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1、Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, the general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。Its an honor to meet you.很荣幸认识你。Nice to meet you . Ive heard a lot about you.很高兴认识 你,久仰大名。How do I pronounce your name?你的名字怎么读?How do I address you?如何称呼您?Its going to be the pride of our company.这将是本公司的荣幸。What li

2、ne of business are you in?你做那一行?Keep in touch.保持联系。Thank you for coming. 谢谢你的光临。Dont mention it. 别客气Excuse me for interrupting you.请原谅我打扰你。Im sorry to disturb you.对不起打扰你一下。Excuse me a moment.对不起,失陪一下。Excuse me. Ill be right back.对不起,我马上回来What about the price?对价格有何看法?What do you think of the payment

3、terms?对支付条件有何看法?How do you feel like the quality of our products?你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样?What about having a look at sample first?先看一看产品吧?What about placing a trial order?何不先试订货?The quality of ours is as good as that of many other suppliers, while our prices are not high as theirs. By the way, which items are

4、 you interested in?我们的产品质量与其他生产商一样的好,而我们的价格却不象他们的那样高。哎,你对哪个产品感兴趣?You can rest assured.你可以放心。We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market.我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。This new product is to the taste of European market.这种新产品欧洲很受欢迎。I think it will also find a good mark

5、et in your country.我认为它会在你们国家的市场上畅销。Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推销产品。While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we cant reduce our price any further.虽然我们感谢贵方的合作,但是很抱慊,我们不能再减价了。Reliability is our strong point.可靠性正是我们产品的优点。

6、We are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price.我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败就取决于你们的价格了。To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order is.在某种程度上,我们的价格就得看你们的定单有多大。This product is now in great demand and we have on hand many enquiries from other c

7、ountries.这种产品现在需求量很大,我们手头上有来自其他国家的很多询价。Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?谢谢你询价。为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量?Here are our FOB price. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.这是我们的 FOB 价格单。单上所有价格以我方最后确认为 准。In g

8、eneral, our prices are given on a FOB basis.通常我们的报价都是 FOB 价Our prices compare most favorably with quotations you can get from other manufacturers. Youll see that from our price sheet. The prices are subject to our confirmation, naturally.我们的价格比其他制造商开价优惠得多。这一点你可以从我们的价格单看到,所有价格当然要经我方确认后方有效。We offer yo

9、u our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide

10、line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价格表,但只供参考。表里是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看一下。I wonder if you have found that our specifications meet your requi

11、rements. Im sure the prices we submitted are competitive.不知道您认为我们的规格是否符合你的要求?我敢肯定我们的价格是非常有竞争力的Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们的产品质量过硬。We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询货物目前无货。My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculati

12、ons.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。Moreover, weve kept the price close to the costs of production.再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。Could you tell me which kind of payment terms youll choose?能否告知你们将采用那种付款方式?Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?不知你们能不能接受在一段时间内分批交货。I think it will also find a good market in

13、your market.我认为 它会在你国市场上畅销。Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推产品。While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we cant reduce our price any further.虽然我们感谢贵方的合作,但是很抱慊,我们不能再减价了。来源:Reliability is our strong point. 可靠性正是我们产品的优点。We are

14、 satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price. 我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败就取决于你们的价格了。To a certain extent,our price depends on how large your order is.在某种程度上,我们的价格就得看你们的定单有多大。This product is now in great demand and we have on hand many enquiries from other countr

15、ies.这种产品现在需求量很大,我们手头上来自其他国家的很多询盘。来源:Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer? 谢谢你询价。为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量?Here are our FOB price. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.这是我们的FOB 价格单。单上所有价格以我方最后确认为准。In gener

16、al, our prices are given on a FOB basis. 通常我们的报价都是 FOB 价 Our prices compare most favorably with quotations you can get from other manufacturers. Youll see that from our price sheet. The prices are subject to our confirmation, naturally.我们的价格比其他制造商开价优惠得多。这一点你可以从我们的价格单看到,所有价格当然要经我方确认后方有效。来源:We offer y

17、ou our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠 该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP. 请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。来源:This is the pricelist, bu

