normally retain your file for a period of 3 months. We may in the future contact you in the event that another position becomes available for which you may wish to apply.以下部分由本酒店填写(Hereinafter Writen by Employers company)背景调查及重要资料的审查BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION & CHECK背景调查者 Background Investigator: 调查日期 Date: 调查结果 Result: 重要资料审查者 ID/Certificate etc Checker: 检查日期 Date: 审查内容 Check list: 审查结果 Result:


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