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1、UNIT1 Translation A1.晚上过度劳累,第二天就可能会迟到。People are prone to be late for work when they have overworked the night before.2.玛丽感到陌生的地方难以辨别方向。Mary found it difficult to orientate herself in a strange place.3.这位工程师做了如何使用这台计算机的演示。The engineer gave a demonstration of how to use the computer.4许多大学都在开学第一天为新生开设

2、情况介绍会。Many universities provide an orientation course for freshmen at the first day of school.5推销员想尽一切可能的方法来促销公司的产品。The salesman tried every possible means to promote the sale of his companys products.6里奇教授精彩的讲座显示了他对该论题的学识。Professor Leach demonstrated his knowledge of the subject by his excellent le

3、cture.7在春天阴晴不定的天气里,小孩子更容易感冒。Children are more prone to colds in the broken weather during the spring.8如果工作出色能经常导致加薪或晋升,工人们就会得到更大的激励。If excellent work results in frequent pay increases or promotions, the workers will have greater incentive.Translation B人们经常会认为,一个人收不收高等教育在工作能力上会有天壤之别。其实,这不能一概而论。道理很简单,

4、书本并非传授知识的唯一途径。历史上就有许多大人物从来没有进过大学之门。高等落榜显然不是件愉快事,但是,只要你能够以积极态度接受这个失败,那么, 这种失败定会有利于你以其他方式造就自己。重要的是要防止就此认为自己没有出息而而自暴自弃。People tend to think that university education makes a world of difference in a persons ability. This belief, however, cannot be reasonably applied to all the cases, quite simply becau

5、se books are not the only approach to knowledge. History has seen many great people without university education at all. Obviously, failure in the national matriculation is never pleasurable, but accepted positively, it will surely contribute to your personal development in some other ways. It is im

6、portant to resist the natural impulse to regard yourself as a failure.UNIT2 Translation A1.每天下午他要处理大量的信件。He has a great deal of correspondence to deal with every afternoon.2.我为自己在第一轮就被淘汰而感到羞愧。I am ashamed of myself for being eliminated in the first round.3.他从来不喜欢咖啡,总是更愿喝杯茶。He has never liked coffee,

7、 and (has) always had a preference for a cup of tea.4.老师叫那个学生把作文中的那些下流话全删掉。The teacher asked the pupil to eliminate all the four-letter words from his composition.5.自我形象对一个人的成就有着重要影响。Self-image has an important effect on a persons accomplishments.6.尽管他与许多世界要人通信,他买的信封信笺却都是些便宜货。Although he corresponde

8、d with many of the worlds very important people, his stationery and envelopes were all bought at a very low price.7.如果我来决定学英语还是日语,我会毫不犹豫的选择后者。Were it left for me to decide whether to learn English or Japanese, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.8.其切斯特终于完成了他想完成的事业-单枪匹马环球航行。Chichester

9、 had done what he wanted to accomplish - to sail round the world single-handed.Translation B一间布置典雅的办公室一定会人个好印象。人们往往花费许多钱去装潢办公室,但效果却并不理想。其实,最贵最花哨的不一定是最佳装饰品。如果你自己不太懂怎样布置办公室,我劝你去请教在这方面在行的人,这对于天天在办公室里接待客人和洽谈生意的人尤为重要。An office decorated with much taste is bound to create a favourable impression on people

10、. In many cases, people spend a great deal of money decorating their offices, but the result can be unsatisfactory. As a matter of fact, the highest-priced or fanciest is not necessarily the best for your office. If your taste in room decoration is rather poor, I recommend that you seek the advice o

11、f a good decorator. This is especially important for those who receive their guests or do business with their customers in their offices on a daily basis.UNIT 3 Translation A 1. 教科书后面附有详细的词汇表。The text-book is supplemented by an adequate glossary.2. 看看电视,打打牌,星期天就这样过去了。The Sunday passed in alternation

12、 between watching TV and playing cards.3. 形势正朝着有利于我们的方向发展。The situation is developing in a direction favourable to us.4. 如果没有煤,就必须寻找其他的燃料资源。It is necessary to find alternative sources of fuel when coal is not available.5. 这份杂志的圣诞增刊登载了几部完整的短篇小说。The magazine has a Christmas supplement of some complete

13、 stories.6. 业余爱好是人们在日常工作之余所从事的活动或兴趣爱好。Hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside of ones regular work.7. 所以十三个殖民州都赞成废除印花税法案。All the thirteen colonies were in favour of the repeal of the Stamp Act.8. 我父亲一生从事科学研究。My father was engaged in scientific pursuits all his life.Translation B许多人把一时一事的刺激当

