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1、中考英语词汇训练 5I. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Anne is good at making things _ (grow). She _ (have) a green thumb.2. We _ (have) a party for Toms birthday. Its in two weeks time.3. The story was _ (bore) and we were _ (bore) with it.4. She tried her best to _ (please) the manager and this time the manager was _ (plea

2、se) with her good work.5. I hate _ (write) compositions even if in Chinese.6. It was very cold. Id like _ (have) a drink.7. You look _ ( worry). What _ you _(worry) about?8. If you are _ (feed) up with fish, you can have anything else for dinner.9. Everything _ (fall) out as we had hoped. 10. He _(f

3、all) out with the girl he is going to marry.11. _ you _ (have)a good time at the party?12. This game is _ (tire) and he is _ (tire) of _(play) it.13. To his _ (surprise) the little girl didnt obey her mother. Instead she looked at her in _ ( surprise) and then she said that she was _ (surprise) at h

4、er mothers words.14. He will return the book to me as soon as he _ ( get ) back.II. 用短语动词的适当形式完成下列句子:15. We like _ (去划船) better than _ (去野营).16. If you dont have sports for a long time, you _ (觉得无力).17. He _ (朝着 过来) his car with the key in his hand.18. I told my mother that I _ (拜访) my sister the ne

5、xt month.19. As a brave soldier he _(不怕死). He fought bravely in the battles.20. Can I _ (看一看) your new dress?21. Dont _(下) the bus until it _ (停).22. Father was so tired that he _ (入睡) as soon as he _ (躺下).23. Go on in front, Ill soon _ you _(赶上).24. We _ (以自豪) being Chinese.25. “_(随便吃点 ) some sweet

6、s, please.“ the host said to his guests.26. The nurse _(给他打了一针) and told him to have a rest here. 27. We _ (对高兴) with his plan.28. “_ (来吧), boys. Dont be shy.“ the teacher said to us.29. Thank you for inviting me to play tennis with you. But _ you _(预定球场)?30. The dog kept on _ (朝着叫) the stranger.31.

7、 On Sundays I often _ (去购物) with my mother.32. Mother asked her son _(不要弄脏手).33. He waited for his turn for a long time but he _ (淘汰出局) soon after he joined in the game.34. Im going to _(看点书) instead of _(做作业).35. He _ (对有兴趣) English and in fact he _ (擅长于) it. He can use it freely.36. Sometimes peop

8、le tell white lies in order _ (不伤害别人的感情).37. The teacher told me _ (不要走开) and _ (回到座位).38. They _ (感到疲倦) after working for such a long time, so they stopped _ (休息休息) .39. The students _ (向走过来) their teacher and asked for advice.40. The general _ (拿出)his knife and cut the boot open.41. I dont know wh

9、ats wrong with me. I cant do anthing right. I _( 笨手笨脚的) today.What is he going to be when he _ (长大).42. Dont _ (惹麻烦) again, or I wont help you.43. The children had a picnic at Xiaomeisha and they all _ (痛痛快快地玩了一天).44. He ran fast enough to _ (赶上那班公共汽车).45. The table is not _ (用做成) wood. Its made of

10、plastic.46. The soldier _ (高昂着头). He was not afraid of the enemies.47. Could you _(给个线索) the riddle. I can guess right.48. _(劳驾). Could you tell me the way to the station?49. The handle of door _ (掉下来) yesterday.50. The needle dropped to the floor. She _ (弯下腰) to look for it.51. I was so excited las

11、t night that I _(睡不着) until midnight.52. I like winter because I can _ (去滑冰) in winter.53. If you want to _ (取得好分数) in the exam, you have to _(复习) your lessons carefully.54. The naughty boy _(学不好)any of the subjects and his parents dont know _ (怎样处置 ) him.55. We should _(尽最大的努力)improve our English.5

12、6. When and where _ you _ (出生)?57. The doctor touched my head and said I _ (发烧).58. They are busy _ (为作准备) the exams.59. Petter _ (摔倒到泥潭中) and got his best clothes dirty.60. Would you please _ (进来) and _(坐一下)?61. When we learn English, we _ (以开始) ABC. 62. Althoough he _(同意) what I said, he _ (不同意) d

