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1、如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力商务合作英语 un100:00.00 Unit 1 Handy Basic Olympic English For Business cooperation00:10.04商务合作迎奥经典十句00:20.091.Nice to meet you.00:24.36很高兴见到您。00:28.632.May I speak to.?00:34.91请找一下.00:41.203.Just a minute.00:45.48请稍等.00:49.764.Excese me00:53.09劳驾。/对不起。/打扰一下。00:56.425.Im afr

2、aid.00:59.85.恐怕.。/我觉得.01:03.276.Thank you for.01:06.85谢谢你.01:10.437.What about.01:13.70.怎么样?01:16.988.Would you like.?01:23.17您要不要.?01:29.369.Cheers for our cooperation.01:34.75为我们的合作干杯。01:40.1310.Enjoy your time in Beijing.01:51.95祝您在北京玩得愉快。商务合作英语 un2-100:00.00 UNIT 2 Olympic Situations For Busines

3、s Cooperation00:05.34商务合作奥运情景八题00:10.681.Heres my business card.00:19.371.这是我的名片。00:28.06How do you do .00:29.88你好!00:31.71How do you do .00:33.24你好!00:34.77Nice to meet you .Heres my business card00:37.20很高兴认识您。这是我的名片。00:39.63Thank you.And here is mine.00:41.51谢谢,这是我的名片。00:43.39How do you do .00:48

4、.68你好!00:53.97How do you do .00:56.75你好!00:59.53Nice to meet you .Heres my business card01:07.02很高兴认识您。这是我的名片。如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力01:14.50Thank you.And here is mine.01:19.18谢谢,这是我的名片。01:23.852.May I have your busivess card?01:30.042.请您惠赐商务名片。01:36.24My name is Li Fang.01:37.96我叫李方,01:39.68

5、Its nice to finally meet you.01:41.60很高兴终于与您见面了。01:43.52May I have your business card.Please?01:45.65请您惠赐名片可以吗?01:47.78Sure,Here you are.01:49.51当然,给你。01:51.23My name is Li Fang.01:55.55我叫李方,01:59.88Its nice to finally meet you.02:05.79很高兴终于与您见面了。02:11.71May I have your business card.Please?02:15.84

6、请您惠赐名片可以吗?02:19.96Sure,Here you are.02:24.09当然,给你。02:28.223.Could you tell me your phone number?02:36.553.您能告诉我你的电话号码吗?02:44.88Do you have a business card?02:46.95你有名片吗?02:49.01sorry,Im afraid I dont have any with me now.02:51.60对不起,恐怕我没有带名片。02:54.18Never mind,Could you tell me your phone number the

7、n?02:57.27没关系,那请您告诉我你的电话号码行吗?03:00.35Certainly.Its 3211-886603:03.93当然可以,我的电话号码是 3211-8866。03:07.51Do you have a business card?03:11.99你有名片吗?03:16.47sorry,Im afraid I dont have any with me now.03:25.54对不起,恐怕我没有带名片。03:34.62Never mind,Could you tell me your phone number then?03:43.40没关系,那请您告诉我你的电话号码行吗

8、?03:52.18Certainly.Its 3211-886604:05.05当然可以,我的电话号码是 3211-8866。04:17.934.May I speak to Mr.Green?04:24.964.我找格林先生。04:31.99Hello,May I speak to Mr.Green,please?04:34.51喂,我能和格林先生讲话吗?04:37.03Yes,This is Green.Can I help you?如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力04:39.51我就是格林,您有什么事儿?04:41.99Yes,Mr.Green.Im just

9、 calling to contact you.My name is Li Fang.04:45.68是的,格林先生,我打电话是为了与您联系。我叫李方。04:49.36Im glad to meet you again.Mr.Li.04:51.70很高兴再次结识您,李先生。04:54.03Hello,May I speak to Mr.Green,please?04:59.91喂,我能和格林先生讲话吗?05:05.79Yes,This is Green.Can I help you?05:13.22我就是格林,您有什么事儿?05:20.65Yes,Mr.Green.Im just callin

10、g to contact you.My name is Li Fang.05:29.64是的,格林先生,我打电话是为了与您联系。我叫李方。05:38.63Im glad to meet you again.Mr.Li.05:43.80很高兴再次结识您,李先生。05:48.975.Would you please leave a message?05:57.255.请您留言好吗?06:05.53Hello,This is Green.May I speak t Miss Wang,the manager,please?06:08.91喂,我是格林,我想找经理王小姐。06:12.30Im sorr

11、y,shes not have here right now.06:14.37对不起,她现在不在。06:16.45Would you please leave a message to her?06:18.72请您留言好吗?06:21.00Yes,could you ask her to call me as soon as possible?06:24.18好的,请您叫她尽快给我回电话好吗?06:27.37Certainly.Would you spell your name and tell me your phone number,please?06:30.49当然可以,请您讲一下您的名

