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1、Bachelor1. Steve is still a bachelor.史蒂夫还是个单身汉。2. You are study for Bachelor or Master degree?你在学习本科学历还是硕士学历?3. Bachelor degree or above. Major in Engineering.学士学位或以上。工程专业。4. You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor .你可以结婚也可以仍做单身汉,任你选择。5. Bachelor or above, major in metal materia

2、ls or mechanical engineering.学士学位或以上,金属材料或机械工程类专业。6. Bachelor degree of Human Resource or Business Management or equivalent.本科以上人力资源管理或企业管理专业;7. I received a Bachelor of degree inAfter graduation, I began working.我获得高校的学士学位。毕业后便开始在工作。8. Bachelor degree in English, Marketing, Economics and other rela

3、ted majors.具有英语、市场、经济学及相关专业学士学位;Badge1. Chains are a badge of slavery.锁链是奴隶制度的标志。2. Julie, where can I get badge?朱莉,我到哪能拿到门卡啊?3. Wisdom is the badge of maturity.智慧是成熟的象徵。4. What is the clan badge?请问,哪个是族徽。5. Yeah, yeah. I have your badge number, tin can!哟,哟。我记得你的徽章号了,锡杯!6. Similar effect on a square

4、 shape looks like a badge.类似的效果的方形看起来像徽章。7. “A temporary Badge. Whats your badge number?“ requested the guard.“临时的证件,妳的证件编号是多少?”守卫问道。8. Metal handicraft:The metal perfume, the badge and the metal craft suspend and so on.金属工艺品:金属香水瓶,徽章,手机吊饰及金属工艺摆件等。Baffle1. It baffled me that he rejected my offer.他拒绝

5、我的建议使我迷惑不解。2. The unexpected news baffled me.意料之外的消息使我困惑不解。3. to baffle someones attempts to do something挫败某人为做某事所作的努力4. He tried hard to baffle our plan.他力图阻挠我们的计划。5. F2s kit comes with an oil baffle .F2 代的工具包带有一个石油挡板。6. Philosophy and abstract thinking baffle them.哲学和抽象思维使他们困惑。7. Also, the stone i

6、tself will not jump up to baffle you.同样的,那个石头也不会自己跳起来跟你为难。8. There are a number of factors that baffle its development.还有着很多因素阻碍着我国新闻周刊的发展。bait1. Bait your hook with a worm.把蚯蚓装在鱼钩上作为钓饵。2. We like to bait him about his gaudy ties.我们爱取笑他戴的俗气而华丽的领带。3. The boss has a nasty habit of baiting defenceless

7、subordinates.这位老板有一个作弄孤立无助的下级的恶习。4. I felt a nibble at the bait.我感到(有鱼)轻咬一下饵。5. Bait off, after a while.一放鱼饵,过了一会儿。6. He was just the bait.他仅仅是个诱饵。7. I could feel fish nibbling at the bait.我能感觉到有鱼在“轻”咬鱼饵。8. To bait fish withal.吾将以之喂游鱼。Bald1. The young man was starting to bald rapidly.这个年轻人开始迅速脱发。2.

8、I am starting to bald noticeably .我头顶明显地开始变秃了。3. This is a bald falsehood.这是赤裸裸的谎言。4. When he grew bald he bought a toupee .这是男式假发的一种非正式说法。5. Why dont women get bald as soon as men?为什么男人比女人秃顶的时间要早?6. A band of grey hair encircled his bald dome .他的秃头四周长着一圈灰白的头发。7. There is a line of bald trees on the

9、 horizon.在地平线上现出一排光秃秃的树。8. In winter, as the leaves fall, trees become bald.在冬天,树叶纷纷落下,树木都光秃秃的。ballet1. If Im to take up ballet again.现在如果再让我去跳芭蕾舞的话。2. Ballet dancers stand up tall.芭蕾舞者站的直直的。3. She invited us to see the ballet.她邀请我们去看芭蕾舞。4. I love ballet. Do you still dance ?我喜欢芭蕾舞,你现在还跳吗?5. GRACE】T

