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1、洛布古典丛书 The Loeb Classical Library洛布古典丛书是西方闻名遐迩的一套大型文献资料丛书,它合英美古典学者之力,经近一个世纪的翻译的编纂而成。这套丛书专门收录古希腊罗马时期的文献典籍,几乎涵盖了全部古希腊文和拉丁文典籍,共收录 210 多位古典作家的作品,此外还包括作者已不可考的典籍譬如十二铜表法和在埃及发现的希腊文纸草文书等,时间跨度达 1400 年(公元前 8 世纪到公元 7 世纪) ,至 1999 年为止已出版 491 册。 洛布古典丛书最初由美国人詹姆士洛布( James Loeb)1910 年构思策划,它的一个显著特征是以原文(希腊文、拉丁文)和英文对照出版

2、,以适应一般读者的需要。其时专门收录古典文献的丛书并不鲜见,德国有图柏勒出版社(B. G. Teubner)出版的图柏勒古典丛书 ,英国有牛津大学出版社出版的 牛津古典文献(Oxford Classical Texts) 。前者从 19 世纪起出版,后者于本世纪初开始出版,均早于洛布古典丛书 ,且无论是校注还是版本质量都优于洛布古典丛书 ,直至今天仍是古典文献的权威版本。但是,无论是图柏勒古典丛书还是牛津古典文献 ,都是纯学术性的,读者对象是古典学的专门研究者。不仅原文没有翻译,连各册的前言和校注都是拉丁文的,令一般读者望而生畏。另外,由于高水平的校注者难以寻找,所以这两套丛书的出版进度较为缓

3、慢, 牛津古典文献至今只出版了百余册。 相比起来, 洛布古典丛书的学术性要略逊于上面提及的两套古典文献丛书。但是今天,它却成为规模最大、影响最广泛、使用最多的古典文献丛书。其主要原因在于这套丛书兼顾了学术性和可读性。丛书的宗旨有二:一是使一般读者能够接触和阅读古典作家的作品,二是体现英美两国的古典学学术成果。为此,丛书聘请了英美著名的古典学者担任主编,负责组织原文的校注和翻译,译文力求准确流畅。为了吸引更多的读者,丛书还特意选择了袖珍型开本,以便“能够放进绅士的口袋里“ 。另一方面,随着西方国家教育制度的变化,原先作为中小学教学基本内容的古希腊文和拉丁文变得越来越不重要,直至最终基本退出中小学

4、课堂。今天除了专门的研究者以外,即使是受过大学教育的西方人也不能直接阅读古希腊文和拉丁文文献。因此, 洛布古典丛书不仅受到一般读者的欢迎,而且还为攻读古典学、历史学、哲学、文学、政治学等相关专业的大学生提供了理想的古典文献读本,成为西方大学图书馆的必备文献工具书。 洛布古典丛书最初由麦克米兰出版社和威廉海涅曼公司在美英同时出版。1933 年之后,美国的出版者改为哈佛大学出版社。威廉海涅曼公司 1989 年退出丛书的出版之后,哈佛大学出版社更是成为丛书在全球的出版者和发行者。今天,它已成为哈佛大学出版社的标志性出版物之一。 我国国内虽然古希腊文和拉丁文的许多重要著作业已译成汉语,但仍有大半古典文

5、献没有翻译出来,其中包括一些非常重要的文献,如波里比阿的历史 、李维的巨著罗马史和阿里斯托芬的大部分喜剧等等。因此,对于高校教师和文科相关专业(历史学、哲学、文学、政治)学生来说,这套丛书应当成为从事教学研究必不可少的文献工具书。 洛布与洛布古典丛书洛布古典丛书是英语世界众多古典译本中较好的译本,采用的是独特的古典原著与英语译文相对照的体例。这套丛书最初全盘由詹姆斯洛布先生筹划出资,故以其姓氏命名,从 1912 年开始出版,迄今已整整发行了 90 年。这一丛书对古典学传播和发展所起的促进作用,詹姆斯洛布先生善莫大焉。 詹姆斯洛布 (18671933)生于纽约,早年就读于哈佛大学致力于古典语言的

