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1、胡锦涛报告词汇选登第一、第二、第三产业 primary, secondary and tertiary industries社会主义初级阶段 primary stage of socialism适应新的发展要求 to meet new requirements of development总结我国发展实践 analyzing Chinas own practice借鉴国外发展经验 drawing on the experience of other countries in development发展模式 mode of growth社会主义市场经济 socialist market econ

2、omy缩小城乡地区间发展差距 narrow the urban-rural and interregional gaps in development以人为本 putting people first构建社会主义和谐社会 to build a harmonious socialist society增强中国的独立创新能力 to enhance Chinas capacity of independent innovation创新型国家 innovative country加大对独立创新的投入 to increase spending on independent innovation突破制约经

3、济社会发展的关键技术 to make breakthroughs in key technologies vital to economic and social development确立国家创新体制 form a national innovation system前沿科技 frontier technology加快努力建设以市场为主导的科技创新机制 to step up efforts to establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation民族企业 domestic enterprises中国名牌 Chines

4、e brand names加快转变经济发展方式 to accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development推动产业结构优化升级 to promote upgrading of the industrial structure统筹城乡发展 to balance urban and rural development推进社会主义新农村建设 to push forward the building of a new socialist countryside公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展 public ownership i

5、s dominant and different economic sectors develop side by side毫不动摇地鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展 unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector平等保护物权 equal protection of property rights有序竞争 orderly competition生产资料市场 markets for factors of production定价机制 pricing mechanism推进地区发展

6、平衡 to promote balanced development among regions土地发展模式 pattern of land development引入竞争机制,深化垄断企业改革 to deepen the reform of monopoly industries by introducing competition公共监查 public oversight社会公益性技术研究 technological research for public welfare实现人均国内生产总值到 2020 年比 2000 年翻两番 to quadruple the per capita GD

7、P of the year 2000 by 2020优化结构 to optimize the economic structure提高经济效益 to improve economic returns降低消耗 to reduce consumption of resources保护环境 to protect the environment生态文明 conservation culture增长方式 pattern of growth消费模式 mode of consumption能源、资源节约型及环保型产业结构 energy- and resource-efficient and environm

8、ent-friendly structure of industries可再生能源 renewable energy resources建设资源节约型、环保型社会 to build a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society循环经济 circular economy生态环境质量 ecological and environmental quality二氧化硫排放 discharges of sulfur dioxide停水 suspension of water supplies收入分配制度 income distribution s

9、ystem增加转移支付 to increase transfer payments打破企业垄断 to break business monopolies创立公平机会 to create equal opportunities扭转收入差距扩大趋势 to reverse the growing income disparity公平的收入分配 equitable income distribution绝对贫困 absolute poverty提高低收入群体的收入 to raise the income of low- income groups社会公平 social equity合理有序的收入分配模

10、式 reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution最低工资 minimum wage建立企业职工工资正常增长机制 to set up a mechanism of regular pay increases for enterprise employees财产性收入 property income保护合法收入,调节过高收入,取缔非法收入 to protect lawful incomes, regulate excessively high incomes and ban illegal gains制定宏伟的经济社会发展目标 to c

11、hart ambitious goals of economic and social developments软实力 soft power民族凝聚力和创造力 national cohesion and creativity综合国力 overall national strength保障公民的基本文化权益 to guarantee the peoples basic cultural rights and interests给予正确导向,弘扬社会正气 to give correct guidance to the public and foster healthy social trends发

12、展和管理网络文化 to develop and manage Internet culture培育良好的网络环境 to foster a good cyber environment公益文化活动 nonprofit cultural programs文化设施 cultural facilities大力发展文化产业 to vigorously develop the cultural industry文化产业基础 cultural industry bases富有地方特色的文化产业 cultural industries with regional features建立繁荣的文化市场 to cr

13、eate a thriving cultural market设立国家荣誉制度,表彰有杰出贡献的文化工作者 to establish a national system of honors for outstanding cultural workers加快中国特色军事变革 to accelerate the revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics提高军队应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务的能力 to enhance the militarys capability to respond to various s

14、ecurity threats and accomplish diverse military tasks党对军队绝对领导的根本原则 the fundamental principle of the Party exercising absolute leadership over the armed forces人民军队的根本宗旨 the fundamental purpose of the armed forces serving the people建设信息化军队 to build computerized armed forces信息化战争 IT-based warfare信息化条件下

15、军事训练 military training under IT-based conditions高素质新型军事人才 high- caliber military personnel转变战斗力生成模式 to change the mode of generating combat capabilities中国特色军民融合式发展路子 a path of development with Chinese characteristics featuring military and civilian integration持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界 harmonious world of lasti

16、ng peace and common prosperity遵循联合国宪章宗旨和原则,恪守国际法和公认的国际关系准则,在国际关系中弘扬民主、和睦、协作、共赢精神 to uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, observe international law and universally recognized norms of international relations, and promote democracy, harmony, collaboration and win-win solut

17、ions in international relations均衡、普惠、共赢 balanced development, shared benefits and win-win progress求同存异 seeking common ground while shelving differences世界多样性 the diversity of the world以和平方式解决国际争端 to settle international disputes by peaceful means高举和平、发展、合作旗帜,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,恪守维护世界和平、促进共同

