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1、There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 To tell the truth 说实话 As we know 据我们所知 It is a common saying that 俗话说 Its hard to imagine 很难想象 Its hard to say There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 To tell the truth 说实话 As we know 据我们所知All this shows that 一切都表明 It has been proved that 证明这个 To be frank 坦白说 It is true that we must

2、make our greater efforts 我们必须尽我们最大努力 I take it for granted that 我认为 In a certain sense 在某种意义中 There is no denying the fact that 无可否认 Apart from 除了之外 In a word 总的来说 For my part 就我而言 From what has been discussed above 通过上面的讨论 (1)表并列关系的过渡词:and, also, as well, as well as, or, too, not onlybut also, both

3、 and, either or, neithernor(2)表 递进关系的 过渡词: besides, in addition(加之,除 之外), moreover(此外,而且), whats more, whats worse(3)表 转折对 比的过渡词:but, however, yet, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, although, different from, despite, in pite of, whereas, unlike, nevertheless, not onlybut also, herethere,

4、years agotoday, thisthat, the formerthe latter, thennow, the first whereas the second, oncenow, on the one hand on the other hand, someothers(4)表原因的过渡词:because, because of, since, as, for, now that, thanks to, due to(由于)(5)表 结果的 过渡词:so, thus, therefore, as a result, so that, then, thereby, hence, so

5、that, suchthat (6)表条件的过渡词:if, unless, on condition that, as/so long as (7)表 时间的 过渡词:when, while, after, before, until, as soon as, later, afterwards, soon, lately, recently, since, from then on, eventually, in the meantime, then, suddenly, at the same time, next, early this morning / year / century,

6、 after a while, in a few days, now, presently, finally, at last, all of a sudden, form now on, at present, immediately, the moment(8)表特定的顺序关系的过渡词:first, firstly, second, secondly, third, thirdly, above all, first of all, then, next, finally, in the end, at last, afterward(s)(后来), meanwhile(几乎同时), th

7、ereafter(在那以后), last, finally, eventually(终于)(9)表 换一种方式表达的 过渡词: in other words, that is to say, to put it another way(10 )表 进行 举例说明的过 渡词: for instance, for example, like, such as (11 )表 陈述事 实的过渡词 : in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth (12 )表 强调 的过渡词: certainly, indeed, above

8、 all, surely, most important, in fact, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously(13 )表比 较 的过渡词:like, unlike, in the same way, similarly, similar to(14 )表目的的过渡词:for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to(15 )表 总结 的过渡词: in a word(总之,简言之), in general, in short(总之), above all,

9、 after all, generally speaking, to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in summary2. 文章段落之间的逻辑关系主要由过渡词来完成,在修辞中称为启、承、转、合。 “启”就是开头, “承”是承接, “转”是转折, “合” 是综合或总结。(1)用于 “启 ”的过渡词语 用于表示“启”的过渡词或过渡性的语句通常用在段落或文章的开头:first, first of all, at first, in the first place, firstly, to being with, to start with, re

10、cently, now, at present, in recent years, in general, generally speaking, at present, lately, currently, It is often said that, As the proverb says, It goes without saying that, It is clear/obvious that, Many people often ask (2)用于 “承 ”的过渡词语 表示“承”的过渡词或过渡性的语句通常用在段落中的第一个扩展句中:second, similarly, in addi

11、tion, besides, then, furthermore, moreover, what is more, what is worse, for example, for instance, certainly, surely, obviously, in other words, especially, particularly, in particular, indeed, still, third, truly, in fact, at the same time, no doubt,It is true that,Everybody knows that,It can be e

12、asily proved that,No one can deny thatThe reason why is that ,There is no doubt that,To takefor an example (instance) ,We know that,What is more serious is that(3)用于 “转 ”的过渡词语 用于“转”的过渡词或过渡性的语句通常用在段落中的第二个扩展句中:but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, in any case, at any rate(无论如何

13、), nevertheless(虽然如此), otherwise, or, or else, while, whereas, but, despite, in spite of ., yet, instead,I do not believe that,Perhaps youll ask whyThis may be true, but we still have a problem with regard to,Though we are in basic agreement with , yet differences will be found, Thats why I feel tha

