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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇初二英语词汇主讲:杨文哲欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材初二英语词汇讲义名词可数1. 以 s/x/sh/ch 结尾 +es 读音izdish 盘,碟match 比赛sandwich 三明治七年级:bus 公共汽车,class 班级,wish 愿望,box 盒子,fish 鱼(种类)2. 改变内部元音oo-eefoot 脚fu:t, feetfi:ttooth 牙齿tu: , teethti: a-ewoman 女人 wumn , women wimin man 男人 mn ,menmen3. 辅音字母+y 结尾变 y 为 i+es,读音zunivers

2、ity 大学baby 婴儿,小孩company 公司,伙伴factory 工厂补充:boy 男孩,day 天,key 钥匙,toy 玩具(直接加 s)dictionary 字典,family 家,country 国家,story 故事(变 y 为 i 加 es)4.-renchild 孩子( children)5. o 结尾hero 英雄补充:photo 照片,piano 钢琴(加 s)tomato 西红柿,potato 土豆(加 es)新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇I was just a small potato in the comapy, so few people

3、noticed me.A. not young B. not tall C. not old enough D. not important答案:D6. f,feves,读音vzlife 生活不可数,生命可数 lives补充:leaf 树叶,thief 小偷7. 可数名词前的冠词 a/anumbrella 雨伞engineer 工程师universityEurope,European 欧洲的_ hour _ university _ empty box _ honest boy _ umbrella _ European country 答案:an, a, an, an, an, anTher

4、e is _ “h”, _ “o”, _ “u” and _ “r” in the word “hour”.A. an, an, a, an B. a, an, a, an C. an, an, a, a D. a, a, an, an答案:A,he t, ou, uju:, rar,具有这个特点的字母还有 fef, lel, mem, nen, ses, xeks不可数物质名词:气液固 bread 面包,rice 大米,beef 牛肉,fish 鱼肉,meat 肉,mutton 羊肉,glass 玻璃(glasses 眼镜)抽象名词:news 新闻information 消息,信息physi

5、cs 物理,物理学success 成功danger 危险decision 决定,决心They got much _ on the Internet.A. photo B. ideas C. message D. information答案:DThere is good _ for you. Ive found your lost watch.A. news B. ideas C. messages D. thoughts答案:AMrs. Jenny gave us _ on how to learn English well.A. some advices B. many advices C.

6、 some advice D. an advice答案:CWhat do you have for breakfast?I often have _ or _.A. breads, noodles B. bread, noodles C. breads, noodle D. bread, noodle答案 B其它difference 不同,差异result 结果,as a result 结果,因此way 方法,手段,by the way 顺便一提,in this way 用这种方法, on ones way to在去的途中accident 事故,by accident 偶然地populatio

7、n 人口,a large/big/small population 人口多/少The experts think that Indias population may be _ than Chinas _ 2020.A. much, by B. more, in C. larger, by D. larger, on新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇答案:C形容词和副词1. another n 其他的,另外的第一种用法:另一个,又一个Jenny wants to get _ job. Shes tired of working here.A. a B. one C. the D.

8、 another答案:D第二种用法:another+基数词,another + 名词复数,表示“又,在” ,例 We need another three books./ We need three more books.Can you hand in your homework on time?Im afraid not. I need _ two weeks.A. other B. fewer C. more D. another答案:D,other 其他的,fewer 更少的,more 更多的(I need two more weeks)2. enough inf 充足的,足够的用法:e

9、nough+名词,形容词/ 副词+enough(to do sth)足够可以做某事,Does your father walk _ up with you?A. fast enough to catch B. enough fast catching C. enough fast to catch D. fast enough catching答案:A3. kind 仁慈的,友好的4. hardly 几乎不,几乎没有hard 困难的,坚硬的,努力的,hardly 是个具有否定意义的副词(放在句中是个否定句)Peter hardly had time for concerts at that t