18、t it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in. 这是价格表,但只供参考。是否有你特别感 兴趣的商品?Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look. 你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。I wonder if you have found that our specifi

19、cations meet your requirements. Im sure the prices we submitted are competitive.不知道您认为我们的规格是否符合 你的要求?我敢肯定我们的价格是非常有竞争力的Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products. 大量询盘证明我们的产品质量过硬。We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. 很遗憾,你们所询货物目前无货。My offer was based on reasonable pro

20、fit, not on wild speculations.我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。Moreover, weve kept the price close to the costs of production.再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。Could you tell me which kind of payment terms youll choose? 能否告知你们将采用那种付款方式?Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time? 不知你们能不能接受在一段时间内分批交货? 该文章转载自无忧考网:htt

21、p:/广交会英语:外贸业务员必备 50句英语口语1DoIhavetomakeareconfirmation?我还要再确认吗?2Isthereanyearlierone?还有更早一点的吗? 英语口语3Couldyoutellmemyreservationnumber,please?请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗?4CanIgetaseatfortodays7:00a.m.train?我可以买到今天上午7点的火车座位吗?5CouldyouchangemyflightdatefromLondontoTokyo?请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的班机日期好吗?6IsthereanydiscountfortheUS

22、ARailpass?火车通行证有折扣吗? 英语口语7MayIreconfirmmyflight?我可以确认我的班机吗?8Aretheyallnon-reservedseats?他们全部不预订的吗?9DoIhavetoreserveaseat?我一定要预订座位吗?10MayIseeatimetable?我可以看时刻表吗?11HowlongwillIhavetowait?我要等多久呢 ?12Whichwouldyouprefer,asmokingseatoranon-smokingseat?你喜欢哪种,吸烟座还是禁烟座呢?13Doyouhaveanyotherflights?14Whenwould


24、多少 钱?22CanIcancelthisticket?我可以取消这票吗?23Checkittomyfinaldestination.把它托运到我的目的地。24Pleasecometotheairportbyeightthirtyatthelatest.最迟要在 8点30分到达机场。25Takeyourbaggagetothebaggagesection.把你的行李拿到行李房去。26Pleaseopenyourbaggage.请把你行李打开。27Pleasefillinthisdisembarkationcard.请你填写这张入境卡。28Letmeseeyourpassport,please.

25、29IhavecometomakesurethatyourstayinBeijingisapleasantone.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。30Youregoingoutofyourwayforus,Ibelieve.我相信这是对 我们的特殊照顾了。31Itsjustthematteroftheschedule,thatis,ifitisconvenientofyourightnow.如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。32Ithinkwecandrawupatentativeplannow.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。33Ifhewantstomakea


27、scussedduringtheday.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。38Thatllputusbothinthepicture.这样双方都能了解全面的情 况。39Thenwedhavesomeideaofwhatyoullbeneeding.那我们会心中有数,知道你们需要什么了。40Icantsayforcertainoff-hand.我还不能马上说定。41Betterhavesomethingwecangetourhandsonratherthanjustspendallourtimetalking.有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。42Itllbeeasierforusto


29、ereisacopyofitinerarywehaveworkedoutforyouandyourfriends.Wouldyoupleasehavealookatit?这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。请过目一下,好吗?49Ifyouhaveanyquestionsonthedetails,feelfreetoask.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。50Icanseeyouhaveputalotoftimeintoit.我相信你在制定这 个计划上一定花了不少精力吧。广交会常用外语(一)问好1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help

30、you? /Anything I can do for you?2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you.3. Its a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you.4. Welcome to China.5. We really wish youll have a pleasant stay here.6. I hope youll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to C

31、hina?7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag?机场接客1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation?2. How do I address you?3. May name is Benjamin liu. Im from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company. Im here to meet you.4. We have a car can over there to take you to your

32、hotel. Did you have a nice trip?5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up.6. Do you need to get back your baggage?7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel?相互介绍1. Let me introduce my self. My name is Benjamin Liu, an Intl salesman in the Marketing

