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1、航空英语证书考试(PEC)-航空发动机专业词汇Part 1gas turbine engine 燃气涡轮发动机aircraft 飞机,飞行器(单复同形)power plant 发动机,动力装置appreciate 理解,意思到prior to 在 之前propulsion 推进reaction 反作用jet 喷气, 喷射, 喷气发动机designer 设计师initially 最初,开始时unsuitability 不适应性piston engine 活塞发动机airflow 空气流present 带来, 产生obstacle 障碍Para. 2patent 专利 , 获得专利jet prop

2、ulsion engine 喷气推进发动机athodyd 冲压式喷气发动机heat resisting material 耐热材料develop 研究出,研制出in the second place 其次inefficient 效率底的ram jet, ramjet 冲压式喷气发动机conception 构想, 设计,概念Para. 3grant 授予propulsive jet 推进喷射turbo-jet engine 涡轮喷气发动机turbojet turbo-propeller engine 涡轮螺桨发动机turbopropVickers Viscount aircraft 维克斯子爵式

3、飞机be fitted with 配备term 术语, 称为, 叫做twin-spool engine 双转子发动机triple-spool engine 三转子发动机by-pass engine 双涵道发动机ducted fan 涵道风扇发动机unducted fan (UDF) 无涵道风扇发动机propfan 桨扇发动机inevitable 不可避免的, 必然的p.4propeller 螺旋桨basic principle 基本原理effect 产生propel 推进solely 单独, 只thrust 推力p.5popularly 普遍地, 一般地pulse jet 脉动式喷气发动机tu

4、rbo/ram jet 涡轮冲压式喷气发动机turbo-rocket 涡轮火箭p.6accelerate 加速acceleration 加速度apparatus 装置, 机器slipstream 滑流p.7momentum 动量issue 冒出to impart M to N 把 M 给与 Nrevolve 旋转p.8whirl 旋转sprinkler 喷水器mechanism 机构by in virtue of 依靠hose 软管afford 提供carnival 狂欢节p.9definitely 确切地, 明确地assume 想象 , 以为expel 排出 , 驱逐propulsive e

5、fficiency 推进效率Page 3p.10differ 不同convert 转换p.11thermodynamic 热动力的divergent 扩散diverge 扩散convergent 收敛converge 收敛entry 进气段exit 排气管kinetic energy 动能air intake 空气进口diverging duct 扩散管道outlet duct 排气管missile 导弹target vehicle 靶机p.12intermittent combustion 间断式燃烧aerodynamic 空气动力的involve 具有robust 结实的, 坚固的inle

6、t valve 进气阀inject 喷入eject 喷出depression 降压, 减压exhaust 排气cycle 循环helicopter rotor propulsion直升飞机旋翼驱动器dispense with 省去 , 无需resonate 共振resonating cycle 共振循环fuel consumption 燃油消耗equal 比得上performance 性能p.13decompose 分解p.14inherent 固有的draw 吸入p.15arrangement 结构simplicity 简单性subsequent 接下来的thermodynamic 热力的P

7、age 7p.16disturbance 扰动blade-tip 叶尖departure from 背离p.17offset 抵消exceed 超过p.18Mach number 马赫数p.19variable intake 可变进口afterburning 加力燃烧 variable nozzle 可调喷口conventional 常规的afterburner 加力燃烧室inoperative 不工作的divert 使转向guide vane 导流叶片duct 管道,用管道输送sustained 持续的cruise 巡航mode 模式p.21multi-stage turbine 多级涡轮d

8、erive 得到, 取得kerosene, kerosine 煤油be in the order of达到的量级spray 喷雾fuel-rich mixture 富油混合物dilute 稀释surplus 剩余的p.22interceptor 截击机space-launcher 航天发射器altitude 高度attitude 态度、姿态latitude 纬度longitude 经度accelerative 加速的duration 持续时间Part 2Para.1working fluid 工作流体conversion 转换jet efflux 喷射气流Para.2four-stroke p

