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1、第 1 页 共 111 页Lesson 1 Greetings 问候 Conversation A : At the AirportCHARLES: Mary! Mary Scott!MARY: Charles? Hello, Charles.CHARLES: Good morning. How are you?MARY: Fine, thanks. How are you?CHARLES: Fine, thanks.MARY: What are you doing here?CHARLES: Im meeting Martin Learner.MARY: Who is Martin Lear

2、ner?CHARLES: Hes a reporter with the Voice of America.MARY: A reporter?CHARLES: Yes. Hes visiting our new airport.Practice 1: 打招呼的常用语有:Hello, Good morning, How are you。除了 Goodmorning 只在中午以前使用外,另两个在一天中任何时候都可使用。Examples: MARY: Hello, Charles.CHARLES: Good morning. How are you?MARY: Fine, thanks. How a

3、re you?CHARLES: Fine, thanks.会话 A: 在机场查尔斯:玛丽!玛丽斯科特!玛 丽:查尔斯吗?你好,查尔斯。查尔斯:早上好。玛 丽:很好!谢谢,你好吗?查尔斯:很好,谢谢。玛 丽:你在这儿做什么?查尔斯:我在接马丁勒纳。玛 丽:马丁勒纳是谁?查尔斯:他是在“美国之音”工作的一名记者。玛 丽:一名记者?查尔斯:是的,他要来参观我们的飞机场。Conversation BVOICE: Mr Martin Learner. Martin Learner. Please come to the information desk.MARTIN: Good morning. Im

4、Martin Learner.CLERK: Good morning, Mr Learner. That man is waiting for you.MARTIN: Thank you.CLERK: Youre welcome.MARTIN: Hello. Im Martin Learner.CHARLES: Good morning, Mr Learner. Im Charles Bishop.第 2 页 共 111 页MARTIN: Hello. How are you?CHARLES: Fine, thanks.MARY: Im Mary Scott. How are you?MART

5、IN: Fine, thanks.Practice 2:英语中自我介绍的方法之一是说出自己的全名。Examples: MARTIN: Good morning. Im Martin Learner. MARY: Im Mary Scott. CHARLES: Im Charles Bishop.会话 B扬声器:马丁勒纳先生。马丁勒纳,请到问讯处来。马 丁:早上好! 我就是马丁勒纳。服务员:早上好! 勒纳先生。那个人在等你。马 丁:谢谢你。查尔斯:欢迎你。马 丁:你好。我是马丁勒纳。查尔斯:早上好,勒纳先生,我是查尔斯毕晓普马 丁:你好!你好吗?查尔斯:很好,谢谢。玛 丽:我是玛丽斯科特。你好吗

6、?马 丁:很好,谢谢。Conversation C : In the OfficeCHARLES: Lets go to my office, Mr Learner.MARTIN: Thank you.FEMALE 1: Good morning, Mr Bishop.CHARLES: Good morning.TED: Good morning, Charles.CHARLES: Good morning, Ted. Hello, Erika. How are you?ERIKA: Good morning. Fine, thanks.CHARLES: Good morning, Sam.S

7、AM: Charles! How are you?CHARLES: Fine, thanks. How are you?SAM: Fine, thanks.FEMALE 2: Hello.CHARLES: Hello.Practice 3:打招呼的方法很多,Hello 是最常用的。可用在一天的任何时候。 打电话时最常用。每天的上午、下午、晚上打招呼时分别说:Goodmorning, Good afternoon, Good evening。Examples: FEMALE 1: Good morning, Mr Bishop.CHARLES: Good morning. TED: Good m

8、orning, Charles. 第 3 页 共 111 页CHARLES: Good morning, Ted. Hello, Erika. How are you? ERIKA: Good morning. Fine, thanks. FEMALE 2: Hello. CHARLES: Hello.会话 C:在办公室查尔斯:咱们去我的办公室吧,勒纳先生。马 丁:谢谢你。女 1:早上好!毕晓普先生。查尔斯:早上好!泰 德:早上好,查尔斯。查尔斯:早上好,泰德。你好,埃里卡。你好吗?埃里卡:早上好。很好,谢谢。查尔斯:早上好,山姆。山 姆:查尔斯,你好吗?查尔斯:很好,谢谢。你好吗?山 姆:很