6、学习,从小受其母亲(一位职业音乐家的女儿)的熏陶,对音乐有着超凡的感悟力,曾任哈佛音乐联谊会副主席。后虽从父命投身于金融界(其父为库恩洛布财团的巨头),但并未改变对古典学的痴迷。1902 年由于健康原因退出财团,1905 年起,除了一战期间以外,长年旅居德国,潜心研究古典学,并发表了若干作品,还对其个人收藏的古典时期的文物进行了整理编目,后来将这些藏品捐献给了慕尼黑一家博物馆。他还捐助巨资给哈佛古典学系,并且出任雅典美国古典学院的理事。另外,作为慈善家,对音乐事业的捐助也极为慷慨,他创办了美国第一所私人捐助的音乐艺术学院。此外他还帮助纽约交响乐团摆脱财政危机,资助哈佛大学音乐系教学楼、音乐厅和

7、潘恩礼堂的建设。对波士顿艺术博物馆和美国考古协会的发掘工作也给予了相当的关注。在旅德期间,他还大力捐助德国医疗研究尤其是精神病学,在纽约出资兴建了以其父母名字命名的康复中心。洛布先生的这些慷慨之举无不与其深厚的人文素养相关联。 詹姆斯洛布先生称得上是最热诚的古典学家。他有感于当时机器大工业给人文精神带来的巨大冲击,以及社会价值取向的日趋扭曲,并且为了除却古典语言上的障碍,使更多的人能够受益于希腊罗马文化这一西方最伟大的人文遗产,他身体力行出资组织英美古典学专家联袂将西方古典原著译成英语这一浩繁工作。洛布先生的这一行动被视为是“将天堂带回到了人间” 的善举。纽约时报也发表社论,称颂他是“人文学的

8、重构者,以其自己的方式延承了文艺复兴的传统”。为确保这一丛书不失其严谨的学术风范,他亲自指定主编并在欧洲大陆延揽英语世界以外的资深学者作顾问。每卷书都包括出自资深专家之手的解释性的内容评介和详实的脚注,并力求集当时古典学研究之大成于一身。此套丛书一开始就采用了左右两页双语对照的版式,使研究者便于查对希腊、拉丁语原文;为了使其成为“绅士们的随身读物”而设计的便携式装帧也沿用至今。 1933 年,洛布先生逝世后,洛布丛书及相应基金转由其母校哈佛大学负责。当时已出版了 300 余卷,现今已达 493 卷,纵横 15 个世纪,涵盖了公元前 7 世纪到公元后 7 世纪现存各流派的古典著作。这套丛书秉承当

9、年严谨的学术态度,译者均由一个二十二人的专家小组遴选,若没有满意的人选,决不涉笔翻译。这一丛书至今仍以每年四、五卷的速度扩充,其中,有的是新增添的种类,如卡里冬的作品,有的则如欧里庇得斯的戏剧那样完全摒弃了旧的译本重新翻译,更多的还是对以前译本的部分修订。 上述举措一方面是为了切合时代的变迁以及英语语言自身的沿革。旧的译文今天读来已经显得过于艰涩呆板,令人望而却步;最甚者如荷马史诗,在深受维多利亚文风熏染的老一辈译家笔下雅致到几乎不能卒读的地步,仿佛这样才配得上荷马的诗作,结果是原本色彩斑斓的史诗反而令读者兴味索然。另一方面是为了加入近年来学者对原文新的体认,同时更新讹误或过时的注释,使译文更