9、iston engine 四冲程活塞发动机constant pressure 等压constant volume 等容induction 进气compression 压缩intermittent 间断的be involved in与有关 charging 进气eliminate 消除idle stroke 空冲程Para.3peak 峰, 峰值fluctuate, fluctuating 波动, 起伏withstand, withstood 承受in excess of 超过employ 采用cylinder 汽缸high octane fuel 高辛烷值燃料low octane fuel 低

10、辛烷值燃料fabricated 装配式的Para.4function 运行, 运转introduce, introducing 输入remainder 剩余部分discharge 排出Para.5,6turbine assembly 涡轮部件air-cooled blade 气冷叶片consequently 随之而来的, 因此, 所以Para.7embody 体现be embodied in M 体现在 M 中be directly proportional to与成正比 be inversely proportional to与 成反比Para.9trace 描绘show up 表现Para

11、.10attain 达到 , 实现conversely 相反地Para.11adiabatic 绝热的friction 摩擦conduction 传导turbulence 紊流Para.12propelling nozzle 推力喷管momentum 动量deceleration 减速Page 14Para.13effect 实现conversion 转换convert 转换sonic 音速的subsonic 亚音速的supersonic 超音速的encounter 遇到venturi 文氏管Para.14interference 干扰component failure 部件失效eddy 涡流

12、turbulence 紊流Para.15frontal area 迎面面积straight-through flow system 直流式系统reverse flow system 回流式系统subsequent 接下来的Para.17conventionally 常规地percentage 部分,百分比duct 管道,用管道输送remainder 剩余物deliver 送,流to be conducive to 有利于specific fuel consumption 燃油消耗率Para.18design feature 设计特征by-pass engine 双涵道发动机by-pass ra

13、tio 涵道比twin-spool configuration 双转子结构propfan 桨扇发动机turbo-propeller 涡轮螺桨发动机Para.19by-pass airstream 外涵道气流overboard 向船外,排出ducted fan 涵道式风扇发动机aft fan 后风扇发动机Part 3Para.1centrifugal 离心的axial 轴流的couple 耦合,联接coupling 联轴器coupler 联轴器shaft 轴Para.2centrifugal (flow) compressor 离心压气机impeller 叶轮diffuser 扩散器axial

14、(flow) compressor 轴流压气机multi-stage unit 多级装置alternate 交替的rotor blade 转子叶片stator vane 静子叶片diffuse 扩散boost 增压booster 增压器Para.3with regard to 关于robust 坚固,结实develop and manufacture 设计与制造consume 消耗,使用attain 达到air flow 空气流量,空气流adoption 采用favour (Am. E favor) 喜爱,偏爱ruggedness 坚固性rugged 坚固的outweigh 胜过,重于Fig.

15、 3-1rotating guide vane 旋转导流叶片intake chute 进气斜道swirl vane 旋流叶片Para.5diffuser vane 扩散器叶片double-entry impeller 双面进气叶轮plenum chamber 稳流室Para.6induce 吸入radially 径向地intake duct 进气管initial swirl 预旋Para.7divergent nozzle 扩散排气管Para.8tip speed 叶尖速度Para.9maintain 保持leakage 泄漏clearance 间隙Para.10construction 结构

16、center around (about, at, in, on, round, upon)以为中心ball bearing 滚珠轴承roller bearing 滚柱轴承split 分开detachment 拆开,分离Para.11forged 锻造的radially disposed vanes 径向排列的叶片in conjunction with 和共同 swept back 后掠Para.12attach 联接tangential 相切的inner edge 内缘in line with 与一致buffeting impulse 扰流抖振脉冲Para. 13rotor assembly

17、 转子部件airfoil section 翼型截面mount 安装bearing 轴承incorporate 安有,装有in series 依次地design condition 设计状态incorporation 引入,采用variable stator vane 可调静子叶片succeeding stage 下一级Para. 14gradual reduction 逐渐减小annulus 环型stator casing 静子机匣maintain 保持density 密度convergence 收敛taper,tapering 带斜度,带锥度arrangement 结构Para. 16mul