9、好,谢谢。女 2:你好! 查尔斯:你好!Conversation DCHARLES: Here we are, Martin. Come in.MRS GABRIELLI: Good morning, Mr Learner. Im Maria Gabrielli.MARTIN: Hello. How are you?MARTIN: Fine, thanks.MRS GABRIELLI: Mrs Gabrielli is my assistant, Martin. Lets meet some of the others in the office. Then you can see all o

10、f the airport.MARTIN: Fine.MRS GABRIELLI: Would you like a cup of coffee?MARTIN: No, Thank you.MRS GABRIELLI: May I take your things?MARTIN: Yes, please.MRS GABRIELLI: Ill put them in Mr. Bishops office.MARTIN: Thank you.STEVE: Come in.CHARLES: Good morning, Steve.STEVE: Hello. Im Steve Wycoff.MARTI

11、N: Im Martin Learner. How are you?STEVE: Fine, Thanks.CHARLES: Steve is our office manager. Thanks, Steve, well see you later.CHARLES: Valerie! How are you?VALERIE: Hello.MARTIN: Im Martin Learner.VALERIE: Hello. Im Valerie Genaux. How are you?MARTIN: Fine, thanks.第 4 页 共 111 页CHARLES: Martin is the

12、 reporter from VOA.VALERIE: Yes, I know.CHARLES: Valerie is our accountant.MARTIN: Wonderful.CHARLES: OK, Valerie. Well see you later.LAURA: Come in.CHARLES: Good morning, Laura. This is the reporter I told you about.LAURA: Hello.MARTIN: Im Martin Learner.TONY: Good morning, Im Tony Adler.LAURA: Ton

13、y is my assistant.MARTIN: Hello. How are you?TONY: Fine, thanks.CHARLES: Laura is our communications director.会话 D查尔斯:我们到了,马丁。请进来。加夫人:早上好!勒纳先生。我是玛丽亚加布里埃里。马 丁:你好!你好吗?加夫人:很好,谢谢。查尔斯:马丁,加布里埃里夫人是我的助手。咱们认识一下办公室的其他人。然后你可以参观整个机场。马 丁:好的。加夫人:来杯咖啡好吗?马 丁:不,谢谢。加夫人:我替你拿东西可以吗?马 丁:好的,请吧!加夫人:我将把它们放在毕晓普先生的办公室里。马 丁:谢谢

14、你。斯蒂夫:请进。查尔斯:早上好,斯蒂夫。斯蒂夫:你好,我是斯蒂夫威科夫。马 丁:我是马丁勒纳。你好吗?斯蒂夫:好的,谢谢。查尔斯:斯蒂夫是我们的办公室主任。谢谢,斯蒂夫,回头见。查尔斯:瓦莱丽,你好吗瓦莱丽:你好。马 丁:我是马丁勒纳。瓦莱丽:你好,我是瓦莱丽吉诺,你好吗?马 丁:很好,谢谢。查尔斯:马丁是“美国之音”的记者。瓦莱丽:是的,我知道。查尔斯:玛丽是我们的会计。马 丁:好极啦。查尔斯:好了,玛丽,我们回头见。第 5 页 共 111 页劳 拉:请进。查尔斯:早上好,劳拉。这是我跟你谈过的那位记者。劳 拉:你好。马 丁:你好,我是马丁勒纳。托 尼:早上好,我是托尼阿德勒。劳 拉:托尼

15、是我的助手。马 丁:你好!你好吗?托 尼:很好,谢谢。查尔斯:劳拉是我们的通讯联络主任。New Words and Expressions 生词和短语greeting n. 问候reporter n. 记者America n. 美国;美洲Voice of America 美国之音information n. 信息information desk 问讯处welcome adj. 受欢迎的You are welcome.别客气,不用谢。assistant n. 助手Manager n. 经理office manager 办公室主任accountant n. 会计communications n.通

16、讯系统director n. 指导者,总监communications director 通讯主管Language Points 语言要点1. Hes visiting our new airport. 他要参观我们的新机场。 这是用现在进行时的形式表达将来时的意义。现在进行时的构成:主语+be+现在分词。例如: He is reading a book. 他在读书。 We are playing football. 我们在踢足球。 They are making model planes. 他们在制作航模。2. 人称代词: 人称代词分为主格和宾格两种:第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 主格 I(

17、we) you (you) he/she/it(they) 宾格 me(us) you (you) him/her/it(them) 注:括号内为复数形式。Cultural Notes 文化注释第 6 页 共 111 页美国人的姓氏与名字的顺序与中国人正好相反,即名字在前,姓氏在后。如 Martin Learner, Martin 是名字,而 Learner 是姓氏。Lesson 2 Introductions 介绍 Conversation A: At a ReceptionMARTIN: Hello, Im Martin Learner.DEBBIE: Im Debbie Johnson.