11、层删节后的旧译文中是绝难深刻领会这些精妙之处的。 这些忠实于原作并且与时俱进的出版理念日臻完善,使得古典作品历久弥新,“古典”与“现代”之间天堑变通途,雅俗兼赏,在学术界同样享有较高的声誉。唯一欠妥之处在于对校勘本中有争议的字句完全依据译者一家的裁定,没有补充其他版本作为参考,虽为细枝末节,仍在一定程度上给一些学者的研究带来不便。 洛布丛书不仅在国外,在国内也有着一定的影响,例如,商务印书馆出版的汉译世界学术名著中的诸多卷目就是译自其英译。据悉国内有的学者也将仿照洛布丛书的体例出版一套译自希腊、拉丁语原文的汉译对照本古典丛书。这一举措倘若付诸实施必将极大的推动西方古典学这一伟大的人文遗产在中国

12、的传播和研究,同时促进我们对西方形而上世界更深层次的解读、更高境界的沟通。 COMPLETE CATALOGby Series NumberL001. Apollonius Rhodius. ArgonauticaL002. Appian. Books 1-8.1L003. Appian. Books 8.2-12L004. Appian. The Civil Wars, Books 1-3.26L005. Appian. The Civil Wars, Books 3.27-5L006. Catullus. Catullus. Tibullus. Pervigilium VenerisL00

13、7N. Cicero. Letters to AtticusL008N. Cicero. Letters to AtticusL009. Euripides. Suppliant Women. Electra. HeraclesL010N. Euripides. Trojan Women. Iphigenia among the Taurians. IonL011N. Euripides. Helen. Phoenician Women. OrestesL012. Euripides. Cyclops. Alcestis. MedeaL013. Julian. Orations 1-5L014

14、. Lucian. Phalaris. Hippias or The Bath. Dionysus. Heracles. Amber or The Swans. The Fly. Nigrinus. Demonax. The Hall. My Native Land. Octogenarians. A True Story. Slander. The Consonants at Law. The Carousal (Symposium) or The LapithsL015. Petronius. Satyricon. ApocolocyntosisL016N. Philostratus. L

15、ife of Apollonius of Tyana, Books 1-4L017N. Philostratus. Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Books 5-8L018N. Propertius. ElegiesL019. Quintus Smyrnaeus. The Fall of TroyL020. Sophocles. Ajax. Electra. Oedipus TyrannusL021. Sophocles. Antigone. The Women of Trachis. Philoctetes. Oedipus at ColonusL022N. Te

16、rence. The Woman of Andros. The Self-Tormentor. The EunuchL023N. Terence. Phormio. The Mother-in-Law. The BrothersL024N. Ehrman, Bart D. I Clement. II Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. DidacheL025N. Ehrman, Bart D. Epistle of Barnabas. Papias and Quadratus. Epistle to Diognetus. The Shepherd of HermasL02

17、6. Augustine. Books 1-8L027. Augustine. Books 9-13L028. . Greek Bucolic PoetsL029. Julian. Orations 6-8. Letters to Themistius, To the Senate and People of Athens, To a Priest. The Caesars. MisopogonL030. Cicero. On DutiesL031. Suetonius. Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. CaligulaL032. Dio Cassius.

18、 Fragments of Books 1-11L033N. Horace. Odes and EpodesL034. John Damascene. Barlaam and IoasaphL035. Tacitus. Agricola. Germania. Dialogue on OratoryL036. Plato. Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. PhaedrusL037. Dio Cassius. Fragments of Books 12-35 and of Uncertain ReferenceL038. Suetonius. Claudius

19、. Nero. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. Vespasian. Titus, Domitian. Lives of Illustrious Men: Grammarians and Rhetoricians. Poets (Terence. Virgil. Horace. Tibullus. Persius. Lucan). Lives of Pliny the Elder and Passienus CrispusL039. Caesar. The Civil WarsL040. Cicero. On EndsL041. Ovid. Heroides. Amor

20、esL042. Ovid. Metamorphoses, Books 1-8L043. Ovid. Metamorphoses, Books 9-15L044. Apuleius. Books 1-6L045. Achilles Tatius. The Adventures of Leucippe and ClitophonL046. Plutarch. Theseus and Romulus. Lycurgus and Numa. Solon and PublicolaL047. Plutarch. Themistocles and Camillus. Aristides and Cato