14、做人生的幸福,从而以喝酒赌博等不理智的手段追求它。结果这些人及时有了幸福生活的物质条件,还常常会感到生活很痛苦。真正生活幸福的人有个共同之处,那就是,他们总是乐意奉献。他们所从事的社会活动不仅本身给人以兴趣,而且其结果还有益于公众。Many people tend to equate the excitement in one thing at a time with happiness of life, and pursue it unwisely by means of drinking or gambling, etc. Consequently, even if they have a

15、ll the material conditions of happiness, they can often feel profoundly unhappy.Truly happy people have one thing in common, i.e. they always take pleasure in giving. Their social activities can not only be enjoyable on their own account, but also build up something that will benefit the public.UNIT

16、 4 Translation A1.请不要偏离主题,所剩时间不多了。Please dont digress from the main point , there is hardly any time left.2.信中可能有疏落不当之处,务请海涵。I must ask your kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may possibly occur in my letter.3 许多公司被邀请参加万国博览会。Many companies were invited to participate in the inte

17、rnational exposition.4.言归正传,让我进一步分析一下这个句子吧。Let me cut short this digression, and make a further analysis of this sentence.5.只有在这样的场合他才开怀畅饮。It was only on an occasion like this that he indulged himself with drinks.6.玛丽沉溺于她的业余爱好,即收集各种铅笔刀。Mary is indulging in her favorite hobby-collecting pencil-sharpe

18、ners.7.为了避免重复使用名词,我们常用代词来替代。To avoid the repetition of nouns, we often have pronouns as their substitutes.8.他们的许多人很快就成为的商人和社区事务的积极参与者。Many of them soon become successful merchants and active participants in community affairs.Translation B 你若想在观光游览时不见感到赏心悦目而且还有收获,首先自己要注意避免一些不良行为,比如,随地吐痰、乱抛杂物等。从正面来说,有

19、下面几点值得提倡:1 预先做好安排。2 通过旅游指南等书籍或者亲戚朋友的介绍,尽量了解你要去的地方的历史背景和风俗人情。3 在旅途中和游览时,主动与人交谈,谈吐文雅。4 去闹市走走,看看其他人都在做些什么。5 挤出点时间在你自己所属城市 转转,每次以一个新视角去观察它。In order to make your sightseeing not only enjoyable but also informative, you must first observe a certain number of donts such as spitting and littering. On the po

20、sitive side, there are a few things worth recommending, such as the following:1. Plan ahead.2. Through books such as Tour Guide or relatives and friends, get as much information as possible about the historical interest and the customs of the places you are planning to visit.3. During your journey a

21、nd sightseeing, break the ice by chatting in good manners with other passengers and tourists.4. Stroll through busy streets and see what everybody else is doing.5. Set aside some time to look around in your own city, and every time try to see it in a new light(perspective)UNIT5 Translation A1.史蒂芬森给他

22、的书定名为金银岛。R.L.Stevenson entitled his book “Treasure Island”.2.尽管侦探没有明说,但他暗示杀手来自伦敦。Although the detective did not say so exactly, he implied that the murderer was from London.3.教师微微一笑,这意味着她不相信小男孩所讲的事。The teacher smiled, with the implication that she did not believe the boys story.4. 梦被打断的人得不到好的休息,因而常会

23、变得烦躁不安。People whose dreams are interrupted lose the benefits of rest, and therefore tend to become irritable.5. 经过数年谈判,这两个民族之间的关系不再紧张了。After years of negotiation, the strained relations between the two nations no longer exist.6. 在我们的恼火转为愤怒之前,她走过来对我们说她要走了。Before our irritation could turn to anger, sh

24、e came to us and said that she was leaving.7. 牧师发现这位老妇人有资格享受一小笔残疾人抚恤金。The priest discovered that the old lady was entitled to a small disability pension.9. 吉姆是一位优秀的运动员,但是当他认为没有必要的时候,他从来不肯多花力气。Jim was an excellent athlete, but he never strained when he didnt feel it necessary.Translation B年轻人与老一代人之间,

25、除了在体质上有差别,在世界观方面也往往会存在很大的不同。有时侯会出现这种情况,两代人同住一套房,但是,他们的思维方式和行为举止却截然不同。出现这种种冲突的根本原因之一,是老一代人认为是他们以毕生精力创造了这个世界,自然就把他归属于他们自己;而年轻人没有过去这个包袱,所以他们思想解放,行为洒脱,确信他们有权利,有能力去创造一个新世界,不管怎么说,两代人如能互相理解,相互合作,世界一定会更美好。In addition to the physical difference, there is always a wide disparity between the young and the old

