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1、 - 1 - The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in HistoryNewton, Isaac 1643 1727 (牛顿,艾萨克)Physicist and mathematician. Born January 4, 1643 (some sources say December 25, 1642) in Woolsthorpe, a hamlet in southwestern Lincolnshire, England. When Newton was a child, Lincolnshire was a battl

2、eground of the civil wars, in which religious dissension and political rebellion was dividing Englands population. Also of significance for his early development were circumstances within his family. He was born after the death of his father, and in his third year his mother married the rector of a

3、neighboring parish and left her son at Woolsthorpe in the care of his grandmother. After a rudimentary education in local schools, he was sent at the age of 12 to the Kings School in Grantham, where he lived in the home of an apothecary named Clark. It was from Clarks stepdaughter that Newtons biogr

4、apher William Stukeley learned many years later of the boys interest in her fathers chemical library and laboratory and of the windmill run by a live mouse, the floating lanterns, sundials, and other mechanical contrivances Newton built to amuse her. Although she married someone else and he never ma

5、rried, she was the one person for whom Newton seems to have had a romantic attachment. At birth Newton was heir to the modest estate which, when he came of age, he was expected to manage. But during a trial period midway in his course at Kings School, it became apparent that farming was not his meti

6、er. In 1661, at the age of 19, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge. There the questioning of long-accepted beliefs was beginning to be apparent in new attitudes toward mans environment, expressed in the attention given to mathematics and science. After receiving his bachelors degree in 1665, appar

7、ently without special distinction, Newton stayed on for his masters; but an epidemic of the plague caused the university to close. Newton was back at Woolsthorpe for 18 months in 1666 and 1667. During this brief period he performed the basic experiments and apparently did the fundamental thinking fo

8、r all his subsequent work on gravitation and optics and developed for his own use his system of calculus. The story that the idea of universal gravitation was suggested to him by the falling of an apple seems to be authentic: Stukeley reports that he heard it from Newton himself. Returning to Cambri

9、dge in 1667, Newton quickly completed the requirements for his masters degree and then entered upon a period of elaboration of the work begun at Woolsthorpe. His mathematics professor, Isaac Barrow, was the first to recognize Newtons unusual ability, and when, in 1669, Barrow resigned to devote hims

10、elf to theology, he recommended Newton as his successor. Newton became Lucasian professor of mathematics at 27 and stayed at Trinity in that capacity for 27 years. Newtons main interest at the time of his appointment was optics, and for several years the lectures required of him by the professorship

11、 were devoted to this subject. In a letter of 1672 to the secretary of the Royal Society, he says that in 1666 he had bought a prism “to try therewith the celebrated phenomena of colours.“ He continues, “In order thereto having darkened the room and made a small hole in my window-shuts to let in a c

12、onvenient quantity of the Suns light, I placed my prism at its entrance, that it might be thereby refracted to the opposite wall.“ He had been surprised to see the various colors appear on the wall in an oblong arrangement (the vertical being the greater dimension), “which according to the received

13、laws of refraction should have been circular.“ Proceeding from this experiment through - 2 - several stages to the “crucial“ one, in which he had isolated a single ray and found it unchanging in color and refrangibility, he had drawn the revolutionary conclusion that “Light itself is a heterogeneous

14、 mixture of differently refrangible rays.“ These experiments had grown out of Newtons interest in improving the effectiveness of telescopes, and his discoveries about the nature and composition of light had led him to believe that greater accuracy could not be achieved in instruments based on the re

15、fractive principle. He had turned, consequently, to suggestions for a reflecting telescope made by earlier investigators but never tested in an actual instrument. Being manually dexterous, he built several models in which the image was viewed in a concave mirror through an eyepiece in the side of th

16、e tube. In 1672 he sent one of these to the Royal Society. Newton felt honored when the members were favorably impressed by the efficiency of his small reflecting telescope and when on the basis of it they elected him to their membership. But when this warm reception induced him to send the society