12、字,并告诉我你的电话号码好吗?06:33.61My name is Green.G-R-E-E-N,Green.And my phone number is 2866-1188.06:40.34我叫格林,GREEN 。电话是 2866-1188。06:47.07Hello,This is Green.May I speak t Miss Wang,the manager,please?06:59.25喂,我是格林,我想找经理王小姐。07:11.44Im sorry,shes not have here right now.07:13.57对不起,她现在不在。07:15.70Would you

13、please leave a message to her?07:26.13请您留言好吗?07:36.57Yes,could you ask her to call me as soon as possible?07:45.14好的,请您叫她尽快给我回电话好吗?07:53.70Certainly.Would you spell your name and tell me your phone number,please?08:05.94当然可以,请您讲一下您的名字,并告诉我你的电话号码好吗?08:18.18My name is Green.G-R-E-E-N,Green.And my phon

14、e number is 2866-1188.08:36.81我叫格林,GREEN 。电话是 2866-1188。08:55.436.Welcome to Olympic Athletes Village!09:03.16欢迎到奥运村来!09:10.90Welcome to Olympic Athletes Village!09:13.26欢迎到奥运村来!如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力09:15.62Weve wanted to visit the Village for a long time.09:18.41我们好久就想来参观奥运村了。09:21.19Thank

15、s for coming today.Can I show you around?09:23.67谢谢你们今天的莅临。我来带你们四处看看好吗?09:26.15That would be very nice of you.09:28.23那太好了。09:30.31Welcome to Olympic Athletes Village!09:35.32欢迎到奥运村来!09:40.34Weve wanted to visit the Village for a long time.09:51.02我们好久就想来参观奥运村了。10:01.70Thanks for coming today.Can I

16、show you around?10:12.08谢谢你们今天的莅临。我来带你们四处看看好吗?10:22.45That would be very nice of you.10:26.96那太好了。10:31.487.Shall I show you first visit to our showroom?10:43.96我带您到我们的展示室去转转好吗?10:56.43Is this your first visit to our showroom?10:58.70这是您第一次到我们公司来吗?11:00.98Yes,it is.11:02.49是的。11:04.01Shall I show yo

17、u around our showroom?11:06.28我带您到我们的展示室去看看好吗?11:08.55Thank you,Thats a good idea.11:10.47谢谢,太好了。11:12.39Is this your first visit to our showroom?11:21.42这是您第一次到我们公司来吗?11:30.44Yes,it is.11:33.26是的。11:36.08Shall I show you around our showroom?11:43.20我带您到我们的展示室去看看好吗?11:50.32Thank you,Thats a good ide

18、a.11:57.05谢谢,太好了。12:03.778.Id like to show you our new products.12:12.55请看看我们的新产品。12:21.33Now,Id like to show you our new products.Look,here they are.12:24.31现在,我想请你们看看我们的新产品。看,是这些。12:27.28How are they selling?12:29.31这些产品卖得怎样?12:31.33They are selling very well.12:33.31卖得非常好。12:35.28Are you interest

19、ed in them?12:37.11您对这些产品感兴趣吗?12:38.94Yes,Id like to see some printed materials on these products.如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力12:42.62是的,我想看一些关于这些产品的文字资料。12:46.30Now,Id like to show you our new products.Look,here they are.12:55.08现在,我想请你们看看我们的新产品。看,是这些。13:03.86How are they selling?13:08.68这些产品卖得怎样

20、?13:13.50They are selling very well.Are you interested in them?13:21.76卖得非常好。您对这些产品感兴趣吗?13:30.03Yes,Id like to see some printed materials on these products.13:41.37是的,我想看一些关于这些产品的文字资料。13:52.719.This is the catalogue of our products.13:57.42这是我们的产品目录。14:02.14This is the catalogue of our products.14:0

21、4.37这是我们的产品目录,14:06.60It shows most of our new products.14:08.78上面列出了我们大部分新产品。14:10.96Thanks,Im particularly interested in the toy Olympic torch.14:14.54谢谢,我特别对这个玩具奥运火炬很感兴趣。14:18.12Please take this as a sample.14:20.15这个请您带去做样品14:22.17Thank you very much.14:24.20太谢谢您了。14:26.22This is the catalogue o

22、f our products.14:29.30这是我们的产品目录。14:32.39It shows most of our new products.14:41.97上面列出了我们大部分新产品。14:51.56Thanks,Im particularly interested in the toy Olympic torch.15:08.54谢谢,我特别对这个玩具奥运火炬很感兴趣。15:25.52Please take this as a sample.15:32.24这个请您带去做样品。15:38.97Thank you very much.15:41.70太谢谢您了。15:44.4310.