26、in their world outlooks. In some cases, two generations can share a house, but their ways of thinking and behaving are worlds apart. One of the basic reasons for this clash is that the older generation believe that it is they who have built up this present world all their lives and they are conditio

27、ned to identify the world as belonging to them: whereas the rising generation, free from the burden of the past, appreciate fresh thinking and unstrained behaviour, feeling sure that they have the right to create a new world and confident that they can make it, One thing is for sure, though,-communi

28、cation and cooperation between the two generations will make the world a better place for everybody.UNIT 6 Translation A1. 科学家们已经了解到地震会影响气候。Scientists have learned that earthquakes will influence the weather.2. 书桌上的鲜花是学生们敬爱老师的表示。The flowers on the desk are a manifestation of the students love for th

29、eir teacher.3 作者把书上的主人公描绘的栩栩如生。The author portrays the hero in the book to the life. 4 英语单词without可用来表示条件或假设。The English word “without” can be used to indicate a condition or a supposition.5 申请这份工作比一般所想象的要复杂得多。Applying for this job is much more complicated than is commonly supposed.6 孩子们以唱圣诞颂歌的方式来表现

30、他们的圣诞欢乐。The children manifested their Christmas joy by way of caroling.7.现在谁也无法否认电视的力量,它对我们的生活有着巨大的影响。Nowadays nobody can deny the power of TV. It has an enormous influence on our lives.8.英格里。褒曼因其精彩的表演而获得 1982 年艾米金像奖。Ingrid Bergmans stunning portrayal won her a 1982 Emmy.Translation B 人们要在没有共同文化背景这个

31、有利条件的情况下交谈的投机并且有收获,就不但要注意举止谈吐文雅,选择大家都感兴趣的话题,而且还要意识到跨文化差异,以免产生误会,听见带偏见的话莫要抑制住生气的冲动,并劝慰自己,人家并非由于伤害你。遇到这种情况,就从文化角度去澄清曲解,帮助他们改正不正确的观念,这才是积极的做法。A pleasurable and profitable conversation between people without, the benefit of a shared culture involves not only good manners and topics of a shared culture i

32、nvolves not only good manners and topics of mutual interest but also awareness of cross-cultural differences so as to prevent misinterpretations. On hearing stereotypical remarks, you are supposed to restrain the initial impulse to become angry and to persuade yourself into believing that the speake

33、rs do not mean to hurt you. In this case, it is considered positive to clarity the distortion from the cultural point of view and help them correct misperceptions.UNIT7 Translation A 1. 吴教授把他的一生都献给了教育事业。Professor Wu dedicated all his life to the cause of education.2. 为纪念革命烈士建造了一座纪念碑。A monument was b

34、uilt in dedication to the memory of revolutionary martyrs.3. 他因为虐待自己的父亲被判刑了 6 个月。He was sentenced to six months imprisonment for his abusive treatment of his own father.4. 几经讨款未果,他对债务人提出了起诉。After repeated but fruitless demands for payment, he brought a suit against the debtor.5. 不管气候条件如何,这块地总是保持高产稳产

35、。The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.6. 为调查政府中滥用职权的行为成立了一个委员会。A committee was set up to investigate the abuses of the positions in the government.7. 他这次参加了两个最艰巨的奥运会比赛项目。This time he took part in two most demanding Olympic events.8. 那时我十九岁,自认为是六十年代青年反主流文化。At th

36、e time I was nineteen, and regarded myself as part of the sixties “youth counterculture”.Translation B 现在有些教师厌倦教书:出现这种现象的根本原因之一,是一些大学生受到国内当前正处在发展中的市场经济的影响,认为在大学里学的知识乏味而无用,只想在学校里轻轻松松混蛋毕业,靠关系找个好工作。教师也就很难提高这些怠惰学生的学习兴趣。这种令人不安的事实表明,我们的教育现状需要改进。Some university teachers are now tired of teaching. One of th

37、e basic reasons for this is that a number of students, influenced by the developing market economy in our country at present, regard classroom knowledge as dull and useless and only want to get through school the easy way and find an ideal job through connections. It is very difficult for the teache