17、a paper describing his experiments on light and his conclusions drawn from them, the results were almost disastrous for him and for posterity. The paper was published in the societys Philosophical Transactions, and the reactions of English and Continental scientists, led by Robert Hooke and Christia

18、an Huygens, ranged from skepticism to bitter opposition to conclusions which seemed to invalidate the prevalent wave theory of light. At first Newton patiently answered objections with further explanations, but when these produced only more negative responses, he finally became irritated and vowed h

19、e would never publish again, even threatening to give up scientific investigation altogether. Several years later, and only through the tireless efforts of the astronomer Edmund Halley, Newton was persuaded to put together the results of his work on the laws of motion, which became the great Princip

20、ia. Newtons magnum opus, Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, to give it its full title, was completed in an astonishing 18 months. It was first published in Latin in 1687, when Newton was 45. Its appearance established him as the leading scientist of his time, not only in England but throu

21、ghout the Western world. In the Principia Newton demonstrated for the first time that celestial bodies follow the laws of dynamics and, formulating the law of universal gravitation, gave mathematical solutions to most of the problems concerning motion which had engaged the attention of earlier and c

22、ontemporary scientists. Book 1 treats the motion of bodies in purely mathematical terms. Book 2 deals with motion in resistant mediums, that is, in physical reality. In Book 3, Newton describes a cosmos based on the laws he has established. He demonstrates the use of these laws in determining the de

23、nsity of the earth, the masses of the sun and of planets having satellites, and the trajectory of a comet; and he explains the variations in the moons motion, the precession of the equinoxes, the variation in gravitational acceleration with latitude, and the motion of the tides. What seems to have b

24、een an early version of book 3, published posthumously as The System of the World, contains Newtons calculation, with illustrative diagram, of the manner in which, according to the law of centripetal force, a projectile could be made to go into orbit around the earth. In the years after Newtons elec

25、tion to the Royal Society, the thinking of his colleagues and of scholars generally had been developing along lines similar to those which his had taken, and they were more receptive to his explanations of the behavior of bodies moving according to the laws of motion than - 3 - they had been to his

26、theories about the nature of light. Yet the Principia presented a stumbling block: its extremely condensed mathematical form made it difficult for even the most acute minds to follow. Those who did understand it saw that it needed simplification and interpretation. As a result, in the 40 years from

27、1687 to Newtons death the Principia was the basis of numerous books and articles. These included a few peevish attacks, but by far the greater number were explanations and elaborations of what had subtly evolved in the minds of his contemporaries from “Mr. Newtons theories“ to the “Newtonian philoso

28、phy.“ The publication of the Principia was the climax of Newtons professional life. It was followed by a period of depression and lack of interest in scientific matters. He became interested in university politics and was elected a representative of the university in Parliament. Later he asked frien

29、ds in London to help him obtain a government appointment. The result was that in 1696, at the age of 54, he left Cambridge to become warden and then master of the Mint. The position was intended to be something of a sinecure, but he took it just as seriously as he had his scientific pursuits and mad

30、e changes in the English monetary system that were effective for 150 years. Newtons London life lasted as long as his Lucasian professorship. During that time he received many honors, including the first knighthood conferred for scientific achievement and election to life presidency of the Royal Soc

31、iety. In 1704, when Huygens and Hooke were no longer living, he published the Opticks, mainly a compilation of earlier research, and subsequently revised it three times; he supervised the two revisions of the Principia; he engaged in the regrettable controversy with G. W. von Leibniz over the invent

32、ion of the calculus; he carried on a correspondence with scientists all over Great Britain and Europe; he continued his study and investigation in various fields; and, until his very last years, he conscientiously performed his duties at the Mint. In the interval between publication of the Principia

33、 in 1687 and the appearance of the Opticks in 1704, the trend was away from the use of Latin for all scholarly writing. The Opticks was written and originally published in English (a Latin translation appeared 2 years later) and was consequently accessible to a wide range of readers in England. The