23、Would you please sign our visitors book?15:52.86请您在来宾簿上签个名好吗?16:01.28I hope you enjoyed the visit to our company.16:03.80希望您对我们公司的参观还满意。16:06.32Yes,it really helped me a lot.16:08.69喔,确实收获很大。16:11.05Would you please sign our visitors book?16:13.64请在来宾簿上签个名好吗?16:16.22My pleasure.16:17.89非常乐意。16:19.57

24、I hope you enjoyed the visit to our company.16:31.65希望您对我们公司的参观还满意。如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力16:43.73Yes,it really helped me a lot.16:49.76喔,确实收获很大。16:55.80Would you please sign our visitors book?17:03.92请在来宾簿上签个名好吗?17:12.05My pleasure.17:14.57非常乐意。17:17.0911.Lets get down to business.17:22.82让我

25、们开始谈正题吧!17:28.55Im glad that you could see me today.17:30.93真高兴您今天能来。17:33.31I know you are busy with the Olympic Games.17:35.53我知道你正忙于奥运会。17:37.75Yes,In fact we are all busy with the Olympic Games.17:40.83是的,事实上,我们都在为奥运会忙着。17:43.91Thats right.But now we have to work out the final price.17:47.19对,不过

26、现在我们得把最后的价格敲定。17:50.47OK.Lets get down to business.17:52.69好的,让我们开始正题吧。17:54.91Im glad that you could see me today.17:57.33真高兴您今天能来。17:59.75I know you are busy with the Olympic Games.18:11.23我知道你正忙于奥运会。18:22.71Yes,In fact we are all busy with the Olympic Games.18:28.39是的,事实上,我们都在为奥运会忙着。18:34.07Thats

27、 right.But now we have to work out the final price.18:45.55对,不过现在我们得把最后的价格敲定。18:57.03OK.Lets get down to business.19:05.21好的,让我们开始正题吧。19:13.3812.How many would you like to order?19:19.46您要订购多少?19:25.53How many would you like to order?19:27.87您要订多少?19:30.21How do you have them packaged?19:32.64货是怎么包装

28、的?19:35.07They come in cases of ten.19:37.25货是十个一箱。19:39.43Good,Well order 100 cases.19:42.31好的,我们订 100 箱。19:45.20How many would you like to order?19:50.27您要订多少?19:55.34How do you have them packaged?20:03.81货是怎么包装的?20:12.29They come in cases of ten.如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力20:17.21货是十个一箱。20:22.

29、14Good,Well order 100 cases.20:26.81好的,我们订 100 箱。20:31.4913.Can you offer a quantity discount?20:39.86大量购买的话,您能给打折吗?20:48.23Is this your standard price?20:50.66这是你们的基准价吗?20:53.09Yes,it is.20:54.97是的。20:56.86It seems too high to me.Can you offer a quantity discount.20:59.87我觉得贵了点。批量购买,您能打折吗?21:02.89Y

30、es.During the period of the Olympic Games.21:05.55可以,奥运会期间21:08.22you will receive a ten percent discount.21:10.56您可享受九折优惠。21:12.89Is this your standard price?21:19.62这是你们的基准价吗?21:26.35Yes,it is.21:29.06是的。21:31.78It seems too high to me.Can you offer a quantity discount.21:42.20我觉得贵了点。批量购买,您能打折吗?21

31、:52.63Yes.During the period of the Olympic Games.21:55.11可以,奥运会期间21:57.59you will receive a ten percent discount.22:08.82您可享受九折优惠。22:20.0614.What is your best price on this item?22:28.07这种货物的最低价是多少/22:36.09Im sorry.The price is not acceptable to me.22:39.03对不起,这价格我不能接受。22:41.97Lets talk about it som

32、e more.22:44.31让我们再一进步谈谈吧。22:46.65What is your best price on this item?22:49.03这种货物的最低价是多少?22:51.40Ill have to check with my boss.22:53.73我得请示一下老板。22:56.05Im sorry.The price is not acceptable to me.23:02.09对不起,这价格我不能接受。23:08.12Lets talk about it some more.23:13.55让我们再一进步谈谈吧。23:18.99What is your best

33、 price on this item?23:24.46这种货物的最低价是多少?23:29.93Ill have to check with my boss.23:36.15我得请示一下老板。如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力23:42.3715.We give a 5 percent discount for cash.23:51.30付现金打九五折。24:00.23Will you make it a little cheaper?24:02.66可以再便宜一点吗?24:05.09We only give a 5% discount for cash.24:07.