18、MARTIN: Pardon?DEBBIE: Im Debbie Johnson. This is Mr OBrien.MARTIN: Hello. Im Martin Learner. Im a reporter.DEBBIE: Mr OBrien is a reporter!MARTIN: Good. Im happy to meet you.DEBBIE: Mr Learner. This is Mrs Montgomery. Shes an engineer.MARTIN: Hello.MELANIE:Good afternoon. Im Melanie Montgomery. Im

19、happy to meet you.MARTIN: Thank you. Youre an engineer?MELANIE: Yes, Im an engineer.MARTIN: This is Mr OBrien.JIM: Hello. Im Jim OBrien. How are you?MELANIE: Fine, thanks.MARTIN: Hes a reporter.JIM: Hes a reporter, too.MELANIE: Hello, Valerie.VALERIE: Melanie! How are you?MELANIE: Fine, thanks. How

20、are you?VALERIE: Fine, thanks. MELANIE: Valerie, this is Jim OBrien.VALERIE: Hello.JIM: Good afternoon.MELANIE: And this is Martin Learner.MARTIN: Good afternoon. Weve met.VALERIE: Oh, yes. At the airport.MARTIN: How are you?VALERIE: Fine, thanks.MELANIE: Valerie is an accountant.JIM: At the airport

21、?VALERIE: Yes.MELANIE: Mr OBrien is a reporter. And Mr Learner is a reporter, too.MARTIN: (together with Jim)JIM: Thats right. Were both reporters.Practice 1:too 表示“也” ,一般放在句尾,其前加逗号。both 表示“两个都” ,如谓语是 be 动词时,放其后;谓语是行为动词时放其前。 Examples: I speak Chinese. You speak 第 7 页 共 111 页Chinese, too.We both spea

22、k Chinese.Mary is an American. Lucy is an American, too.They are both Americans.Mary is an accountant. Lucy is an accountant, too.They are both accountants.Mary speaks English. Lucy speaks English, too.They both speak English.会话 A:会上马 丁:你好,我是马丁勒纳。黛 比:我是黛比约翰逊。马 丁:对不起,请再说一遍。黛 比:我叫黛比约翰逊,这是奥布赖恩先生。马 丁:你好

23、,我叫马丁勒纳,我是记者。黛 比:奥布赖恩先生是名记者。马 丁:好,见到你很高兴。黛 比:勒纳先生,这是蒙哥马利夫人,她是工程师。马 丁:你好。梅勒妮:下午好,我叫梅勒妮蒙哥马利,见到你很高兴。马 丁:谢谢,你是工程师?梅勒妮:对,我是工程师。马 丁:这是奥布赖恩先生。吉 姆:你好,我叫吉姆奥布赖恩,你好吗?梅勒妮:很好,谢谢。马 丁:他是记者。吉 姆:他也是记者。梅勒妮:你好,瓦莱丽。瓦莱丽:梅勒妮!你好吗?梅勒妮:很好,谢谢。你好吗?瓦莱丽:很好,谢谢。梅勒妮:瓦莱丽,这是吉姆奥布赖恩。瓦莱丽:你好。吉 姆:下午好。梅勒妮:这是马丁勒纳。马 丁:下午好。我们见过面。瓦莱丽:噢,是的,在飞机

24、场。马 丁:你好吗?瓦莱丽:很好,谢谢。梅勒妮:瓦莱丽是会计。吉 姆:在飞机场?瓦莱丽:是的。梅勒妮:奥布赖恩先生是记者,勒纳先生也是记者。马 丁:(和吉姆一起)吉 姆:对,我们都是记者。第 8 页 共 111 页Conversation BDEBBIE: Mr OBrien. This is Miss Genaux.JIM: Pardon?DEBBIE: This is Miss Genaux.JIM: Weve met.DEBBIE: Oh, well, this is Mr Greer.JIM: Pardon?DEBBIE: This is Mr Greer.JIM: Hello, Im

25、 Jim OBrien. How are you?PETER: Im Peter. Peter Greer. Im fine, thanks.DEBBIE: Mr Greer is an accountant.JIM: Miss Genaux is an accountant, too.PETER: Pardon?JIM: Miss Genaux is an accountant, too.VALERIE: Yes, Im an accountant.Practice 3:Pardon? 表示没听清对方说话,请对方重复。还可以说“I beg yourpardon?”或“Pardon me?”注