18、发展的外交政策宗旨 to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, safeguard Chinas interests in terms of sovereignty, security and development, and uphold its foreign policy purposes of maintaining world peace and promoting common development军备竞赛

19、 arms race损人利己、以邻为壑 to seek benefits for itself at the expense of other countries or shift its troubles onto others深入贯彻落实科学发展观 thoroughly apply “Scientific Outlook on Development”重要思想的继承和发展 continuation and evolution of the important thoughts党的三代中央领导集体 three generations of central collective leaders

20、hip of the CPC马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现 concentrated expression of the Marxist world outlook and methodology on development社会主义初级阶段 the primary stage of socialism总结我国发展实践 to analyze Chinas own practice借鉴国外发展经验 to draw on the experience of other countries科学发展观第一要义是发展。Scientific Outlook on Development ta

21、kes development as its essence.全面协调可持续发展 comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development统筹兼顾 overall consideration社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy推进各方面体制改革创新 to promote institutional reform and innovation in various sectors加快重要领域和关键环节改革步伐 to accelerate reform in important fields and crucial lin

22、ks全面提高开放水平 improve opening-up in all respects持续增加农民收入 continue increasing farmers income收入分配 income distribution基层党组织 grass-roots Party organizations特邀代表 specially invited delegates社会主义民主政治 socialist democracy人大代表依法行使职权 deputies to peoples congresses exercise their functions and powers in accordance

23、 with the law密切人大代表同人民的联系 deputies to peoples congresses maintain close ties with the general public民主集中制 democratic centralism完善候选人提名制 to improve the system for nominating candidates改善民主制度 improve institutions for democracy民主选举 democratic election决策 decision-making保障人民的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权 to guarantee

24、the peoples rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard and to oversee扩大党内民主 to expand intra-Party democracy发展人民民主 to develop peoples democracy提高党内事物透明度 to increase transparency in Party affairs反对、阻止个人或少数人的武断决策 to oppose and prevent arbitrary decision-making by an individual or a minority of

25、people强化反腐斗争 intensify anti-graft fight腐败官员 corrupt officials惩治与预防相结合 combining punishment and prevention反腐败 crack down on corruption长期、复杂而艰巨的斗争 a protracted, complicated and arduous battle标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root cause高官 high-ranking official领导岗位 leading positions党外人士 non-Communists无

26、党派人士 person with no political affiliation多党合作及政治协商制度 system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共的原则 the principle of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincere treatment of each other and the sharing of weal and woe扩大民主、保证人民当家作主 to expand the peoples democra

27、cy and ensure that they are masters of the country科学及民主决策 scientific and democratic decision-making公众听证会 public hearings行使民主权利 exercise democratic rights“自我管理、自我服务、自我教育、自我监督” practice self-management, self-service, self-education and self- oversight各级党组织 Party organizations at all levels维护宪法和法律的尊严 t

28、o uphold the authority of the Constitution and laws加快推进政企分开、政资分开、政事分开、政府与市场中介组织分开 to accelerate the separation of the functions of the government from those of enterprises, state assets management authorities, public institutions and market-based intermediaries减少和规范行政审批 to reduce the number of matte

29、rs requiring administrative examination and approval and standardize such procedures制约及监督机制 mechanism of restraint and supervision“让权力在阳光下运行” power must be exercised in the sunshine“台独”势力 the forces of “Taiwan independence分裂活动 secessionist activities维护中国的主权和领土完整 to safeguard Chinas sovereignty and t

30、erritorial unity构建两岸关系和平发展框架 to construct a framework for peaceful development of cross-Straits relations和平统一 peaceful reunification合法权益 legitimate rights and interests一个中国原则 one-China principle两岸敌对状态 the state of hostility across the Taiwan Straits开创两岸关系和平发展新局面 to usher in a new phase of peaceful d

31、evelopment优化资本市场结构 to improve the structure of capital market推进金融体制改革 to proceed with financial reform多渠道提高直接融资比重 to raise the proportion of direct financing through multiple channels加强和改进金融监管 to strengthen financial supervision and controlling防范和化解金融风险 to forestall and diffuse financial risks改善人民币汇

32、率制度 to improve RMB exchange rate regime扩大国内需求 to boost domestic demand劳动者素质提高 improvement in the quality of work force霸权主义强权政治 hegemonism and power politics和平发展 peaceful development和平解决国际争端和热点问题 peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues防御性的国防政策 a national defense policy that i

33、s defensive in nature互利共赢的开放战略 a win-win strategy of opening-up通行的国际经贸规则 internationally recognized economic and trade rules扩大市场准入 increase market access贸易和投资自由化便利化 the liberalization and facilitation of trade and financial systems经贸摩擦 economic and trade frictions军备竞赛 arms race永远不称霸 never seek hegem

34、ony永远不搞扩张 never engage in expansion奉行防御性的国防政策 to follow a national defense policy that is defensive in nature反对各种形式的霸权主义和强权政治 to oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics反对一切形式的恐怖主义 to oppose terrorism in any form推动国际和地区安全合作 to promote international and regional security cooperation推进贸易和投资自由

35、化便利化 to advance the liberalization and facilitation of trade and financial system通过磋商协作妥善处理经贸摩擦 to properly resolve economic and trade frictions through consultation and collaboration“损人利己” to seek benefits for itself at the expense of other countries or shift its troubles onto others缩小南北差距 to narrow the North-South gap


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