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1、3D 电影在中国有市场 Imax rides on soaring demand for 3D films in China英国金融时报 马修加拉汉 报道字号背景中文评论打印电邮收藏 腾讯微博新浪微博The Avengers, the latest superhero movie from Walt Disneys Marvel unit, led the box office in the US and China this weekend when the film opened to a rapturous reception, breaking records and earning

2、an estimated $200m in the US alone.复仇者(The Avengers)上周末领跑美国和中国票房,这部沃尔特迪士尼公司 (Walt Disney)旗下惊奇公司(Marvel)的最新超级英雄片上映之初就获得观众热捧,创下票房新高,单在美国的票房收入估计就达 2 亿美元。The US opening lifted the worldwide total for the film called Avengers Assemble in the UK to $642m after only 12 days on release.该片在美国取得的“开门红”,使它在上映仅

3、12 天后,全球总票房就达到了 6.42 亿美元。影片在英国上映时的片名为 复仇者联盟(Avengers Assemble)。In common with other big-budget films projected to be box-office hits this year such as Prometheus, The Dark Knight Rises and The Hobbit, a significant proportion of The Avengers revenue will come from Imax screens, with the premium-pric

4、ed digital format contributing more than $15m in the US from only 275 locations.与其他预计将十分卖座的大制作影片比如今年将上映的普罗米修斯(Prometheus)、黑暗骑士崛起 (The Dark Knight Rises)和霍比特人(The Hobbit)一样, 复仇者票房收入的相当大一部分将来自 Imax 银幕。仅在美国 275 处放映场所,这种高票价数字电影格式带来的收入就超过 1500 万美元。The US continues to be the largest global cinema market b

5、ut China is the film industrys biggest source of new growth so Imax has invested in new screens in the country to cope with soaring demand, says Rich Gelfond, Imax chief executive.Imax 首席执行官理查德葛尔方(Rich Gelfond)表示,尽管美国依然是全球最大的电影市场,但中国已成为电影业最主要的增长源,因此,为了应对观影需求的急剧增长,Imax 在中国投资新建了 Imax 银幕。“When Avatar o

6、pened in China in 2009 we showed it in 13 theatres,” he told the Financial Times. “This year, when The Hobbit opens in December we will show it on more than 100 theatres in China.”“当 阿凡达(Avatar) 2009 年在中国上映时,我们在 13 家 Imax 影院进行放映,”葛尔方向英国金融时报表示, “今年,当 霍比特人(12 月份)上映时,我们将在 100 多家 Imax 影院放映。”China has sw

7、iftly become Imaxs second-largest market after the US The Avengers generated $1.1m in its first day on release in the country and the group last year created a Chinese subsidiary to manage its expansion. It currently has 91 screens at cinemas in the country, with an additional 129 in its pipeline.如今

8、,中国已迅速成为仅次于美国的 Imax 全球第二大市场( 复仇者在中国上映首日即获得 110 万美元的票房),该公司去年成立了一家中国子公司,专门负责在华扩张业务。目前它在中国拥有 91 块 Imax 银幕,另有 129 块正在筹建中。“When we used to announce new screens in China our investors would scratch their heads,” says Mr Gelfond. “But our per-screen average in China is the best in the world.”葛尔方谈到:“以往,当我们

9、宣布要在中国建造新的银幕时,投资者还会心存顾虑。如今,中国每块银幕的平均收入是全世界最高的。 ”China is driving international box-office takings for all of the big Hollywood studios and recently increased the quota of US-made films it would release in its cinemas each year. “It means we can take more films to China, both 2D films and 3D films,”

10、explains Mr Gelfond. The increase followed the recent visit to the US of Xi Jinping, Chinas vice-president and heir apparent for the top job.中国为所有好莱坞大型电影公司提高了影片的全球票房收入。近日,中国提高了引入美国影片的每年限额。葛尔方解释道: “这意味着我们可以将更多的影片输往中国,不管是 2D 还是 3D 影片。” 限额是在中国国家副主席、有望成为下任国家主席的习近平近期访问美国之后得到提高的。With multiplex constructio

11、n accelerating, the stakes are increasing for Hollywood in the country. Yet Chinas growth and the race to win highly coveted release spots within its borders has also attracted regulatory attention in the US. The Securities and Exchange Commission recently contacted the big film studios as part of a

12、 preliminary inquiry into whether improper payments had been made in the country.随着多放映厅影院建设的加快,好莱坞在中国的利益也在增加。但中国的增长,以及各影片对有利放映地点的争夺,也吸引了美国监管部门的注意。近日,美国证交会(SEC)与几家大型电影公司进行了接触,就是否在中国支付过不当报酬展开初步调查。The SEC scrutiny caused unease in Hollywood but Mr Gelfond says there has been no impact on Imax or its ow

13、n expansion plans. “Imax has not had any inquiries from the SEC,” he says. “We dont import films into China . . . we just tag along when the studios import films.”SEC 的审查引发了好莱坞的不安,但葛尔方表示,Imax 以及公司自身的扩张计划并未受到影响。他说:“Imax 没有受到 SEC 的任何质询。我们并没有向中国出口影片我们只是在电影公司出口影片时一同跟进。 ”Is he aware of individuals ever s

14、eeking improper payments? “Ive never heard of it. We have strict policies in place at Imax and our management team knows we would have zero tolerance for it.”他是否知道有人曾寻求获得不当报酬?“ 我从未听说过有此事。我们(在Imax)有着严格的政策规定,我们的管理团队知道,对于这种事,我们的态度是零容忍。”As the Chinese box office grows, so does the domestic film industry

15、 and its prospects on the international stage. “Were trying to export films out of China and into other markets,” says Mr Gelfond.随着中国票房收入的增长,中国本土的电影产业及其在国际舞台上的发展前景也呈现出一片欣欣向荣之势。葛尔方表示: “我们正努力让中国的电影走向世界,进入其他市场。 ”But other operators are trying to get in on the act. China Film Group has launched Dmax, a

16、 competing big screen system. “Im not surprised at all that there is local competition,” says Mr Gelfond. “Theres competition in the US, where exhibitors have tried to create competitive systems. But CFG doesnt have the relationships that we do or a strong brand.”不过,其他企业也试图参与进来,希望分得一杯羹。中国电影集团 (China

17、 Film Group)推出了名为 Dmax 的大银幕系统,与 Imax 一较高下。葛尔方说:“对于出现本地竞争对手,我丝毫不感到意外。美国也有竞争,放映商试图建造各种竞争性的放映系统。但我们拥有的关系和强大品牌是中国电影集团所不具备的。”Imax has taken a “long-term view” in China, “instead of being an outsider trying to come in and make a killing . . . it took 45 years to build Imax”.他还谈到,Imax 对中国有着“长远的考虑 ”,“而不是一个局外人,想要进入这个市场,然后大捞一笔Imax的建立用了 45 年的时间 ”。


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