38、rs to interest these apathetic students in their studies. This disturbing fact indicates that present education needs improving.UNIT8 Translation A1. 这个装置用来测量机器的温度的。This contrivance is used to record the temperature of the machine.2. 这家公司总算熬过了燃料严重短缺的难过。The company was somehow able to sustain the sev

39、ere fuel shortage.3. 镇上的居民都投票赞成取消人头税。The townspeople voted unanimously for the abolition of its poll tax.4. 拆除那座旧城堡费了他们好多时间和精力。The demolition of the old castle took them a lot of time and energy.5. 那座旧房子已被拆除 ,代之而起的是一座新宿舍大楼。The old house was demolished and a new dormitory building took its place.6. 通

40、过巧妙的辩解,他设法赢得了该党所有领导人的支持。Through clever arguments he contrived to win support of all the party leaders.7. 作为这个组织的主席,他的目标之一是非处种族隔离制度。One of his goals as President of the organization was to abolish apartheid.8. 如果地球上的人口继续以现在的速度增长,所剩的资源将不足以维持地球上的生命。If the population of the earth goes on increasing at i

41、ts present rate, there will not be enough resources left to sustain life on the planet.Translation B要提高学校的教学质量,就必须要努力发挥教师和学生双方的积极性;还要大胆而又审慎地不断修正课程,更新教学内容;然而,着眼于未来的教育工程不见要包括给学生传授基础科技知识,还要包括建立一个由家庭。社会和学校组成的综合教育环境,让学生自己培养社会责任心,发现自我价值,懂得尊重劳动。这样培养出来的学生一定能为他们自己建立一个更美好的未来世界。To improve the result of teachin

42、g and learning in school, effort should be made to bring into full play the initiative of both teachers and students. Besides, open-mindedness as well as prudence must be exercised in revising curricula regularly and updating teaching content. A future-focused education project should include not on

43、ly the teaching of the basic knowledge of science and technology, but also the development of a comprehensive educative environment that involves home, community responsibility, discover their personal significance and learn to respect labour. Thus cultivated, the students are surely able to create

44、a better world for themselves.UNIT 1-8要识别英美人之间的不同特征不容易,但是他们对空间在生活中的意义的不同理解是很明显的。当一个美国人不开心的时候,他就把自己关在房间里;而英国人由于从小没有他们自己的房间,从来没有吧空间作为躲开别人的避难所的做法,所以,英国人走进房间,关上房门,不一定是不开心的迹象。It is by no means easy to identify the contrasting features of the Americans and the English. However, their difference in underst

45、anding the significance of space in their daily life is quite obvious.When an American feels unhappy, he will shut himself off in a room; the English, on the other hand, having no rooms of their own since childhood, have never developed the practice of using space as a refuge from others. Therefore,

46、 if an Englishman goes into a room and shuts the door, it does not necessarily mean that he is unhappy.UNIT 9 Translation A1. 我回到家是,客人们已经把帐结清了。By the time I arrived home, the guests had already settled their accounts.2. 请在 B 栏中找出最符合 A 栏每个斜体词的释义。Choose the definitions from Column B that best match it

47、alicized words in Column A.3. 我在双方之间进行调停,试图友好地解决争端。I intervened between the two parties and tried to settle the dispute in a friendly way.4. 由于手头拮据,他极力反对去青岛旅游的计划。Being short of money, he vigorously opposed the plan for a trip to Qingdao .5.理解是一种双向活动;学问不光是了解许多事实。Understanding is a two-way operation;

48、learning dose not consist simply in knowing a lot of facts.6.在某些争论中,男孩子和女孩子总是站在对立的两边。Boys and girls are always on opposing sides of some arguments.7.在某些国家,移居者通常指那些变化住地一年或者一年以上的人。Migrants are commonly defined in some countries as persons who change their residence for a year or more.8.在苏格兰,陪审团由十五人组成,

49、不想英格兰那样只由十二人组成。In Scotland, the jury consists of fifteen people, not twelve as in England.Translation B众所周知,知识就是力量。若无知识,青年人难成社会栋梁。想要掌握渊博的知识,首先要在学校里努力学习,这并不是说知识只是书本里才有。在大多数情况下,书本知识代替不了社会实践知识。为此,年轻人还应该热诚地向有经验的人学习,向社会学习,把这样做看做是获得知识不可或缺的一个途径。总之,有志的青年人应该坚持不懈从各方面获得知识。It is known to all that knowledge is power. Young people without knowledge cannot expect to become assets to society. In order to acquire profound knowledge, they should strive to study well in school in the first place. This d


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