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1、www.TopS 大家学习网更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopS 大家网,大家的!词语大辨析-abandon,desert,forsake,quit 都含有一定的“放弃“之意abandon 指完全、永远地放弃, 尤指对之负有责任或义务者, 放弃一个项目或计划desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守)forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物, 着重于断绝情感上的依恋 eg.forsake ones wife and children 遗弃妻儿;forsake bad habits 摈弃坏习惯quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃,现一般指“ 停止“ eg.quit wor

2、k 停止工作 exercises(choose the best answer proclaim war 宣战)3.They proclaimed him a model worker.它们宣布他为劳动模范. 4.The chairman declared the exhibition open.主席宣布展览会开幕.(本句感觉也可用 announced,你认为呢?)5.The Congress of the Communist Party of China was announced to mee词语大辨析-ample, adequate, plentiful,sufficient 都含有一定

3、的“足够,丰富“之意ample 指不仅能达到应有的程度 ,满足需要,而且还有余,一般不修饰数量不定的名词(ample time 充裕的时间;an ample basket of fruit 满满一篮水果;ample space 宽敞的空间)adequate 足够的,充分的,指数量和质量上复合一个特定的标准或不太高的要求plentiful 丰富的 ,很多的,富裕的sufficient 尤指程度上多到能满足或达到某种特殊需要,特别是精神上的需要 1.There is _ evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly wha

4、t she was doing.A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample2.By law,when one makes a large purchase,he should have _ opportunity to change his mind.A.accurate B.urgent C.adequate D.excessive3.The supply is not _ to the demand.A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample4.He has acquired _ proficiency

5、 to read Chinese literary works.A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample5.A _ harvest is in sight.A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample1.There is ample evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing.有充分证据表明那个正在提问的律师确实知道她在做什么.(ample evidence 充分证据)2.By law,whe

6、n one makes a large purchase,he should have adequate opportunity to change his mind.根据法律,当一个人进行大宗购买时,他应该有充分的机会改变自己的注意.3.The supply is not adequate to the demand.供不应求.4.He has acquired sufficient proficiency to read Chinese literary works.他已获得足够能力阅读中国文学著作.5.A plentiful harvest is in sight.丰收在望.(plent

7、iful/good harvest 丰收) 词语大辨析-amplify, enhance, enlarge,expand,magnify 都含有一定的“扩大, 提高“之意amplify 放大,扩大,增强,指放大 ,增强(信号等)enhance 提高,增强,指(价格,力量,吸引力, 声望)等的增加,提高.enlarge 指体积 ,大小,范围, 能力等方面的增加www.TopS 大家学习网更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopS 大家网,大家的!expand 既可指数量上或体积上的增加,也可用来之前后左右上下任何方向的扩大 ,也指知识的增长,生意的扩大magnify 指放大,扩大(声音,照片

8、等) 1.Humanknowledge has greatly _ in the last 30 years which enables people to achieve more and live more comfortably.A.enlarged B.expanded C.enhanced D.amplified2.Please _ a radio signal.A.amplified B.expanded C.enhanced D.enlarged3.The republication of the poets most recent works will certainly _

9、his national reputation.A.magnify B.expand C.enhance D.amplify4.People often use a loudspeaker to _ the voice.A.develop B.enlarge C.magnify D.widen5.We must _ our views by reading. A.amplify B.magnify C.enhance D.enlarge6.The boss is going to _ retail operations.A.amplify B.magnify C.enhance D.expan

10、d7.Mother asked someone to _ the kitchen.A.amplify B.magnify C.enhance D.enlarge1. Human knowledge has greatly expanded in the last 30 years which enables people to achieve more and live more comfortably.过去 30 年人类的知识已经有了很大的增长,这就使得人们能够取得更大的成就,生活也更舒适了.2. Please amplify a radio signal.请放大无线电信号 .3. The

11、republication of the poets most recent works will certainly enhance his national reputation.这位诗人最新作品的再版毋庸置疑地会提高他在国内的声望. 4. People often use a loudspeaker to magnify the voice.人们常用扩音器来放大声音.5. We must enlarge our views by reading.我们必须以读书来增长见识.6.The boss is going to expand retail operations.老板正打算扩大零售业务

12、.7.Mother asked someone to enlarge the kitchen.妈妈找人来扩大了厨房.词语大辨析-annoy,furious,indignant,irritate,provoke 都含有一定的 “恼怒“之意annoy 指有余被迫忍受某种不愉快甚至讨厌的事情而失去耐心或沉着(be annoyed at/by sth. be annoyed with sb. 对某人/某事很生气)furious 狂怒的(be furious with sb. be furious at/about sth 对某人/某事大发雷霆) indignant 强调的是愤怒,愤慨, 愤愤不平 ir

13、ritate 指一再打扰某人,终于使其失去耐心而发怒. provoke 激怒(人,动物), 使生气(provoke sb. to do /into doing.刺激某人做某事) 1.It _ me that she just assumes well all fit in with her plans.A.irritates B.bothers C.annoys D.provokes2.The manager was _ by consumers insolence.A.irritated B.bothered C.complained D.provoked3.Father was _ with Peter about his mistake.A.careless B.bothered C.furious D.provoked4.Mike _ Mary to anger so that Mary was divorced from Mike.


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