10、ime, _?A. wasnt he B. was he C. didnt he D. did he答案:D5. necessary nesisri 必要的,必须的6. other 其他的关于 other 的几个词组:the other/ the others, other/others,有 the 表示某一范围内其他的全部,没有 the表示某一范围内其他的一部分(不是全部) ,加上 s 可以作代词单独使用,没有 s 使用时必须在后面加上名词the other +名词,其他的 (全部),the others 其他的全部, other+名词,其他的(一部分) ,others 其他的(一部分)Mi

11、ss Green is more warm-hearted, so she is busier than all _ nurses in the hospital.A. others B. other C. the other D. another答案:C7. same 同样的( the same as与同样的)相关词组:the same as和相同,all the same 仍然, the same to you 你也一样You say bridge is safe but I shall take care _.A. after all B. in general C. at the sa

12、me time D. all the same答案: D8. traditional trdin()l 传统的,惯例的9. thirsty :sti 口渴的10. alone 孤独地, asleep 睡着的, awake 醒着的,三个都是表语形容词,只能放在主系表的句子中作表语,不能放在名词的前面修饰名词,比如:He is awake.他醒着呢,She is asleep. 她睡着了,不能说 a awake boy,a asleep girl11. interested intristid 感兴趣的,词组 be interested in对感兴趣12. besides 除之外( 还有),例 S

13、he has a few friends besides me.她除了我之外还有几个朋友 形容词的级1. e 结尾,比较级直接加-r,最高级直接加-st新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇close kluz 近的,接近的(closer, closest)2. 以辅音字母+y 结尾,比较级变 y 为 i 加 er,最高级变 y 为 i 加 estearly :li 早的(earlier, earliest)easy i:zi 容易的(easier, easiest),词组:take it easy 放轻松,别紧张3. 以重读闭音节结尾(结尾的三个字母:辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母)

14、 ,比较级双写结尾的辅音字母加 er,最高级双写结尾的辅音字母加 estwet wet 潮湿的(wetter, wettest)fat ft 胖的(fatter, fattest)thin in 瘦的,稀薄的(thinner, thinnest)4. 少数双音节单词和多音节单词,比较级在前面加 more,最高级在前面加 mostcomfortable kmftbl 舒适的,安逸的(more comfortable, most comfortable)careful kful 小心的,谨慎的 (more careful, most careful)famous feims 著名的,出名的(mor

15、e famous, most famous)be famous for因为而出名be famous as作为而出名China is very _ the Great Wall and pandas.A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. ready for答案:B,be ready to 准备好要做某事,ready for为某事做好准备important imp:tnt 重要的 (more important, most important)5. 特殊变化good/well, better, bestgood 词组 be good at, 擅长,be

16、 good for对有好处I think doing morning exercises is good _ our health.Yes. I agree with you.A. at B. to C. for D. with答案:Cwell(身体)好,健康的,词组:do well in在方面做得好far 远的,比较级 further/farther, 最高级 furthest/farthestfarther/farthest 实际距离的远近,further/furthest(程度上)更近一步You are standing too near to the TV. Can you move

17、a bit _?Ok, Mum. Is it all right here?A. faster B. slower C. farther D. nearer答案:Clittle 少的,小的,比较级 less 最高级 leastfew 几乎没有,很少的,比较级 fewer,最高级 fewestlittle 和 few 表数量多少的区别:little+不可数名词,few+可数名词复数,a little/ a few (数量上)有一些,little/few (数量上) 几乎没有There is _ sheep on the hill.A. a little B. a few C. little D.