33、 Department.2. Hello, I am Benjamin Liu, an Intl salesman of FUZHOU E-FASHION ELECTRONIC COMPANY. Nice to meet you. /pleased to meet you. / It is a pleasure to meet you.3. I would like to introduce Mark Sheller, the Marketing department manager of our company.4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, gener

34、al manager of our company.5. Mr. Smith, this is our General manage, Mr. Zhen, this is our Marketing Director, Mr.Lin. And this is our RD Department Manager, Mr. Wang.6. If Im not mistaken, you must be Miss Chen from France.7. Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC. We met

35、several years ago.8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet?9. It is my pleasure to talk with you.10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card?11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card?12. I am sorry. I cant recall your name. / Could you te

36、ll me how to pronounce your name again?13. I am sorry. I have forgotten how to pronounce your name.小聊1. Is this your first time to China?2. Do you travel to China on business often?3. What kind of Chinese food do you like?4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China?5. What is surpri

37、sing to your about China?6. The weather is really nice.7. What do you like to do in your spare time?8. What line of business are you in?9. What do you think about? /What is your opinion?/What is your point of view?10. No wonder youre so experienced.11. It was nice to talking with you. / I enjoyed ta

38、lking with you.12. Good. Thats just what we want to hear.确认话意1. Could you say that again, please?2. Could you repeat that, please?3. Could you write that down?4. Could you speak a little more slowly, please?5. You meanis that right?6. Do you mean.?7. Excuse me for interrupting you.社交招待1. Would like

39、a glass of water? / can I get you a cup of Chinese red tea? / How about a Coke?2. Alright, let me make some. Ill be right back.3. A cup of coffee would be great. Thanks.4. There are many places where we can eat. How about Cantonese food?5. I would like to invite you for lunch today.6. Oh, I cant let

40、 you pay. It is my treat, you are my guest.7. May I propose that we break for coffee now?8. Excuse me. Ill be right back9. Excuse me a moment.告别1. Wish you a very pleasant journey home? Have a good journey!2. Thank you very much for everything you have done us during your stay in China.3. It is a pi

41、ty you are leaving so soon.4. Im looking forward to seeing you again.5. Ill see you to the airport tomorrow morning.6. Dont forget to look me up if you are ever in FUZHOU. Have a nice journey!约会1. May I make an appointment? Id like to arrange a meeting to discuss our new order.2. Lets fix the time a

42、nd the place of our meeting.3. Can we make it a little later?4. Do you think you could make it Monday afternoon? That would suit me better.5. Would you please tell me when you are free?6. Im afraid I have to cancel my appointment.7. It looks as if I wont be able to keep the appointment we made.8. Wi

43、ll you change our appoint tomorrow at 10:00 to the day after tomorrow at the came time?9. Anytime except Monday would be all right.10. OK, I will be here, then.11. Well leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.市场销售客户询问1. Could I have some information about your scope of busines

44、s?2. Would you tell me the main items you export?3. May I have a look at your catalogue?4. We really need more specific information about your technology.5. Marketing on the Internet is becoming popular.6. We are just taking up this line. Im afraid we cant do much right now.回答询问7. This is a copy of

45、catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle.8. Wont you have a look at the catalogue and see what interest you?9. That is just under our line of business.10. What about having a look at sample first?11. We have a video which shows the construction and operation of our latest products

46、.12. The product will find a ready market there.13. Our product is really competitive in the world market.14. Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there.15. We are sure our products will go down well in your market, too.16. Its our principle i

47、n business “to honor the contract and keep our promise”.17. Convenience-store chains are doing well.18. We can have anther tale if anything interests you.19. We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market20. Could you provide some technical data? Wed like to know more

48、 about your products.21. This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.22. There are certainly being problems in the sale work at the first stage. But suppose you order a small quantity for a trail.23. I wish you a success in your business transaction.24. You will surely find

49、 something interesting.25. Here you are. Which item do you think might find a ready market at your end?26. Our product is the best seller.27. This is our newly developed product. Would you like to see it?28. This is our latest model. It had a great success at the last exhibition in Paris.29. Im sure there is some room for negotiation.30. Here are the most favorite products on display. Most of them are local and national prize products.31. The best featur


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