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1、1雅思听力答案誊写的注意事项1 关于大小写:如果习惯大写,就全部用大写,这样不会算错如果习惯小写,注意以下几点首字母需要大写:a. 表格里的内容一般要求大写b. 特殊名词 比如:时间(Monday)地点(Church Road)人名(John) 职位(Professor)2 关于缩写:普遍承认的缩写均可以使用a. 1st April = April 1st 但是不能写成 Aprb. pound, dollar 建议写成符号 、$c. am pm AD BC 都可以写成缩写的形式d. professor 可以写成 pro,但如果有人名,需要大写成 Pro.+人名e. CD 要写成 CD play

2、er2雅思听力核心 100 短语及例句1. a change of pace 节奏变换You cant do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2. a far cry from 相距甚远The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.3. and how 的确A: Shes a good dancer.B: and how. 4. a matter of time 时间问题It is only a matt

3、er of time.5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.6. a while back 不久以前7. all along 一直I knew it all along.8. anything but 绝对不I am anything but happy about going.9. account for 解释How do you account for it?10. after all 终究,到底A: Ive j

4、ust seen the X-ray and your teeth look just fine.B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11. allergic to 对过敏Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something.12. at sbs service 愿为某人服务I am at your service at any time. 13. around the clock 24 小时不停Martha s

5、tudied around the clock for her management exam. 14. as far as I know 就我所知15. at home with 对很熟悉She is at home with problems like this.16. back out1) 推出A: Wasnt Bert supposed to sing tonight?B: Yes, but he backed out at the last minute.2) 不履行She finally backed out of her promise. 17. be cut out for 天

6、生适合I am not cut out to be a hero. 18. be absorbed in 全神贯注于She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I cant tear her away. 19. be addicted to 对上瘾3She has been addicted to drugs for years. 20. be attached to 对有感情A: Im amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have g

7、otten rid of it years ago.B: It runs well and Ive actually been quite attached to it.21. back up 1) 累积The subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks.I dont know if well make the 6:30 show.2) 支持Ill back it up.22. be bound for 到地方The bus is bound for New England.23. be (feel

8、) myself 找到自我Im feeling myself again.24. be burned up 生气She was really burned up at the news.25. be hard up for 短缺Im hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books.26. be head and shoulders above 好许多In calculus, Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates.27. be in the dark 蒙在鼓里A: Do you have any

9、 idea what his notice is about?B: Im as in the dark as you are.28. be stuck 卡住了I cant get this window open. Its stuck.29. bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂A: I hear youre taking an advanced physics course this semester.B: I think Ive bitten off more than I can chew.30. break new ground 有了新的突破His

10、 architectural design broke new ground in the field.31. benefit concert 慈善音乐会We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we dont have much money for advertising.32. busy signal 占线Ive been calling David for the past half hour. but I keep getting a busy signal.33. between you and me 你我

11、之间,保密34. call for 1) 打电话找Tom just called for you.2) 预报The forecast calls for heavy rain again tonight. Arent you glad well be getting away from this for a week?3) 问4Its probably in the new part of town. Well have to call for directions.35. call it a day 就此结束A: Im really glad our club decides to rais

12、e money for the childrens hospital. And most of the people weve phoned seemed happy to contribute.B: Yeah. I agree. Now weve gone through all the numbers on our list now.So I guess we can call it a day.36. cash the check 兑现支票Have your sister cashed her paycheck?37. clear off 收拾,整理Its about time we c

13、lear off the desk.38. come down (雨、雪)下起来The heavy rain is coming down now.39. come in first in the race 比赛第一名Not only did Jill come in first in the race but she also had her best running time of the season.40. come what may 不管怎样Well pick you up tomorrow at eight. Come what may.41. cost somebody an a

14、rm and a leg 不管怎样A: Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?B: I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg.42. cut it out 闭嘴I told you to cut it out.43. be cut out for 生来是做的Dr. Hamilton doesnt feel Larry is cut out for the medical profession.44. department chair 系主任I didnt write that

15、memo to the department chair.45. dirt cheap 便宜的,不值钱的A: Youve already furnished your apartment?B: Ive found some used furniture that was dirt cheap.46. do with 用凑合 do without 没有也行You can do with your girlfriend.You can do without your girlfriend47. dog tired 特别累 同义:run down; worn out; out of steamIm

16、dog tired these days. Im working on seven articles.48. down jacket 羽绒服49. drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯 同义:drive somebody out of ones mindThe sound of all that traffic is driving me out of my mind.50. fall back on 依赖A: Were you able to understand that French novel without any help from the teache

17、r?B: I did pretty well, but I had to fall back on my dictionary occasionally.51. fill a prescription 按处方抓药Would you please fill this prescription for me?52. fill in for 代替 同义:fill ones place(position. shoes); take the place 5of;Dave, can you fill in for me tonight at the restaurant? Id like to go ou