18、ti-spool compressor 多转子压气机optimum 最佳(的) ,最优(的)flexibility 适应性,灵活性Para. 17handle 处理duct 管道,用管道输送exhaust system 排气系统propelling nozzle 推力喷管match 使匹配obsolete 已不用but 除.之外Para. 18trend 趋势stage 阶段, 级undergo 承受split 分开core 核心gas generator 燃气发生器optimum arrangement 最佳结构Para. 19induce 吸入,引入,引导sweep, swept 扫,猛推

19、adjacent 相邻的translate 翻译,转换decelerate 减速serve 起作用deflection 偏转straightener 整流器swirl 旋流diagrammatically 图示地accompany 伴随progressive 不断的,逐渐的Para. 20breakaway 分离stall 失速precede 在前面Para. 21incidence 攻角tolerate 允许interstage bleed 级间放气intermediate stage 中间级Para. 22proportion 比例 pl. 尺寸, 大小coaxial 同轴的inner r

20、adius 内半径supercharge 增压akin 相似的Para.23to center around (round, on, upon, about, at, in)以为中心alignment 对中, 同心cylindrical 圆筒形的bolted axial joint 轴向螺栓联接bolted center line joint 中心线螺栓联接Para.24secure 固定assemble 装配weld 焊接periphery 边缘drum 鼓筒Para.25circumferential 周向的fixing 安装, 固定maintainability 维护性blisk 整体叶

21、盘Para.26gradient 梯度balance out 抵消twist 扭angle of incidence 攻角boundary layer 附面层 , 边界层stagnant 滞止的compensate for 补偿camber 弯度extremity 端部end-bend 端弯Para.27retaining ring 保持环in segments 成组的shroud 叶冠Para.28dissimilar 不相似的, 不同的workable 可用的, 可运转的 implement 实现, 执行, 完成retain 保持Para.29impose upon 强加于之上 depar

22、t from 偏离intention 意图positive incidence stall 正攻角失速negative incidence stall 负攻角失速blading 叶栅sustain 承受得住surge 喘振instantaneous 即刻的expel 排出margin 欲度instability 不稳定性Para. 30provision 提供margin 欲度hydraulic 液压的pneumatic 气动的electronic 电子的Para. 31cost effective 成本效益好的prevail 流行,胜利Para. 32rigid 刚性的clearance 间

23、隙alloy 合金nickel based alloy 镍基合金titanium 钛in preference to 优先于rigidity to density ratio 刚度密度比Para. 33prime 主要的fatigue strength 疲劳强度notch 切口,开槽ingestion 吸气inferior 差的decline 下降rub 碰磨ignite 点燃airworthiness 飞行性能hazard 危险Para. 34dominate 起支配作用Para. 35solid forging 实锻件chord 弦mid-span 叶片中部snubber 减振器clapp

24、er 拍板fabricate 制造skin 蒙皮honeycomb 蜂窝Para. 36robust section 坚固截面ingestion capability 吸气能力Part 4Para.1fuel supply nozzle 燃油喷嘴extensive 广泛的,大量的accomplish 完成Para.2range 范围C-Centigrade or Celsiusturbine nozzle 涡轮导向器Para.3consequent 随之发生的,结果的Para.4kerosene, cerosine 煤油light, lit or lighted 点燃blow, blew,bl

25、own 吹 alight 燃烧的Para.5flame tube 火焰筒liner 衬筒meter, metering 调节配量Para.6snout 进气锥体downstream 下游,顺流swirl vane 旋流叶片perforated flare 带孔的喇叭管primary combustion zone 主燃区upstream 上游,逆流promote 促进,引起recirculation 环流,回流Para.7secondary air hole 二股气流孔toroidal vortex 喇叭口形涡流anchor, anchoring 锚,固定hasten 促进,加速droplet