18、 few答案:A,sheep 单复数同形, is 是单数的标志词,所以 a few sheep 和 few sheep 都是复数,不能和 is 连用,a little sheep 表示一只小羊。many/much 许多的(more, most)many+可数名词复数,much+不可数名词Shall I get something for you? Whats your favorite?Its very kind of you! Please dont waste _ money. Special is the best choice.A. many B. too many C. too mu

19、ch D. much too答案:C,词组 too much 和 much too,too much + 不可数名词, “太多的” , much too+形容词/ 副词“太,非常”新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇bad 坏的,差的(worse ,worst)be bad for对有坏处代词body thing one whereevery 每 everybody 每人 everything 每件事物 everyone 每个人 everywhere 各地,到处some 某 somebody 某人 something 某物,某事someone 某人 somewhere 在某处,到某

20、处any 任何 anybody 任何人 anything 任何事 anyone 任何人 anywhere 任何地方no 没有 nobody 没有人 nothing 没有事 none 没有人 nowhere 无处以上这些不定代词统统作单数使用,同时,如果有形容词修饰的话,必须把形容词放在他们的后面(形容词后置)There is _ in the art exhibition. Please come and visit it.A. something new B. nothing new C. new something D. new things答案:Amine main 我的(所有物)Wow

21、, your new bicycle looks the same as _.Really?A. me B. I C. my D. mine答案:Deither 两者中的一个,常出现在 either of结构中,比如 either of us 我们(两个)中的一个,当放在句中作主语时,为单数,谓语动词应当使用单数形式(be 动词要选择 is,was,行为动词要变成单数第三人称的形式) ,比如 Either of them is OK.他们两个中的任何一个都可以。neither 两者(中的任何一个)都不,常出现在 neither of结构中,放在句中作主语时,为单数My aunt has two

22、 children. But _ of them lives with her.A. each B. neither C. either D. both答案:D动词1. plan 计划(现在分词 planning,过去式和过去分词 planned)用法:plan to do, plan on doing 打算、计划做某事Dont plan _ driving a car in Tibet, _?A. to, will you B. on, do you C. on, will you D. to, do you答案:C2. win 赢(现在分词 winning, 过去式和过去分词 won)区别

23、:win 和 beat,beat 打败+ 被打败的对象,win 赢得+赢得的荣誉、地位或比赛,如 We have _ your class.填beatenIn the 49th World Table Tennis Championship(锦标赛),Wang Liqin _ Ma Lin and _ the champion (冠军) of the Mens Singles.A. beat, beat B. won, won C. beat, won D. won, beat答案:C3. cut 切,割(现在分词 cutting,过去式和过去分词 cut),相关词组:cut up 切碎,cu

24、t in line 插队He bought some meat and _ it.A. cuts up B. cut up C. cuts D. cutted up答案:B4. put 放置,(现在分词 putting,过去式和过去分词 put),相关词组: put out 熄灭,关灯He picked up the paper and _ it into the bin.A. puts B. put C. putted新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇答案:B5. run 跑,( 现在分词 running,过去式 ran,过去分词 run),相关词组:run away 逃跑,r

25、un out of 用完,用尽(2006 宁夏) I will not buy that refrigerator because I have _ money.A. got out of B. taken out of C. looked out of D. run out of答案:D,get out of 逃避,摆脱,take out of 取出,除去,look out of 从朝外看6. borrow 借入(过去式和过去分词 borrowed)用法:borrow 借入,搭配 borrow sth. from sb. “从某人处借入某物” ,lend 借出,搭配 lend sth. to

26、 sb.“把某物借给某人” ,lend 和 borrow 两个词均为短暂性动词,不能和时间段连用,如果想表示一段时间的借入或借出,应用 keep 替换1). Im sorry I cant _ you any money.A. lend B. borrow C. keep答案:A2). I think you should borrow some money _ your friends.A. from B. to C. in答案:A , borrow 的搭配:borrow sth. from sb. “从某人处借入某物”3). Do you have an English-Chinese d

27、ictionary?Yes, here you are. You can _ it as long as you like.A. borrow B. lend C. keep答案:C 时间词“as long as you like” “想借多久就借多久”时间段的词只能用 keep7. exercise 锻炼,运动作名词使用时,作“习题,体操”讲时是可数名词,作“锻炼”讲时是不可数名词The students have _ many exercises that they cant finish _ in time.A. so, them B. so, it C. such, them D. s