18、t of town.53. food for thought 令人思考的东西 同义:thought-provokingThere is a lot food for thought in what he had to say.54. for nothing 免费To pay to see that movie would be foolish when you can see it on TV for nothing.55. form top to bottom 从上到下A: Maybe you lost your wallet in this room.B: Ive searched it

19、from top to bottom.56. get off on the wrong foot 开始事情就做错了I got off on the wrong foot. And I dont have any idea which way to turn now.57. get a lot out of something 从学到很多The training program was difficult, but she got a lot out of it.58. get at 想说Do you understand what Im getting at?59. get away with

20、 对摆脱(惩罚)A: Did you know that Bob is leaving for home tonight? He isnt planning to take his final exams.B: He cant get away with that.60. get going 赶紧行动 同义:get movingA: It looks like we wont have enough time to do all we wanted to.B: Who says we wont? Lets get going.61. get on ones nerve 招惹某人神经了A: Wh

21、y did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time change.B: She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerve sometimes.62. get started on 开始做We should get started on the project.63. get time off from work 从工作中抽时间Oh, so she was able to get time off from

22、the work.64. give credibility to 相信A: Did you hear about Jim?B: I wouldnt give that rumor any credibility.65. go easy on 温和对待Well, since its your first and only ticket. The judge will probably go easy on you.66. go in one ear and out the other 一耳朵进,一耳朵出Well, you know Mike, everything goes in one ear

23、 and out the other.67. go jogging 去跑步Are you ready to go jogging?68. go to ones head 某人自负A: Have you noticed how Johns changed since he became student government president?B: I think the whole thing has gone to his head and he used to be so sociable and open.69. got the time 几点了6A: Got the time?B: I

24、ts a little after ten.70. graduation announcements 毕业典礼请柬Have you ordered your graduation announcements?71. groan about 抱怨How come Michaels always groaning about something?72. guest lecturer 客座教授The only person who understood the guest lecturer was the professor.73. hand-me-down 送的东西A: What a gorgeo

25、us jacket. It must have cost a fortune.B: Not at all. Its a hand-me-down.74. hand down 易如反掌Lee won the chess match hands down.75. have a way with 擅长Bonnie really has a way with words.76. have had it with 处于I ve had it with being sick in bed. Ive read most of these magazines twice.77. head and should

26、ers above 高出许多In computer programming, Susan is head and shoulders above the rest of us.78. hit the spots 特别好This lemonade sure hits the spots.79. hold the grudge 记仇A: I wish I hadnt hurt Marys feelings like that. You know I never meant to.B: The great thing about Mary is that she doesnt hold the gr

27、udge.80. I have no idea which way to turn 我不知道该怎么办81. I have seen worse 我见过更糟的82. in advance 提前 同义:before hand ; ahead of timeIts a really nice apartment. But the owners want two-month rent in advance and I just dont have it.83. in case 万一Lets take our suits along in case the sun comes out.84. in ne

28、xt to no time 马上A: Are you going to be using the copying machine long?B: Ill be through in next to no time.85. in the read 赤字 反义: in the black86. in the works 正在准备阶段An advanced course in theoretical chemistry is in the works.87. keep to oneself 保守秘密,不与人来往Im amazed that you still havent gotten to kno

29、w your neighbors. Dont just keep to yourself. 88. kill time 打发时间Gosh, what can we do to kill the next 10 hours?89. leave up to somebody 将留给某人来做决定Well have to leave the decision up to him.790. letter of recommendation 推荐信 letter of reference 推荐信91. look on the bright sides of things 看事物的光明面92. no kid

30、ding 不是开玩笑吧93. on the tip of ones tongue 就在嘴边,一时想不起来A: Are you sure you cant remember the name of that record?B: Its just on the tip of my tongue!94. quitting time 下课(班)时间Im glad its almost quitting time.95. take it over 重修Don failed physics and had to take it over.96. than necessary 超出了必要的The lab w

31、as cooler than necessary.97. Thats easer said than done 说起来容易做起来难98. There is nothing to it 没什么,很容易I can run this projector. Theres really nothing to it.99. with flying colors 成功地,出色地A: How did Ellen do on her American History exam?B: She passed with flying colors.100. You can bet your life 当然A: Wil

32、l Prof. Smith come to class on time?B: You can bet your life.雅思听力常考人名GIRLS NAME BOYS NAMEAshley MichaelJessica ChristopherAmanda MatthewSarah JoshuaBrittany AndrewMichelle DanielJennifer JustinNicole DavidStephanie RyanKatherine JohnLauren StevenRachel RobertSamantha JamesHeather NicholasElizabeth J

33、osephDanielle BrianChristina Jonathan8雅思听力常考地名(拼写必须掌握)英国 Victoria 维多利亚州U.K/ the United Kingdom Melbourne 墨尔本 England 英格兰 Western Australia 西澳大利亚州Liverpool 利物浦 Perth 珀斯 Manchester 曼彻斯特 新西兰 Sheffield 谢菲尔德 New Zealand Birmingham 伯明翰 Wellington 惠灵顿 Coventry 考文垂 Auckland 奥克兰 Leeds 利兹 加拿大 Scotland 苏格兰 Can