26、 小滴ignition temperature 燃点Para.8conical 锥形的intersect 相交turbulence 紊流break up, breaking up 分裂,破碎incoming 进来的Para.9nozzle guide vane 涡轮导向叶片amount to 占比例, 达到progressively 逐渐地dilution zone 掺混区remainder 剩余物insulate M from N 使 M 与 N 隔离Para.10,11electric spark 电火花igniter plug 点火塞self-sustained 自持的Para.12ai

27、rstream = airflowdistinct = different typeinjection 喷射,喷入ejection 喷射,喷出atomize 使雾化spray nozzle 喷嘴pre-vaporization 预蒸发Para.13vapor 蒸汽vaporize 蒸发vaporizer 蒸发器feed tube 供油管vaporizing tube 蒸发管atomizer flame tube 装有雾化喷嘴的火焰筒Para.14multiple (combustion) chamber 分管燃烧室tubo-annular (combustion) chamber 环管燃烧室c

28、annular (combustion) chamber 环管燃烧室annular (combustion) chamber 环形燃烧室Para.15F.g.4-6Para.16dispose 布置delivery 排气Para.17interconnect 互相连通propagate 传播Para.18bridge a gap between 填补空白,使连接起来evolutionary 发展,演变arrangement 结构overhaul 大修compactness 紧凑性Para.19contain 包含,安装be open to 与相通Para.20elimination 消除pro

29、pagation 传播Para.21virtually 实际上oxidize 氧化carbon monoxide 一氧化碳non-toxic 无毒的carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Para.22aerate, aerating 吹气,供气over-rich pocket 过富区fuel vapour 燃油蒸汽carbon formation 积碳形成Para.23incur 招致extinction 熄灭relight 重新点燃perform, performing 完成,执行spray nozzle atomizer 喷嘴雾化器Para.25intensity 强度compact 紧凑

30、的exceptionally 格外地,特别地Para.26calorific value 热值British thermal unit (BTU)英国热量单位=252 卡expenditure 使用,消耗Para.27altitude cruise 高空巡航Para.29weak limit 贫油极限rich limit 富油极限extinguish 熄灭extinguisher 灭火器dive 俯冲idle, idling 空载,慢速mixture strength 混合物浓度Para.30stability loop 稳定区Para.32emission 排放物pollutant 污染物c

31、reate 产生,形成legislatively 立法地hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物oxides of nitrogen 氧化氮Para.34suppression 抑制desirable 合乎需要的conflict 冲突compromise 折中combustor 燃烧室substantially 实际上Para.35coating 涂层insulation 隔热,隔离Para.36corrosion 腐蚀creep failure 蠕变失效fatigue 疲劳Part 5Para.1accessory, accessories 附件solely = onlyextract, extr

32、acting 提取to expose M to N 使 M 暴露于 NM is exposed to NPara.2torque 扭矩Para.3intermediate 中间的interpose 置于 之间to be derived from 从获得, 取自free-power turbine 自由动力涡轮to be independent of不受的限制Para.4mean 平均的 deflection 偏转in proportion to 按比例sectional thickness 截面厚度disproportionately 不相称地Para.5broadly 主要地aerofoil

33、 shape 翼型形状impulse turbine 冲击式涡轮reaction turbine 反作用式涡轮incorporate 采用cartridge starter 弹药筒式起动机air starter 空气起动机Para.7to force ones way into 有力地冲入spin 旋转whirl 旋转Para.8to be governed by 取决于, 由决定substantially 实际上, 大体上excessive 过分的residual 剩余的,剩余detrimental = harmfulstrut 支柱, 支杆Para.9twist, twisted 带扭向的

34、stagger angle 斜罩角Para.10mean section 中间截面Para.12self-aligning coupling 自动调节联轴器Para.15machined forging 机加锻件flange 法兰,安装边bolt 螺栓, 用螺栓联结perimeter 周边,圆周to have provision for为作好准备attachment 联接, 安装Para.16heat conduction 热传导Para.17degree of reaction 反力度Para.18 fix 确定, 决定, trailing edge 排气边so as to (do) 为了p

