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1、不要再数羊了:十种助你熟睡的食物1.Nonfat popcorn脱脂爆米花The carbohydrates in nonfat popcorn help bring the amino acid tryptophan into your brain, where its used to make a sleep-inducing neurotransmitter called serotonin. Since eating a heavy meal within two hours of bedtime can keep you awake, low-calorie popcorn (jus

2、t 93 calories in three cups popped) is a great late-night snack. Choose plain, fat-free popcorn and jazz it up with some curry powder.脱脂爆米花中含有的碳水化合物可以将色氨酸带入闹钟,合成一种称为血清素的神经递质,能够帮助睡眠。由于在睡前两个小时以内过量饮食会让人清醒,所以低卡路里的爆米花(三份爆米花仅含有93卡路里)是最好的深夜零食。选择普通的脱脂爆米花,再混一些咖喱粉让它更有风味。2.Halibut大比目鱼Halibut is packed with two

3、 building blocks for better sleep: tryptophan and vitamin B6, which has a mild flavor and meaty texture that appeals to finicky seafood eaters. Other foods high in tryptophan include poultry, beef, soybeans, milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts, and eggs.大比目鱼中有两种物质帮助人们更好地睡眠:色氨酸以及维生素 B6,而它的温和的口味以及厚实的口感定能吸引那些挑剔

4、的海鲜食客。其他含有高色氨酸的食物还包括家禽,牛肉,大都,牛奶,奶酪,酸奶,坚果还有蛋。3.Mango Lassi芒果优格Packed with antioxidants, protein, and vitamins, this treat satisfies your creamy, sweet craving as well as ice creamwithout the sugar bomb.富含抗氧化物,蛋白质还有维生素的芒果优格,绝对能够满足你对于冰激凌那种甜奶油的追求,更重要的是它含糖量很低。To make a mango lassi: cut up one fresh, peel

5、ed mango and put it in a blender. Add a handful of ice, a small scoop of plain Greek yogurt (go full fat, its more satiating!), and a splash of water or milk. Add a dash of stevia for extra sweetness if desired.要做一份芒果优格,你需要切一个新鲜去皮的芒果,把它放进搅拌机里。加入一些冰,再来一小勺原味酸奶(选用全脂的吧,更有满足感!) ,然后再放一点水或是牛奶。若想再甜一点可以加入一碟甜

6、叶菊。Dont like mangoes? Substitute frozen berries or watermelon!不喜欢芒果?用冷冻的草莓或者西瓜吧!4.Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)三角豆(鹰嘴豆)High-fiber garbanzo beans are rich in vitamin B6, which your body uses to produce serenity-boosting serotonin. Try adding garbanzo beans to salads, soups, and stews when you need sleep

7、. Or use this easy recipe for spiced red-pepper hummus to have a healthy snack on hand when you cant sleep.高纤维的三角豆富含维生素 B6,能够帮助体内生产安神的血清素。当你想睡觉的时候,在色拉,汤或者杂烩里加一点三角豆吧。或者再简单一点,做一份红椒鹰嘴豆泥,作为你失眠时候的小食吧。5.Chamomile Tea菊花茶This herbal drink lacks the caffeine found in traditional teas, and it has a calming ef

8、fect on the body. (Thats why its one of our favorite ingredients for these DIY spa treatments.) Also, a warm liquid before bed can make you sleepy by raising body temperature.相较于普通的茶饮,这款草本饮料咖啡因含量很低,同时还有着凝神的功效。 (这就是为什么菊花是我们自己做水疗时最喜欢加入的原料了)还有,睡前一杯热饮可以通过提升体内温度来增加睡意。6.Honey蜂蜜A rise in blood sugar can re

9、duce the production of orexin in the brain. Orexin is a recently discovered neurotransmitter thats been linked to wakefulness. Try drizzling a small amount of honey in your chamomile tea.血糖含量的增加可以抑制脑中食欲素的产生。食欲素近几年被发现时保持清醒的神经递质。试着在菊花茶中加入小量的蜂蜜。7.Dried tart cherries酸樱桃干A handful of dried cherries not o

10、nly provides the requisite serotonin-boosting carbs, its also one of few food sources of melatonin, which has been found to promote better sleep and lessen the effects of jet lag. Plus, tart cherries are packed with age-fighting antioxidants.一把干樱桃不仅提供凝神所必需的碳水化合物,它同样是褪黑激素的食源之一。褪黑激素被认为是增进睡眠质量并降低时差反应的物

11、质。但是,樱桃干中含有防腐的抗氧化剂。8.Turkey火鸡Turkey, not just for Thanksgiving anymore! The reason behind your epic after-Thanksgiving nap is also the secret to helping you sleep better. Tryptophan, an amino acid found in turkey, is known to help calm you down and naturally get you to sleep.火鸡不再是感恩节才吃的食物了!这也就是感恩节后,

12、睡眠质量好的秘密了。火鸡中发现的氨基酸色氨酸正是帮助你冷静,并自然入眠的物质。Not feeling the meat munchies? Try roasted pumpkin seeds (although be careful which kind you buy, as many cheap brands are roasted in rancid oils and soaked in salt).觉得火鸡不像小点心?试着吃一点烤南瓜子吧(需要注意你买的品种,很多便宜的南瓜子会用劣质油烤并且用盐浸泡。 )9.Banana “Soft Serve“香蕉软饮Frozen bananas t

13、urn into an ice-cream like confection with proper blending technique. The trick is to keep blending for several minutes. At first theyll just look slimy, but then air works its magic and they morph into a creamy, light treat. Add a handful of chopped peanuts for some belly-filling fat and that sweet

14、-and-salty flavor you crave.把冰冻的香蕉用合适的搅拌机打成类似于冰激凌的甜点。复杂的地方就是这可能要搅拌好几分钟了。刚开始可能感觉粘糊糊的,但是当空气渐渐打入香蕉糊的时候它就变成了奶油状的甜点了。再加一点能够填饱肚子的碎花生,你一定会喜欢这种咸甜交错的口味的。All the potassium in this treat will not only help you fall asleep faster but can prevent those awful charlie horses that wake you up.这道甜点中含有的钾元素不仅能帮你更快的入睡,

15、还能抑制那些会唤醒你的痉挛症状。10.Kale chips炒芥兰Dont knock these baked veggie snacks until youve tried them. Theyre surprisingly delicious! And the hefty dose of vitamin K helps repair and build muscles while you sleep. Simply chop up a bunch of kale, toss with olive oil and sea salt, and bake at 350 degrees until crispy.不要等到你想吃的时候在去敲碎这些烘烤的素食点心,它们非常美味!其中富含的维生素K 能够在你睡眠的时候修复肌肉。只要切一块芥兰,用橄榄油和海盐在350的温度烘烤,烤到香脆就好。


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