14、t(4)用于 “合 ”的过渡词语 用于“合”的过渡词或过渡性的语句通常用在段落的结论句或文章的结论段中:in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking,to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in summary, therefore, as a result, above all, thus,after all(毕竟), eventually, hence, in short, in conclusion, in a word, in sum(总

15、之),on the whole(就整体而言), to sum upFrom this point of view On account of this we can find that The result is dependent on be faced with new opportunities and challenges 面临新的机遇和挑战 it is commonly belleved/recognized that 人们普遍认为 the inevitable result of social development 社会发展的必然结果 arouse wide public con

16、cern/draw public attention 引起了广泛的公众关注 it is undeniable that/There is no denying that不可否认 a heated discussion/debate 热烈的讨论/ 争论 a controversial issue 有争议性的问题 a totally different argument 完全不同的观点 some peoplewhile others 一些人而另外一些人 reach an absolute consensus on就达到绝对的一致 he rapid development of economy 经济

17、的快速发展 the remarkable improvement/steady growth of peoples living standard 人民的生活水平显著提高/稳步增长 advanced science and technology 先进的科学技术be indispensable to 对必不可少 As the proverb goes 正如谚语所说 be no exception也不例外 exert positive/negative effects on对 产生有利/不利的影响lead to /result in 导致 a complicated social phenomen

18、on 复杂的社会现象 sense of responsibility/sense of achievement 责任感/成就感 sense of competition and cooperation 竞争与合作精神 widen ones horizon/broaden ones vision 开阔眼界 acquire knowledge and skills 学习知识和技能 be supported by sound reasons 有充分的理由支持 argument on both sides 双方的论点 play an increasingly important role in 发挥着

19、日益重要的作用 make joint efforts 做出共同的努力 be beneficial/conducive to对有益 make contribution to the society 对社会做出贡献 lay a solid foundation for打下坚实的基础 comprehensive quality 综合素质 blameless/beyond reproach 无可非议 be devoted to投身于 Admittedly 应当承认 unshakable duty 不可推卸的义务 satisfy/meet the needs of满足需求financial burden

20、/psychological burden 经济/心理负担 take many factors into account/consideration 考虑到诸多因素 from another perspective 从另一个角度 I think the best attitude toward life is to keep your humor on and show your smile to what happens. 人生在世,八方风雨;不妨一笑,淡然处之。Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you mak

21、e a rainbow without a little rain?大家都想得到幸福,却不愿承担痛苦。可不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹? Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. But today is a gift.昨日已逝,明天尚远,今天才是老天赐予的礼物。The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你

22、的成长历程就会出现飞跃。一位教授演讲时拿出 20 美元,他问学生谁要这 20 美元,台下的人纷纷举手。教授将钱扔到地上用脚碾过,又问谁要,台下依旧有人举手。教授说:“我如此对待这张钱币,你们依旧想要,是因为它没有因为我的践踏而贬值,人生亦是如此。人生的价值不在于他人的赞赏或批评,而是取决于我们自身。 ”We have so many needs in our life, but ultimately, all we need is to be needed. 生命中,我们总是有那么多的渴求和需要。然而归根结底,我们最渴求的,不过是被人需要。utilize 指充分发挥某物的作用,使无用的东西变有

23、用,或使人或物有新用途。I dont think complaints will avail you much.我觉得抱怨对你没多大用处。We avail ourselves of every opportunity to speak English.我们利用一切机会讲英语。To tell you the truth, I dont feel well. Means to be honest or actually.Whats your trouble? Means 你哪里不舒服?你有什么问题?Ive got no appetite. I dont want to eat anything.*

24、Can I take a rain check? Means change a date or on an object such as take a rain check on the coffee. Jin, my sister will be coming to Shenzhen next week, why dont you come over next Sunday to meet her?I wish I could. But Im afraid Ill be out on business by then. Can I take a rain check? Ill go and

25、take a look right away. Right away means immediately.For ages means a long time. Looks pale means looks plain.Common sayingIf you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the sweetness of honey?We should not only know the theory but also know how to apply it to practice.Ill do it on my own way. 我用我自己的方法。This is the first thing to do. 首先应做这个。Working field:What salary will you be expecting?How does this job appeal to you?When should I expect to hear from you?What are you greatest strengths?


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