28、uch, it答案:A,so many “如此多的 ”so many+可数名词复数 exercises,代替 exercises 要用复数的代词8. finish 完成,结束用法:finish + doing 做完某事,如 I finished _ the novel last night. (read), 应填 reading9. forget 忘记forget to do:忘记了一件应作而未作的事, “还没做” ,forget doing:忘记了一件已经做过的事, “忘记已经做了”Jim, come back, your new book is still in the drawer.Oh

29、, thank you. I have forgotten _ it there.A. to put B. put C. putting D. to putting答案:C10. get 变得相关词组:get along(with sb.) 相处,get on 相处,进展,get out 出去,离开,get over 克服,恢复, get to 到达,get up起床,I find Tom easy to get along _. So Id like him to come to my birthday party.A. to B. for C. with答案:COh, Ive left m

30、y schoolbag in the classroom.Dont worry. Ill _ it for you.A. bring B. get C. take D. carry新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇答案:B,注意 bring, get, take, carry 的区别:bring 带来,take 拿走,carry(搬起来)拿走,get“去拿回来”11. hear 听见( 现在分词 hearing,过去式和过去分词 heard),用法:hear sb. doing sth 听到某人正在做某事强调动作正在进行., hear sb. do sth 听到某人做某事,强调过

31、程;hear 和 listen 区别:hear“听见” ,listen“听(不一定听见)”相关词组:hear about 听说, hear of 听说,hear from 收到来信I heard from Joe, my friend, yesterday.A. sent a letter to B. received a letter from C. listened to D. heard of 答案:BDo you often hear John _ in his room?Yes. Listen! Now we can hear him _ in his roomA. sing, to

32、 sing B. singing, sing C. sing, singing D. to sing, singing答案:C12. leave(现在分词 leaving, 过去式和过去分词 left)离开,出发用法:leave 是短暂性动词,不能和时间段连用,表示离开一段时间应换成 be awayMy father _ on business for two weeks. He will returns in three days.A. left B. has left C. has gone D. has been away答案:D13. look 看,相关词组 look after 照顾

33、,look at 看,look through 浏览,look like 看起来像,look forward to doing 盼望做某事,look up 向上看,在字典里查What are you doing, Cathy?Im _ my cat. I cant find it.A. looking for B. looking at C. looking up D. looking after答案:AKate didnt go to the movie last night because she had to _ her sick dog at home.A. look at B. lo

34、ok up C. look for D. look after答案:D14. make 使,用法:make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事Time goes by so fast. We must never miss the chance to show love for our parents and make them _ how much they mean to us.A. to know B. knowing C. know答案:C相关词组:make a living 谋生,make friends with 与交友,make progress 取得进步15. send 送,

35、寄(现在分词 sending,过去式和过去分词 sent)相关词组:send for 派人去请 , send up 发射Would you please send _ a doctor? My grandfather is ill.A. away B. for C. off答案:BOur country is going to _ another man-made satellite next year.A. send up B. put up C. make up D. open up答案:A16. stay 保持,维持新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇用法:stay 保持某种

36、状态(stay +形容词)相关词组:stay up 熬夜I hear the weather will _ cold for another week.I hope not. I hate cold weather.A. turn B. last C. get D. stay答案:D17. teach 教,相关词组: teach sb. sth.教某人某事,teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事The children _ to swim last month and they can swim very well now.A. are taught B. were taught

37、 C. have taught D. taught答案:B18. use 使用,利用,相关词组 be used to doing 习惯于做某事,be used to do 被用来做某事,used to do 过去常常做某事,He used to _ in the sun, but now he is used to _ at night.A. read, read B. reading, read C. read, reading D. reading, reading答案:CWhats this kind of knife used for?Its only used for _ meat.