34、ada Glasgow 格拉斯哥 Ottawa 渥太华 Edinburgh 爱丁堡 British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省Wales 威尔士 Victoria 维多利亚 Cardiff 加的夫 Vancouver 温哥华 North Ireland 北爱尔兰 Alberta 艾伯塔省 Belfast 贝尔法斯特 Edmonton 埃德蒙顿 爱尔兰 Toronto 多伦多 Ireland Quebec 魁北克省 Dublin 都柏林 Montreal 蒙特利尔 澳大利亚 美国 Australia U.S.A Canberra 堪培拉 Washington 华盛顿 Queensland

35、 昆士兰州 New York 纽约 Brisbane 布里斯班 Boston 波士顿 New South Wales 新南威尔士州 Atlanta 亚特兰大 Sydney 悉尼 Seattle 西雅图 South Australia 南澳大利亚州 Los Angeles/L.A. 洛杉矶 Adelaide 阿德莱德 Chicago 芝加哥 9雅思听力机经专有名词汇总人名 街道名 号码(阴影部分给出拼写的) Mrs. Waddell 18 Kays Street Code number: 7338Yuchini Keiko West Street Telephone number:7901000

36、Helen Harbour (Harbor) Road Passport number: JO6337Kevin Forest Street Client number: AL2980Mary 11 Lake Avenue Sea Watch Line: 0845656543Sally Junction 6 Ticket number: Q4932Mike New Street Post code: WS62YHJohn Smith Church Street Tel: 016 74553242Ian 2 Red House Post code: London E11Mehta 2 Gold

37、Street Credit Card Number: Sarah Green Banks 3303 8450 2045 6837Rigby 48 North Avenue Expires: 0904Bhatt Central Avenue Tel: 634096/Extention: 54Dave Cowper 14 Hill Road Post code: NW33NTMr.John Whitton 42 South Street Post code: 254EUJohn Lee 21 Eagle Road Tel: 793225Howells 15 Station Road Post co

38、de: RT125CZJerry Northwaite Park Street Post code: S142RTAnna Grieg Green Road Post code: GW432HAJanet Thomson 6 Devon Road Post code: C029LURobin Whitworth 32 Bank Street Post code: PL239PURoala 15 Compton Street Post code: CX194RUWalsham University Drive Product No. R242Andy Kahn 14 North Land Tel

39、: 633 43887Collins 8 North Park Paul Smithers West Avenue/Main Road Serima Mangue 40 Long Road Susan Braddle 27 Bank Road Ben Ludlow Hilldunne Road Peter Smith Greenwood Garden Peter Wisrough Upland Road Mills 16 Bridge Road Murray Greenway Mr. Hewitt Park Square Jean Simpsom Fox Lane Mrs.Beecroft 1

40、1 Bridge Street Woodside Road 10雅思听力经典场景词汇(必背)授课场景考点教师姓名及身份,复习上次的内容,本课议题,分项展开内容,小结,总结词汇dietician 营养师,celebrity 名人,expert 专家,focus 中心议题,summary 摘要个人健康场景考点医院, 医生,体检,症状,诊断结果, 治疗方案 ,相关建议词汇clinic 诊所,physician 内科医生, oculist/eye doctor 眼科医生,surgeon 外科医生,dentist 牙医 ,vet 兽医 ,see a doctor 看病,send for a doctor

41、 请医生,make an appointment 预约症状symptom 症状, have/catch a cold 感冒 ,have a sore throat 嗓子痛, stomachache 胃痛,fever 发烧 ,cough 咳嗽,headache 头痛 ,toothache 牙痛,have a runny nose 流鼻涕,depression 沮丧,消沉,vomit/throw up/呕吐,dizzy 头晕,feel chilly 觉得发冷,phlegm 痰,疾病liver trouble 肝炎,pneumonia 肺炎,flu 流感,allergy 过敏症,twisted 扭伤

42、的,asthma哮喘,diabetics 糖尿病患者,cramps 抽筋,diarrhea 腹泻,have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通,cholera 霍乱,stiff neck 脖子发僵,yellow fever 黄热病,hay fever 枯草热,药剂pills 药丸,tablet 药片,capsule 胶囊,mixture 合剂,eye drops 眼药水 ,syrup 糖浆,pad 药棉块,vitamin 维他命,penicillin 盘尼西林,antibiotic 抗生素 ,ointment 药膏,medication 药物,aspirin 阿司匹林,cold cure

43、感冒药,sweating medicine 发汗药,febrifuge 退烧药 ,治疗bandage 绷带,syringe 注射器,stethoscope 听诊器,injection 注射,preventive injection 预防针,gauze 纱布,case history 病历,extract 拔牙,take ones temperature 量体温,feel ones pulse 量脉搏,take ones blood pressure 量血压,give a prescription 开药方,have an operation 动手术 ,计算机房场景考点计算机数量及类型,网络数量及类型,时间,硬件,软件,制度,问题及解决,词汇


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