34、reputation which the Principia had established for its author of course prepared the way for acceptance of his second published work. Furthermore, its content and manner of presentation made the Opticks more approachable. Newtons mathematical genius had been stimulated in his early years at Cambridg

35、e by his work under Barrow, which included a thorough grounding in Greek mathematics as well as in the recent work of Rene Descartes and of John Wallis. During his undergraduate years Newton had discovered what is known as the binomial theorem; invention of the calculus had followed; mathematical qu

36、estions had been treated at length in correspondence with scientists in England and abroad; and his contributions to optics and celestial mechanics could be said to be his mathematical formulation of their principles. But it was not until the controversy over the discovery of the calculus that Newto

37、n published mathematical work as such. The controversy, begun in 1699, when Fatio de Duillier made the first accusation of plagiarism against Leibniz, continued sporadically for nearly 20 years, not completely subsiding even with Leibnizs death in 1716. Two other areas to which Newton devoted much a

38、ttention were chronology and theology. A shortened form of his Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms appeared without his consent in 1725, inducing him to prepare the longer work for publication; it did not actually appear until after his death. In it Newton - 4 - attempted to correlate Egyptian, Greek, an

39、d Hebrew history and mythology and for the first time made use of astronomical references in ancient texts to establish dates of historical events. In his Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John, also posthumously published, his aim was to show that the prophecies o

40、f the Old and New Testaments had so far been fulfilled. The mass of Newtons papers, manuscripts, and correspondence that survive reveal tremendous powers of concentration, ability to stand long periods of intense mental exertion, and objectivity uncomplicated by frivolous interests. The many portrai

41、ts of Newton (he was painted by nearly all the leading artists of his time) range from the fashionable, somewhat idealized, treatment to a more convincing realism. When Newton came to maturity, circumstances were auspiciously combined to make possible a major change in mens ways of thought and endea

42、vor. The uniqueness of Newtons achievement could be said to lie in his exploitation of these unusual circumstances. He alone among his gifted contemporaries fully recognized the implications of recent scientific discoveries. With these as a point of departure, he developed a unified mathematical int

43、erpretation of the cosmos, in the expounding of which he demonstrated method and direction for future elaboration. In shifting the emphasis from quality to quantity, from pursuit of answers to the question “Why?“ to focus upon “What?“ and “How?“ he effectively prepared the way for the age of technol

44、ogy. He died on March 20, 1727. Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)The central figure of the Christian faith, whose nature as “Son of God and whose redemptive work are traditionally considered fundamental beliefs for adherents of Christianity. “Christ became attached to the name “Jesus in Christian circles in view o

45、f the conviction that he was the Jewish Messiah (“Christ).Jesus of Nazareth is described as the son of Mary and Joseph, and is credited with a miraculous conception by the Spirit of God in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. He was apparently born in Bethlehem c.6-5BC(before the death of Herod the Grea

46、t in 4BC), but began his ministry in Nazareth. After having been baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan (perhapsAD28-29, Luke 3.1), he gathered a group of 12 close followers or apostles, the number perhaps being symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel and indicative of an aim to reform the Jewish re

47、ligion of his day.The main records of his ministry are the New Testament Gospels, which show him proclaiming the coming of the kingdom of God, and in particular the acceptance of the oppressed and the poor into the kingdom. He was apparently active in the villages and country of Galilee rather than

48、in towns and cities, and was credited in the Gospel records with many miraculous healings, exorcisms, and some “nature miracles, such as the calming of the storm. These records also depict conflicts with the Pharisees over his exercise of an independent “prophetic authority, and especially over his

49、pronouncing forgiveness of sins; but his arrest by the Jewish priestly hierarchy appears to have resulted more directly from his action against the Temple in Jerusalem. The duration of his public ministry is uncertain, but it is from Johns Gospel that one gets the impression of a 3-year period of teaching. He was executed by crucifixion under the order of Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator, perhaps because of the unrest Jesuss activities


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