38、 (cut)答案:cutting19. cost 价值,花区别:cost, spend, pay, takepay/spend 主语是人, cost/take 主语是物,相关词组:pay for 为支付,spendon sth./ (in) doing 在某事上花费/在做某事上花费,It takes sb. 时间/金钱 + to do 做某事花费了某人多少时间 /金钱How much does this DVD _?Its 298 Yuan.A. cost B. pay C. spend答案:AHis parents were worried that he _ too much time c

39、hatting on line.A. spent B. cost C. paid D. had答案:AIt _ the Chinese people eight years to build the Three Gorges Dam.A. spends B. costs C. paid D. took答案:D 20. dress 给穿衣服区别:dress, have sth. on, wear, put on“穿,戴”have sth on 和 wear 表示穿戴的状态,have sth on 无进行时态,put on 表示穿戴的动作,dress 可以表示穿戴的动作也可表示状态,如:The m

40、other is dressing her little daughter.妈妈正在给小女儿穿衣服(动作)The mother dressed well. 妈妈穿的很好。 (状态)The girls had on skirts of all different colors. 女孩子们穿着各种颜色的裙子。 (状态)She never wears green.她从不穿绿色的衣服。 (状态)It was cold in the morning so he put on a thick sweater.早晨很冷,所以他穿上了一件厚毛衣。 (动作)21. give 给,用法:give sb. sth.

41、, give sth. to sb.给某人某物/ 把某物给某人相关词组:give away 赠送,分发,give back 归还,give up 放弃,新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇Though the clothes are new, she has decided to give _ to the people in disaster areas(灾区).A. it away B. them away C. away it D. away them答案:B,名词 clothes 放在两个位置均可 give the clothes away/give away the cl

42、othes, 但代词只能放在两者之间 give them awaySmoking is bad for your health. Youd better _.A. give up it B. give it up C. take out it D. take it out答案:B22. happen 发生,相关词组 happen to sb.某人发生了某事,用法:happen 是不及物动词,没有被动语态;happen 是短暂性动作,没有进行时态We havent heard from Kate for a long time.What do you suppose _ to her?A. wa

43、s happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened答案:C23. pick 采,摘,挑选,相关词组:pick up 捡起,pick up 捡起,用车接载Where did you get it?I _ it up on the way to work.A. put B. picked C. gave D. looked答案:B24. begin 开始用法:begin 是短暂性动作,不能和一段时间连用,如果要和时间段连用,应替换成 be onHurry up! The play _ for half an hour.A. has

44、 begun B. had begun C. began D. has been on答案:D25. receive 接受,收到区别:receive 和 accept,receive“收到”形式上收到,accept“接受”从心里上承认I _ an invitation to the party but I didnt _ it. 答案:received,accept26. allow 允许,相关词组 allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,Lucy likes to travel around the world, but her parents didnt _ her to

45、do so.A. allow B. ask C. make答案:A27. compare 比较相关词组:compareto把比作,comparewith把比作,Shakespeare _ the world _ a stage.答案:compared to,莎士比亚把人世比做舞台。 take 拿,花费,搭乘,相关词组:take an interest in 对感兴趣, take away 拿走,take care 小心,take care of 照顾,照看,take off 脱下,起飞,take place 发生,take part in 参加,参与wait 等待(wait for 等待,wa

46、it in line 排队等候)相关词组:wait for 等待communicate kmju:nikeit 交流,沟通,相关词组:communicate with sb 和某人沟通,如 It is hard to communicate with you.跟你沟通真困难。travel 旅行,传播,如 Nothing travels faster than light. 光比任何东西传播的都快。新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 初二英语词汇come 来,相关词组:come along 出现,发生,跟随,come true 实现,come in 进来,fall 落下 (过去式 fell,过去分词 fallen)相关词组:fall asleep 入睡,fall behind 落后,fall down 倒下, fall in love with 爱上play 玩,播放,相关词组 play football/basketball 踢足球, play the piano 弹钢琴


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