10、he ballet dancer danced with much grace.那芭蕾舞演员的舞步极为优雅。6. A young girl brought the house down with a ballet dance.一位年轻姑娘跳了一支芭蕾舞,博得全场喝彩。7. I have always loved music and books, ballet and the theater.我一向喜欢听音乐和读书,酷爱芭蕾舞和戏剧。8. The famous dancer joined the ballet troupe on a tour in Europe.那位著名的舞蹈家加入了芭蕾舞团去

11、欧洲巡回演出。Ballot1. The party members were balloted on the resolution.党员们就该项决议进行了表决。2. Certain age groups will be balloted at this time.这次对某年龄组的人征募。3. What do you mark on a federal election ballot?在联邦选举的选票上,你应标注什麽?4. The chairman of the board of directors was elected by ballot.董事会主席是从不记名投票中选中的。5. Ballot

12、 counting should be conducted by volunteers in open form.选票点算由自愿者组织并以公开方式进行。6. After the vote some ballot boxes were stuffed and others stolen.投票结束后,一些投票箱被填满而另一些被盗。7. British trade union is to hold a ballot for the nationwide strike.一个英国的工会为全国性的罢工举行了投票活动。8. Never mind the ballot box: vote with your

13、supermarket trolley instead.不用担心没有投票箱用超市手推车“投票”就行。Bamboo1. Bamboo can be desks and chairs.竹子可以制成课桌和椅子。2. That is my trick of painting bamboo.这就是我画好竹子的秘诀。3. I often recall that warm bamboo grove.我常常回想起那片温暖的竹林。4. Bamboo shoots grow from around the roots.从根部周围生长出竹子嫩芽。5. I love bamboo too.我也喜欢竹子。6. They

14、 were walking to and fro by the bamboo.它们在竹子旁边不停地走过来走过去。Bandage1. The nurse had disinfected the wound before she bandaged it.护士包扎伤口前先进行了消毒。2. to bandage the ankles of a player用绷带包住运动员的踝节部3. Apply some iodine before you bandage.用绷带包扎伤口之前先敷点碘酒。4. There was no bandage. I know.那儿没有绷带,我知道。5. The nurse ea

15、sed the bandage off .护士轻轻地把绷带取下来。6. Blood soaked through the bandage.鲜血渗透了绷带。7. Cover the wound and bandage firmly.覆盖伤口并用绷带妥善包扎。8. The doctor stripped his bandage off.医生给他解掉了绷带。9. The injured arm was bound by bandage.受伤的手臂用绷带扎起来了。10. I need a bandage.我需要一条绷带。Banish1. The king banished the traitor fr

16、om the realm.国王把背叛者驱逐出王国。2. The reporters were banished from the enemy-occupied areas.记者们被禁止采访敌占区。3. To banish worry, doubt and fear.让我们驱逐忧虑,疑惑和恐惧。4. Banish forces of the night!放逐这夜晚的力量!5. Enough faith to banish depression.足够的信念驱除沮丧。6. Banish all troubles from your mind.忘却你心中所有烦恼吧。7. Dont tell! they

17、d banish us - you know.别声张!你知道-他们要驱逐我们的。8. Desdemona. O, banish me, my lord, but kill me not!苔晋狄蒙娜啊,我的主,把我放逐,可是不要?我!Bankrupt1. Their embezzlement bankrupted the firm.他们贪污挪用公款使商行破产了。2. to bankrupt someone of courage to face the hardships使某人丧失面对困苦的勇气3. Did your company go bankrupt?你们的公司破产了吗?4. One day the magazine went bankrupt.有一天杂志社破产了。5. It went bankrupt in less than a year.那个生意很失败。一年之内就破产了。6. As this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt.在这速度下去,我们很快要破产了。7. It prevents the bankrupt disposing of his estate.它要防止破产人处理自己的财产。8. Our hopes crumbled when the business went bankrupt.商行破产了,我们的希望也破灭了。


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