21、Major. Cimon and LucullusL048. Procopius. History of the Wars, Books 1-2. (Persian War)L049. Strabo. Books 1-2L050. Strabo. Books 3-5L051. Xenophon. Cyropaedia, Books 1-4L052. Xenophon. Cyropaedia, Books 5-8L053. Dio Cassius. Books 36-40L054. Lucian. The Downward Journey or The Tyrant. Zeus Catechiz

22、ed. Zeus Rants. The Dream or The Cock. Prometheus. Icaromenippus or The Sky-man. Timon or The Misanthrope. Charon or The Inspectors. Philosophies for SaleL055. Pliny the Younger. Books 1-7L056. Pindar. Olympian Odes. Pythian OdesL058. Marcus Aurelius. L059. Pliny the Younger. Books 8-10. Panegyricus

23、L060. Plautus. Amphitryon. The Comedy of Asses. The Pot of Gold. The Two Bacchises. The CaptivesL061. Plautus. Casina. The Casket Comedy. Curculio. Epidicus. The Two MenaechmusesL062N. Seneca. Tragedies IL063N. Virgil. Eclogues. Georgics. Aeneid, Books 1-6L064N. Virgil. Aeneid Books 7-12, Appendix V

24、ergilianaL065. Plutarch. Pericles and Fabius Maximus. Nicias and CrassusL066. Dio Cassius. Books 41-45L067. Paton, W. R. Book 1: Christian Epigrams. Book 2: Christodorus of Thebes in Egypt. Book 3: The Cyzicene Epigrams. Book 4: The Proems of the Different Anthologies. Book 5: The Amatory Epigrams.

25、Book 6: The Dedicatory EpigramsL068. Paton, W. R. Book 7: Sepulchral Epigrams. Book 8: The Epigrams of St. Gregory the TheologianL069. Longus. Daphnis and Chloe. Love Romances and Poetical Fragments. Fragments of the Ninus RomanceL070. Theophrastus. Books 1-5L071. Galen. On the Natural FacultiesL072

26、. Caesar. The Gallic WarL073. Aristotle. Nicomachean EthicsL074. Boethius. Theological Tractates and The Consolation of PhilosophyL075. Seneca. Epistles 1-65L076. Seneca. Epistles 66-92L077. Seneca. Epistles 93-124L078N. Seneca. Tragedies IIL079. Theophrastus. Books 6-9. Treatise on Odours. Concerni

27、ng Weather SignsL080. Plutarch. Alcibiades and Coriolanus. Lysander and SullaL081. Procopius. History of the Wars, Books 3-4. (Vandalic War)L082. Dio Cassius. Books 46-50L083. Dio Cassius. Books 51-55L084. Paton, W. R. Book 9: The Declamatory EpigramsL085. Paton, W. R. Book 10: The Hortatory and Adm

28、onitory Epigrams. Book 11: The Convivial and Satirical Epigrams. Book 12: Stratos Musa PuerilisL086. Paton, W. R. Book 13: Epigrams in Various Metres. Book 14: Arithmetical Problems, Riddles, Oracles. Book 15: Miscellanea. Book 16: Epigrams of the Planudean Anthology Not in the Palatine ManuscriptL0

29、87. Plutarch. Agesilaus and Pompey. Pelopidas and MarcellusL088. Xenophon. Hellenica, Books 1-4L089. Xenophon. Hellenica, Books 5-7L090. Xenophon. AnabasisL091N. Juvenal. Juvenal and PersiusL092. Clement of Alexandria. The Exhortation to the Greeks. The Rich Mans Salvation. To the Newly Baptized (fr

30、agment)L093. Pausanias. Books 1-2 (Attica and Corinth)L094. Martial. Spectacles, Books 1-5L095. Martial. Books 6-10L096. Ausonius. Poems 1-17L097N. Cicero. Letters to AtticusL098. Plutarch. Dion and Brutus. Timoleon and Aemilius PaulusL099. Plutarch. Demosthenes and Cicero. Alexander and CaesarL100.