13、o it right away.63. It was late at night. My mother _(走来) to me and told me _ (去睡觉) at once.64. The baby soon got _ (厌烦) the toy.65. He is goning to _ (赚点钱) after he finishes middle school. Then he _ (继续) his study.66. The little is too young to play basketball. He can hardly _ (接住球).67. “Do _ (对和蔼)

14、 to me, please!“ the poor man begged the judge.68. A: Can I speak to John, please? B: _ (别挂线). Ill get him.69. Last Sunday I _ (起床) at the usual time.70. Babies often _(摔跤) when they are learning to walk.71. I asked him _ (进来). So he _ (进来) the hall quickly.72. This dictionary is mine. It _(不属于) you

15、.73. The other day Ken _ the teacher a question _(问关于) Dragon Land.74. My uncle promised to take me _ (去游泳 ).75. He_ the bottle _ water(把.装满). The bottle _ (装满着) water.76. One of my buttons _ (掉下来), so I have to _ (把它订起来).77. Please be careful when you _(过马路).78. Dont_ (生气) what the teacher said. Sh

16、e was trying to help you.79. I _ (吃了一惊) yesterday. I _ (收到) a letter from America.80. Please _ (上) the bus quickly!81. In autumn leaves turn yellow and then _ (掉到地上).82. Tom _ (离开) from school for a month, so now hes got to work hard _ (赶上) the rest of class.83. We _ (吃惊) to hear that Miss Wang _ (病

17、得很厉害).84. _ (赶快) or youll be late for the meeting.85. Dont _(放弃)! Keep on _ (努力 )!86. If you_ (感到不舒服 ), youd better see a doctor.87. The girl _ (从 出来) the teachers office, smiling.88. Dennis is very dangerous. He can _ (喷火).89. The family was not rich but they was _ (能够)send their children to school

18、. 90. The policeman _ the thief _ (抓住手臂).91. When they _ everything _(作准备), they started out together. They _(到达) to the village before noon.92. He _(摔了一大跤 ) and broke his left leg.93. I asked him when he _(回来) and where he _ ( 从哪里来)?94. Do you _(相信) God? I _(不相信) what you said. 95. I was busy cooki

19、ng when the telephone rang, so I asked my son _(接电话).Key I.1. grow, has 2. will have, 3. boring, bored 4. please, pleased 5. writing6. to have 7. worried, are worrying 8. fed 9. fell 10. has fallen11. Did have 12. tiring, tired, playing 13. surprise, surprise, surprised14. getsII15to go boating, to

20、go camping 16. will feel weak 17. came towards 18. would call on19. was not afraid of death 20. have a look at 21. get off, stops 22. fell asleep, lay down23. catch up 24. are proud of 25. Help yourselves to 26. gave him an injection27. are pleased with 28. Come on 29. have booked 30. barking at31.

21、go shopping 32. not to get his hands dirty 33. dropped out 34.do some reading, doing my homework35. is interested in, does well in 36. not to hurt others feelings 37. not to go away, to go back to my seat38. felt tired, to have a rest 39. came up to 40. brought out 41. am all thumbs42. grows up 43.

22、get into trouble 44. enjoyed their day 45. catch up with the bus46. made of 47. held his head high 48. give a clue of 49. Excuse me 50. came off51. bent down 52. couldnt fall asleep 53. go skating 54. get a good mark, go over55. doesnt do well in, what to do with 56. do our best to 57. were born 58.

23、 had a fever59. getting ready for 60. fell into the puddle 61. come in, take a seat 62. begin with63. agreed with, didnt agree to 64. came up, to go to bed 65. tired of 66.earn some money, will go on with67. catch the ball 68. be kind to 69. Hold the line / hold on 70. got up 71. fall down 72. to co

24、me in, came into 73. doesnt belong to 74. asked about 75. ( going ) swimming76. filled with, was filled with 77. came off , sew it on 78. cross the road 79. be angry at, 80. had a surprise, got a letter 81. get on 82. fall (down ) to the ground83. was away from school to catch up with 84. were surprised, is seriously ill 85. Hurry up86. give up, trying 87. feel sick 88. came out of 89. breathe fire 90. able to91. held by the arm 92. got, ready, got 93. fell over 94. got back, came from95. believe in, dont believe 96.to answer the phone


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