35、revent M (from) +ing Para.19attach 联接, 安装fixing 联接have a bearing on 对有影响rim speed 轮缘速度de Laval bulb root 圆头叶根supersede 代替, 取代fir-tree fixing 纵树榫头联接involve 需要 , 要求serration 榫齿stiffen 加劲, 固牢Para.20contraction 收缩shroud 叶冠fit 配备 , 安装segment 部分, 片peripheral 外围的 , 周边的abradable lining 易磨涂层A.C.C. -active cl

36、earance controlshroudless blade 无冠叶片Para.21revolve 旋转extract 提取conventional 常规的Para.22impractical 不实际的dual alloy disc 双金属轮盘blisk 整体叶轮cast 铸造bond 粘接Para.23match 匹配nozzle guide vane 涡轮导向叶片back pressure 反压surge 喘振choke 壅塞,阻塞Para.24obstacle 障碍impart to给与tensile stress 拉应力limiting factor 限制因素Para.25endur

37、e 承受nickel alloy 镍合金ceramic coating 陶瓷涂层enhance 增强Para.26resistance 抵抗,耐fatigue cracking 疲劳破坏Para.27ferritic 铁素体terrific 可怕的,极妙的austenitic 奥氏体alloying element 合金元素extend 延长fatigue resistance 抗疲劳性powder metallurgy 粉末冶金Para.28in connection with 关于,与有关glowing red-hot 赤热发光ounce 盎施=28.35 gbending load 弯曲

38、载荷thermal shock 热冲击corrosion 腐蚀oxidization 氧化Para.29foregoing 前面的, 上述的it follows that 因此, 可见permissible 允许的metallurgist 冶金学家Para.30creep 蠕变finite useful life 有限使用寿命failure 失效Para.31forge 锻造forging 锻件cast 铸造creep property 蠕变性能fatigue property 疲劳性能Para.32reveal 揭示 , 显示a myriad of 无数crystal 晶体equi-axed

39、 等轴的service life 使用寿命directional solidification 定向凝固useful creep life 有效蠕变寿命single crystal blade 单晶叶片substantially 实质上, 显著地Para.33reinforced ceramic 加固陶瓷Para.34balancing 平衡operation 工序in view of 考虑到Part 6Para.1aero 航空的pass 排送resultant thrust 合成推力,总推力create 引起,产生contribute 提供absorb 吸收exert an influen

40、ce on对产生影响 jet pipe 尾喷管propelling nozzle 推力喷管outlet nozzle 出口喷管Para.2distortion 扭曲, 变形cracking 产生裂纹Para.3thrust reverser 推力反向装置noise suppressor 消音器entail 需要 , 要求low by-pass engine 低涵道比发动机 mixer unit 掺混装置encourage 促进Para.4exhaust cone 排气锥hold 保持residual whirl 剩余旋流strut 支板straighten 整流Para.5in relatio

41、n to对来说choked 壅塞, 阻塞upstream total pressure 上游总压pressure thrust 压力推力momentum 动量Para.6wastage 损失, 消耗with advantage 有效地convergent-divergent nozzle 收扩喷管recover 重新获得Para.7flared 扩张的restriction 限制progressively 逐渐地longitudinal 纵向的Para.9fixed area nozzle 固定面积喷口variable area nozzle 可变面积喷口offset 抵消Para.13nic

42、kel 镍titanium 钛ventilate, ventilating 通风lag, lagging 用隔热材料保护insulating blanket 隔热层fibrous 纤维状的stainless steel 不锈钢dimple 使起波纹acoustically absorbent material 吸声材料Para.14double-wall construction 双壁结构induce 引导ejector action 喷射器作用engine nacelle 发动机短舱Para.15streamline fairing 流线型整流板vent hole 通气孔Para.16chute 斜道bonded honeycomb structure 粘接的蜂窝结构integrated nozzle assembly 整体喷管部件lightweight strength 低重强度


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