31、 Plutarch. Sertorius and Eumenes. Phocion and Cato the YoungerL101. Plutarch. Demetrius and Antony. Pyrrhus and Gaius MariusL102. Plutarch. Agis and Cleomenes. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. Philopoemen and FlamininusL103. Plutarch. Aratus. Artaxerxes. Galba. Otho. General IndexL104. Homer. Books 1-12

32、L105. Homer. Books 13-24L106. Aeschines. SpeechesL107. Procopius. History of the Wars, Books 5-6.15. (Gothic War)L108. Thucydides. Books 1-2L109. Thucydides. Books 3-4L110. Thucydides. Books 5-6L111. Tacitus. Histories 1-3L112. Marcus Cornelius Fronto. L113. Marcus Cornelius Fronto. L114. Livy. Book

33、s 1-2L115. Ausonius. Poems 18-20. Paulinus Pellaeus: EucharisticusL116. Sallust. War with Catiline. War with Jugurtha. Selections from the Histories. Doubtful WorksL117. Herodotus. Books 1-2L118. Herodotus. Books 3-4L119. Herodotus. Books 5-7L120. Herodotus. Books 8-9L121. Apollodorus. Books 1-3.9L1

34、22. Apollodorus. Book 3.10-end. EpitomeL123. Plato. Theaetetus. SophistL124N. Quintilian. Books 1-2L125N. Quintilian. Books 3-5L126N. Quintilian. Books 6-8L127N. Quintilian. Books 9-10L128. Polybius. Books 1-2L129. Callimachus. Hymns, Epigrams. Phaenomena. AlexandraL130. Lucian. The Dead Come to Lif

35、e or The Fisherman. The Double Indictment or Trials by Jury. On Sacrifices. The Ignorant Book Collector. The Dream or Lucians Career. The Parasite. The Lover of Lies. The Judgement of the Goddesses. On Salaried Posts in Great HousesL131. Epictetus. Discourses, Books 1-2L132. Menander. Aspis. Georgos

36、. Dis Exapaton. Dyskolos. Encheiridion. EpitrepontesL133. Livy. Books 3-4L134. Philostratus. Lives of the Sophists. Eunapius: Lives of the Philosophers and SophistsL135. Claudian. Panegyric on Probinus and Olybrius. Against Rufinus 1 and 2. War Against Gildo. Against Eutropius 1 and 2. Fescennine Ve

37、rses on the Marriage of Honorius. Epithalamium of Honorius and Maria. Panegyrics on the Third and Fourth Consulships of Honorius. Panegyric on the Consulship of Manlius. On Stilichos Consulship 1L136. Claudian. On Stilichos Consulship 2-3. Panegyric on the Sixth Consulship of Honorius. The Gothic Wa

38、r. Shorter Poems. Rape of ProserpinaL137. Polybius. Books 3-4L138. Polybius. Books 5-8L139. Magie, D. Hadrian. Aelius. Antoninus Pius. Marcus Aurelius. L. Verus. Avidius Cassius. Commodus. Pertinax. Didius Julianus. Septimius Severus. Pescennius Niger. Clodius AlbinusL140. Magie, D. Caracalla. Geta.

39、 Opellius Macrinus. Diadumenianus. Elagabalus. Severus Alexander. The Two Maximini. The Three Gordians. Maximus and BalbinusL141. Cicero. Tusculan DisputationsL142. Campbell, David A. Sappho and AlcaeusL143. Campbell, David A. Anacreon, Anacreontea, Choral Lyric from Olympus to AlcmanL144. Campbell,

40、 David A. The New School of Poetry and Anonymous Songs and HymnsL145. Aeschylus. Suppliant Maidens. Persians. Prometheus. Seven Against ThebesL146. Aeschylus. Agamemnon. Libation-Bearers. Eumenides. FragmentsL147. Hippocrates. Ancient Medicine. Airs, Waters, Places. Epidemics 1 & 3. The Oath. Precep

