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1、 http:/航海英语自学教材第二章 海图图书资料第三节 航海出版物(灯标表,天文表,海员手册,大洋航路)_ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts D AAdmiralty Sailing DirectionsBAdmiralty List of SignalsCMariners HandbookDAdmiralty Notices to Mariners_ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including tex

2、tual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral ;cardinal ,isolated danger;safe water and special marks CAOcean Passages for the World(NP136)BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)DThe Mariners Handbook(NP100)_ gives da

3、ily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters for over 230 standard and 6,000 secondary ports in the world AAAdmiralty Tide TablesBAdmiralty Tidal Stream AtlasesCAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)_ gives listings of all lighthouses,lightships,lit

4、floating marks(over 8m in height) ,fog signals and lights of navigational significance DAOcean Passages for the World(NP136)BAdmiralty List of Radio SignalsCIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)DAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals_ is a comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form of all

5、 Admiralty Charts and Publications worldwide(link to Admiralty Charts)listed by regionDAOcean Passages for the World(NP136)BSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011CIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)DCatalogue of Admiralty Charts and Publications (NP131)_ offers a detailed desc

6、ription of tidal theory and its application to the analysis and prediction of tides and tidal streams CAOcean Passages for the World(NP136)BAdmiralty Tidal Stream AtlasesCAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)http:/_ outlines the Admiralty method of Harmonic tidal anal

7、ysis for long and short observation periods plus a volume on datums for hydrographic surveysAOcean Passages for the World(NP136)BAdmiralty Tidal Stream AtlasesCAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)A certificated lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat should _Abe

8、 the first individual to board the craftBdrain the hydraulic pressure before lowering the craftChave a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboatDAll of the aboveA crew member has just fallen overboard off your port sideWhich action should you take _Aimmediately put the rudder over hard rightBimme

9、diately put the rudder over hard leftCimmediately put the engines asternDwait until the stern is well clear of the man and then put the rudder over hard rightA flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessels stability by _Aincreasing the righting momentBdecreasing the vessels d

10、isplacementCincreasing the reserve buoyancyDshifting the CG(center of gravity)off centerA life line must be connected to the liferaft _Aat the bowBat the sternCin the middleDall aroundA life preserver or buoyant work vest is required to be worn on a ship when a person is _AWorking on the rig floorBW

11、orking over waterCWorking on the pipe racksDOperating line throwing equipmentA liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water _Ashould be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder,holding the righting straps,and leaning backwardsBshould be righted by standing on the life line,holding th

12、e righting straps,and leaning backwardsCwill right itself when the canopy tubes inflateDmust be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itselfA light signal consisting of three flashes means _http:/AI am in doubt as to your actionsBMy engines are full speed asternCI desire to overtake

13、youDI am operating astern propulsionA line of position derived from a Loran reading is a section of a(n)_AStraight lineBArcCParabolaDHyperbolaA line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a _ACircle of equal altitudeBParallel of declinationCParallel of altitudeDVertical circleA man

14、 aboard a vessel,signaling by raising and lowering his outstretched arms to each side,is indicating _Adanger,stay awayBall is clear,it is safe to passCall is clear,it is safe to approachDa distress signalA person who sees someone fall overboard should _Aimmediately jump in the water to assist the in

15、dividualBgo to the bridge for the distress flaresCrun to the radio room to send an emergency messageDcall for help and keep the individual in sightA sweep oar is an oar that is _Agenerally shorter than the others and is used to steer withBis longer than the others and is used as the stroke oarCis ra

16、ised in the bow of the boat for the steersman to steer byDlonger than the others used for steeringA vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the _ADistress positionBSpoken words“Mayday ,Mayday,Mayday”CShips nameDShips call lettersAboard a su

17、rvival craft,ether can be used to _Astart the engine in cold weatherBaid in helping personnel breatheCprime the sprinkler systemhttp:/Dprime the air supplyAccording to the regulations,the capacity of a liferaft is required to be marked _AOn the Muster ListBAt the liferaft stowage locationCOn the Cer

18、tificate of InspectionDIn the Operations ManualAdmiralty EasyTide _Ahas little use for ocean-going marinersBpermits the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven daysCincludes periods of daylight and nautical twilight, moon phases and a springs a

19、nd neaps indicatorDis supplied in the form of a single CD which contains the calculation program and the seven geographic Area Data Sets(ADS)providing global coverageAfter being launched from a vessel,totally enclosed survival craft which have been afloat over a long period require _Afrequent openin

20、g of hatches to permit entry of fresh airBregular checks of bilge levelsCuse of ear plugs to dampen engine noiseDfrequent flushing of the water spray system with fresh waterAfter being rescued from the vessel accident,the people agreed that they had much to _AthankBbe thankfulCbe thankedDbe thankful

21、 forAfter jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected listYou find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded legYour next course of action should be to _AJack the vessel back up to a safe heightBProceed on to your next destination since the list is unimportantCPump out all ballast to

22、gain reserve buoyancyDNotify the Coast GuardAfter launching,an inflatable raft should be kept dry inside by _AOpening the automatic drain plugsBDraining the water pocketsCUsing the electric bilge pumpDUsing the bailers and cellulose spongeAfter putting on a self-contained breathing apparatus,you ope

23、n the air supply and hear a continuous ringing of a bellWhat does this mean _AThe unit is working properlyBThe face mask is not sealed properlyCThe air bottle needs to be refilledhttp:/DThe air supply hose has a leakAfter the boat is at the top of the davit heads,the davit arms begin moving up the t

24、racks and are stopped by the _Ahoist manBlimit switchCbrake handleDpreventer barAll vessel personnel should be familiar with the survival crafts _Aboarding and operating proceduresBmaintenance scheduleCnavigational systemsDfuel consumption ratesAn immersion suit should be equipped with a/an _AAir bo