34、91付现金打九五折。24:10.74Is this your best price?24:12.72这是你们的最低价吗?24:14.71Yes.But we can offer a 10% discount if you buy more than five.24:18.18是的。不过如果你买五个以上我们可以打九五折。24:21.66Will you make it a little cheaper?24:30.84可以再便宜一点吗?24:40.02We only give a 5% discount for cash.24:47.05付现金打九五折。24:54.07Is this your

35、best price?24:58.95这是你们的最低价吗?25:03.82Yes.But we can offer a 10% discount if you buy more than five.25:14.64是的。不过如果你买五个以上我们可以打九五折。25:25.4716.Who is going to sign the contract for your side?25:35.65谁代表你们这一方签约?25:45.82Who is going to sign the contract for your side?25:48.50谁代表你们这一方签约?25:51.18Our genera

36、l manager.25:53.16我们总经理。25:55.15When can we sign the contract?25:57.21我们什么时候签约?25:59.27At the meeting tomorrow.26:01.16在明天的会上。26:03.04Who is going to sign the contract for your side?26:10.91谁代表你们这一方签约?26:18.79Our general manager.26:22.26我们总经理。26:25.74When can we sign the contract?26:29.86我们什么时候签约?26

37、:33.99At the meeting tomorrow.26:39.22在明天的会上。26:44.4417.We still need to make some changes in the contract.26:54.33我们仍需要对合约做些修改。27:04.22Is the contract all right now?27:06.29契约现在这样可以了吗?27:08.37I think we still need to make some changes in it.27:11.19我觉得我们应该做些修改。27:14.01Which clause?如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 htt

38、p:/ 打包下载该文本听力27:15.53哪一条?27:17.04The fifth.27:18.77第五条。27:20.49When can we meet to discuss it?27:22.67我们什么时候共同讨论这一条。27:24.85Right now.27:26.38就现在。27:27.91Is the contract all right now?27:33.89契约现在这样可以了吗?27:39.87I think we still need to make some changes in it.27:47.96我觉得我们应该做些修改。27:56.04Which clause

39、?27:59.62哪一条?28:03.20The fifth.28:06.28第五条。28:09.36When can we meet to discuss it?28:14.84我们什么时候共同讨论这一条。28:20.31Right now.28:22.54就现在。28:24.7818.We cant sign the contract yet.28:30.60我们不能在合约上签字。28:36.43Are you ready to sign the contract?28:38.61你们准备好签约了吗?28:40.79Sorry,We cant sign the contract yet.2

40、8:43.08对不起我们还不能签。28:45.36Why not?28:46.89为什么还不能签?28:48.42There are some points that need to be discussed.28:51.34有些地方还需要再讨论。28:54.27Shall we make an appointment to talk about it?28:56.61我们约个时间商谈一下好吗?28:58.94All right.How about nine oclock tomorrow?29:01.47好吧!明天 9 点怎么样?29:03.99Are you ready to sign t

41、he contract?29:09.76你们准备好签约了吗?29:15.53Sorry,We cant sign the contract yet.29:20.30对不起我们还不能签。29:25.07Why not?29:29.00为什么还不能签?29:32.93There are some points that need to be discussed.29:44.27有些地方还需要再讨论。29:55.60Shall we make an appointment to talk about it?30:04.38我们约个时间商谈一下好吗?如果你喜欢该听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该

42、文本听力30:13.16All right.How about nine oclock tomorrow?30:19.79好吧!明天 9 点怎么样?30:26.4319.Id like to look it over before I sign it.30:37.66签字之前我要再看一遍。30:48.89Are you ready to sign the contract?30:50.87您 准备好签约了吗?30:52.84Yes,But I d like to look it over before I sign it.30:56.42是的,不过签字之前我想再看一遍。30:60.00Sure

43、.Take your time.31:01.92应该的。您慢慢看。31:03.84It looks fine to me.Where should I sign31:06.87我看没什么问题。我应该在哪儿签字?31:09.90Just sign here on the bottom.31:12.13就在底下这儿签。31:14.36Thank you,Heres my signature.31:16.74谢谢,我签好了。31:19.12Are you ready to sign the contract?31:24.73您 准备好签约了吗?31:30.35Yes,But I d like to

44、look it over before I sign it.31:36.72是的,不过签字之前我想再看一遍。31:43.10Sure.Take your time.31:48.77应该的。您慢慢看。31:54.44It looks fine to me.Where should I sign32:00.17我看没什么问题。我应该在哪儿签字?32:05.90Just sign here on the bottom.32:10.59就在底下这儿签。32:15.28Thank you,Heres my signature.32:21.21谢谢,我签好了。32:27.1420.Lets go out

45、and have a drink.32:38.71让我们出去喝一杯吧。32:50.29Im glad we have signed the contract.32:53.11很高兴我们签定了合同。32:55.93Its nice to be so successful.32:57.95如此成功真是太好了。32:59.98Lets go out and have a drink.33:01.81让我们出去喝一杯吧!33:03.63Thats a good idea.33:05.41好主意。33:07.19Im glad we have signed the contract.33:13.06很高兴我们签定了合同。33:18.94Its nice to be so successful.33:24.56如此成功真是太好了。33:30.17Lets go out and have a drink.


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