41、ts. NutrimentL148. Hippocrates. Prognostic. Regimen in Acute Diseases. The Sacred Disease. The Art. Breaths. Law. Decorum. Physician (Ch. 1). DentitionL149. Hippocrates. On Wounds in the Head. In the Surgery. On Fractures. On Joints. MochliconL150. Hippocrates. Nature of Man. Regimen in Health. Humo

42、urs. Aphorisms. Regimen 1-3. Dreams. Heracleitus: On the UniverseL151. Ovid. Tristia. Ex PontoL152. Velleius Paterculus. Compendium of Roman History. Res Gestae Divi AugustiL153. Eusebius. Books 1-5L154. Cicero. On Old Age. On Friendship. On Divination L155. Demosthenes. De Corona, De Falsa Legation

43、e (18-19)L156. Aeneas Tacticus. L157. Julian. Letters. Epigrams. Against the Galilaeans. FragmentsL158. Cicero. Pro Archia. Post Reditum in Senatu. Post Reditum ad Quirites. De Domo Sua. De Haruspicum Responsis. Pro Cn. PlancioL159. Polybius. Books 9-15L160. Polybius. Books 16-27L161. Polybius. Book

44、s 28-39L162. Lucian. Anacharsis or Athletics. Menippus or The Descent into Hades. On Funerals. A Professor of Public Speaking. Alexander the False Prophet. Essays in Portraiture. Essays in Portraiture Defended. The Goddesse of SurryeL163. Plautus. The Merchant. The Braggart Warrior. The Haunted Hous

45、e. The PersianL164. Plato. Statesman. Philebus. IonL165. Plato. Laches. Protagoras. Meno. EuthydemusL166. Plato. Lysis. Symposium. GorgiasL167. Plato. Cratylus. Parmenides. Greater Hippias. Lesser HippiasL168. Xenophon. Memorabilia and Oeconomicus. Symposium and ApologiaL169. Thucydides. Books 7-8.

46、General IndexL170N. Homer. Books 1-12L171N. Homer. Books 13-24L172. Livy. Books 5-7L173. Procopius. History of the Wars, Books 6.16-7.35. (Gothic War)L174. Frontinus. Stratagems. Aqueducts of RomeL175. Dio Cassius. Books 56-60L176. Dio Cassius. Books 61-70L177. Dio Cassius. Books 71-80L178. Aristoph

47、anes. Acharnians. KnightsL179N. Aristophanes. Birds. Lysistrata. Women at the ThesmophoriaL180. Aristophanes. Lysistrata. Thesmophoriazusae. Ecclesiazusae. PlutusL180N. Aristophanes. Frogs. Assemblywomen. WealthL181. Lucretius. On the Nature of ThingsL182. Strabo. Books 6-7L183. Xenophon. Hiero. Age

48、silaus. Constitution of the Lacedaemonians. Ways and Means. Cavalry Commander. Art of Horsemanship. On Hunting. Constitution of the AtheniansL184. Diogenes Laertius. Books 1-5L185. Diogenes Laertius. Books 6-10L186. Josephus. The Life. Against ApionL187. Plato. Laws, Books 1-6L188. Pausanias. Books

49、3-5 (Laconia, Messenia, Elis 1)L189. Cicero. PhilippicsL190. Basil. Letters 1-58L191. Livy. Books 8-10L192. Plato. Laws, Books 7-12L193. Aristotle. The “Art“ of RhetoricL194. Horace. Satires. Epistles. The Art of PoetryL195. Aulus Gellius. Books 1-5L196. Strabo. Books 8-9L197. Plutarch. The Education of Children. How the Young Man Should Study Poetry. On Listening to Lectures. How to Tell a Flatterer from a Friend. How a Man May Become Aware of His Progress in VirtueL198. Cicero. Pro Lege Manilia. Pro Caecina. Pro Cluentio. Pro Rabirio P


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