25、ttle for breathingBWhistle and hand held flareCWhistle, strobe light and reflective tapeDWhistle, hand held flare and sea dye markerAn inflatable liferaft is hand-launched by _Apulling a cordBcutting the wire restraining bandsCremoving the rubber packing stripDthrowing the entire container overboard

26、An inflatable liferaft should be manually released from its cradle by _Acutting the straps that enclose the containerBremoving the rubber sealing strip from the containerCloosening the turnbuckle on the securing strapDpushing the button on the hydrostatic releaseAn on-load release system on a surviv

27、al craft means the cable can be released _Aonly when the load is taken off the cableBonly when there is a load on the cableConly when activated by the controls at the lowering stationDat any timeAn orange flag showing a black circle and square is a _ASignal indicating a course changeBDistress signal

28、CSignal of asking to communicate with another vesselDSignal indicating dangerhttp:/Attention is _ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariners Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1AFixed toBNeeded forCPushed toDDrawn toBefore personnel are lifted from a vessel in a personnel basket,the vessel should be _A

29、Directly under the boomBMoving away from the boomCStopped dead in the waterDTied to the boomFor details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be _AconsideredBconsultedCconcludedDcommandedImportant changes to charts and lights(including temporary ones) ,radio si

30、gnals and sailing directions are listed in _AWeekly Admiralty Notices to MarinersBThe Mariners Handbook(NP100)COcean Passages for the World(NP136)DSymbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found

31、in which publication _AList of LightsBCoast PilotCSailing DirectionsDList of RadiobeaconsLight Lists for coastal waters are _Apublished every year and require no correctionsBpublished every second year and must be correctedCpublished every five years and require no correctionDaccurate thru NM number

32、 on title page and must be correctedLines drawn through points on the Earth having the same atmospheric pressure are known as _AIsothermalBMillibarsCIsobarsDSeismicsMany of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by _APowerhttp:/BTowerCCoverDShowerMariners not enteri

33、ng the port are _ to keep at least one mile offAAdvisedBReportedCCompliedDSuppliedMean high water is the average height of _AThe higher high watersBThe lower high watersCThe lower of the two daily tidesDAll high watersOf the following,_ is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100) Anavigation

34、al hazards and buoyage,meteorological data,details of pilotage,regulations,port facilities and guides to major port entryBinformation on chartsCinformation on operational information and regulationDinformation on tides,currents and characteristics of the seaOn a voyage from Capetown to London,the fa

35、vorable ocean current off the coast of Africa is the _ACanary CurrentBBenguela CurrentCAgulhas CurrentDSouth Atlantic CurrentOn an Atlantic Ocean voyage from New York to Durban,South Africa,you should expect the Agulhas Current to present a strong _Aoffshore setBonshore setChead currentDfair or foll

36、owing currentThe Coast Radio Stations are found in _AAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsBAdmiralty Maritime CommunicationsCAdmiralty List of Radio SignalsDAdmiralty Digital List of LightsThe daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard Ports are g

37、iven in _AAdmiralty Maritime CommunicationsBAdmiralty Tide Tableshttp:/Ca comprehensive guide for the yachtsmanDALRSThe information on _ is not likely found in The Mariners Handbook(NP100) AIALA Buoyage systemBhydrography,topography,navigational aids and their servicesCbasic meteorology and navigati

38、on in ice and hazards and restrictions to navigationDinformation on tides,currents and characteristics of the seaThe information on ocean voyage planning with routeing details for powered and sailing vessels is likely found in _AOcean Passages for the World(NP136)BSymbols and Abbreviations used on A

39、dmiralty Charts,Chart 5011CWeekly Admiralty Notices to MarinersDThe Mariners Handbook(NP100)The international number,location and/or name,geographical co-ordinates,characteristics and intensity,elevation in metres,range in sea miles and description of structure of a light can be found in _AOcean Pas

40、sages for the World(NP136)BAdmiralty List of Radio SignalsCIALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)DAdmiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsThe latest known details of lights are given in _Agives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard PortsBlists the

41、principal harmonic constants for all those ports where they are known,for use for prediction by the Simplified Harmonic Method of Tidal PredictionCis a comprehensive guide for the yachtsmanDpermits the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven da

42、ysThe light vessel is reported _Ato be destroyedBto be demolishedCto be ruinedDto be spoiledThe Lists of Meteorological Observation Stations can be found in _AALRSBALLCAMCDATTThe major tidal streams for selected waters of North West Europe are shown in diagrammatic form in _http:/AAdmiralty Tidal St

43、ream AtlasesBAdmiralty Tidal Stream AtlasesCAdmiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)DAdmiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)The program of graphical predictions of height against time for a period of up to seven consecutive days is contained in _ASHMBAdmiralty TotalTideCAdmiralty EasyTideDOcean Passages for th

44、e WorldTo predict the actual depth of water using the Tide Tables,the number obtained from the Tide Tables is _Athe actual depthBadded to or subtracted from the charted depthCmultiplied by the charted depthDdivided by the charted depthWhat is the use of the books of Admiralty List of Lights and Fog

45、Signals? Their use is to _AMention signal stations and ice ,storm,traffic and port signalsBGive the international numbers of lightsCGive the correction of the lights and fog signalsDGive the information on the lights and fog signalsWhen an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the s

46、tandard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results _AIn the vessel s Official LogbookBOn the compass deviation cardCIn the compass deviation logDOn a Napier diagram第四节 海图及海图作业_ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes NorthwardATo considerBTo checkCTo examineDTo agree with_ is not a position-fixing systemAHifixBHyperfixCTrisponderDWGS84http:/_ the incomplete nature of the survey,heavy draught vessels are warned not to navigate with


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