26、意:说的时候要用升调。“Introduction of Others”介绍他人This is _. 这是_。Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗?Examples: DEBBIE: This is Miss Genaux. JIM: Pardon? DEBBIE: This is Miss Genaux. And this is Mr Greer. JIM: Pardon? DEBBIE: This is Mr Greer.会话 B黛 比:奥布赖恩先生,这是吉诺小姐。吉 姆:对不起,请再说一遍。黛 比:这是吉诺小姐。吉 姆:我们见过面。黛 比:噢,好呀,格里厄先生。吉 姆:对不起,请再说一遍

27、。黛 比:这是格里厄先生。吉 姆:你好,我叫吉姆奥布赖恩,你好吗?彼 得:我叫彼得,彼得格里厄。我很好,谢谢。黛 比:格里厄先生是会计。吉 姆:吉诺小姐也是会计。彼 得:对不起,请再说一遍。吉 姆:吉诺小姐也是会计。彼 得:是的,我是会计。Conversation C第 9 页 共 111 页MARTIN: Good afternoon. Im Martin Learner. This is Peter Greer. And this is Valerie Genaux.BRAD: Good.MARTIN: Im a reporter.BRAD: Im a musician.DEBBIE: H

28、ello, Im Debbie Johnson.BRAD: Good afternoon. Im Brad Foster.DEBBIE: Youre the musician.BRAD: Yes, I am.DEBBIE: Im happy to meet you. This is Valerie Genaux.BRAD: Weve met.DEBBIE: This is Martin Learner.BRAD: Weve met, too.DEBBIE: And this is Dr Elizabeth Bliss.MARTIN: Good afternoon. Im happy to me

29、et you.ELIZABETH: Thank you. Im happy to meet you, too.DEBBIE: Miss Genaux is an accountant.BRAD: And Im a musician.MARTIN: Im a reporter.ELIZABETH: Good afternoon. Im Elizabeth Bliss.JIM: Hello, Im Jim OBrien. And this is Martin Learner.ELIZABETH: Weve met.MARTIN: Miss Bliss is a doctor.Practice 4:

30、Weve met. 表示“我们见过面” ,是当别人误把你见过的人再介绍给你时说的。Example One: Introduction 介绍JIM: This is Martin Learner.ELIZABETH: Weve met.DEBBIE: This is Valerie Genaux.BRAD: Weve met.Example Two: Professions 职业MARTIN: This is Brad Foster. Hes a musician.DEBBIE: This is Martin Learner. Hes areporter.MARTIN: This is Mela

31、nie Montgomery. Shean engineer.DEBBIE: This is Valerie Genaux. Shes an accountant.MARTIN: This is Elizabeth Bliss. Shes a doctor.会话 C马 丁:下午好,我叫马丁勒纳,这是彼得格里厄,瓦莱丽吉诺。布雷德:很好。马 丁:我是记者。布雷德:我是乐师。黛 比:你好,我叫黛比约翰逊。布雷德:下午好,我叫布雷德福斯特。第 10 页 共 111 页黛 比:你是乐师。布雷德:是的,我是。黛 比:见到你很高兴,这是瓦莱丽吉诺。布雷德:我们见过面。黛 比:这是马丁勒纳。布雷德:我们也见

32、过面。黛 比:这是伊丽莎白布利斯医生马 丁:下午好,见到你很高兴。伊丽莎白:谢谢你,见到你我也很高兴。黛 比:吉诺小姐是会计。布雷德:我是乐师。马 丁:我是记者。伊丽莎白:下午好,我叫伊丽莎白布利斯。吉 姆:你好,我叫吉姆奥布赖恩,这是马丁勒纳。伊丽莎白:我们见过面。马 丁:布利斯小姐是医生。New Words and Expressions 生词和短语reception n. 招待会engineer n. 工程师accountant n. 会计musician n. 音乐家,音乐工作者Language Points 语言要点1. Im happy to meet you. 见到你很高兴。初次

33、见面时的客套话,类似的还有: Im glad to meet you. 或简略地说:Glad to meet you. Im pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you. Its nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Its a pleasure to meet you. Happy to meet you.2. At the airport 在飞机场。类似的表示处所短语有:at the seaport 在海港;at the station 在车站;at the hotel 在旅馆Cultural Notes 文化注释1. 英语中,正式自我介绍时用全名,例如:Im Martin Learner. 非正式介绍时


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