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1、第 1 页 共 8 页数据图:一、介绍段 introduction:改写,paraphrase the rubric。所谓改写,要么换词,要么换句式。例如:(I4-100)The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK and most(1) (2)popular countries for UK residents to visit.换词 (1)图 The charts图:chart, graph, diagram(雅思写作中完全等价,无差别)线:line / curve chart柱图:bar / colu

2、mn graph饼:pie diagram表:table / statistics / figures(2)动词“表明”give information about介绍段是客观描述,用一般现在时态,give information about虽然在这篇作文中最好不再用,但是 informal learning,随手学到的东东,留作其它文章再用。替换的词语和结构很多,比如我常用的 reveal / indicate / demonstrate,大家也可以选几个自己喜欢并且拼写准确的形成风格,年轻时多尝试,年纪大了就要形成风格啦,三个就够,多了白搭,还是那句话,博大不如精深。第二段其余部分的替换因

3、题而异,比如 travel换成 visit,the UK换成 Britain(注意不是 England,英格兰只是 Britain的一部分),popular 换成 fashionable,country 换成 nation,UK residents to visit换成 UK tourists。不过随着练习作文数量的增加,你会惊喜的发现,雅思图表作文,连描述的对象都是类似的。最后要注意点细节,原文的“below”应省略,因为答题纸上没有图;而第二副图上标注的 1999年,可以补充进介绍段。对担心写不足词数的单图作文,甚至还可以“猥琐”的把特征点概括成一句话加入介绍段。换句:(1)并列句:The

4、 line chart reveals that and the bar graph indicates that (分别描述两幅图,形成风格哦, 第一幅图用 chart,第二副图用 graph,第一幅图 reveal,第二副图 indicate,也许你写的所有文章都类似,但考官只有机会欣赏一篇啊。)(2)被动语态: is revealed in the line chart and is indicated in the bar graph.One possible answer:第 2 页 共 8 页The line chart reveals visits to and from Bri

5、tain and the bar graph indicates most fashionable nations for UK tourists in 1999.二、主体段 body:过渡:段首过渡词(1 个)信息出处:According to the line chart,As is shown in the line chart,The line chart shows that 表示逻辑:On the other hand 等等段内过渡词(1-2 个)顺承:also, besides, in addition转折:however, on the other hand, converse

6、ly其它:meanwhile / in the same time, similarly, in particular句型:简单线图: 趋势(包括升降速度):The visits increased quickly from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)There was an increase in the visits from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.(2a) (1) (4) (5)An increase in the visits is

7、seen from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.(2a) (1) (6) (4) (5)(1)主体:(第二段或图例中有明示)第 3 页 共 8 页同义词 travelThe travel increased quickly from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.代词 theyThe visits increased quickly from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999. In particular, they increased ve

8、ry rapidly from 1985 to 1988.线 line:主要用于不理解图线所代表内容的情况。the thin(细线) / thick(粗线) / broken(虚线) / dotted(点线) lineThe thin line, which represents visits by UK residents, increased from about 12 to 53 million from 1979 to 1999.(2)增加/减少:动词increase / decrease, rise/drop(可做名词)go up / come downclimb / slideas

9、cend / declinerocket / collapse(暴增/暴减)过去的图表用一般过去时;一天 24小时的图表用一般现在时。(3)升降速度/幅度(去掉-ly 就是形容词)快:quickly / rapidly / swiftly慢:slowly / gradually / steadily大:greatly / vastly / considerably / substantially小:slightly / marginally / minutely数字副词:about / around / roughly / more or less 12 million(3)+(2a)增加/减

10、少:名词a sharp / slow / great / slight increasean upward / rising / increasing tendencya downward / falling / decreasing trend(4)数字单位用单数12 million 而不是 12 millions第 4 页 共 8 页(5)时间:from to / between and during the period from to / between and / starting from .(6)show / prove / witness(7)补充动词keep / remain

11、 / maintain unchanged / constant / stable(保持不变)fluctuate upward / downward(波动向上/向下)double / triple / quadruple(2/3/4 倍)A possible answer: (Band 6.5)According to the line chart, visits abroad by UK residents increased from about 12 to 57 million from 1979 to 1999. Similarly, overseas travelers to Bri

12、tain went up from about 10 to 27 million. It is obvious that UK tourists were more and climbed faster than overseas ones during the period.复杂线图:极值 峰值:peak (v. at the same time / simultaneously顺序:the first stage involves / in the second stage / in the third stage / in the last stage目的:in order to / i

13、n order that; so as to / so that图表作文According to the diagram, the first step of obtaining water outdoors is to find a hole with green plants on the bottom. Next, remove the green plants on the middle of the bottom and put a container there. Then, cover the hole with a plastic sheet and place some st

14、ones on the edge of it to secure its position. Finally, a third stone is laid on the middle of the plastic sheet so that the middle part is also the lowest part.(摘自雅思写作胜经,群言出版社)特殊过渡:状语从句 when, where.When the sun shines on the green plants in the hole, water evaporates from these plants. The vapor ri

15、ses up and then cools down to form water drops under the plastic sheet. When there is more and more water, it flows along the sheet to accumulate under the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.(摘自雅思写作胜经,群言出版社)词语多样化: accumulate / gather / collect / obtain词语具体化:水蒸气 vapor和蒸发 evaporate这样的词并不容易,考试的时候可以用具体的方式加以规避:The water turns into gas, rises and finally turns into liquid again and gathers under the sheet of plastic.句式:客观描述,多用一般现在时和被动语态。


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